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As Sun sat in the sterile hospital waiting room, plagued by worry and uncertainty, Her phone vibrated. It was a message from my childhood friend, Aaron. Sun, with her mind filled with thoughts of her mother had neglected to inform him of the devastating news that her mother was in a coma, unsure if she was capable of discussing it.

With trembling fingers, Sun unlocked the phone and began typing a response. The words came haltingly, as if she were crafting a delicate tapestry of emotions. she recounted the events leading to my mother's condition, it left her heart broke.

As She pressed send, an heavy weight lifted from her shoulders, replaced by a lingering anticipation of Aaron's response. She lifted her eyes off her phone and landed on her father, whose mind where somewhere else, but not in the room.

Minutes passed, each one feeling like an eternity, until finally, his reply appeared, and she closed her phone after reading it and stood from her place, pacing with tears filled her eyes. Her father looked at her and straightened his position and went up to follow her.

"Sun," he began, his weary eyes locked with her innocent gaze, "I think it's time you head home. The hospital seem to be putting you in a somber mood. Your mother needs every ounce of strength we possess."

"I can't." She cried. Her tone broke his heart. As he hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go. "I can't leave her."

It was the next morning, As the sun began to set on a somber evening, Sun sat at her mother's bedside in the sterile hospital room. She clutched her mother's frail hand, desperately hoping for the familiar warmth that had always comforted her whenever she felt she needed someone to hold her. But this time, her mother lay motionless, lost in the abyss of a coma.

Her father, Josh, wracked with worry, paced restlessly outside the room. He knew it was time to take Sun home, to let her rest and take care of herself, and talk to her friends who she has has been ignoring. "Sun," he whispered gently, "it's getting late. You need to go home. Rest.."

Tears welled up in Sun's eyes, not wanting to leave her mother's side. How could she sleep, knowing that her mother might never wake up? The thought frightened her young heart.

Josh kneeled beside his daughter, his voice quivering with fatherly love that her rarely uses on his daughter. "Listen, Sun, like i said we need you to be strong. Your mother needs you to be strong. We will find a way to bring her back, but for now, you must go home and sleep. Trust that I will take care of everything."

Reluctantly, Sun released her mother's hand and stood up. With a heavy heart, she walked towards the exit, not before hugging her father, turning back every few steps to catch a glimpse of her mother's face. As she walked out into the cool night air, Sun wrapped her arms around herself , shielding her from her fears.

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