Chapter One: Welcome to Witness Protection

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Disclaimer: I don't own any Total Drama characters only my OC's. Warning: this story has been set to mature for many reasons.

Friday, May 23rd
5:00 P.M.  Paris, France

Gwen's POV
I walked into my house and my father was sitting talking with two of my older brothers Danny and Mason. They all looked really tensed as if I was missing or something. I closed the door and they all looked at me and relaxed. I was just staying at school longer, I don't understand why they would be worried.

"Was anyone following you?" My father asked.

   "No?" I said questionably "what's going on are you having a meeting or something?" I asked.

        Let's get some things straightened father is mob boss, and I'm his secret daughter. My father deals with all types of mob crimes, but his main business is drug trafficking, bootlegging, and murder. He has so many people that work for him around the world, some of them being my brothers.

        I have four of them Tristen he's 26, he actually stays out of this shit, as he's a third year surgical resident. Then there's Daniel or Danny, he's 22 and has been selling shit since he was in pre-k, he honestly has a talent as he can make anyone buy anything. Danny helps my father sells his products and honestly is great at his job. Mason's 21 and the toughest guy I've ever met, but he's also the sweetest guy I know...or to me at least. He helps murder or beat up people who mess with my father, the family/inner circle, the business, and anything else. He's also a professional boxer and takes part in an illegal underground fight club. My younger brother, James or Jimmy who's 15, is my father's assistant or something like that, I don't really know. Then there's me, I'm seventeen, but turn eighteen on February 13th...and no one, unless they're apart of the very small inner circle that my father has, knows that I exist.

    "Someone from my inner circle went rogue, and leaked very detailed information about me...some of the information was the fact that you exist." My father said.

        Now I know that may sound harmless, but it isn' the mob world people go after a mob boss' wife and their daughters all the time. Before my mother died of breast cancer, her life was threatened basically everyday. Both of my parents didn't want that for me, so they kept me a secret after they found out I was a girl.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"You will stay in this house and you won't leave." Mason said and I looked at him and then my father.

  "No...I have a life you know." I said crossing my arms.

  "Do you want to fucking keep it?" Danny asked and my father put his head in his hands.

Danny, Mason, and I all started arguing about if I would be able to leave the house or not and then my father slammed his hands on the table and we all stared at him.

  "No you aren't even safe here, I've gotten thirteen different threats on your life, you're going into witness protection." My father said and I stared at him.

11:00 A.M. East Valley, Canada

Duncan's POV
        Sweat and blood was pouring down my face, I looked back at the guy and then spit blood out of my mouth, and made my hands into fists. I moved around the ring and then dodged the punch that was thrown at me. I threw one punch at the guy's stomach and then another under his chin and knocked out him out. I tiredly looked up at the guards and saw the warden of my juvenile detention center smirk. The guards came down and took away the guy.

I'm an inmate at East Valley Juvenile Detention Center, and I'm apart of their very illegal/secret underground boxing fight club. My record is 14 or now 15-3. The guards looked at me, one threw me a towel and I whipped the blood and sweat off my face and then they took me back to my separated cell. I sat down on my bed and changed out of the boxing shorts and put my inmate uniform on. The underground flight club didn't completely suck, I get privileges if I win or lose a match like, I get real food, spend most of my day training, and the guards don't treat me like shit. Thankfully today was my last match as my last day of being in this hellhole was tomorrow, but there's no doubt in anyone's mind that I will coming back here.

   "Inmate Nelson, Warden Hayes would like to speak with you." A guard said and I walked over to him.

       I got up and he opened my cell door. I walked with him behind me, towards the Warden's office. The door opened and he was sitting there and I stepped inside. He looked at me to sit down and I did. He just spent the time talking about keeping the underground boxing matches a secret and then told me I had talent in boxing.

"When you get out, pop by Easy Valley Gym, or of course return and fight here." Warden Hayes said and I laughed.

"What's in it for me at East Valley Gym?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Money, and lots of it." He said and I tilted my head.

  "Is it illegal?" I asked and he shrugged.

  "Depends on which fights you decide to do. If you decide to go, they'll already know who you are." He said and I nodded.

        I was definitely considering doing it. When we finished out conversation, I got up and the guards took me back to my cell and I sat back and just waited for time to go by.

