Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Let's Fight

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Gracies POV:

It's finally Saturday. Now I just have to occupy myself until dinner then I can kick James's sorry butt. Louis has been avoiding me all day, probably because of the duel later, so I grab a book a sketchbook some pencils and my wand then map out the way to the roof. I sit cross-legged on the edge of the platform and pull out my sketchbook. I pick up a pencil and sigh. It's been a while since I've used one of these. I look out at the beautiful view and think. The hardest part of art is figuring out what to draw. I decided to draw one of the creatures from my book: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I open to a random page and look at the options, a niffler or a nogtail. I decide to draw the niffler because it looks more challenging and more fun. I open to a new page on my sketchbook and get my colored pencils ready. I begin with the basic outline of my niffler then I think, what if I added my own touch to this? So I erase part of it and add a golden snitch into his hands. I keep drawing them erasing then drawing some more until I hear the trapdoor open. I glance back and see a pale face with bright blonde hair and turquoise eyes and smile.

"You need help?"

"Yes" Louis wails and I stand up. I walk over and help him up and out of the trapdoor then walk him back to the edge and cast a shield. He sits down finally calm when he sees my sketchbook.

"What's this?" He asks picking it up. I sit next to him and gather my colored pencils.

"Oh, just a sketch I've been doing. It's not very good." I say and he hands it back so I can continue.

"Are you kidding? That's really good! It looks professional!" He says and I blush. Only a few people have seen my sketches and each person has praised my work. But I know that if I let to many people see it I would just get pressured into doing more and more and I would have to make each one better than the last.

"Thanks." I say, "but really it's not that good, the proportions are all wrong and the shading is off." I say honestly while trying desperately fix it. I groan in frustration as my black colored pencil breaks and I turn to Louis.

"You don't happen to know a spell for sharpening pencils do you?"

"Sorry G. I don't. I haven't even touched a pencil until today."

I sigh then think. I have a pocket knife in my trunk...

"Accio pocket knife," I say visualizing it. I feel my wand tingle and I watch over the ledge as a tiny black pocket knife flys out a window and up to my hand.

"Huh. That works." Louis says amazed.

I smile then pop open the knife part and sharpen my colored pencil. I close the knife and set it down then continue on my niffler. At one point when I can't seem to get the feet right, I must seem frustrated because Louis gently pulls the pencil and sketchbook away from me and draws something. I study the image again but when Louis hands the picture back all the parts I was messing up on were perfect! I stare at him with my mouth wide open then turn the page. I hand him the pencil and paperback and say,

"I don't know how you did that but that was amazing. Draw this." I say and point to the picture of a jobberknoll in my book.

"G. I really can't draw-" he tries to push it back but I cross my arms.

"Try," I say determines to see. He sighs and stares at the picture. He looks at me again pleadingly but I don't change my face so he starts sketching. I scoot closer determined to learn how he does it. The pencil moves smoothly across the paper and he barely erases anything. I watch as the shape of a jobberknoll bird slowly comes together on the paper and after a moment he pulls back and studies it. He fixes things here and there then uses his finger to blur the penciled together causing a cool professional messy look. He passes it back and I stare.

"Magic," I say and he laughs.

"Not magic, practice." I study the picture.

"Wait you said you never touched a pencil before..." I say raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well... technically I haven't... I've used charcoal sticks from my grandmother's workplace. They work just like pencils they just aren't surrounded by wood."

I stare at the picture again. I haven't found a single fault.

"Why did you tell me you couldn't draw?" He sighs and leans back.

"I don't like being the center of attention. Drawing has always kind of just been a hobby for when I'm alone and hiding. So the more people that know..." he trails off and I smile.

"Louis. You don't ever need to hide your talents from me. You're my best friend. And if you don't want me to tell people about your art then I won't. On one condition," He raises an eyebrow and faces me, "You teach me how to do that cool shading technique." He laughs lightly and agrees.

"Deal. Let's go find some lunch first." We stand and I gather my stuff and we descend down the stairs. I check my watch, only 6 ½ hours until I can kick cockroaches butt.

