Chapter Thirteen ~ What's Wrong with Gracie?

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The Next Day in Halle's POV:

It was 9:15 in the morning and Gracie still wasn't here. So much for an early riser. Classes start in fifteen minutes. I am starting to get a bit worried. Okay, a lot bit worried.

"She's not in the common room," James said, coming up to me, "Unless she's in the girl's dorms, she's not there."

I frowned. I would say she would be with Louis, but we just saw him looking miserable at the Gryffindor table.

"Let's go see if Louis knows anything."

James nodded and we walked over.

He looked up before I even got there.

I continued, "Do you know where-"

"It's my fault."


"It's my fault that you can't find Gracie."

"How did you know that we were looking for her?" James asked skeptically.

"I don't know, I could just tell."

That's a lie.

"Well, um do you know where she is?"


"How is it your fault she's not here?"

"How about you ask her in person?" Noting that she was coming right this way.

Gracie looked exhausted, but that didn't keep the determination from her face.

"I need to talk to Louis alone please," she said coolly.

James and I walked away slowly, eavesdropping on what she had to say.

"Now explain."

"Look at the time! Time to go to class!" Louis commented, trying to change the subject.

"We are in the same class, you can explain on the way."

Louis gulped and gave us a 'help' look.

"Let's go if you're in such a hurry."

I looked at James and whispered,

"You'll keep me updated, right?"  

"Of course," He said slyly.

I gave him a grateful smile and I headed to Defense against the Dark Arts with the Slytherins with James to Herbology with the Hufflepuffs.  

James POV:

I stealthily snuck down the hall hearing Gracie whisper-yell at Louis.

"Where were you last night!? I got lost and didn't get back until 12:20! Plus I got detention for the rest of this month!!!"

Last night! They just met each other three days ago and now they were having secret meetings! Hogwarts has some serious relationship issues!

"I'm sorry! My dad called me into his office and I told him I had to go somewhere, and he didn't listen, and he made me go back to the common room!"

I looked at my watch. It read 9:20. They better hurry this up or I'll have to go back to Halle with part of an explanation.

"You have a good explanation, but that still doesn't explain why you couldn't send that owl you got before you came to Hogwarts?"

Ouch. That's a good point. I wouldn't have thought of that if I was in Louis's shoes. Louis seemed to think the same thing. Argh, they really need to hurry up this conversation.

"We need to go to Herbology..."


I slowly followed them out until Louis stopped and told Gracie,

"You go, I'll be there in a second..."

She rolled her eyes but didn't say anything as she walked out.

"You can come out James."

I sighed and walked out of my hiding spot.

"How'd you know I was here?"

"Never mind that, why were you eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"Can we first get to class so we aren't late? I already got Flitwick after me for being tardy for charms yesterday morning."

"Okay, but you better have an explanation for it after class."

"So do you..." I muttered.

He seemed to hear me but ignored me as we walked to class.

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