Chapter Twenty ~ Win or Lose

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Gracies POV:

"So what muggle game do Y'all want to learn first?" I ask. Halle and James come and sit by Louis and I But Dominique stays standing at the window staring out.

"Hey, Dom! Earth to Dominique!" Louis says and she finally turns around.

"Oh! Wha- oh I'm sorry. I'm not quite in the mood for games right now. I'm just going to go take a walk." She says and walks out of the room. Louis stares after her concerned,

"Her hair was frizzy. That means something's wrong. I should-"

"Stay right here!" I interrupt pulling him back down.

"Louis weren't you in her head at that moment? I had a quick vision of her talking to Vicky. She'll be fine. And besides, she's still a little upset you didn't tell her about being a- you-know-what." Halle says. He sighs then turns back to the games.

"Let's see I have Muggle Chess, a large number of card games, monopoly, mancala, battleship, and my personal favorite Yahtzee!" They look over my assortment of games and decide to try battleship first.

"Ok, I only have enough for two people to play at a time so we'll team up. Girls vs boys or Potter/Swan vs Weasley/Rivers?" They all say different answers with James not caring and neither Halle or Louis wanting to be with him.

"Hmm... ok, I have an idea!" I rush upstairs to my room and grab a hat some paper and a pencil. When I return back to the common room Halle is meditating in the opposite corner, James is taunting Louis with what looks like one of my books. 'Oh that's it.' I think when the book is stopped partially into the fire.

"Aguamenti" The fire goes out. I stomp over touching each of my friends with my wand on the way.

"Immobilis," I say to each one.

I then gather up the abandoned games take those upstairs, come down and check the now half burnt and dripping book. I read the remaining title. It looks like this was one of my personal muggle books from home. I sigh and flip through the pages. Nothing at all is legible anymore. I toss that aside and walk out of the common room making sure to unfreeze my friends on the way.

"G wait!" I hear Louis shout but I ignore it. I jog down the halls just trying to lose Louis in the crowd. I end up in a hallway I've never been before but I hear Louis coming behind me so I try the only door and rush inside the room. 'What is this place?' I think as I look around. I ended up in a large room with trees and vines all over the place and different magical and nonmagical creatures jumping around. A small monkey comes and sits on a branch in front of me.

"Hello." I sat and reach my hand out. He lets me pet him and I I walk deeper and find that this isn't even a room anymore! It's a complete jungle! Suddenly the door opens behind me and I hear Louis say very loudly,

"G. We have to get out of here." I ignore him and watch as a muggle monkey eats a magical fruit, blows up as big as a balloon, and a little magical beetle flies up pinches the monkey and they both return to the branch.

"Why can't real life be just like this? Magical and nonmagical folk living in the same world the same reality working together as friends?" I ask no one in particular.

Louis sighs behind me. "G. Come on we really have to go. Dominique is on her way here and we have to stop her before she gets killed!" I turn around at that.

"What are you- where are we?!" I asked walking towards him.

"This is-" he stops suddenly pulling me down with him as a razor-sharp curvy shaped knife slices through the air and stabs the door behind us.

"Ya, we should go," I say as two more barely miss us. He pushes open the door and we narrowly miss another banana as we hurry to slam it shut again after we're out. I laugh trying to relieve the tension.

"Well, that was interesting... where are we?" I ask and sink down to the floor and try to regain my breath. Louis does the same then freezes.

"She's coming! Hurry we have to-" he freezes completely and I look down the hallway.

"Dominique. Fancy seeing you here, I could recognize the immobilus spell anywhere. Difficult isn't it? Expelliarmus." I sat and she flies backward.

"That felt good" I whisper then duck as a curse is fired at me.

"Oh, that's it. Ebublio!" I yell and Dominique is suddenly encased in a large bubble. "Accio," I say pointing to her wand and it flies towards me.

I unpetrify Louis and he stands up staring at the two of us. I shrug then walk down the hall past a cursing Dominique bubble and make my way outside. Louis pops her bubble and she stomps off.

I don't know where Louis came from but suddenly he's sitting next to me by the lake.

"G. You have to stop thinking about those monkeys. There's a reason the 3rd-floor corridor is restricted. There's a reason McGonagall doesn't want anyone in that room." I sigh but don't answer. He stands and walks away. I stay sitting for a few more minutes then return to the school.

Louis's POV

After I leave Gracie I try to escape to the library but as I walk past my dad's door he must see me through the window because the next thing I know I'm sitting in a chair in front of his desk while he "questions" -more like interrogates- me.

"Tell me who knows and how." He says staring at me with pure disappointment.

I try to avoid his eyes but then I think, 'how would he respond if you stared him straight in the eye as Gracie does?' I try it but after one glance I look away again. 'Ya that's not happening'

"Louis..." Dad says warningly. I sigh then answer,

"Well.... Dominique found out about my power from the Room of Requirement I guess. She also found out that Halles an Oracle and Gracie's power so she confronted me and James was spying then he told Halle and so I told Gracie and now all four of them know about each other's including mine..." I say getting quieter and quieter until it was barely a whisper. He puts his head in his hands and groans.

"Now we have to tell the rest of the family! Louis, I don't know what we're supposed to do! You know legimentis born wizards aren't commonly accepted. The more people who know..."

"I know. I know. I'll be lonely and homeless forever." I say rolling my eyes. "I'm already an invisible outcast in the family. What's a few more family reunions hiding in the attic?" I say sarcastically and dad's eyes soften.

"Louis you know that's not what I mean." He says calmly. I'm getting really fed up. To the point of doing something I have never done before out loud, I snap at him.

"That might not be what you said to my face. But you didn't have to say it to mean it." I stomp out of the room and when I'm out of view I race to the only room no one could find me in. The room of requirement. I open the door and close it behind me. I look around and my eyes go wide. This CANNOT be what I require the most. It can't. I exit the room and decide onto library instead.

Fred Weasley ||'s POV:

I stop in the middle of the hallway as I usually do and run my hand over a velvet rope blocking off a patch of swamp. I reread the sign I have memorized already.

In memory of

Fred and George Weasley.

Let this small bit of talented magic

Remind us of the

Amusement of wisdom of these two wizards.

I take a copy of the picture my dad gave me when I was younger out of my pocket and tuck it in the frame of the sign. I touch the photo of dad and uncle Fred again then continue to class.

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