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Hoseok POV:

"Come here!" I shouted, chasing Jungkook as he runs within the space of my office, fearing my tempted anger.

And I am, for sure angry as fuck.

"Hyung, calm down, okay? I can explain everything..." He pleaded, seeking refuge behind a shelf. "I'm sorry, okay?"

"I should be the one saying sorry – SORRY THAT MY BACK HURT YOUR KNIFE, YOU BACKSTABBER!"

"I did it for you! Please, listen to me, Hyung!"

I halted the pursuit, catching my breath. "Fine! Let's hear you," I said, gesturing for him to come out, and he reluctantly complied.

Before he could begin his explanation, I grabbed the collar of his shirt, securing his neck, signaling that escape is not an option. He began pleading with a torrent of apologies.

"Speak before I change my mind."

"Okay, Hyung, but promise me you won't fire me, please!" He implored, trying to reach my other hand. I agreed not to fire him, but didn't promise.

Cause I might fire him.

What he did is something not easily forgiven. I had been struggling with the complexities of marriage, and he allowed it all to happen under his watch.

With no other recourse, Jungkook started, "I knew you were going to propose to Min-hee that night, and I even knew she'd reject you because she never loved you. But you were blind in her love, leaving me no option but to keep an eye on you so you wouldn't hurt yourself."

"You could have accompanied me and stopped me from marrying Y/n!"

"I was going to! When you entered the bar, I was right behind you. But you seemed too vulnerable to console."

My grip on his neck loosened slightly as he continued...

"I thought to give you space to think. I was at another table, keeping an eye on you. Suddenly, a girl entered in a wedding gown. You both began talking, and I couldn't hear the conversation, but you advised her to leave, and you both left."

My cheeks burned at his memories. Why I don't remember these moments?

"Then what?"

"Then you started making videos, which we saw the next morning. Later, you both crossed the road and went into the church. Trust me, Hyung, I thought to stop you, but I didn't."


"Because I knew if you didn't marry Noona then, you'd forgive Min-hee in a few days, which I didn't wanted. I had to let you marry Noona just to make you leave Min-hee."

"Who gave you the right to make decisions for me? Jungkook, I'm really disappointed in you right now." I stepped back, creating a considerable distance between us.

"Do you regret marrying Noona, Hyung? I let all this happen; maybe you would have never met Noona after that night if I had taken you with me."

He was right.

But the outcome doesn't justify his past actions. As my secretary and someone I blindly trusted, he shouldn't have stood back when I was marrying a girl in a toxic state.

Jungkook reached for my hand and spoke with a nervous laugh, "You promised you wouldn't fire me, Hyung. I'm sorry, okay! Let's forget all that, hmm?"

"I want your resignation letter by the end of the day. I can't continue working with an irresponsible secretary."

Jungkook's hand slackened, and tears welled up in his eyes. He swallowed hard and nodded slowly.

I turned towards my seat, noting his bow.


Jimin POV:

Pretty noona

I'm sorry noona 😔

I didn't knew my preference
untill I met jungkookshi

I should have told you directly
Instead of sending him

😭 I was scared of you.

Even now I have no audacity to
Face you

I'm really sorry noona,
Please forgive me 🙏

I don't want to loose you
At any cost 😞

Please reply to me 😭


I've been texting noona since Jungkookshi told me about his request to her. She is angry at me I can feel it because she never ignored my texts like this.

I've hurt her so bad that she don't want to have contacts with me.

And I'm the one to blame.

Noona is really precious to me, she treated me almost like her son even though we didn't had any blood relation and now I disappointed her.

She might be ashamed of treating me like a family.

*Knock knock*

My depressed thoughts came to halt hearing knock on my door, tossing my phone on bed I climb down walking towards entrance.

As soon I opened the door, I found sulked jungkookshi. He looks more depressed than me for real.

My eyes widened at his appearance and without a word, I let him enter while suppressing my concerns for later.

Jungkookshi sat on bed with heavy sigh as he covered his face with arms. I can barely see his face, not having other options I sat beside his cacoon body and began to pat his head patiently.

"I won't ask what happened but I'll apologize behalf of them" I mutter trying to Console him as much as I can.

Maybe he is still upset because of noona.

He mumbles under his buried face "hoseok hyung fired me." My Patting came to pause hearing him.

"Why? What made him to that?"

That's when he looked up at his front and sigh heavily "he saw me in that video"

"What video?"

With sad pout he began to share how hoseok hyung found him witnessing the marriage yet not intervening to stop, how he played dumb till now and played his main role for casting min-hee away from hyung.

Besides everything, hoseok hyung asked him to send resignation letter.

Hearing him I got shock too but if we think about it, everything turned out well in the end, so what's the point of firing him.

Because of jungkookshi, Hoseok hyung found the love of his life shouldn't he be thankful of him?

"It's alright jungkookshi, he'll come back to you once he cools down."

"What if he don't? I can't imagine working under any other boss." He asked obviously being scared baby.

I made him face me while cupping his both cheeks yet not intirely cause my hands are not big enough.

I lean closer and quickly pecked his pouty lips.

His sad eyes turns into shocking does. "Wh-why." I chuckle at him shuttering talk because this is the first time I've kissed him on my own.

"You are sad so I thought it'll help."

"Well-" he utters helding my back hands over his cheeks and continues "it worked little bit, do it again."

I smirked understanding his desperation and reached again at his lips.

His freaking Soft lips.

This time pecking was not my intention because with my kiss, he is away from sadness.

I let him kiss me back which he obliged as slowly as he can, making me little desperate to his movements.

He is a great kisser by the way.

I'm still at learning stage.

His breath brushed against mine as he began to suck my bottom lips. Removing my hands from his face, he tucked my neck accessing a good pace for him.

This is heaven.

His touch is heaven itself to me.

He gave me all the butterflies I've seen in dramas. And I'm still in disbelief that I have this man for me.

My tongue hastily went into his possession, while I'm being a fresher, I'm not sure how to use my tongue here. But he on the other hand had some magic spells with him.

The way he wet my lips with tongue before smooching it away like a ice cream is so pleasuring to me.

I couldn't help but moan at his touch while he still working on fading his sadness away.

Which we all believe is gone a while ago.

My heavenly trance came to reality hearing my phone notification tone. A small glance over my phone, told me it's noona.

I pulled away from jungkookshi and picked up my phone. Not caring how speachless he is.

Pretty noona

You don't have to be
Scared of me.

And I'm not against of
You both 🙂

Do what makes you happy
But I'll kill Jungkook
If he made you cry.


Throwing my phone on bed I jumped on jungkookshi yelling my victory.

"What happened? What you read?"

"Noona gave her approval!!" I screamed happily and notice him leaching me away.

He went on floor to dance on his own. I immediately joined him with my stupid dance moves.

"But she said she'll kill you if you made me cry!" I announced without pausing leg movement and he replied turning me around and hopping on my back happily.

"that means I'm immortal."

This gus came here in dying state and look at him now.


(A/n: this morning I got the news that our kookie and mochi will go military together 😭😭😭)

What's more good time to have this chapter publish?!

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