Chapter Two: Snake Hands

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ATTENTION: i have a very serious question regarding this story at the end of the chapter PLEASE ANSWER!!

Sunday, May 25th
6:00 A.M.  East Valley, Canada

Duncan's POV
        I got up early so I could sneak out to go to the gym. I ran downstairs and Gwen was sitting on her computer typing away with one hand, while holding something in the other, I was very confused as it was 6 AM? She glanced up and me and then quickly threw something in a bag and slammed the computer. What was this girl hiding?

"Why are you up, and what did you throw in the bag?" I asked

"It's noon in Paris, I'm not used to your time zones...and none of your business cyclops." She said and I laughed. "Why are you up?" She added.

"That's none of your business sweetheart." I said walking away and she laughed.

       I grabbed my bag as I walked out of the house and ran to my motorcycle. I drove my way to the East Valley Gym, when I arrived the owner of the gym Vincent was sitting in the separate room. The only other person there was Mike, he glanced at me and then went back to doing pulls up. I started working out myself and as time went by the other people started arriving.

10:00 P.M.  East Valley, Canada

Gwen's POV
        I was depositing my father's money into my own account through my computer, and I have been all day. Tomorrow I was supposed to follow Duncan around as a French exchange student. I had no idea how that was going to go, but I really didn't care, all I care about is the art college that I've already basically have been expecting into. I laid back and just fell asleep.

Monday, May 26th
5:30 A.M.  East Valley, Canada

Duncan's POV
         I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear and I groaned throwing it off my nightstand and it unplugging. I stretched and then walked to the bathroom and started the water to take a shower. When I finished, I got dressed and walked downstairs to see Gwen wide awake sitting on the couch, sketching in a book. She looked over at me and then went back to drawing.

  "Do you sleep?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Nope" she said and I gave her a look.

She so weird and mysterious, it was kind of hot...but at the same time weird. I ate breakfast and then Ronnie came downstairs and sat with me and ate. I looked over at Gwen and she just sat on the couch drawing. Soon it was time to go and I got up and grabbed my keys. We all started walking towards my car, I got in the front seat and started the car. I looked out the window and saw both Gwen and Ronnie discussing who was going to sit the front. I rolled the window down and looked out at them.

"Hurry the fuck up." I said and Gwen opened the car down and sat down.

Ronnie got in the back and they both their seatbelts on, as I drove the car to school. It was 6:03 when we arrived and very empty. I walked with Gwen into the office and the office lady saw us.

"Welcome back Duncan." She said and I fake smiled. "This must be Gwen Ingrid-Russo, our new shadowing French exchange student?" She asked Gwen smiled a bit.

      She started talking with Gwen and I sat down, as the time went by. As they talked, a door opened and I looked over to see a bunch of people walk out. One of them was Courtney Barlow, my ex-girlfriend, and she saw me and then continued walking out of the office. I looked back at Gwen and she rose her eyebrow. I didn't do anything and just sat there as the two of them talked.

7:10 A.M. East Valley, Canada

Duncan's POV
        After the hour long meeting Gwen had with our principal, vice principal, head of the foreign student program, and guidance counselor...we were finally able to leave the office. As we did I showed her around a bit, until it was 7:30 and we walked out to my friend group. They were all sitting at a bunch of tables and Gwen looked at me.

"Why am I meeting your friends?" She whispered.

"Because I had to sit through that long ass meeting." I said and she laughed.

"They asked you six times if you wanted to leave and you didn't." She said and I looked at her.

"Have we've forgotten that you're apart of witness protection and I hav-."

"Hush up cyclops." She said hitting my stomach, as we arrived at the tables.

I looked at them and they were all talking something. They were bunch of people put together, there was Geoff, his girlfriend Bridgette, Mike, his girlfriend Zoey, Alejandro, his girlfriend Heather, Scott, Trent, and then Courtney. Courtney was holding a clipboard, and nobody seemed to be listening to her. Gwen looked at me as I just watched Courtney.

"Who knew you were the sucker for the A type?" Gwen asked and I gave her a look.

"She's my ex, I'm over her." I said looking away and Gwen laughed.

  "Okay...snake hands." She mocked and I rolled my eyes.

       Courtney then pasted the clip board, and she looked at me and then at everyone else. When I got it, it was a telling me to check off a country I wanted to visit and the options were a bunch of I just checked off France and gave the clipboard to Mike, skipping Gwen. When Courtney it back she smiled and then looked at everyone and then us.

"Oh hello, you must be the French exchange student that's joining our class." She said to Gwen with a smile, and everyone turned to look at us.

