You're Hot!

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Pairing: Ladybug x Non-binary Reader


The whining of the akuma alert was sounding through the school from everyone's phones. The class, along with the rest of the school, goes into chaos as people check their phones and see that the akuma was heading towards the school. People start dashing out of the classrooms, trying to get away.

Unfortunately, as you'd been in the bathroom without your bag (meaning you also didn't have your phone either) it meant you had no idea that an akuma was on its way to your school.

You leave the bathroom, wiping your hands in your jeans after washing your hands, walking through the changing rooms. You walk into the entrance of the school, going towards the stairs to get upstairs to your class, when you hear manic laughter.

You freeze in your position, hoping you hadn't been spotted by the akumatized victim. You slowly turn your head, looking for the 'villain'. You gulp as you watch them fire up their weapon, aiming it at you with wide, crazed eyes. Your face turns ghostly white, your hands shaking at your sides as you watch, helpless.

Right as the attack from the 'villain' was about to hit you, you feel someone grab you around your waist and pull you up into the air. You let out a breath of air as you watch the akumatized person slowly get smaller below your feet.

You land on the roof of one of the nearby houses, and as you do you finally look to see who had saved you. You immediately blush as you see the signature red of Ladybug's mask right next to your face.

"Are you okay?" she asks, her voice concerned as she unwraps her arms from around you. "You didn't get hurt did you?"

With not being able to think straight (😏) due to her still being so close, you blurt out, "You're hot!"

She blinks a few times, before awkwardly chuckling and rubbing the back of her neck. "Uh, thank you?" She then hears a loud crash; and what seems to be Chat Noir's scream; and she quickly says to you, "I've got to go now, stay safe."

You watch as she swings away on her yoyo. Only then does what you said kick in, making you go as red as the heroine's outfit. You groan and hit your head against the wall of the house you were on.


"What's got you so quiet recently?" Marc asks, sitting on your left with Nath on his left. You were picking at your food in the local park, you went for lunch with your friends; Marc and Nathaniel.

You mumble something under your breath, looking down at your messy plate on the bench you were all sat at. They look at you confused, before you groan out, "Ladybug saved me the other day."

Nath looks more confused and asks, "Why does that mean you're so quiet?"

"She asked if I was alright and I just went, 'You're hot!'," you reply, pushing your tray forwards and harshly dropping your head onto the table in embarrassment.

Marc and Nathaniel start laughing, before gently patting your back. "Aw, does someone have a crush on Paris' hero?"

"Stop teasing me!" you whine, gently slapping their hands away. "It was so embarrassing! She looked so uncomfortable!"

"Well I wouldn't say I was uncomfortable," a very familiar voice says from behind you.

You tense and look back to see a slightly smirking ladybug. Your blush deepens and your brain goes into meltdown.

She giggles at you and teases, "I saw you while I was on patrol and I thought I'd come down to say hi to my not so secret admirer." She then picks your phone up off the bench and says, "This is the number to my yoyo, so call me whenever you want, sweetie."

She hands you your phone and winks at you, before saying, "Bug out!" She swings away as you sit frozen on the spot, not even noticing Marc and Nath's hands waving in front of your face.

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