Chapter Twelve ~ No Show

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Gracie's POV ~ After James apologized; 6:57:

I get to the Quidditch field and check my dark red and white watch. 6:57. Cool, I'm 3 minutes early. That means 3 minutes to explore. I walk around and see there's a storage shack on one end of the field and different viewing stands all around the field.

'I wonder if anyone's ever fallen out of one of those things...' I think to myself as I look at the nearly 3 stories tall stand with only a small railing that would be at my hip in the front to protect you.

On both ends of the court were three tall golden poles with a large circular ring connected to the top.

I have walked now the entire length of the field when I look around and check my watch again. 7:13. Hmm, odd I would have thought Louis would be here by now...

Louis Weasley's POV:

I didn't mean to ditch Gracie, I really didn't. I was on my way there when my dad called me into his office. Since he's my dad and my teacher I had to obey so I figured I would just explain after this was all over.

"Dad can we make this quick I kind of have to be somewhere."

I ask when he closes the door after me.

"Where do you have to be?" He asks skeptically.

I sigh "I have to meet Gracie down on the Quidditch field."

Dad sat up and looked at me suddenly very interested. "Ooh, you didn't tell me it was a girl you were meeting..."

I rolled my eyes, "No not like that! Gracie is just my friend!"

He looked at me questioningly but didn't argue. "Ok, whatever you say! But I wanted to make sure, nobody knows about, you know what...."

Oh, so that is what this is all about.

"No dad only you and McGonagall know. I didn't even tell mom." He sighed in relief.

"Good job. Let's keep it this way ok. If anyone else knew..." he trailed off unwilling to say the rest.

"I know dad but there is one person I was planning to tell."

Dad looked at me sternly. "Louis if anyone knew. Anyone at all... you know what could happen."

"I know but-" I start

"No Louis." He interrupts.

"Dad please it's only to protect her!" I say standing up. He raises an eyebrow and I sit back down.

"Gracie. She- she has this ability. I've never seen anything like this in anyone else. She can erase memories from a person's mind. She always thinks about it but I don't think she even realizes that she does. I'm sure that if she just knew she could learn to control it."

He ponders this for a moment. "Louis. This girl she should learn to control this before someone gets hurt. But we can't risk your safety for a what-if. You are forbidden to tell her or anyone else."

I look at him. Doesn't he realize this isn't a what-if?! I can see it! I refuse to look at him when he speaks to me next.

"Louis, I'm sorry but we have to protect this. It's late. I'll write you a pass in case Filch stops you. But this means you have to go straight to your common room. No detours. Got it?"

I nod, take the pass and head straight to my bed and lay down.

Gracie's POV:

I look up from my book, because it was getting dark, and realized it's 7:28. I stand up and realize that if Louis hasn't gotten here by now he's officially a no-show. I decide to head back when I hear something behind me. I turn and see a bush shaking then it stops and whatever was in there runs deeper into the forest. I glance back at the school and start to follow the "thing". I stop when I see a small platypus looking thing without the tail and a fatter black body stuffing a shiny rock into his pouch. The creature flinches and he gets back up to go again and I see his back left foot is severely injured. I whistle softly and it turns to me. It sees me and starts backing away.

"Hey, there little- fella, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to look at that foot."

I say kneeling down he stops backing up but he doesn't come any closer.

"You like shiny things don't you? Well, I have a shiny coin right here, you want it? Come and get it."

I say holding out a small muggle penny to the creature. He starts limping towards me and reaches out for the coin.

"No no... you have to come to me to get the coin."

I say holding it above my head. The creature looks pained by this trick but comes to me anyway. I pick him up and hand him the penny which like the rock he shoves into his pouch. I look around and realize we are too far into the forest to find the way back to the school. I sigh and start walking in a random direction and hope I can find my way out of here.

I look at my watch, 8:14. Great, I'm definitely getting detention as soon as I get back. If I get back. I think then mentally scold myself. I can't think like that if I want to get throw this. It starts getting dark and the little creature starts getting restless but he can't walk with this bent foot of his or else it will just get worse. I try to explain that to him but he just growls. Suddenly I hear a deep voice from behind me,

"Young human. Why are you here?"

I turn around and see a horse with the upper body of a man where the neck should be standing with his arms crossed.

"Oh umm hi. I'm Gracie, and I'm a little lost... I can't seem to find my way back to Hogwarts."

