Take The Shot

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He didn't know what compelled him to do this but he ran out the apartment and into the stairway, sprinting up as fast as he could. He got to the highest level and threw open the only door available, leaving him on the roof.

It was at this time everything seemed so quite, and the wind blew ominously. But there was no sign of anyone, was Eddie wro-


Eddie jumped and staggered around to look behind him, he looked up and so the colossal beast standing over him, looking down on the boy.

"Ah! V-Venom?" That was all that stumbled out from his mouth.

"No, no longer Venom, I am Fusion"

"Oh, uh, F-Fusion, uh that's a cool name, uh yeah, I caught that on the news." Eddie stuttered, "So, what are you doing over here??"

Venom, er, uh, Fusion, was silent for a moment before saying "you"


"I want you to bond with you again, I don't want to be separated from you again, I want to be yours and I want you to be mine, so please be mine" The former Kwami, or was he still a Kwami? Eddie didn't really know, stretched out his hand for Eddie to take

"What... what will you do if I say no?" Eddie asked carefully.

Fusion did little more than give an angry huff before saying "I want you, but I could never hurt you, not on purpose, you won't be hurt"

Eddie stayed silent

"Eddie, I was us to be 'we' again, you and I can be 'we' together, again, we can be Venom, no better, Fusion, together, please, Eddie, let us be 'we', we will be one and we will give the world what it deserves, we will give Ladybug what she, deserves together we will be great, what do you say?"

Eddie was hesitant, staring down at the great claw of a hand, before he firmly placed his hand in it, he looked up at Fusion determinately "Alright, sure"

Fusion grinned deviously as he began to wrap around Eddie. It was much different from the Venom transformation with the miraculous, instead of feeling the new layer of self grow onto his body, he was feeling Fusion's body actually wrap around and well, practically consume Eddie's whole, which was a very odd sensation to say the least. But not exactly terrible, he felt... whole again, suddenly the emptiness he had felt earlier seemed all the greater compared to the completeness he was feeling now.

He was marveling at this development when Ladybug and Chat Noir dropped in behind them. Fusion turned around, the duo were a good few 10 or so feet away from them.

"You are in for it now, Ladybug and Chat Noir, we will defeat you, and you will give us your miraculous, and my the end of it you will be like a puddle of puke before our feet" Fusion threatened, it was generally met with a combination of confusion and disgust, as portrayed by the faces of the superheroes.

"Uh, hey uh, buddy?" Eddie said

"Yes, Eddie?"

"That's... That's not a saying"


"It's that- That's not something that people say... as a threat?"

"It is"

"It's not"

"It is"

"It's really not"

Fusion huffed, "it is..."

Eddie snorted, and he could feel the way fusion was upset but actively preventing a smile from tugging on his own lips.

Even if it had been a short time, Eddie really missed this sort of banter between them

Ladybug had turned to Chat Noir

"He only uses 'we' as opposed to 'I' whenever he's absorbed another person into him, we gotta be carful for thar we should be prepared for some sort of themed attack-" Ladybug

"One that'll probably get stuff thrown at us, mainly me"


"Got it"

Fusion growled "Eddie, we want you to take the shot"

"W-what?" Eddie stuttered

Suddenly he felt himself regain control of this arms, he didn't even realize he had lost it.

"We want you to take a shot at them, Eddie, so we can steal their miraculouses"


"It will be revenge, good revenge, Ladybug tried to separate us, now we will separate her from her Kwami" Fusion chuckled lowly.

"Do it, take the shot"

Eddie raised his hand holding the slingshot and pulled back the rubber, letting the glue ball charge up.

All Eddie had to do was release, it'd be so easy to do it, so easy to seize revenge and make Ladybug feel exactly how he felt, then he and Fusion could stay together, no one would separate them. All he had to do was take this shot...

A/N: Okay, Hi guys, sorry I forgot to update yesterday, I forgot, but it's up not, hooray! Expect an update tomorrow as well :-)

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