Chapter 10: Prime Queen but also not Prime Queen

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We are at 500 views. That is HALF A THOUSAND. HALF. OF. A. THOUSAND.
and not only that, but we were at 400 just over a week ago! WHAT THE HECK!

Anyway here is the chapter! Sorry it took so long!

   The bell rings. I rush into class, just barely on time.

"Sorry Mrs. Kendrid." I apologize, looking down.

  "Just be more careful next time." She says, turning to the class. "Okay class, your warmup is on page 23."

     After class, I meet up with a few of my friends. "Hey Anna! Hey Bria!" I call.

"Hey Julia!" Brianna says. Anna turns and waves. "Hey!"

   Just then Ashlynn comes running down, almost crashing into us. "Hey Ashlynn!" we laugh, helping her catch her balance.

       She smiles. "Hey guys! Did you hear? There's a new student!"
   "Oh yeah! I heard he is shadowing Brooke, and his name is Andrew." Anna explains.

  "Anyway, did you guys see the new episode? It was A M A Z I N G!" Brianna exclaims.

  "Oh my gosh yes!" I squeal. Anna rolls her eyes.

"We need to have a sleepover and binge watch Miraculous!" Anna laughs.

"Yesss!" We all shout happily. 

"So-" I start to say but the bell cuts me off. "Nevermind," I laugh. "I'll see you guys later!" I wave to them and run to class.

  In class I stare off into space, doodling. "Julia? Are you listening" Mr. McMelvin scolds.

   "The answer is 479." I reply, knowing this moment would come.
   He takes a step back, startled. "Well, okay then. Anyway, I will now assign groups. Ashlynn and Alexander, Cali and Amy, Colby and Jack, Samantha and Mason, and Brooke and Julia. Since Andrew is shadowing Brooke, all three of you can be a group." He announces.

"Yay!" Brooke exclaims, skipping over to me.

 The kid named Andrew follows behind her quietly. He has brown hair, which is covered by his red hoodie. His eyes are a light brown that reminds me of caramel and autumn.

  "Andrew right?" I ask, smiling.

 He looks down, shrinking in his hoodie. "Y-yeah."

"Well my name is Julia. It's really nice to meet you Andrew! Welcome to Woodridge High! Sooo... uh if you don't mind me asking.... Where did you come from?"

   He looks up shyly. "W-Washington High."

  "Oh! I've heard of it! That's so cool! Well, we should get started on the project."

  Suddenly, my phone rings. But it was a musical sound.

'Wait...' I think. 'that's not my ringtone.'

It continues playing, confusing me.

I suddenly wake up, back in Miraculous.
   I shut off my alarm, my mind on the dream I'd had, or a memory of my life back home, a few months before I ended up here.

I get dressed and head to the park, looking around. In the corner, leaned against a tree is a familiar girl with golden blonde hair.

Her emerald green eyes lock with mine, widening.

   We stand there, frozen, for who knows how long. We probably would have been there forever if Marinette didn't go tumbling into me.

  "I'm sooooo sorry!" She says, helping me up. Suddenly, she realizes the time and continues running off.

  I almost forget what I was doing, but then a hand grips my arm and drags me under a tree.

  The arms twirl me around, and I'm face to face with the girl from earlier, studying my face.

"Julia?" She asks

"Bria?" I ask back.
            She grins, rolling her eyes.

"Who else?"


She laughs. "Okay, geez turn it down a bit." She rolls her eyes. "So, what have you been doing?"

"Oh you know, just avoiding magic butterflies controlled by the evil butterfly man, encountering deadly fights, the usual." I roll my eyes.

   "Because what else could you be doing?" She laughs.

   I tell her everything that happened so far, not mentioning Wyatt.
   She explains that she ended up on the other side of Paris, witho/89ut a clue as to how to get here.

  Before we knew it, it was getting dark. "Wanna come over to my 'house'?" I ask, putting quotation marks around the 'house.'

    "Why not?" She replies, shrugging.
  Later the next day, we were sitting in my room, chatting about how our friends will FREAK when they find out, when my phone goes off.

  "Hello?" I put the phone to my ear. Brianna gives me a confused look.

   "Ummm Julia? Hi, it's Marinette!" Marinette. Why would Mari be calling me?

