Chapter Ten ~ Tradition

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Gracie's POV ~ Lunch:

Today Louis was missing from the table and I did not want to be left alone with depressed cockroach so I did something crazy. I walked over and sat down at the Ravenclaw table. As I was walking I could feel all eyes on me and when I sat down next to Halle one first-year girl who I think is named Bella or Ella or something with frizzy red hair and bright aqua eyes asked me,

"Umm, are you supposed to be sitting here? Aren't you a Gryffindor?"

"Well yeah I am but I didn't know there was a law that you had to sit at your own house table at all times and couldn't sit with your other friends."

I replied causing more people to stare at me.

"Well in Hogwarts a History it never mentions anything about where you have to sit during meals..." another first-year girl with long straight dirty blonde hair and freckles says flipping through the book.

'Are all Ravenclaws this technical?' I thought and turned away from all of them and started a conversation with Dominique and Halle.

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall's POV:

I watch as one of my first-year  Muggle-Born Gryffindors stood up from our table and walked purposefully to the Ravenclaw table and sat down. Professor Flitwick leaned over to me, gestured toward her and asked,

"Isn't she a Gryffindor?" I nodded and excused myself.

I walk out of the great hall and to my office, there's someone I need to see....

Gracies POV:

I sat with Halle and Dominique at the Ravenclaw table for the whole lunch block. After lunch was over we walked together for as far as we could before we had to part ways. Them to potions with Slytherin and me to defense against the dark arts with Hufflepuff.

When I get there I walk in and see that Louis has already arrived and was scribbling something on a paper. I sneak up behind him and try to see what he was doing but when I get behind him he turns the paper over and writes

I know your there, G.

"Dang it," I say and sit down next to him.

"There's no sneaking up on me G." He says putting the paper into his pocket.

"But I was so quiet! I even held my breath so you wouldn't hear me! How were you still able to tell?!" I asked sliding down in my seat marking defeat.

"I have my ways." He said slyly.

"Fine," I grumble and sit up as the defense against the dark arts teacher professor Bill Weasley (who also happens to be Louis's father) walks in.

"Hello, students today we will just review what you already know. So books down everyone."

He said while passing out a 3 page double sided test. I glanced at the first question,

" What are the Dark Arts?"

"I'm sooo going to fail this," I mutter.

Louis looks at the rest then glances at me,

"I see some that Halles told you about and a few on the back page are just spells which I know you know."

Louis says flipping through the test.

"Thanks" I mutter and pull out my quill and ink. I also have a pencil out because it's easier for me to write with.

'Well here it goes...' I think and look down at the test.

"Ready. Go." Professor Weasley says and we all start writing madly.

It takes almost all of the class time for everyone to finish. Professor Weasley takes all out papers and looks through a few.

"Hmmm, we have a lot to work on. Now I will grade these tests, not for the grade book but for myself and I will tell you you're scores next time I have you guys. Now good day. You are dismissed."

he walks back to his desk and continues looking through papers while Louis and I exit to try to find Halle and Dominique.

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