Chapter Fourteen ~ Dominique...

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Gracie's POV:

I'm going to murder Louis.

When I get to the main hall I immediately see that Gryffindors house points were down enough that we were now in 4th place. But what really confuses me is when I see that Ravenclaw is now in 1st place when just yesterday they were in 3rd. I don't have time to ponder long though because I have another task at hand... Murdering (at least mentally) the kid that cost me all my free time for the next month. I look around then see Halle and cockroach standing behind a depressed looking Louis. I walk over to them and quickly ask Halle and James to leave. They do and Louis tries to avoid my question by commenting that we need to get to class but I simply and annoyingly state that we have the same class. We start walking and he is still trying to avoid my question. Finally, he gives me a so-so explanation but I accept it anyway. Louis stays behind while I head to class so I roll my eyes and hurry to Herbology.

"Hello, class. I am Professor Longbottom. If my name happens to cause you to laugh too much while saying it then you may call me Professor L."

One kid quickly raised his hand, "Longbottom? Like one of the war hero's Neville Longbottom?" He said without waiting to be called on.

"Yes." Professor L. Said, "Yes that is me. But let's not focus on events in the past that are for the History of Magic. I'm here to teach you Herbology!"

He said and started the lesson. After class most students are walking out with their first homework assignment; water and care for a small Blue Belle for a week. I, however, have already managed to set mine on fire and have already failed.

"I'm horrible at Herbology." I groan while following Louis out of the classroom.

"Mmm.... you're not that bad. You're flower actually lived past 3 minutes!" He said trying and failing to cheer me up.

"Very helpful," I say sarcastically.

"Sorry G. But honestly I don't really know how to make light of that situation." He says apologetically. I sigh.

"No. I couldn't either. Although I will have to go look up and see if I was the first person to set something on fire in Herbology." I say, he laughs.

"That's a lot of research! Are you sure you're up for that?"

"Hmm, you're right. I'll ask a Ravenclaw to do it for me."

On our way back I see Dominique surrounded by a crowd of Ravenclaws. 'Hmm' I think and hide behind a post to hear what she was saying.

Dominique's POV:

"Did you really earn us all those house points all by yourself?!"

"How did you do it?!"

"Will you marry me?!"

I ignore the last question and say,

"Yes, I did. There's no need to thank me anyone would have done the same thing." I say simply.

Another fan asks if I knew why Gryffindor is now in 4th place so I sigh and lean against a post dramatically letting my blonde hair fall over my shoulder in wavy curls.

"Well, you see there was just a fellow Gryffindor wandering around breaking rules. I happened to see this, so I reported her and earned us all those house points."

Everyone paused then one girl asked,

"but wasn't she you're friend? You know the one that came and sat at the Ravenclaw table yesterday?" I knew I would get this question.

Luckily I planned an answer last night.

"I know it might have seemed like she was my friend but really she's more of my brother's friend. Yes, she seemed like a nice person but no one should be unpunished for breaking rules." I say.

Suddenly I see Gracie wall out from a post nearby and walks off at her head held high. It seems like nothing's wrong and she didn't hear anything but then she turned towards me. My face falls. She heard me. Before I have time to apologize her wand is pointed at me

"Petrificus Totalus." She says and I suddenly can't move.

One of the Ravenclaws surrounding me runs off screaming for Headmistress McGonagall. Gracie walks off briskly and an older student un-petrified me. I stand up staring after her. I run my fingers through my hair even though I know it doesn't need it. Being ¼ Veela after all. That Rivers girl is certainly talented. Not many first years can perform the Petrificus Totalus hex on their third day.

'So the test worked.' I think. 'But the second part may take more than one night....'

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