Chapter Eight: The cunning escape.

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     The next day was a good one for Rebecca. She had beat Mabel Adams at a math and English class test. The only thing Mabel could do when she heard about Rebecca's score was scowl. She had also had a joint Biology class with Janet. They had spent most of the class chatting in hushed tones. Nothing could ruin her day.

    Well, we all know how that statement messes up things. Ninth period came and Mrs Daniella didn't show up for her class. The students of SS1B decided to use the period to play games. Most of them wanted to play truth or dare and a lot of people came forward. They all gathered around a bottle and began to play. It seemed like only Rebecca and Hannah weren't playing with them.

     During the game, people did a lot of stupid stuff. A girl was dared to show off her bra (which she did) and Gabriella kissed Daniel, a dark skinned boy with thick black eyes and low cut hair (Thankfully, Richard wasn't in school that day)

The person that the top of the bottle pointed to had to choose between the two options while the person facing the bottom of the bottle got to ask the question or say the dare. It was shocking when Mabel admitted that she had liked Tom before he started hanging out with Rebecca. Rebecca pretended she didn't hear her.

      Betty spun the bottle and this time the top was pointed at Tom and the bottom was facing Daniel.

"Truth or dare?" He asked.

Tom chose dare. Gabriella was surprised and gave Tom a look of warning but Tom ignored her. Daniel whispered something to Tom then said he said something out loud.

"I dare you to kiss her" Everyone gasped. Well, everyone except Sarah. She wanted to know what Daniel had said to Tom.

"What did you say to him?" She asked in a quiet voice

"What's your business?" He snapped.

Everyone was already chanting "Do it! Do it!"

James knew what to do. He got up to his seat and walked towards  her.

     Rebecca obviously hadn't been paying attention. She didn't even look up until Tom cleared his throat. The prank group didn't want it to go wrong.

"Give him your jump rope, Mabel" Sarah said with a sneer.

Rebecca gulped. She looked at Hannah but all Hannah could do was shrug. Mabel came over with the rope.

"Hey!" She said as Mabel held her down. Tom tied her up with a triple knot. Then he leaned towards her till there were only inches between them. Rebecca struggled to get free but the roles wouldn't budge. Tom looked her in the eyes and whispered.

"Do you trust me?" He asked. Rebecca nodded.

"I trust you" she whispered angrily. "But if you even think about touching me, you will have yourself to blame" she said. She couldn't shout for a teacher or she would get the whole class into trouble. She had to hope for the best.

"Follow my lead" Tom whispered back. He moved back and turned to face the others.

"This is the hardest dare I've ever had to do" He said feigning defeat. "I hope you guys understand me when I say that I don't have the guts to do this here" He said.

"I understand" Gabriella said truthfully.

"Then where are you going?" Asked Mabel who was eager to see Rebecca's reaction to this.

"There's an empty classroom not too far from here" Tom explained. "You can send one person to watch us"

"I'll go" said Sarah. "I am the grand designer of this plan" She said proudly.

"She can design a plan like this" Rebecca muttered "but she can't even mention the L.C.M of twenty four and twelve" Tom struggled to keep a straight face.

"Make sure you give her a good fingering" someone said.

"Are you mad!" Rebecca shrieked to Mabel's amusement.

Tom and Sarah carried the chair to the empty room. Luckily, the coast was clear. Sarah and Tom dropped the chair so that Sarah could open the door. Then they carried it in.

"Well?" Sarah said looking at them impatiently

Tom turned to Rebecca. She wanted to say something but he placed a finger on her lips. Rebecca suddenly felt like she was making a mistake...

"I'm going to deceive Sarah into thinking that The prank group hates her" he said "Then if she wants to know more, we'll tell her to help us first by lying to the prank group" Rebecca shook her head but his hand was still in place.

"I know what you're thinking. It will never work but remember who we're dealing with" Tom said with a glance at sarah.

Rebecca nodded and Tom turned to face Sarah.

"There's something I have to tell you" he said

"Hurry up!" She said .

"The prank group is planning to kick you out" Tom said

"And why should I belive you?" She asked.

"I wouldn't gain too much from lying to you now, would I?" He asked. "Besides, Betty and Daniel have been complaining about you all week"

She shook her head. "Is that what Daniel said in your ear?" She asked

"I'll tell you if you lie to the prank group" Tom said.

Sarah shrugged "fine! I can't believe Daniel and Betty. I'm the brains of the group"

Rebecca snorted behind them and Tom gave her a "don't jinx it now" look. He untied her and lifted the chair. They all made their way to the classroom.

"To make it look realistic" Tom told the them "Rebecca you go to the library. I'll tell them you're crying there" Rebecca nodded and took off. Tom and Sarah made their way back to the class.

"So?" Betty asked when they arrived.

"Immediately it happened she ran to the library sobbing" Tom said. "Our friendship is ruined" he added shaking his head.

"It's true" Sarah added "You should have seen the look on her face" Sarah said. A few people laughed. Tom caught Gabriella's eyes and winked. He did the same to Hannah. They nodded in understanding.

"So, I guess you guys were planning to kick me out" Sarah said as she took her seat beside Daniel.

"What are you talking about?" He asked

"Yeah" said another member "we wouldn't do that unless you betrayed us or something"

Sarah felt very foolish. She knew how dumb she would look if she told them what had happened she would look very stupid. She just kept quiet and glared at Tom. He shrugged and walked off to join Rebecca in the library.

Hi 👋
I hope you found this chapter VERY interesting. I thought it would be nice to include this part.
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