Chapter Nine: The Accidental Confession.

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  I would like to dedicate this chapter to chisom_dili Thank you so  much for everything. I wish you good luck with your book!

        Sarah was angry with Tom. How could he have lied to her? But she was also angry at herself. He had been in a sticky situation. She shouldn't have been so gullible. Sarah was thinking. Tom had been so comfortable during the whole ordeal. He had definitely had a plan. But who had told him? Betty wasn't daft and she wasn't that close to Tom. Mabel didn't even fit into the picture. Daniel was Tom's best friend but it was very unlike him to do something like that without arguing with Sarah first. Then, after a while it hit her. Gabriella. Desperate to keep Rebecca as her friend she must have told her.
     She went along another line of thought. What if Rebecca hadn't known? What if only Tom had? She knew the perfect way to get her revenge. She left her table and walked to Tom's.

"Can I talk to you outside?" She asks
Tom nods and they walk out of the class.

"Who told you about our plan?" She asked glaring at him

"What plan?" Tom asks

"Don't even think about lying Tom" she snapped "You were too prepared. Someone must have told you that..."

"No one told me anything" he said

"What about Rebecca?" She asked

"Neither of us knew anything" he said
  Uh huh
"Especially not Rebecca" he said.

Especially not Rebecca. Perfect.

"Okay, Just wanted to make sure no one has betrayed the prank group" she said

"Ode! (Idiot) instead of you to make sure no one suspects you you're making sure no one betrayed your group.  Alright, I wish you good luck" He said.

Sarah watched him walk away from the class. He was heading to the library. She looked into the class. Rebecca, Gabriella and Hannah were not there. Sarah knew where to find them. She followed Tom to the library.

Rebecca was actually in the library. She loved everything about it. The wooden chairs and tables, peaceful atmosphere, the books, the faulty door... Oh yeah. That. The library had a door that could only be opened from the outside. Someone had broken the door handle on the other side so the door was usually kept open with something heavy. No one wanted to get stuck in here. Not even Rebecca.

When Sarah got to the library she decided to take a huge risk. She could make a big fool of herself  and it might not have been Gabriella but she was sure it was. She put on an annoyed expression pushed passed Tom who had been checking the math section and walked up to Gabriella.

"So, you told Tom about our plan" she said.

"What plan?" Gabriella asked

"Don't play dumb with me" she snapped glancing at Rebecca who was sitting beside her.

"It was because of what she told us that we tried to trick Tom" she said with a smirk.

"I don't know what  you're talking about" she said defiantly

"About the moment they had in the library?" She asked.

"You were spying on us" Rebecca said advancing towards her

"I-I can explain" Gabriella said.

"What you're telling me right now is that if we have another fight, you will automatically move to Sarah's side, right?" Rebecca asks her

"No, no" Gabriella says finally finding her tongue "I knew that this would be your reaction. That was why I didn't tell you" she said.

Rebecca turned to Tom. By this time, a few of the students in the library had started staring at them. The librarian was giving them a warning look. Rebecca grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the library. Before she left she turned to Gabriella.

"I understand. It hurts that you told the prank group what happened but it's okay. It happened before we became friends. Gabriella smiles gratefully and Rebecca leave a the library with Tom in tow.

"I thought we were friends" Rebecca told him once they were outside.

"Why are you being so dramatic?" Tom asked

"I'm not. It wouldn't have killed you to tell me about what was going to happen. You always have to be the hero of every story..."

"You're being so stupid right now. Just think, if I had told you, what would you have done?"

"I could have stood up for myself. I'm not a..."

"Well everything is okay now, so why don't you just drop it."

"What if Sarah tells the prank group what happened? They'll play pranks on us for eternity..."

"Becca, you of all people should know that Sarah will be kicked out of the group of  she tells them so she won't even try it"

"What if she's willing to take that risk?"

"Then we'll figure out another plan. I don't know why you're taking this all out on me"

"You don't know Sarah like I do. Why don't you care about my concerns?"

"Because they're irrelevant. You're here talking to me like we're going into world war three"

"I can't even believe you're talking to me like this"

"I can't believe you're acting like this"

"I think we need a break" Rebecca says. She's trying very hard not to let her tears fall.

"We're not dating" Tom snaps

"I know that. I mean that our friendship needs a break"

"This isn't some kind of T.V series..."

"I don't care. Just... Just leave me alone"

And with that Rebecca walked away from him to angry to look back. She secretly hoped that Tom would her hold her back or at least call her name. But he didnt. Tom had also hoped that she would turn back and he would take everything back, but she never did. This was it.

Sarah on the other hand was looking out of the library window with glee. She couldn't believe her luck. Her plan had actually worked.

"Guilty conscience" Hannah said "You should have just denied it"

"She would probably have brought in the whole prank group in to prove her point"

"This is really bad. Did you hear their argument?"

"Yes. That girl is an oponu (fool) honestly"

"There has to be a way to help them"

"Sorry, Hannah" Gabriella said with a sigh "but Rebecca doesnt forgive anyone until she's sure she wants to.

Hello 👋
Thanks again to all those who checked out my books. I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. You'll have to read on to find out if Rebecca and Tom make up...
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