Saturday, May 24th
12:00 A.M.  East Valley, Canada

Duncan's POV
       I had my bag of things in my from juvie, as I was walking through the juvenile detention halls with three other guys that were also getting out today. The guards opened the doors and the four of us walked out. The warm May air hit me and I looked ahead to see my mother standing there, I smiled a bit and walked over to her. She looked at me and noticed how I had a black eye, which I had gotten from the fight club.

"What happened to your face?" She asked looking at me and I looked around.

"Someone tried to steal my date, but I wouldn't let them." I lied and she gave me a look.

"It's good they didn't...I have to be somewhere very important in three hours." She said and I nodded.

The two of us walked over to her car and I sat down. I put her car mirror down and looked at my face, as my mother started driving away from the detention center. As we did I put the shade thing/mirror up and leaned back. I waited for her to start yelling at about me turning eighteen in November and needing to get my act together, before I end up going to jail, but it never came.

"You will be returning to school for your last three weeks." My mother said and I looked at her.

"Aren't I like a month behind?" I asked and she glanced at me.

"You'll be doing summer school till half way through July." She said and I nodded.

After that she then started talking about how my older siblings were all home for college. I have four older siblings Dominic who's 26, Robbie and Randy the twins who are both 22, and then Ashley who's 21. I also had a little brother Ronnie who's sixteen. I looked out my window and my mother sighed....and that's when I knew she was going bring up that I was eighteen and 'need to get my act together' or whatever.

   "I get it ma, I turn eighteen in November and it's jail if I get in trouble." I said and she looked at me and back at the road.

   "I actually wasn't going to say anything about that yet, but will be soon...get your act together. Now I need you to listen to me Duncan." My mother said and I looked at her. "We're sheltering a girl that's apart of the witness protection program." My mother added.

"You're kidding?" I asked and she shook her head.

  "I pick her up in three hours." She said and I looked at her.

  "Why is she in witness protection...can you even tell me that?" I asked and my mother looked at me.

  "We'll have this conversation at hone." She said and I nodded.

        I just sat confused as shit as my mother continued to drive home. When we arrived home, the two of us walked into the house and it was very clean. My siblings were all waiting around and I put my bag down and then Ashley got up and hugged me. I uncomfortably hugged her back and then looked over at my older brothers and then my father looked at me.

  "Did you get in a fight?" He asked.

  "Something like that." I said and he shook his head in disappointment and I rolled my one useful eye.

        I walked over to the couch and sat down next to my siblings. I looked at our mother as she talked to our father about I'm guessing this witness protection girl. I understood why they would take her in, my mother's our town's detective as our father is head/chief of police. They sound like the same job, but they really aren't. When they stopped talking and looked at us we all perked up.

   "As you all know, we will be taking care of a girl that's in witness protection. I will be leaving in two hours to pick her up, but I need you all to know that this is serious. They gave me permission to tell you all her story, but if you ever repeat it you will put all of us in danger." Our mother said and I rose my eyebrow.

   "Mom why are you doing this if that could happen?" Dominic asked and she smiled.

   "Because I'm incredibly good friends with her father...along with your father. Her father is Alec Rousseau, yes the French Mob Boss. Her existence was leaked yesterday and Alec's enemies are trying to kill her. When she is here we will treat her as a French exchange student." Our mother explained and we all stared at her.

We all asked a bunch of questions and she answered each and every one of them. The name that was leaked was Gwendolyn Miranda Rousseau, so here she'll she go by Gwen Marie Ingrid-Russo the French foreign exchange student. I wasn't bothered by it, because I kind of thought it was cool...helping out a criminal icon like Alec Rousseau.


Gwen's POV
Late night a bunch of people came and took me after I said goodbye to my family. They put me on a plane and took to some place. I have no idea where I am, but everyone knows who I am. Everyone here was also an FBI agent and I looked around as they rushed me somewhere. The agents told me that my "new name" was Gwen Marie Ingrid-Russo and I was a French exchange students. They took me to a room and I sat down, and I saw a bunch of hair dye, scissors, brushes, combs, and other hair products. The person walked in and looked at me and down at reddish-brown hair. I sat there and started washing, cutting, and dying my hair.

When they finished I looked and saw my black, shoulder length hair, with midnight blue ends. After that they took me to another room, a blonde woman was standing there with the bags that the FBI agent.

"This is Detective Teresa Nelson, you will live with her and her family until it's safe for you to return home." One of the agents said and I nodded.

I noticed the woman smiling at me. The name Teresa Nelson also sounded very familiar, but I just ignored it and walked over to her. The two of us walked out of the building and to her car. It was nice and I sat down. The agents put my things in her car and she got in and started driving away quickly. I looked around and saw huge beautiful mountains in distance with forests all around us.

