Part 5

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Ladybug pov
As Adrien walked down his long stairs, each step echoing through the house, I used that time to wrap my head around all of this. He loved me.
Loved me.
Adrien loved me.
All of this time I've been chasing after Adrien, while turning down Chat over and over again, and it turns out they are the same person, and they love me! I heard loud foot steps trail up the stairs, followed by creaking as the large door swung open and Adrien walked in with snacks in his hands. He sat in a black computer chair next to his bed that I was in, and turned on his large tv.
"Y-your sitting there?" I asked, my face blushing a light pink.
"Yeah, you can have the bed" He replied with small smile. I moved over slightly, trying, but failing to hold in groans of pain. I saw him move slightly, as if he wanted to help but didn't know how. I patted the open spot next to me with a warm smile. "You don't have to do that, I'm perfectly fine sitting in this chair" He said.
"Well I'm not, I-I don't want t-to be alone" I said, staring to the ground, scared to see his face after I admitted something I didn't think I could ever say out loud. I felt the bed shake lightly and I looked over to see Adrien next to me, wrapping himself in blankets. I stared at him as he turned his tv on and the commercials started. I moved closer to him and wrapped one arm around him, and put my head on his his chest, smiling at the warmth and love I felt. My smile suddenly faded as I realized how weird this must be for Adrien, I just randomly put my head on his chest.
"S-sorry" I mumbled as I slowly lifted my head from his chest, trying to avoid eye contacts because I was far too embarrassed. I felt him push my head back down and his arm snaked around my back.
"For what?" He mumbled back. "For letting your boyfriend comfort you?"
I tensed at the word 'boyfriend', we've never really made it official yet.
"So we're dating now?" I asked.
"Of course" Adrien replied with a grin. "Only if you want us to"
"I've k-kinda been wishing for this to happen for a long t-time" I replied with a dark red blush. He lightly kissed my forhead as the movie finally started, leaving me with a huge smile.

Adrien pov

About thirty minuetes into the movie my princess drifted off with her head on my chest, and I soon drifted off too, into a wonderland filled with images of m'lady and I.

"A-adrien?" I heard someone say softly.
"Yes Mari?" I mumbled, too tired to open my eyes.
"Um, not Marinette bro" The person said, sounding slightly concerned. I opened my eyes to see Nino, with a shocked, and concerned look.
"What is up with you two?" I heard another person say. I looked up to see Alya, sharing the same expression as Nino. I looked over to Marinette to see her peacefully sleeping, and she looked beautiful.
"Hello, earth to Adrien! Did you hear anything I just said?" Nino shouted.
I responded with a "huh?"
"Um, so are you two a couple? How long have you two been together?" Alya asked. I looked over to Marinette again, hoping she would wake up and answer these questions for me. I'm not really sure if Marinette cares if others know, and there's still the problem of what are we gonna tell people when they ask how it happened.
"Can you stop staring at her and answer our questions?" Alya asked, sounding very agitated.
"Your in my house, I think I'm the one who needs to ask you questions!" I snapped. Alya looked shocked by my actions.
"We came to ask if you wanted to go to the park with us, until we saw, you know, this" Nino replied, gesturing to Mariette and I.
I noticed Alya studying Marinette and slowly getting closer to her. Alya then walked over to the bed and slowly lifted Marinette's shirt and gasped. "What happened!?" Alya shouted.
Just as if she could read my mind, Marinette woke up, but forgot about her injury and shot up, groaning in pain as she slowly laid back down.
"Someone please answer my questions!" Alya shouted. I looked into her eyes and saw the worry. Her brown eyes were filled with worry for her best friend.
"What questions?" Marinette asked while rubbing her eyes.
"What is going on between you and Adrien, and what happened to you? Did Adrien hurt you again? Is that why you were crying? Wha-"
I stared at Marinette, sorrow and guilt filling my emotions. Marinette gave Alya a 'why did you say that?' look.
"Um, me and Adrien are, uh, dating" Marinette interrupted her bestie with uncertainty as she looked over to me as if asking if she could say that. I gave her a small reassuring smile. "And, I, uh, you know, I'm very clumsy, I think that's enough to explain this, right?" Marinette said, kind of asking herself more than her friends. Alya nodded skeptically. We both know that Alya wasn't accepting that response.
"Ok then, bye girl" Alya said slowly before exiting the room.
"Bye dude, dudette!" Nino said, following after Alya.
As our friends walked out, I turned to Marinette who was refusing to meet my gaze. "Mari?" I said. She turned to me, with worry in her eyes.
"What did Alya mean by 'did Adrien hurt you again'?" I asked. She looked down to her lap. This is obviously the question she wanted to avoid.
"Well, there was this one time when I asked you out and you turned me down, and I might have punched a wall" Marinette replied without looking at me.
"Well that will never happen again" I said as I leaned in and placed a kiss apon her lips.
Well, this chapter kinda... sucks
I'm sorry
1st it's really late I said I would post this like 2 days ago
And 2nd it's really bad lol I'm sorry
Ilysssssssssm - Lizzy

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