Chapter Twenty-One ~ Visions

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Halle's POV:

I walked into the Great Hall and saw the beautiful, new Christmas decorations.

"Wow," I breathed.

There was probably a dozen Christmas trees lined, parallel to our tables. They were covered in candles and colorful, sphered ornaments. They were still coated with flecks of snow that sparkled in the candlelight. The beauty of it all made me forget my purpose in being here. My purpose is my starving stomach.

Dominique walked in and did the same gasp as I did.

"It really is beautiful, isn't it?" I said.


"Let's sit down."

As we walked by the Gryffindor table, I saw Ally in my usual spot next to James. My first instinct was to hex her, but I remembered my promise to let Ally have him. I glowered and felt the burn for revenge boil. Louis turned to me and mouthed,

'It will be okay.'

I just bit my lip and walked to the Ravenclaw table.

"Not sitting next to your boyfriend?" Gwen sneered.

I looked away, feeling tears cloud my eyes. I never knew my promise would hurt this much. Dom whispered something to her, and her snarl lifted,

"Oh, I-I had no idea."

"It's okay," I muttered.

I had told Dom what happened, and she had taken pity on me.

"To be honest, I kinda had a crush on him too. To be honest, I was kind of jealous..."

"Was... When did you change your mind?" I asked.

"Just now. Your story changed my mind."

I stifled a laugh and turned to my food. It was my favorite! Bagels with whipped cream, yummmmmm. I finished my bagel in about two minutes when I noticed everyone was staring at me.

"What, I'm hungry, I didn't get dinner last night."

"Why didn't you - oh," Gwen stuttered.

There was an awkward silence as I stood up,

"I got to go to the library. Madam Pince is on my case for a book I still haven't turned in," I announced.

"I'll go with you, there's a book I need to return as well," Dominique replied.

We were both silent but, as soon as we got out of the Hall, Dom opened her mouth,

"You don't need to go to the library, do you?"

"Are you sure you're not a legitimus too?" I joked.

"Sorry, no."

I sighed when the world started going black around me. My head throbbed and I started seeing fuzzy pictures. As they cleared, I saw that it was me in, what looked like, a fancy ballroom. I wore a cerulean blue dress, that had this almost waterfall like material that flowed down to almost the floor. My hair was in a half-bun, with the other half rippeling down my waist. I didn't look too much older, but way taller. I would guess I was about 5'5''. Right now I am 5'1''. To my surprise, however, James was next to me and he held out his arm to me. I have seen enough muggle Hallmark movies to know that it means that he was asking me to dance with him. For some stupid reason, I said yes and this is what I have to say about it. ME, I, dancing with JAMES POTTER. Just me and dancing alone is a bad combination, let alone with James Potter in the mix.

The first vision dissolved away, as a new faded into view.

I looked way older in this vision. I would guess about the seventh year if I didn't see the glimmering prefect pin on my robes. That meant I was either fifth or sixth year. I was about six feet tall. I guess I wouldn't have to worry about being tall. However, I had darker hair, I was more of a dirty blonde than the light blonde I was now.

Next to me was James. Shocker. On the contrary, was it James? The boy in front of me was way too tall and good looking to be James.

"You know that I never liked Ally, right?" I-think-James said to older me.

That answers that question.

"Of course," doppelganger me replies.

"Why did you always seem so... I don't know... harsh? To her."

"It was your fault. You're the one who dated her half of last year."

"Halle, you know why I did that, we've gone over it only a million times."

"Yes, 'To get my attention' blah blah blah. That's stupid though! Why would you date another girl for EIGHT MONTHS just to get my attention! You've had my attention since we got to Hogwarts."

"I have? I thought that you had a thing for Louis though?"

"Who told you that!"

"No one. It's just the fact that you're always meeting in secret these days, so I thought that you two were having a fling."

"No! Heavens no! The reason I meet with Louis is because I have him read your thick head since you won't ever tell me anything important."



