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"Hey! Hey! You can think about it... take your time,"

I said, caressing her face. She bit her lip, looking down and didn't respond. Will she like the ring? Is she silent because she thinks I don't have a ring? I should show her.

I reached into my pocket, took out a box, and opened it in front of her. She stared at it, going into shock.

Suddenly, she startled me by standing up. I looked around and noticed many eyes were on us.

"Hobi, I'm not ready!"

she said, but because she was freaking out, her words came out loudly. I stood up and tried to hold her hand to calm her down, but it made things worse.

She covered her head as if I had created a big problem.

"Minu calm down, please."

"I'm sorry, I need to go," she said, shoving my hands away, and then she ran away.

Why? She just left me? Even if she needed time, she could have just said that. Why did she run away like that? I followed her to ask for clarification, to find out whether she loved me or not.

Because if she truly loves me, there's no way she would react like this!


I shouted, but she didn't turn back. Her eyes were fixed on her car, and she even left her purse behind with me. Determined, I chased after her to stop her before she got into the car, and I succeeded.

Her hand was about to open the car door, but I grabbed her wrist. Before she even turned to face me, she shouted.

"I can't marry you because you have nothing! You're just an illegitimate son!"

She looked at me, snatching her purse from my other hand.

"What did you just say?"

Maybe I misheard her. She couldn't possibly reject me just because I'm illegitimate.

"I'm sorry, Hobi! I can't marry you. Why are you making things so complicated? Can't we just continue dating like this and stay happy together, hmm?"

She left me speechless.

The girl I love has no intention of building a life with me because I'm nothing but a child born out of wedlock.


I told Y/N about that night, and tears unknowingly welled up, soaking the pillow.

She slowly reached out, gently wiping away the tears streaming down my face.

"Perhaps she never planned to have a future with you," she murmured, removing her hand from my face. Her expression bore a consoling smile.

"So, can we be friends?" I asked, hoping for acceptance. Please don't reject it!

"Aren't we already friends?" She raised an eyebrow.

"WHAT? WE ARE FRIENDS!?" I exclaimed, chuckling as she turned to face the ceiling. I repeated my question, again and again, but she covered her ears. I gave up! What should I take this as?

From now on, Y/N is my friend. But she is also my wife... Wow, it feels like we're going backward!

"Y/N, you can share anything with me. This friend will always listen to you," I assured, heard her soft hmmm in response. We both turned our backs to each other and drifted off to sleep.


Next morning

Y/n pov:

I forced my eyes open, startled by my blaring alarm clock. Suddenly, same moment I felt a gentle tug on my waist, and the next thing I knew, my arms were wrapped around Hoseok's neck while his arms held me close at the waist.

To add to the mix, one of his one leg was draped over my bottom, keeping me tightly packed... damn it!

I carefully moved my hands and peered at him, studying his face up close. please don't wake up, or it'll be incredibly awkward! After cautiously moving his leg away from my hips, I finally managed to free myself.

If I want to, I can wake him up and give him lecture over this, which he will quietly listen. But what's the point? He's already dealing with enough outside... I should spare him.

As usual, I prepared breakfast, and we ate together. Then, he headed off to work, and I asked him to drop me off at Jimin's college... and he did.

My pet, Luis, is still at Jimin's place. He couldn't come to my new residence due to his studies, and I couldn't go there because of the media. They still believe I live there!

So today, when we meet, I'll try retrieve my dear Luis from Jimin.


Jimin and I walked out of his college office after we paid his final fee. He bought me a popsicle from the canteen, all the while aware of the curious eyes around us, gossiping away.

"Don't mind them... girls are jealous of you, and boys are drooling for you noona!"


he laughs with his close eyes, as he unwrapped the popsicle

Usually, I come to his college as his guardian, but I'm quite young to fulfill that role. Perhaps that's why they're watching me.

"Noona, all that talk is baseless. I need to know what happened that night! I called you so many times after I found out about Taehyung," he said, his voice filled with concern.

"How did you find out?" I asked, surprised.

"For your information, I was invited to your wedding too! And when I arrived... I overheard about the wedding being canceled and Taehyung backing out. Why he did that?" Jimin demanded, eager to hear the whole story.

So, we found a seat outside the college and decided to talk.

Jimin is my neighbor, and we're very good friends. However, since I'm older than him, he addresses me as noona. Our first meeting was quite amusing... I was chasing after my Luis, and he mistook me for a kidnapper!

He is the sweetest angel I've ever met, but his life is filled with struggles. His parents have passed away, and the only grandmother who raised him is currently hospitalized. He's all alone, and I do my best to take care of him.

Anyways, I decided to tell him everything that happened that night, how I ended up marrying Hoseok. As I shared the details, his eyes became watery. At first, he gently patted my head as if I were a baby, then he formed a smile and said...

"You didn't deserve that, noona... I'm sure Taehyung will regret what he did!"

"I'm trying to forget it all, and after these three months, I'll leave this city too... maybe start everything anew."

"You know I'll follow you wherever you go right? hehehe!" he declares, and I responded with a nod, playfully ruffling his hair and earning more giggles from him.

Suddenly, he paused and stared at me with an intense gaze... How quickly he can change his expression!

"What is it?" I asked, curious.

"Do you remember what you and Hoseok did that night?" he questioned, his stare giving off an eerie vibe.


(A/n: look's like, Jimin have the tea ☕)

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