A step closer to be friends

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"Some guy named Jimin is calling you!"

I exclaimed, glancing at her phone. She allow me to answer the call and signaled to put it on speaker since her hands were occupied. I stood beside her, holding the phone near her face, while my other hand loosing my tie.

"Hello? Noona??" Jimin's voice came through the phone, and Y/N responded, "What happened?"

My eyes widened the way she didn't bother to greet and directly cut to the point.

"Umm... hope you doing great noona. It's just that my exams are next week, and the teacher taunted me about the payment."

Payment? Is he Y/N's brother? Why is he complaining to her about it?

"Oh, I totally forgot about that, Jimin! Tell them I'll come to pay tomorrow!" Y/N exclaimed.

Jimin chuckled strangely and said, "Noona, I promise this is the last time I'll ask for your help. Once I find a job, I'll pay you back."

She clicked her tongue in annoyance and replied, "We can discuss that later. Right now, you should focus on studying! Bye."

Then she gestured for me to end the call, and I complied.

"Who is this guy?" I asked, placing the phone back in its original place while she cleaned the kitchen platform.

"He's my neighbor... it's his last year in CA and he's out of money, so I'm helping him complete his studies," she explained.

"So, you're paying for studies of your neighbour?" I inquired.

"Did I speak in an alien language earlier?" She don't like repeating herself, I get it. To avoid angering her I nodded turning to leave, then heard her sigh.

"His grandma is sick, so the money his deceased parents saved for him has been spent on her... He considered giving up on his studies, but I convinced him to finish them," she revealed.

"Woahh! You're so kind hearted, Y/N!"

"I'm not! I'm going to receive every penny back once he gets a good job," she retorted.

I laughed at how she portrayed herself mean. She is good hearted but short temper. I Just hoped we can become friends.

While I freshened up, she set the table for us. I don't understand why she waits for me and ate together. I mean, she can care less and eat alone too!

Maybe she's not use to eat alone?

"Thank you for the food!" I expressed my gratitude as we both began to eat. A proud smirk formed on her lips in response to my appreciation of her tasty cooking.

She is truly beautiful. I wonder how she looks when she smiles.

"Can I ask you a question?" I initiated, attempting to start a conversation. She nodded, chewing her food.

"Do you think we did something... that wedding night? I mean, we were drunk... so anything physical?"

She choked on her food, and I shockingly patted her back to help her cool down. She took a sip of water and said...

"Didn't you record that part? You're the one who started all this with that video."

She taunted me mercilessly, and I had no comeback until she spoke again.

"I don't think we got physical that night... because I don't sleep with strangers."

Yeah, she gets married instead... her ripped gown suggests we did something, but since she's insisting nothing happened, then nothing happened!

I agreed with her; ending that topic behind. After dinner, we both lay on the bed back facing eachother, but this time, I need to initiate a conversation so we can be friends.

Why am I so nervous? Why am I sweating? It's just a simple talk, Hoseok! Spit it out quickly!

"Ahem... Can we be more then friends?"

What the heck? Why did I ask that?? Damn you, Hoseok... She ignored my question too!


"Why did you cry today?"

Huh? Did I cry? Oh yes, I cried! Before coming home because of Min-hee! Wait... How does she know? I turn my body to face her, and she does the same... Now we are facing each other while lying down.

It's amusing how she always expose my tears. Maybe my eyes get fluffy?

"What on Earth made you cry?"

She asks again, resting her head on her arms, so I replied...

"I met Min-hee. She was very angry at me and she thought you and I had an affair, which is why we got married."

She scoffed. "Why she is playing victim? Didn't she reject your proposal?"

"Yes, she did! You know, she has changed so much now... She used to be cute, but now she yells!"

"So, what happened between you two? You can skip this question if you're not comfortable."

I shook my head, indicating a no but I thought twice before saying it. Maybe sharing this will bring us one step closer... I can certainly tell her this.

Flashback of that night

*Still Hoseok's POV*

As soon as I received the parcel from the office, all I could think of was Min-hee's surprised face when she would see this ring and say yes to my proposal.

I called her to meet at a restaurant near my office, where we always go for dinner. After a short wait, she showed up in a pretty pink shorts.

"Should we order something?" she asked, checking the menu, and I nodded excitedly. She grew suspicious of my expressions, but I urged her to finish dinner because, I'll plan to propose her when desert will come.

After a while, the dessert came—her favorite cheesecake. I mustered up the courage to go for it, but I was incredibly nervous about how happy she would be.

"Min-hee!?" I called.

"Hmm, Hobi?" she replied, eating the cake. I held her left hand and gently caressed her finger, which made her give me a questioning look.

"W-Will you marry me!?" I said it! I feel like I could say it a thousand times without hesitation. She widened her eyes and grew nervous.

That's not the reaction I expected, but maybe she needs time to process it.

"Let's get married, Min-hee! Hmm? We have been dating for over two years now... and I want to spend my life with you."

She gulped and slightly pulled her hand away from mine. Did I freak her out? No, no. What if she thinks it's too early? What if she leaves me? I can't let that happen!

"Hey! Hey! You can think about it... take your time."

To be continued....


(A/n: since I can't imagine Jimin as brother, I made him neighbour 🙃)

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