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But, what had Chat Noir done? He left before he knew the miraculous was taken from Eddie, heck, he barely talked to the guy yet. He didn't seem like too bad a guy, he was one of the good guys in fact...

Ladybug was too, she was just doing her job...

And Ve- Fusion, no, Venom, he was a good guy, he only ever wanted to be a good guy, always, he could be an annoying little thing, his morals could be questionable sometimes, sure, but he only ever wanted to be the good guy, a hero.

Fusion wasn't Venom, Fusion was a manifestation of all Venom's negative emotions, and a bad guy, a bad guy being manipulated by HawkMoth... Venom would not have wanted this, and Eddie couldn't just let this happen.


Eddie snapped back to reality, he'd been lost in thought for a few seconds.


Ladybug and Chat Noir had summoned a garbage can lid and currently asking what the frack they were going to do with it.

Eddie had to fight this, had to fight against Fusion. He gript in hands into fists, gritting his teeth, he needed all his strength for this, he just knew it.

He began struggling, trying to fight his way out of Venom's body.

"Eddie! What are you doing!?"

Eddie didn't pay attention to Fusion's confusion.

While Eddie attempted to forcefully push himself out, Fusion began widely trying to prevent him from doing exactly this. This resulted in a lot of arm flailing, causing glue balls to be shot all around.

The hero duo at this point realized what the trash lid was for, ducking behind it to prevent being sticked to anything.


Eddie grunted, "no"

Finally he pushed himself out, somehow managing to keep his grip on the slingshot.

Eddie ended up doing a double somersault, landing before Ladybug and Chat Noir's feet, heaving from his earlier effort.

"TRAITOR!" Fusion cried out

"Quick Take this!" Eddie gasped, holding out the slingshot "It's where the Akuma is, I know it!"

Eddie tried getting up, stumbling slightly, but ran off to the door leading to the apartment complex, with relative ease, though he did feel woozy.


"It's a miraculous, Chat, use your Cataclysm!" Ladybug advised

"Hear you loud and clear, M'lady" He nodded

"CATACLYSM" Chat Noir shouted. His hand filled with the dark energy. He slapped his hand onto the object, making it rust and age rapidly before crumbling all together. A purple butterfly fluttered out of the brocken slingshot, though it was quickly caught by Ladybug.

"No more evil doing for you little butterfly" Ladybug smiled warmly, letting a white butterfly flit out into paris.

"Lets fix this mess," Ladybug said, she threw her trashcan lid up it up into the air "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" and with that a swarm of ladybugs overtook the city, transforming it back to the way it was, saving everyone who had been unceremoniously stuck to things.

"Now, who's behind all this" Chat Noir grimaced seriously, one of his few serious moments.

Both he and Ladybug stared at the beast before them, as the disguise bubbled away, awaiting yo see who was inside of it.

But, instead of a person, or Venom the superhero it was... the Kwami? It appeared very dazed, simply laying on the ground.

All of the sudden the leading to the roof kicked open, and everyone's eyes were instantly drawn there. The person behind the door was someone with a hooded leather jacket, hood up, looking down to obscure his face. He was also wearing a pair of bell bottom blue jeans.

He said nothing to the two superheroes on the roof, instead turning to Venom.

In their confusion, neither Ladybug or Chat Noir made a move.

The stranger crouched down, picking up the Kwami gently in his hands. He got up and walked to the superheroes, finally acknowledging them.

"Hi" he kept his face down, and it sounded like he was purposely pitching his voice to sound rougher and deeper. "Venom is my Kwami, I would like to take him back to the guardian myself, if that is okay, I think I should have done that from the beginning" he confessed.

"I guess you can do that, I think it's fair, but how do we know Venom's really your Kwami?" Ladybug asked.

To this, the stranger held out his hand which held the significantly less dazed Venom, sitting atop it "He is telling the truth, I would like to go with Ed-" The kwami coughed up a few feathers "er, my owner, which he is"

"You won't put up a fuss like you did with me?" interrogated Ladybug

Venom shook his head in promise.

"ok then, here" she grabbed the bracelet (once slingshot) from Chat Noir's hand, dropping it into the stranger's, right next to Venom.

"Alright then, uh do you want me to take you to the guardian?" Ladybug asked.

The stranger and Venom looked at eachother, presumingly asking each other the same question.

After a moment of thought, the stranger said "Venom can tell me where to go"

Ladybug nodded "Alright then, goodluck" with that she and Chat Noir exited.

When they were a few buildings away, Chat Noir turned to Ladybug asking "Do you think we should have let him? I mean, what if he's like, I don't, working for HawkMoth? This could be a trick."

Ladybug watched from a distance, seeing the stranger walk into the building "I think we can trust him"

"Whatever you say, bugaboo, bye!" and saying that Chat Noir propelled himself away on his pole.

Ladybug stole one last look at the building before she herself rushed home.

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