After lunch, I go back to the passage alone because Louis disappeared to who knows were. I go the opposite way from the roof way and find about a dozen sets of stairs and about eight thousand hallways. I've been exploring these passages and different hallways mapping each one out for about three hours now and I've found a ton of exciting things. One opens up onto the underground dock area we entered in the first day, another lead me all the way to Hogsmeade (I May or may not have bought *cough cough* stolen * cough cough* a few chocolate frogs), and the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ways I went through brought me straight up into each houses common room with an illusionary door. I go to the Gryffindor one last and decide to stop here for the day. I leave my art stuff in the passage then exit into the common room unseen.

"Hey, Louis," I say as I sit down next to him on the couch where he was reading. He glances at me smiles then turns back to his book. 'Well, this is boring. If only Louis would look up from his book then maybe I would let him come with me to find Dom and Halle in the Ravenclaw common room.' I think and he glances at me no doubt curious. I start imagining the places I found and his eyes widen.

"Let's go." He says and I lead him to the illusionary door. He walks through and stares at me like I'm insane as I pick up my art stuff and start studying my map. "I know I'm amazing but can we keep moving?" I ask and he snaps his mouth shut.

"Ya... did you really find a tunnel to Hogsmeade?" I nod and he gapes at me again. I imagine it and just let him read my mind while I start walking. When I reach a fork in the tunnel I point to each one in turn, "that's the way to Hogsmeade. Those are the tunnels to the dock, the four common rooms, and I want to go explore this one now if you don't mind. He looks at me confused probably wondering how I remember all these tunnels when I hold up my map. He nods and we walk down the new tunnel. When we've been walking for about 15 minutes we enter onto a small cliff overlooking a large cavern with an open ceiling to the sky and a large beautiful forest and watering hole at the bottom. I crawled to the edge and peered over and saw a manner of magical creatures including centaurs and nifflers all working together and living with peace. "It's beautiful," I say and Louis shakingly forced himself to sit by me.

Louis's POV:

"It is," I say and watch her eyes light up as she looks at all the colors blending together and the detail of all the creatures running from place to place.

"We must be under the forbidden forest. When I look up from this angle I can see the tops of the trees." She says and I nod. She glances at her watch and her eyes widen.

"What is it?" I ask and she stands frantically.

"I only have thirty minutes until the duel!" She races for the tunnel completely forgetting her art stuff so I grab it for her. I exit the tunnel and look around for her. I can't see her though so I call out to her.

"Gracie?! Hey! Where'd you go?!" I start walking slowly toward the tunnel following her map when my feet fall straight through.

I fall down and land in a plant?! I see Gracie with most of her body covered in branches including around her mouth, her eyes were filled with fear and that's what scared me most. If Gracie was scared and doesn't know what to do, then this is a big problem. She tries to move out of the plants again but she just sinks deeper into it. I watch as the sketchbook I dropped dink's into the plant and I hear a thunk underneath me. I look at Gracie and say,

"I'm going to try something. If this works I'll yell at you and tell you what to do. If it doesn't work..." I trail off and relax. I start sinking and sinking until I sink all the way through the plant until I end up on the ground under the plant.

"Gracie! It worked! This is just devils snare! Relax and you'll sink right through!"

I call and a second later she's on the ground next to me.

"That was terrifying." She says calmly and I agree.

"Now how do we get out of here?" She asks and we both look around. A second later she calls,

"Louis! I found a tunnel. I don't know where it leads though so follow me." I grab her map and pencils then follow her on my hands and knees into the tunnel. We crawl around for a little bit when finally Gracie says,

"I see a way out! Hurry!" I speed up, suddenly I'm outside on the grass near the lake? Gracie is in front of me examining the surroundings.

"Hmm, I'm guessing this tunnel was dug by someone that got caught and through the devil's snare and was concealed with this rock."

She says and checks the time.

"Eek. We have to get to that duel!" I sigh. 'I guess she hasn't forgotten about that yet.' I think and follow her reluctantly to James's and Gryffindor's downfall...

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