caught in a lie

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Jungkook POV:

Noona is so mean!!!

Can't she see how much I care for Jimin? Okay, I know, I dropped that bomb unexpectedly, and maybe that's why she's turned me down.

I'd been dying up to have this conversation for ages, but their own issues always seemed to take up all the room and time.

Before heading to the office, I decided to give Jimin a call and share my conversation with noona.

"Hello?" Jimin answered my call, and in a split second, I forgot what I was about to say. His voice was just too captivating.

"Jimin, are you busy?"

"No, is it something important?" His concern was all too evident in his tone.

"It's just that... I talked to noona about us!" Hearing my words, the other end went deathly silent, as if he needed a moment to brace himself mentally.

I opted to wait for his response, and finally, he spoke up, "What did she say?" But before I could say more, he added, "Wait, don't tell me. I have a feeling she said no, and I really don't want to hear it."

The way he knows noona so well.

"Why do you even want her approval in the first place? Look at me! Hoseok Hyung is like family to me, but I didn't ask for his permission, and I know he'd support me no matter what,"

I tried to make the point that Jimin could make his own decisions. "Jimin! She's just your neighbor in the end."

There was a long sigh from the other end. "Jungkook, she's not just a neighbor. If we're even talking to each other, it's all because of her, and to me, her permission means everything."

"And what about your own heart? Are we going to end everything because she said no? You should have told me sooner so I could've asked for her permission before falling for you."

My frustration got the best of me, leaving Jimin momentarily speechless.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that... I just can't help but feel it's unfair to give noona so much say authority in your life."

Jimin's voice trembled slightly as he responded, "I was barely 19 when I met her. She fed me every day because I was all on my own. She forced me to quit delivery work and continue my studies. I cried, I laughed, and I became who I am today because of her... I owe her a debt."

His admission hung in the air, and I could sense the weight of his loyalty to her. "So, Jungkook, she holds a important place in my life. If she says not to date you the—"

"Then you won't date me?" I interjected, my heart racing. Just say no cause I can't Live like an unknown to you.

"Then I'll work harder to convince her," Jimin's response sent a shiver down my spine. "I won't give up on us, and I'll strive to make her believe in us too."

"We'll do this together!" His silence turned into laughter, and I couldn't help but join in. "What's so funny?" I asked, curious.

Finally, he spoke through his laughter, "Jungkook, don't worry that I'll stop liking you just because noona said no! Sometimes kids get stubborn when they don't get what they want, and I'm just a kid to her."

"You think I'm any less stubborn? I'll fight with noona if she doesn't approve of us!" I jokingly adopted an aggressive tone, making Jimin laugh once more.

"Alright, we'll see how it all goes. Come over to my place after work; I could use some help with my CV."

We said our goodbyes, and I started driving back to the office, a newfound sense of hope settling in my heart.

And those who are curious to know when, and how this happened I'll give you a shott recap.

It all began that one fateful dinner with hyung and noona. Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary meeting would turn my world upside down.

From that point, we started to hang out more frequently. Jimin often seeked my help for his exams, and those study sessions quickly turned into sleepovers.

Throughout those long nights, we pour over textbooks, but my focus was always on him. I couldn't deny it – I fell for him at first sight. His invitations to his house only intensified my feelings.

He was sweet, incredibly cute, and even when he struggled with questions, I couldn't bring myself to show frustration.
Whenever I was angry, a single glance from him was all it took to melt away my irritation.

It became abundantly clear that I had become hopelessly smitten.

Initially, I was terrified to confess my feelings. I feared it would shatter our friendship. So, I played it cool and we grew emotionally closer. We shared our pasts, our presents, and our dreams for the future with each other

And then came that fateful day...

One night while fighting with pillow, things led to another, and before I knew it, our lips met in a kiss.

I was trembling with fear, wondering if I had just ruined everything. But to my surprise, a week later, Jimin called me. He said he wanted to kiss me again, to figure out what he truly felt.

Who was I to turn down such a luckiest opportunity?

At his last exam, on the very day hyung and noona got divorced, Jimin and I shared that kiss once more. It left him confused about his own feelings.

Since then, we've been secretly dating, cherishing our love in the shadows. Now, he's determined to make it official by seeking noona's permission, a step I never thought we'd take.

Our love, wild and powerful, has taken us on an incredible journey, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


Feeling elated that Jimin and I were still on the same page with our relationship, I entered the office with a spring in my step. As I gathered all the files and my hyung's schedule from my desk, I made my way into his cabin.

There he sat, staring at his phone with an intensity that immediately sent a shiver down my core.

If I'll be honest, no one is dangerous than hyung once he is angry.

"Hyung, you have two meetings scheduled until this evening, and this paper needs your signature," I announced his schedule, sliding the files across his desk for his approval.

His gaze shifted from the phone to me, and the expression on his face was nothing short of anger.

Did he somehow find out about my recent encounter with Min-hee? Had that troublesome woman contacted him?

"You have a lot of explaining to do," he said with a stern, almost accusing tone, as he turned the phone toward me.

It's a screenshot.

"What is this?" I inquired, struggling to comprehend the image. All I could was a man, one that vaguely resembled my hyung, assisting someone to stand.

Wait, it was a screenshot from that video – the one taken on their wedding night.

"You see, I've been watching this video on a loop, and guess who I spotted?" He dramatically zoomed in on the screenshot, focusing on a figure in the background, amidst the crowd of wedding attendees.

The more he zoomed in, the larger my gasp became.

A man in the background, wearing a black blazer, his hands casually resting in his pockets.

It was me.

How the hell did I end up getting caught on camera!?

"While I was drunkenly marrying a stranger, my own secretary was enjoying the live show!!" he exclaimed, his voice seething with anger which.

Oh, fuck!


(A/n: our secretary got to witness the whole wedding live yet he played so dumb throughout the way 😭😭😭)


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