Unexpected, New, but Welcome

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Eddie Brock, just your average new teenager, trying to figure out himself in a world that always seemed to be against his very being, starting a new school in Paris nonetheless. Talk about being in a new situation at quite possibly the worst time.

What's more Paris had A LOT more big scale attacks than he thought it would.

In a world of superheroes and villains, it was bound to be nearly destroyed or attacked in some way at least a few times a year, but that was a it, a few times in a year, sometimes a decade. And even "smaller scale" issues like trying to take over a city, or kidnapping the mayor, that stuff only happened once or twice in a month.

But here in Paris, you had to deal with this crazy amount of destruction and chaos just about everyday! It was insanity. Although, funnily enough everyone had just gotten used to it by now, it was like a routine to these people!

"Oh? Pigeon Man is attacking the city again? I wasn't expecting that until next tuesday"

"Stormy Weather? Better go ahead and hit the deck, wait this out until it gets fixed"

Even Eddie himself had settled into this New Normal. But this story isn't about that, this story is about something else, kind of.

You see, currently, Eddie was quite befuddled.

His day had not been anything out of the ordinary. He got up, did his morning routine, got to school, did school stuff, got to walking home where he ended up saving an old man in a red Hawaiian shirt, once he got home he searched through his bag to get for his homework, and that was the moment something odd fell out. A weird little box, opening it he saw what looked like a bracelet

It was a bracelet he had never seen before, he didn't think anyone would have dropped it in, it was much too nice and expensive looking for someone to just accidentally drop it into some teen's bag.

He examined it closely, it looked to be made from silver beads, with silver chains connecting them. It was a really nice bracelet. He'll ask around school tomorrow perhaps, that'll help him find the-

"Hello" a deep voice greeted

"AH!" Eddie shrieked lurching forward, he quickly whipped his head around, looking face to face with, with, with uh... what was that??

Before him was floating a small black thing. It had an enormous head, and a disproportionately small body. It had huge white eyes, and a large mouth currently in a sharp toothy grin. The expression perhaps was a little creepy but, Eddie felt his panic pool out from him because honestly, this creature, wasn't the scariest thing in the world.

Though he was still cautious.

"W-wha- Who are you?" He managed to sputter out.

The creature floated over so it and Eddie were mere centimeters apart, their noses almost touching "I am Venom, Kwami of the Beast Miraculous" It had a voice that was much deeper than you would expect from it's size.

"Miraculous?" Eddie gawked, the name held some sort of familiarity. Villains were always trying to get them, and he could've sworn that he heard Ladybug or Chat Noir (the cities heroes) talk about them before too.

Venom shot down, taking hold of the bracelet before he was hovering in front of Eddie's face again, looking as if he was straining not to sink again "this, the bracelet"

"O-oh... wait what" Eddie was still confused.

"You've been chosen, Eddie, to be a hero of Paris" Venom clarified.


"Eddie? You okay??" Eddie's mom called from down stairs

"Yeah mom, I'm fine" He called back, he called his attention back to Venom "what?" He said quieter.

"You are to be a hero, WE are to be a hero" the creature restated.

"Uh, not to sound cliche, but there has to be a mistake, I can't be a hero" the boy insisted.

"But you can be! We will be! You passed the test, you were chosen by the guardian, he makes no mistakes, he chose Ladybug and Chat Noir himself" The Kwami insisted.

"Um, not sure if that true, everyone makes mistakes, I bet this guy chose the wrong person plenty of times-"

"NO!" Venom barked, causing Eddie to jump back "He does not make a mistake, when choosing, people may change, and miraculous may be taken away, but you will do good, we will do good, and we will be a hero"

For something so small, it spoke so importantly of this supposed mission it had, Eddie just couldn't argue with it, "okay then uh, I guess have to trust you then, yeah, okay, sure, we'll, we'll give it a shot" Eddie conceded.

"Yessss" Venom hissed happily, "We will be a great hero, that is a promise"

"I won't doubt you little guy" Eddie chuckled.

"Not little, big, very big" Venom said seriously.

Eddie only laughed harder "Alright, sure then, big guy"

Venom grinned at Eddie's edit of speech.

This was going to be the beginning of a great partnership. And over the time they spent together they only grew closer...

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