He glares at me then says,

"A human should not be in this forest at night. I am called Bane. Hogwarts is straight that way. Now go small human. And if you run by any nifflers, exterminate them." He says then walks away. The little creature poked its head over my shoulder.

"Oh, I didn't even realize you climbed behind me! Are you a niffler? Why does Bane want you exterminated?"

I ask and he pulls a long telescope out of his pouch and points to the name Bane engraved on the handle. I laugh and he puts it away.

"Oh, so you're a little troublemaker! Well let's get back shall we?"

I say then start walking in the direction Bane pointed to.

A while later I'm still walking straight and there is no Hogwarts in sight. In fact, it seems like I'm heading deeper into the forest. I see a light in front of me and call out to it hoping it's an actual human being. It comes closer and I realize it's a pixie. Great. I think then stop to see if I can reason with it. It comes up to me and I smile then hold up my hands to show I'm not dangerous. Suddenly the pixie starts poking me with a twig.

"Hey!" I yell pinching the twig between my fingers. The pixie glares at me then snaps its fingers. There's a puff of smoke and suddenly My wrists are locked together!

"Hey!" I yell again but the pixie just sticks it's tongue out at me and snaps its fingers. Once again there's a puff of smoke and I'm now hanging from a branch in a tree.

"Great. Now I'm never getting back." I say and the pixie flys off.

I try to call out but there's no answer. I manage to get my feet onto the same branch as I'm tied to so I sit down and wait with the niffler that had climbed behind me while the pixie was pulling it's rude little "tricks".

Ten minutes later I'm still sitting on this branch when I hear a click and look down. A small green creature that looked like a moving twig pulled his arm out of the lock and it pulls apart.

"What the..." I say and climb down the tree. Twig-thing follows the niffler and I down and I say hoping it can understand me,

"Thank you. Do you happen to know which direction Hogwarts is? It's the big school with all the human students?"

The Twig-thing shows a faint recognition in its smile then points. I thank him then start walking. I hope this is the right direction. I think to myself when suddenly I see an opening in the trees and Hagrid's hut comes into view! I run towards his door and knock. I hear a crash from inside then the door opens and a sleepy looking Hagrid looks down at me.

"Why Gracie! What ' are yer doin ere at this hour?" He asks loudly and I shush him glancing nervously at the school.

"Well you see Hagrid, I got lost in the forest then found this little guy I think he's a niffler but he's injured then I was tricked by a half horseman named bane, tied to a tree by a pixie then saved by a walking twig. And now I'm here." 

I say and he pauses. He lets me in then says,

"Well. That's quite the adventure. I have a way to get you to yer dorm without bein seen but I do need you to come by tomorrow afternoon." I nod and he leads me outside. The niffler tries to follow but Hagrid makes him stay inside. We walk over to a large corral where stood three magnificent creatures.

"These ere are hippogriffs. It seems that most creatures like you so this shouldn't be a problem. Now I've picked out the nicest of the three, Thrasher. All ya have to do is bow and if he bows back you can approach him."

I nod then walk forward and bow. Thrasher bows quickly And I approach slowly... he lets me stroke his beak then Hagrid must have signaled something behind me because a second later he's kneeling on the ground allowing me to climb onto his back. I climb on and he lifts off. I feel a jolt when we reach the air but when I look down there's a rush of adrenaline and excitement through my veins! I lift my hands up and laugh as we fly around the castle. A few moments later Thrasher slows to a stop and he hovers outside the Gryffindor common room window. "Thank you" I whisper to him as I climb through the window. He bows his head then flies off back towards Hagrid. I check my watch again, 12:04. Great only 6 and a half hours until breakfast. 'Oh well,' I think to myself, 'at least I didn't get detention.' I walk up to my bed and find a letter written in red ink sitting on my pillow. "Uh oh" I whisper then open the letter.

Dear Ms. Rivers,

It has come to my attention that you have broken multiple school rules in only one night. You have trespassed deep into the Forbidden Forest, you have taken a creature out of said forest, you have been out of bed after curfew, you have snuck into the school hoping no one would notice. Well I'm telling you now that someone did notice. I am sorry but I will have to be seeing you in detention for the rest of this month. Also, 150 points from Gryffindor.

Headmistress McGonagall

Oh snap.

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