   "Oh, uh hi Marinette!" I exclaim.
    Brianna's eyes widen.

    "Yeah uh do you... can you possibly help me babysit Manon? Nadja is interviewing Chat Noir and Ladybug." She whispers, the double meaning hanging in her words.

   My eyes widen. "Sorry I can't I'm uhhhh busy right now with homework! Why don't you ask Alya?" I suggest.

    I can practically hear her eyes widen. "Of course! Thanks Julia! Good luck with your homework!" The line goes dead.

Bria is over to me in seconds, her hands on my shoulders. "Marinette just called you." She states, shaking my shoulders.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng just called you and asked you to babysit Manon."
I stop. "How'd you know?"

   "Cuz I'm smart." She smirks.

"No but actually how did you know?" I stare at her, shocked.

"I have my secrets." She winks, heading over to the TV. "Now, time to watch this trainwreck of an interview unfold."

I shoot up off the bed. "Prime Queen! That's right!" I almost shout.

   Brianna shoots a glance at me. "Yes, please let everyone know that we basically know the future."

  When the show goes live, Bria picks up her phone. "What are you doing?" I ask. "I have a question for them!" She retorts.

I look at her confused. "What question?"

She smirks. "You'll seee!" she turns to the phone.

   "Hi, um, Chat Noir, Ladybug? Two questions. First, how do guys handle civilian life like homework and stuff, and still manage to be there to save Paris all the time?"

   Ladybug smiles genuinely. "It's hard, especially if you have to be in the same place as two people, but we manage."

Chat Noir answers with, "Because we're awesome, especially M'lady here."

   "Okay, second question." Bria states. "Answer this honestly. Do you have a crush on anyone? And if they didn't exist, is there anyone else you would want?"

  Ladybugs eyes widened. Chat took it as an opportunity to go first. "I think we all know I have a crush on M'lady here. But, if she weren't here....." he stopped, lost in thought. "I.. haven't quite thought about that.." He finishes.

  Ladybug finally looks up. "And I'll admit it, I do have a crush on someone. Who is information I can't tell you without compromising my identity. And if he didn't exist?" She trails off, thinking.

   She unconsciously turns to Chat.
  "I'm not sure what I would do if he didn't exist." She says. Her head whips back around, her ponytails slicing the air, slapping her face where her red mask met her slightly flushed cheeks.

   Bria hangs up, and turns to me. "Now that is how you give the fandom what they want." She smirks.

  I roll my eyes. "Fine. So long as you didn't completely screw everything up." She stands, taking a bow to the invisible fandom.

   "For the last time! We aren't dating! We are superheroes who save Paris! We aren't the main characters of some romance TV show!"

  Bria and I snicker.

  "We want to save you from Hawkmoth, and promise that you will be safe. We aren't a "ship," whatever that means." Ladybug protests, putting air quotes on ship.

  We collapse in a pile of laughter. "What have you done, Bria!" I manage to say in between laughs. 

"Only the best thing ever!" She responds.

  "Oh my gosh that was the best thing ever." I say. Brianna smirks. "Okay, okay! Maybe it wasn't SUCH a bad idea to call them." I admit.

  We watch as Chat tries to kiss Ladybug. "Ah I forgot how hilarious he is! He is soo helpless!" I laugh. 

  At the end of the fight, which we sat at the window waiting for, we pretended to throw an invisible Lucky Charm.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" we exclaim in unsion, collapsing on the bed in laughter.

  "Man, I am SOO glad you're here." I say.

"I know. I make life spicy!" She says, flipping her hair.

   I put my head in my hands, laughing. "Oh my gosh Bria."

So I'ma probably start doing it this way.
The next 3 episodes in the season are:
So I could do all of them, skip some of them, or skip all of them
Just keep in mind. I'm trying to make this original, where I don't just repeat what we already know happened in the episode, change major events that happened in the episode, or repeat something I've already done with a different episode.
Also at the end I wrote Bria like one of my friends from last year. Just a fun fact ^v^
K thx Bai!!

PS. I am totally gonna pretend I did NOT forget to mention that a few people helped me out, and I am 100% sure I am gonna mess up your guys' names (even tho you guys r my friends XD) and forget some of them but yeah, you guys know who you are.

They gave me ideas for like the names and stuff

Anyway bai

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