Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Considerations

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Ally's POV:

Phew. That was a close one. I really like James, and don't need Swan to screw it up. If she tells him any more... I know that James really likes Halle, and trusts her, and he will believe her if she says things like that, no matter how outlandish. I am sad to say that I am now regretting shutting her out. I decided to live up to my lie of talking to my friends. My best friend, Annabelle Fawley, was always to be found in the Hospital Wing, where she was training to be Madam Pomfrey's assistant. As walked out, I saw her walking out of the Wing.

"Hey Ally! She greeted me, "I thought you were going to spend the rest of the day in the library?"

"I was planning on it, until James came...''

"Ooooohhh," She giggled, "What was he doing there. Did he just want to see you!?"

"He did alright..." I glowered.

"So what did he need then?" she asked.

"To ask me about Swan."

Her mouth dropped and said,

"Tell me everything..."

I inhaled and told began to tell her the story.

James POV:

I can't believe I am actually about to do this. I approach Halle, who was reading in the Great Hall, and cleared my throat. She slowly turned around and glared at me.

"What do you want NOW James?" She glowered.

"I hate to ask you this, but it would be more preferable to do so in another, more private, room."

She stared at me like I was insane but agreed.

We arrived at the Room of Requirement and I gestured her in.

The room had taken the shape of a comfortable, office like place. There was leather arm chairs in the corner, each with their own table with drinks on them. We sat down, each took a sip of our drink, and got to business.

"So you are one of the more well known students in this school, and I was wondering if you could help get people to join Dumbledore's Army?"

She considered this for a moment then spoke up,

"For one thing, how am I considered one of the more 'well known students' when you're Harry Potter's son?"

"Good point, I may be more 'well known', but you probably have more friends than I do, all things considering."

"You really think that I have more friends than you?" She said quietly.

"Ummm, yes. Your beautiful, smart, and fun to be around. Who wouldn't want to hang out with you?"

She kept her eyes down for a while, not saying anything. When she talked again, I got a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Gracie and Ally were the only two friends I had before coming to Hogwarts. Then Ally ditched me about a year before I came here and Gracie brainwashed me that February. After that, I was pretty much alone, studying and reading. I came to Hogwarts not expecting to find anyone. Believe me, meeting Dom at the platform was the biggest shock of my life. Her introducing me to you and Louis with Gracie was... unbelievable to me. I just thought you would know that by now."

Great, she's now playing the guilty card on me and it's working.

"I... I'm sorry. You just seemed like the kind of person who everyone would want to be friends with."

"Oh, they've tried, I just repulse them away most of the time."

At first, I thought she was joking, but I saw that she was actually being serious.

The second question was a bit stupid of me to ask in the moment, but I figured I had to do it before she walked away.

"I have one more question, will you help me prepare for the duel?"

"What duel..." she suddenly froze for about a minute or two, "Oh no... You didn't..."

"Did you foresee it?" I groaned.

"Just barely," she muttered.

"Who won?" I asked anxiously.

"Depends on the path you take, these things aren't set in stone, thank heavens," she drifted off into thought for a moment and shuddered.

"Did the one you see end really bad?" I grimaced.

"No, I was thinking about another vision..." She muttered.

"Will you help me though?" I begged, "You are WAY better at me at defense against the dark arts."

"Hmmm, you lost in my vision pretty bad, so I will help you."

I grinned and thanked her. Hopefully she can help turn the tides of that vision.

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