"Where are we?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Canada" she said.

       I saw the forest stop as we went over a bridge and a river was pushed into a lake. I sat back and then she continued driving for about twenty minutes before we made it to a house. I got out of the car and looked around as Teresa opened the truck. I grabbed the bags and then Teresa locked her car.

4:00 P.M.  East Valley, Canada

Duncan's POV
       We were all sitting around on the couch when the door opened and we all looked over as our mother walked in with the two suitcases and turned around as there was Gwen. She had shoulder length, black hair with midnight blue ends, gothic clothes, and a confused face. She was actually kind of cute and I smiled a bit. She looked over at us and we all waved.

"Welcome to the Hell, sweetheart." I said and Ashley elbowed me.

She rose her eyebrow and then our father walked in and she looked at him and then my mother.

"Was your maiden name Tarun?" She asked my mother.

"It was..." our mother said.

"Wait so is this East Valley, Canada...where my parents grew up?" She asked they both nodded. "You were my father's best friend in high school, and you were on the boxing team with him." She said and my mother laughed.

"Alec talks about us?" Our father asked.

"Yeah, when he isn't playing the role of The Godfather." Gwen laughed.

They all talked a bit and then they all looked over at us.

"Anyways these are our children." Our mother said and started naming all of us.

  "Duncan is the closest to your age and you may join him next year at school." My mother said and I gave her a little smirk.

"Nice black eye, cyclops." She said and I shrugged.

        Our mother then helped her bring the suitcases and stuff upstairs. I got up and then walked up the stairs to my room. I noticed how they put her in the guest room that was across from mine. I walked into my room, locked the door, turned my tv's volume on loud enough so people outside my door could hear, grabbed my keys and boxing bag, and opened my window and jumped out. I ran out to my motorcycle and started driving towards the East Valley Gym.

          When I arrived I looked my motorcycle, and looked up at the gym. I made my way inside and saw a bunch of people training, some were old inmates, classmates of mine, and neighbors. There was a familiar laugh and I turned around to see Warden Hayes.

"I wondered how long it would take you to come here." He said and I laughed.

"It took me while to sneak out." I said and he shrugged.

      He started showing me around and the gym was actually pretty nice and I looked inside the ring saw two people training and I looked around. After the tour of then gym, he called everyone over and they all looked at me.

"Is this the famous snake hands?" The only girl asked and I laughed.

  "It is Duncan Nelson, he will hopefully come box with us." Warden Hayes said and I crossed my arms. "These are some of my finest boxers...Scott, Alejandro, Mike, Brick, Lightning, and Jo."

I knew Mike, Scott, and Alejandro from school and I gave them all a look and then smirked a bit.

"You got a wicked uppercut on you Nelson." Brick said and I laughed and shrugged.

       I looked at the guys and I then changed to get ready to train. I don't like fighting with boxing gloves, so all the fights I do are bare-knuckle boxing, which is illegal here, so I only see myself doing illegal fights, and I have no problem with that. I will put on gloves if a college scout is interested in watching my fight though.

11:00 P.M.  East Valley, Canada

Duncan's POV
I climbed up my house's wall to my window, and threw my bag into my room and then jumped in. I turned the tv off and then unlocked the door. I looked straight and Gwen was sitting on the bed in just a towel with a computer on her lap. I walked over to the doorframe and leaned against it.

"Are you even allowed to have that?" I asked.

"I can't go into contact with my family, but other than that yes." Gwen said and I laughed.

She looked at me and then my bloody, bruised hands.

"So cyclops is a boxer." She said and I shrugged.

  "And sweetheart is the daughter of a mob boss." I said and she laughed.

  "Are you any good?" She asked.

  "They called me snake hands in juvie." I said and she laughed.

        I rose my eyebrow and she stopped laughing.

  "Oh that's not a joke?" She asked and I rolled my one good eye. "Anyways one of my older brothers was and still is apart of an illegal underground fight club, are you?" She asked.

"That's for me to know pasty." I said and she laughed

She was about to say something when my mother called me downstairs. Gwen laughed as I groaned and walked downstairs. I shoved my hands in my pockets and looked at her.

This story is going to be so much fun, I have so much in stored for you all. I've always wanted to do a mob boss and boxer I put them both in this. I hope you all liked the start of this new chapter and to see you in the chapter. Thanks for reading!!

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