"Yeah" Gwen said and they looked at her. "I'm uh...Gwen." She added.

      Everyone introduced themselves and then Courtney looked at her clipboard and then back at Gwen. I saw a jealous look in Courtney's eye and I crossed my arms. Gwen noticed it as well and laughed.

  "Oh he's all yours prissy, I don't want...that." Gwen said and I gave her a look, as Heather laughed.

  "I- don't....haha no...pfft...I...NO!" Courtney said and everyone looked at her.

      She walked away from us, and Bridgette laughed. Gwen just stood around awkwardly as I talked with my friends and when it was time to go homeroom, I took her and we both sat down and she glared at me and I laughed.

Friday, June 26th
4:00 P.M. East Valley, Canada

Gwen's POV
I've been at the Nelson's for about a month now, and things weren't bad...I actually kind of liked it here. The family is extremely dysfunctional, but other than that they're great. Duncan's finishing up summer school today and other that nothing has really happened. The FBI did tell us that my father's enemies spies...or something like that have been coming here, so they told me that a teenager my age named Noah Spouse, would be my "getaway driver" and would show up wherever I am to get me away if any of them found me.

In mid-July, the both of us were going to a France with the senior class, and we told me the FBI agents that were in charge of me and they told me to go, but Teresa and Elliot were going to be chaperones. I was sitting on the couch and a door from upstairs opened and Duncan ran down the stairs with a textbook and paper in his hands. He looked at me and threw the book down on the coffee girl.

  "I have a fight in two hours and if I don't submit this shit by five I'll fail French." He said and I looked at him.

  "I'll help you...if I can watch the fight." I said and he looked at me.

  "Fucking fine" he said and I laughed.

        I moved my legs and Duncan sat down next to me and I helped him, by basically doing all of it. When he finished he ran back to his room and brought his computer back down. He took a picture of his worksheet and then sent it around 4:55 right and it sent in like ten seconds before time was up. Duncan hugged me and I just sat there uncomfortable. He laughed and then put his hand on my shoulders.

  "I could kiss you right now." He said and I gave him a look.

  "Please....don't." I said and he laughed.

  "Okay get ready we have to be at the gym in twenty." He said and ran upstairs.

       I sat there very confused and there was a laugh. I looked over and Ashley was standing there with a drink in her hands and I rose my eyebrow.

  "You like him." She said with a smirk.

  "Ew no, he's honestly like the best friend I never had." I said getting up, and she tilted her head.

  "Did you say best friend or...boyfriend?" She asked and I gave her a look.

        She laughed and I shook my head as I walked upstairs to guest room. I changed into something "cute" I guess, and then walked outside. Duncan grabbed his keys, an ugly juvie duffel bag, and shoes. He looked at me and the two of us walked down the stairs and then out the back door. He looked at me and then threw me a helmet, as he grabbed one.

  "What the fuck is this?" I asked and he laughed and threw a tarp off a motorcycle.

  "What are you scared pasty?" He asked and I pushed him out of the way and sat down on the bike. 

He laughed and then sat down in front of me. He started the engine and then sped off towards whatever gym we were going to. I grabbed Duncan's torso as he drove down the streets. When we arrived at the gym, it was called the East Valley Gym. I saw a bunch of cars there and he locked his bike and the two of us walked towards the gym. Inside there were a bunch of people yelling as two people were already fighting.

"Nelson your up in twenty...and who is this?" Some man said and I looked at him.

"This is Gwen, the foreign exchange student, I told you all about. Gwen this is my trainer Douglas." Duncan said and I smile a bit.

Duncan told me to sit down somewhere and I did. I just sat on my phone as the fight before Duncan ended and they got ready for his. Someone sat down next to me and I glanced over to see the Bridgette girl from school with her boyfriend Geoff, I sat there awkwardly. The one that noticed me first was Bridgette and I smiled a bit.

"Are you here to watch Duncan?" Bridgette asked and I looked at her.

  "Yeah...something like that, I guess." I said and then leaned back.

       I knew they were probably here for Alejandro, Scott, and Mike who all fought before Duncan. I leaned back as I watched a Duncan climb into the ring. I saw him going bare-knuckle and the first thing I thought of was Mason, he always going bare-knuckle as he refuse using gloves....because he's "edgy" or just an idiot. Duncan started jumping around the ring, and punched the invisible air and I smiled a bit. For one first time in forever, I've felt like I was home. Just then my phone started ringing and I looked and it was Noah. I answered and put my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Get the hell out of there now." He said and hung up.

