Part 6

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"Adrien?" A loud voice boomed through the room, waking me up. I would have shot up out of bed, but two arms were holding me down.

"Father?" I questioned.

"Why is there a girl in your bed with you?" Gabriel's booming voice asked. He said the word girl with such hatred. I looked down to the girl who was staring at me with wide eyes.

"I, uh,"

"And why are neither of you wearing a shirt?"

"We, we, uh,"

"Did you at least use protection?"


"You can't go around knocking up girls, it will ruin your career!"

"We didn't do that!"

"I don't think you understand how one night stands work, son."

"It's not a one night stand father, she's my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Gabriel shouted. "Since when did you have a girlfriend?"

I checked the time on my clock on my desk. Late for school. "We need to get to school." I stated.

"Invite her over for dinner tonight so I can meet her properly. Maybe she'll have a shirt on and not act like a slut." Gabriel said before walking out, slamming the door shut. Marinette still stared at me with wide eyes and I shot her a charming smile in return.

"Your dad hates me." Marinette sighed.

"No he doesn't." I reassured her.

"He called me a slut." She stated

"He also invited you to come over for dinner." I replied "but you can't come."

"Why can't I come?" Marinette asked, suddenly sounding offended.

"Do you really want to go?" I questioned.

"Yes, so I can make him like me."

"Fine, but I warned you."
~~~~~after school~~~~~
Marinette's pov

"Hey!" Alya greeted me as she ran along the sidewalk to catch up with me. "What are you doing today?" She questioned.

A blush spread across my face as I replied "Having dinner with Adrien and his father."

"What!?" The red head exclaimed. "Dinner with the boy of your dreams and your favorite designer! That is awesome girl!"

"One problem, what do I wear?" I questioned.

"I got this." Alya answered with a confident smirk.
"Come on out!" Alya demanded.

I shyly walked out of my bathroom in the outfit Alya picked out for me, twirling around so she can see the whole thing.

"You look awesome!" Alya exclaimed. "Adrien will love it!"

"This outfit only gives his dad a reason to call me a slut." I sighed.

"Shut up, you look great and I'm not allowing you to change so, go like this or go naked!" Alya stated, basically pushing me out the door.
Adrien's pov

Upon hearing a knock, I rushed to the door. I opened it and stared at the girl in front of me. She wore a knee length red strapless dress. It tightened around her small waist before puffing out in many layers of red silk.

"You look, I mean, you, you look, beautiful, gosh Mari you look amazing!" I stuttered. The girl blushed a deep red, almost the same color as her dress.

"T-thanks." She replied. "Hopefully your father thinks the same so we don't have to break up."

My heart dropped as those words fell out of her mouth. I put my hands on the girls bare shoulders. The feeling of her skin on my hands felt amazing. "No matter what my father says, I'm not leaving you." I stated. I stared into her electrifying blue eyes for what felt like forever. She stared back into my exotic green eyes with a desire.

"Adrien, is that girl here?" A voice interrupted our moment. The booming voice was laced with hatred.

"Yeah, she's here." I replied. I grabbed Marinette by the wrist and pulled her along with my to the long table. My father sat at the end and me and Marinette sat across from each other on the two sides of my father.


"Marinette," I interrupted him. "Her name is Marinette."

"-Marinette, how are you?" He finished.

"Um, I'm fine Gabriel." She replied. "Or, uh, Mr.Agreste?"

"Gabriel will do." He replied.
Marinette's pov

"Where do your parents work?" Gabriel asked me.

"Um, a bakery." I replied nervously. "It's actually a really popular place, you should visit it sometime." I rambled on.

"I assume you don't make very much money then." Gabriel stated calmly, but I however, was angry. "It's very odd that my son chose someone in your class." He continued.

"M-my class? What does that mean?" I questioned.

"Someone with not as much money."

"I, uh, I think my family makes just enough money."

"Do you have enough money to buy my son a proper gift on all holidays?"

"Well, I don't need money, I plan on making him something like a hat, scarf, sweater."

"Ha!" Gabriel laughed in my face. "You can't make my son a gift! That just simply won't do! Adrien deserves much more then that!"

"And your relationship shall not last much longer."

"Father!" Adrien finally snapped. "You can't talk to her like that! Her hand made gifts are far better then the stupid pen you buy me every year or any of the stupid designs in your collection!"

"No Adrien it's ok." I stated. I fought hard to hold back the tears in my eyes. "He's right, we're just not meant to be. Your rich and I'm not, I don't have enough money to support you."

"Mari, that's n-"

"I guess that means we should just break up now, I'll see you probably never again." I stated, finally letting the tears stream down my face. I ran out of the room, leaving my purse and phone at the table. I ran to the one place no one would find me.
Adrien's pov

"Let her go son, you were never meant to be." My father stated.

Without saying another word, I ran in hopes of finding her. I ran all night long, looking everywhere I could think off. I was out in the cold for hours, trying to find the blue eyes girl. The way the tears in her eyes sparkled in the light, and the pain laced into her sweet voice kept running through my head. I felt a hot liquid stream down my face.

"Not again!" I yelled in anger, frustration, sadness. I can't handle loosing another important girl in my life. After my mother, I just can't handle another girl gone from my house.

I can't lose Mari

I just

Sorry this chapter took so long, but now that I have everything set up, the updates will be faster.

Ilysssssssssm- Lizzy

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