They kissed?

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--- flash back to wedding night ---

(A/n: Just for reference)

Y/n pov:

While witnessing other couples vows, I waited for Taehyung arrival. I wish his parents were here, but due to their business, they cannot be present.

So we are both getting married in this common church. Later in his parents presence, we will have an amazing reception.

Even Jimin hasn't arrived yet, but some of Taehyung's friends came. They help me adjust my dress while we wait for Taehyung.

I waited...


But hear nothing from him. Why isn't he answering my calls? just hope he's okay!

Hours passes, and I start to panic, consumed by negative thoughts about where he might be. Why hasn't he arrived yet? I couldn't hold back and wait any longer, so I asked Taehyung friends to stay here while I go find him.

After somehow convincing them to let me go, I step out of the hall, carefully holding my gown.


Looking up at the person who calls my name, I see Taehyung standing at the entrance.

He's not wearing wedding tuxedo but rather casual fit.

I rush to him and begin to examine him thoroughly, in case he's been hurt. But halfway through, he grips my shoulders and makes me face him.

"What happened? Are you okay, right? Tae, we're already late. Let's go and take our vows... We can talk later about why you were late."

I assure him so he won't feel sad about being late. At least he's alright, that's what matters the most. I turn, holding his hand, to go back to the hall, but he doesn't move.

"Y/N! Can we talk somewhere?" Taehyung asks with a subdued tone, raising my eyebrows. "Wha- Okay, we can talk! Can you tell me why you're not dressed yet?"

He inhales, looking down, and leads me to outside. I pick up the corners of my gown with one hand, letting him guide me.

What could be more important than our marriage?

In a secluded corner of the empty area, he stops and turns to me. I sigh irritably at his childish behavior.

"Tae, we don't have time for this! You already too late, and now you're wasting our time."

"I can't do this."

"What do you mean you can't do this? Are you okay? I don't understand you."

I do understand him, but I don't want to accept it. I can't just assume on my own that he doesn't want to marry me.

Thankfully, it's dark enough that we can't see each other's expressions. I watch him kneel down and hear him sniffle. "I can't marry you. I'm sorry."

It feels as if someone has ripped my heart out and stabbed it in every possible manners. He can't be serious right now! Taehyung could never do this.

I slightly went on my knees to be at his eye level and make him face me. "Stop kidding, Tae! I'll be angry if you truly mean all of this shit. Stand up."

With that, I try to pull him up, but he doesn't move. he looks up at me, his shiny cheeks alerts the presence of tears. "I-I'm sorry! I thought I was ready... B-but I'm not. I tried to convince myself, but it's not working."

"You're not ready?" I ask, disbelief evident in my voice.

He shakes his head, gripping my hand desperately, seeking forgiveness. "Please, Y/N, give me some time. I promise I'll mak--"

His words are cut off when I pull my hand away from his. I stood up taking steps back, filled with disappointment, and the worst part is that I still can't cry.

He steps forward, but I halt him by showing my palm. I walked away from him, like an abandoned bride, instead of a married one.

I ran away...

From everything.

From things that were supposed to never happen.

Things that have become my reality.

The person I dedicated my whole life to is not ready to accept me.

And there is nothing in this world that can give me a reason to live anymore.

--end of flashback--

Author pov:

Hearing you the whole time, Hoseok couldn't stop his tears, which made him sit and listen intently.

"You were trying to kill yourself?" he questioned, wiping his tears with a tissue. You sit facing him and smile at this crying kid.

"But I didn't! That's why I'm in front of you, right? So, stop crying."

"N-no, Y/N, that is so unfair! Why did he leave you? I could never do that to anyone."

You hold his hands once he's done wiping his tears.

"But he wasn't ready! And I think he did the right thing... Imagine we got married, and one day, out of nowhere, he stated, I was not ready to marry you. Do you think I would have survived hearing that?"

He agreed with your statement and pulled you into a bear hug. It's the first hug you guys share, unfortunately born out of pity, but you're happy with how gently he holds you. With that thought, you find solace in this embrace.

"Then what happened after that? Did he come after you? How did you meet me that day?" Hoseok asked, holding you tightly.

"I don't remember if he found me or not! I was on the roadside, waiting for the green light, so that I could get hit..."

He broke the hug and stared at you, eager to hear more. "Then I-I saw a bar on the other side of the road, so I thought, why not waste all my money on alcohol and die after that."

He controlled his chuckle and let you continue speaking.

"I drank a lot, and there was a guy beside me who was already very drunk, and maybe that was you..."

"Ohhh, so we met at a bar and became friends, which eventually led to us to getting marry?"

You laugh at this statement because it sounds too much like a movie. Hoseok ruffles your head and sweetly cups your face to speak.

"I'm sorry for whatever happened that day. I'll take care of you... as a good friend."

You nod, gazing deeply into his eyes. He is caring, sweet, silly, handsome, a bit scared, and sometimes a crybaby...

exactly your ideal husband.

Hoseok can feel your frequent gaze on his lips, which stirs butterflies in his belly. He now realizes how close he's been holding you and how tempting it is for him to kiss you.

You slowly caress his backhand against your cheek and maintain the intense gaze. Now he's losing control over himself.

You are beautiful, there's no doubt about that. But your lips are drawing him in like a flower to bee. You know he's losing it.

To provoke his action, you part your lips slightly and swallow, making it an easy invitation. And he's falling for your tricks. Parting his own lips with a gulp, he begins to close his eyes before leaning forward towards yours.

You can't deny how badly you want this.

So you let him kiss you. In the heat of the moment, his lips gently meet yours, and he catches you off guard when he realizes you're kissing him back.

No one knows whose heart is beating so loudly, but everything feels mutual here. His hands slip onto your neck, pulling you closer, and you reciprocate.

You softly nibble on his bottom lip like it's a piece of candy, earning a small moan from him. But just as you're about to intensify, he pauses and pulls you back.


As soon as that name lingers in Hoseok's mind, he regains his senses. He doesn't want to take advantage of you or do anything to further complicate the relationship.

"I-I'm so sorry. I-I... that was no--"

"This will never be discussed," you state firmly, turning your back and lying down with the covers pulled over you.

'Fuck! The embarrassment' you mutter under your breath, feeling Hoseok lie facing the other side.

"I'm okay with it," you hear Hoseok say, and both of you fall asleep without facing each other.


(A/n: tbh I feel strange reading marriage ffs especially arrange marriage cause in most of the stories, one lead quickly fall in love or either fall secretly... I mean you Just got married, how fastly your heart accepts person?

That's why I tried my best to not turn this story in that category 'no offense if you ever wrote that kinda trope' it's Just, I can't understand 😭)

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