I got up and started walking towards the exit. Duncan noticed and he rose his eyebrow and mouthed 'sorry' and than ran out. Noah's car was there I ran out to it and he drive off quickly.

"Who was there?" I asked.

"The McCoy's, they didn't find you...their son Ben was actually fighting against Duncan." He said while driving.

I sighed and laid back. I felt bad leaving, because Duncan was actually looking for to me watching him fight. Hopefully he'll understand, and won't be mad. When I arrived at the Nelson's, Dominic opened the door and I walked inside and up to my room.

9:00 P.M. East Valley, Canada

Duncan's POV
        I skipped out on eating out with everyone, so I could go home and find out whatever the fuck happened at the gym, with Gwen. I did win the fight, but barely...I was distracted about Gwen leaving, so there's my excuse for getting beat up, I guess. I walked through the back door and up to my room. I glanced over and Gwen's and she was sitting there writing, and I walked over to the doorframe and knocked. She looked up at me and sighed.

  "What the hell happened?" I asked and she looked at me and tilted her head to sit down on the bed.

        I did, and she rose her eyes as I sorely walked into her room and sat down the bed.

  "Did you lose?" She asked and I gave her a look.

  "No, I won...but I was distracted by the fact that you left the fight and the guy got a few punches off." I said and Gwen laughed and got up.

      She left the room, and I just sat there and looked around the room. After about ten minutes she walked back in with a bucket, first aid kit, rubbing alcohol, and a rug.

   "Let me make it up to you." She said and I smiled a bit.

       I took my shirt off and she walked over put the bucket on the bed and it was full of ice and I was about to put my hands in, but she slapped me. I gave her a look and she moved the ice as she put alcohol on the rag and looked at me. I moved my arms and she looked at my chest and started cleaning the cuts and I looked at her. It stung and I looked at her.

   "So cyclops took the win, but got distracted because I left?" Gwen asked and I looked at her.

   "Sure you could say that." I said "why'd you leave?" I added.

   "Benjamin McCoy, the guy you fought is the son of an enemy of my father's." Gwen said and I looked at her.

   "Did they find you?" I asked and she shrugged while moving patching up the first cut.

   " was just a coincidence, but they didn't want to take a chance." Gwen said and I nodded.

         The two of us just sat there talking, as Gwen cleaned my chest. When she finished she handed me the ice bucket and I put my hands in it. I looked over at Gwen and she was on the phone the FBI bought her.

"I have another coming up soon." I said and Gwen looked at me.

"Is it against French guy?" Gwen asked.

   "French-Canadian...I don't know if he has beef with Godfather Rousseau." I said and Gwen laughed.

   "What's the date, snake hands." She said and I nodded.

        The two of us looked up my next fight and it was next Friday. After I finished icing my hands I walked to my room sat down on my bed and turned on a tv. I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Courtney. I rose my eyebrow and then opened it.

I heard gothie bailed out on you today. -Princess

        I replied with 'yeah so what?' and laid back. I texted Courtney back and forth, for a bit until the door opened and Gwen looked at me. I glanced down at my phone and saw the text.

It's just seeing you with that girl during the school, ams them hearing that you almost lost you fight because she left is getting me think. I think I'm willing to -Princess

  "Do you know a guy named Trents Lows?" She asked and I nodded.

  "He's the town's "golden boy", because he plays both football and the guitar." I said and Gwen rose her smiled.

"Well...he asked me out, and it's next Friday." She said and I looked at her.

"Since when have you been talking to Elvis?" I asked and she looked at me shyly.

  " may or may not have given me his number when I was shadowing you in May." Gwen said and I nodded.

   "Why don't you bring him to the fight?" I asked and Gwen gave me a look.

   "Would you bring your first date to one of my art shows, if I ever had one?" She asked.

   "Yes...." I said and she gave me a look. "Fine, but you're coming to a fight up this summer or I'm leaking your information." I threatened and she laughed.

   "You wouldn't" she said flirtatiously, and then walked out of my room.

        I groaned and then laid back....fuck. I looked at Courtney's text against and just sat there. I didn't know what to do, the girl I was interested in was running with Elvis, and Courtney and I are never just I thought.

PLEASE REPLY: Hello everyone, I'm here to ask you all a question...I'm having second thoughts about this story and I don't know if I wan5 to continue this story....or start writing a different story that I have more planned out. Trust me I love this story, but I'm thinking...maybe I unpublished this one and write and publish that one next Wednesday OR if you guys want to kill me, I can try and write both stories are once. Please reply to this, because I honestly don't know what to do.

Anyways thanks for reading...I'll see you either in the next chapter, or a in different book.

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