previous love

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- at hotel -

Time flies by so quickly that both of you didn't even realize when the beautiful dinner was over and you arrived at the hotel to sleep.

Hoseok and you are lying down while he's searching for a good picture to post, and you're peering over his shoulder to choose your best one.

"Do we both look good in this one?" Hoseok points to a particular photo, and you zoom in to check if you look good or not, because that's what matters the most.

"I'm not liking it... wait, give me that." You said, taking his phone and sitting down to analyze the photo properly. Hoseok had to get up and sit after you slapped his bare thighs.

In a matter of seconds, you found a selfie where you're radiantly laughing in the background while Hoseok takes his selfie. The picture is more like a candid shot of you.

"Post this one. I look beautiful here," you said, passing the phone back to him. Shifting his gaze from the phone to you frequently, he speaks, "You look even more beautiful in person."

"I know!" You reply with a forced smile, gesturing for him to post the picture. If he has someone to make jealous, so do you. But halfway through the posting process, Hoseok suddenly stops...

"Wait! What if I post this and Taehyung shows up here..."

"What if your girlfriend came?"

Your cross-question made him think twice before posting it. "Forget about that. I'll make sure she can't leave the company for the next 4 days," he says, shrugging off his overthinking.

"And I know Taehyung won't be coming here. I've already drawn a line between us, so he won't cross it," you assure him.

"What line?" he asks.

"The line between boss and colleagues! Now just post it. I'm sleepy," you say, yawning and turning to your side. He immediately selects the picture and takes a moment to come up with a caption.

You watch him typing a caption which cringes you too much. "You're so cliché! What the hell is 'Hawai with my Kawai'?"

"Hey, it's not cliché. Just wait and watch how this caption becomes the headline of many articles," he says, placing his phone on the side table and lying down with you.

"Yeah, whatever, Mr. Husband," you mumble, closing your sleepy eyes and resting your hand on his abdomen, facing towards him, while he gazes at the ceiling to avoid making it awkward by facing you.

You were on the verge of falling asleep when Hoseok asks an unexpected question. "Was Taehyung your boss first or boyfriend?"

It's his curiosity to know more about you because he thinks you might be comfortable enough to share this with him.

"Boyfriend," you mumble slowly, as he doesn't realize how sleepy you are.

"So, did you apply to his company or did he approach you to work?" he randomly asks, stroking your hand on his abdomen.

You force yourself to halt your sleep because it's unfair. He told you about min-hee and him, and you haven't even discussed how you and Taehyung used to be.

Effort should come from both sides, whether it's in marriage or friendship.

"Nobody did anything. He started his business in front of me... You can say I helped him with it, since his adopting parents were good and he had the talent he needed. It was easy to start V Technology."

"So, you both were dating since college or High school?"

"I don't quite remember, but I know him for about 20 years, you can say."

That's when he faces you with wide, shocked eyes. "20 years? How?" Leaving a decent space between the two of you, you answer.

"We used to stay in the same orphanage. We became friends at the age of 5 and used to spend every day together. He used to get bullied, and I would fight for him. He was like a small cat who wandered around me... I was his safe space."

Your mind doesn't process the information you're conveying fully because your heart is busy recalling the memories of him. Hoseok peacefully stares at you and listens very patiently.

"He got adopted when we turned 9. But at that time, we made promise to meet again."

"Ohhh," he responds lightly, showing that he's fully engaged in the conversation.

"Then I got adopted at 16, and I met him again in high school. I thought it was fate for us to meet once again. He was the same as before, and I was still his safe space."

The corners of your lips curl up as you remember the day when you reunited with Taehyung at school, how he ran and hugged you on campus like a kid.

"So, he helped me with studies and other things. I decided to choose a career path same as he. He chose to became system designer, and so did I, solely because of him."

"When did he confess to you?" Hoseok asks, desperate to know how it all started.

"I actually confessed to him after we entered college together. We started dating during our college years. After we finished our studies, he decided to start his own company instead of finding a job. We did it together, but not as business partner. I just helped him as a girlfriend."

"Oh, I've heard that his company is since five years. So that means you two were dating for more than five to six years... Did you also propose marriage to him?"

"Um, yes, shameless me! I proposed to him a years ago, and he said yes too... that time," you pause, remembering how that ended in the worst way possible.

"I only know that he left you on your wedding day. I want to hear your side of the story, but it's okay if you don't want to discuss it," Hoseok says, trying to be understanding.

"It's not like that! I can tell you what happened that night. Just don't feel pity for me," you warn, unintentionally closing the gap between you.

Now you and Hoseok have only a few inches of space between your faces, but it doesn't feel awkward or uncomfortable at all.

Hoseok gestures for you to start.

To be continue...


(A/n: fr!! it's 24th chapter and now I'm telling y/n background 🤣🤣)

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