Oh no. I have one of those horrible feelings that something mushy will happen.

"You have no idea how much I want you," James mumbled, "Ever since I saw you that night at the Triwizard Tournament, I just knew that you were the one."

"Oh James, you should have just told me. You know that I want you and only you."

"Of course I do now, six years later," he smirked.

Older me smiled, and I felt queasy as they got closer and closer. To my great relief, the vision ended before anything too mushy happened.

I found myself back in the present wondering what the heck I just saw.

"Are you okay Halle?" Dom asked, "you were in another trance, what did you see? I'm guessing it's not good, by the look on your face."

"I have no idea how to tell you without sounding totally insane."

"Just try."

"For one thing I didn't choose to see what I just saw."

"Has that ever happened before?"

"Only once, and it was right before Gracie memory wiped me."

Dominique looked baffled but stayed silent.

"Second, I could hear what the people in my vision were saying. And that had never happened."

Dom stayed quiet, leaving me to continue.

"The third is the most confusing. I saw six years into the future."

"I thought that you could only see one year?"


We stood there in confusion as I noticed that there was no one in the hall.

"Where's everyone?"

"Class started, I let McGonagall know where you were."

"Why are you still here?"

"I wanted to make sure you weren't confused when you came out of your trance. McGonagall also told me to tell you to go to her office when you 'returned'. The password is quidditch."

"Okay," I hesitated.

I walked up the long staircase until I got to the eagle the guarded the headmasters' office.

"Quidditch," I said to the eagle.

Another staircase towered up the tower. After I climbed about a million stairs, I heard McGonagall yell,

"Come in Halle."

I sighed and pushed open the gold double doors.

"I believe you know why you are here Ms. Swan?"


"These visions are getting out of control, how many have you had in the past week? If I'm not mistaken, you have control over them."

"This is only the second this week, but here's the strange thing professor, the one I had today, I didn't want to have it."

"So you did not choose to have this vision?"

"No professor."

"That is quite interesting."

"Professor... Another thing. In the second half of the vision I had today, I went six years into the future."

The headmistress looked shocked.

"That is impossible. Someone of your age and skill should not be able to go six years into the future... Are you sure?"

"Positive, I wore a prefect badge and older me said so."

There was a long pause. I sat there awkwardly as McGonagall sat there lost in thought.

"Perhaps I may have underestimated your magical capability a bit much."

"I'm confused professor, can you explain?"

"The five of you, Gracie Rivers, Louis Weasley, James Potter, Dominique Weasley, and yourself have all shown exceptional magical progression-"

"Sorry to interrupt professor, but I don't truly believe that James has shown much 'magical progress.' I mean, he couldn't cast Wingardium Leviosa without my help!"

"And ever since he has perfected every spell on the first try."

I just sat there, baffled. I never really noticed it, but it was true! In every class I have had with James, he has gotten all of his spells right on the first try.

"Are you seeing it now? I guess he just needed you to coax it out of him."

I snorted, "Not to be rude professor, but it seems that at the moment, James doesn't need me for anything."

She smiled, "You would be surprised at how much James needs you."

"Maybe in the future," I hinted, "but at the moment, not so much."

She just kept on smiling and dismissed me. I didn't know that it was possible for her to smile so much.

I kept on walking to what I discovered was lunch, I had missed the first half of the day! How long had I been out? My visions never felt very long, but they always were longer than they seemed.

I sat down in my usual spot at the Ravenclaw table, only glancing once to look at James. As soon as I sat down, a flock of owls came swarming in. Once they were done, there was a package from my mother followed by a stack of weekend homework that I had missed the lesson for.

A half foot long scroll from Slughorn on classifications of ingredients

A foot scroll on diffendo and it's uses from Flitwick

And finally~

The entire ancient wizarding alphabet along with the modern from Binns.

At least I didn't have to get them myself. However, this will be a very long weekend filled with homework. So exciting.

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