Chapter Twenty-Seven~ The Duel

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James POV:
Well as much as I hate to admit it, Halle was right. She warned me that Gracie would be thirty minutes late and I didn't even bother listening to Halle's prophecy. Halle smirked at me when she walked out with Gracie.
"I warned you James, you should have used that half and hour for something more productive."
I scowled back at her.
"Well maybe if you weren't being such a secretive git, I might have listened to you!"
"It's not my fault you now won't finish your charms essay on time," she replied.
Oh great, I now have to worry about that now too... I gave her a sharp glare as Gracie broke the silence,
"Now what happened between you two! You were getting along fine this morning..."
"Do you want to tell her how idiotic your being?" I asked Halle.
She muttered something that sounded like 'Bekempfa mhe.' whatever that means.
(Bekämpfe mich means fight me in German)
"Fine," she snapped back, "James was being nosy about my visions and told him to bug off. Being James, he obviously didn't listen. In the end he decided he would rather kiss Ally than not know."
Gracie's mouth dropped.
"Wait, did you actually..."
"No!" I shouted, "Heavens no! Why would I ever... "
"Mmmm, I don't know James," Halle rubbed in, "Your face was centimeters from her's, if I didn't save you, you would have."
I blushed as I felt my face get warm. Good thing it was dark...
"Can we just duel, instead of talking about me and Ally..."
"I suppose," Gracie started, "But I would like to know about this after I demolish you in this duel."
"You wish," I replied.
"Lets fight," Gracie said.
Halle's POV:
This will be interesting. I will never forget the hatred in James eye's when he told me that he thought I knew where Louis and Gracie were, when I told him I had no idea.
"Halle I'm not kidding this time... what did you see? No matter how unbelievable it is Louis is still my cousin, if he's in trouble....
"Don't worry, he will be fine, James."

"Will be? What about now. Halle! Tell me!"

"I told you! I can't see them right now!"

"You're not just a seer! You're an Oracle! Try!"

"I've already tried okay! You think I would let my childhood friend hanging!?"

"Sometimes I'm not sure..."

I felt tears build in the back of my eyes as I looked up to see what Gracie and James were arguing about now.
"You really need to stay out of people's business, cockroach," Gracie snarled.
"It is my business to know what you and Louis were doing, since you were a half an hour late," James snarled back.
"Why don't you ask your Oracle girlfriend over there?" Gracie growled.
"For one thing, she is NOT my girlfriend, two, she is being the stubborn Oracle who won't share anything with anyone."
"You are the one who sticks his nose into everyone's business," Gracie sneered, "I don't blame her for not telling you anything, she's probably sick and tired of you asking her about stuff that isn't for you to know."
"Guys, I'm right here," I stated, "You can just ask me what my real opinion is. And before you ask, Gracie is actually right, surprisingly. You really need to let people keep what they want to themselves. You'd probably think I am a total von der Liebe angeschlagen idioten (Lovestruck idiot) if you did know my visions."
I lost it as I noticed Gracie and James's shocked faces.
"What did you say?" James asked.
"For once, I agree with the idiot," Gracie commented.
"Von der Liebe angeschlagen idioten?" I asked.
"What else would we be asking about!?" James retorted.
"Ummm, that's one of those things that aren't for you guys to know..."
They both groaned as I heard Gracie mutter, 'I am now starting to regret saying that...'.
I smirked as I decided to find out where Louis actually was.
Molly's POV:
I paused as I set my quill down to take a quick break from my essay as Louis came running into the common room.
"Molly! I need your help! James challenged Gracie to a duel, they are at it right now, and I'm afraid James will do something..."
"Rash?" I supplied.
"Yeah," he agreed.
"I don't think anything like that will happen, but with James, you never know. I will come, just in case."
Louis gave me a small smile as I followed him to the Quidditch Pitch. When we arrived, James and Gracie were already firing spells at each other.
"Flipendo!" James yelled.
Gracie cast a shield around herself, causing the jinxe to repel. Not even a second later, Gracie muttered,
I couldn't help but snort as I watched James's head swell up into a giant, orange, pumpkin.
"Hmm, maybe I should call you pumpkin head instead of cockroach... Although... Now that I think about it... Yes... There isn't much of a difference between your head, with or without the Meloforis Jinx."
James snarled at her as he yelled,
Gracie threw herself out of the way as the curse bolted to her.
"James Sirius Potter!" I yelled, "How did you... WHY AND HOW DID YOU PERFORM AN UNFORGIVABLE CURSE!!!!!!"
"What's an unforgivable curse?" Gracie asked.
"There are three of them," Halle answered, "The cruciatus being one of them. They are the three most vile, cruel curses one can ever cast. You can be sent to Azkaban for casting one of them."
"What's Azkaban?" Gracie inquired.
"The wizard prison," James said softly.
"Oh..." Gracie whispered.
There was, for what felt like forever, silence between all of us.
"Well," I said, "James, this cannot go unpunished, therefore, 200 points from Gryffindor."
"200?!" Gracie and James shouted at the same time.
"You can't take 200 points..." Louis said, coming up from behind me.
"Yes, 200, to make sure that my cousin doesn't go doing it ever again. I won't tell McGonagall, but if I hear you did it one more time, it will be 500, and I will tell her."
James, Gracie, and Louis all stared at me as I walked back to the common room.
Halle's POV:
I cannot believe that just happened... Molly Weasley just took 200 points from Gryffindor.
Well! I guess Gryffindor won't be winning the house cup this year! Good for me! Bad for everyone else.
"James, why on Earth would you ever..." Louis hesitated.
"Why was Molly even here?" James shot back, "This never would have happened if you hadn't brought her..."
"I was worried that you would do something like that!" Louis shouted, "What if you actually hit her?!"
"It's not like she would have died..." James muttered.
"James, do you realize how serious this is!?" I shrieked, "She could have gotten sent to St. Mungo's for this!"
James opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.
"Not because of the spell, from shock."
He didn't say anything to that.
"Where did you even learn that spell?" Louis said slyly.
"Nowhere..." James lied.
"Wait... what..." Louis said.
"Stay out of my head!" James said.
"What is it," I asked Louis.
"James learned that spell from Ally."
What... How is that possible!
"But wouldn't either you or me have caught that!?" I pleaded, hoping I would be right.
"He is telling the truth," Louis confirmed.
"I..." I stuttered, "I just have no words."
"That's not all I found out," Louis replied.
"There's more to this..." I frowned.
"Ally's last name isn't Hart, it's Gaunt..." Louis said softly.
Right at that moment, when things couldn't get anymore confusing, Dominique ran out.
"I did it Halle! I did it! I figured out the secret to the forbidden corridor!"

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