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Swara's POV-

Two months passed just like that, I was following my normal college schedule and exams were here....unfortunately.

In these two months, a lot had changed. Kritika didi was back in all our lives and had grabbed some modelling contract in Mumbai. She was also the brand ambassador for some merger that Aditya's subsidiary company had done with a London based company. The only good thing about this was that he wasn't involved with didi's shoots. The marketing team handled it.

" Swara...I have to leave for London the day after tomorrow for work. Will be back in three days. I think you should go and stay with maa for some days." Aditya said, breaking my thought trance.

When did he come here? Is it already eight?

I looked at the clock to confirm my suspicions and indeed, it was eight thirty.

" Can't. Are you forgetting that mumma and papa have gone on  a vacation with mom and dad?" I asked him.

" Ohh, right. Neither can you come with me because of the visa." He spoke, more to himself than me.

" I also have my exams from day after tomorrow." I informed him.

" I think I should reschedule this." He said, pinching the bridge between his eyes.

" Why? Of course not! I am perfectly capable of living alone Mr." I rejected his ridiculous idea.

" Are you sure?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

" You think I'm not?" I asked back, folding my arms.

" On a serious note Swara, you will be fine right?" He asked, keeping his hands on my both shoulders to which I shivered.

" Obviously and I promise that I won't burn your place." I joked.

" Back at this your place thing? Is this still not our place?" He asked and I could see......disappointment in his eyes?

" I am kidding, just to rile you up!" I confessed, not wanting to see him that way.

" That's not good Mrs. Kapoor. You shouldn't be teasing your husband this way." He said, coming close to me as he held me by my waist.

He being just a little above six feet and I just being 5'4 didn't help either.

In these two months, Aryan had fed me that I had started liking my husband and now....I feel the same! It's all his fault to feed me with this information constantly and now whenever I am like close to Aditya, I feel more and more awkward about him finding out that I has a tiny stupid crush on him!

" Don't call me that!" I exclaimed.

" Don't call you what? Mrs. Kapoor?" He asked.

I nodded.

" But aren't you Mrs. Kapoor?" He asked, still holding me by my waist.

" I am Swara." I replied, looking away.

" I know that. But aren't you Mrs. Kapoor too?" He asked, now teasing me.

I looked at him in the eyes and then looked away.

" Why do you keep looking away when I talk to you?" He asked.

" My wish!" I exclaimed, wiggling out but his hold just got tighter.

" Let me go! I am hungry." I confessed honestly.

" I'm in no mood to leave you." He said, a kind of sparkle twinkling in his eyes.

To escape, I pinched him in his arm and he left me in a little shock.

" You didn't play fair" He said, stepping a little ahead.

" Everything is fair in love and war Swara." I declared.

He smirked.

" Now why on earth are you smirking like you've just conquered the whole damn Earth?" I asked him, keeping a hand on my waist.

" So Swara, did you just confess that you love me?" He asked, loosening his tie a little, making me gulp.

" Excuse me? What even!?" I questioned and then realized that I have made the love-war statement.

" No Mr. Kapoor, I just said that a war has started so beware of the enemy." I replied and then went out of the room to the kitchen.

HA! Swara-1, Aditya-0

Coming to think of it, Aditya and I were still sharing his room even now when mom and dad are not here. I really don't know how it happened. I didn't move back to my room and Aditya didn't ask me to move either. We are still sharing the same bed with Bubbles sleeping in between us. It's just a habit now.

" Bubbles." I called for my baby and he came running to me. I gave him his dinner and he ate happily.

" Now be a good boy and go to bed. I'll come soon." I told him but he was in no mood to listen to me so he just went around roaming in the house with his chew stick.

" you want dinner or not? I am counting till 10 and if you're not here by then, I am going to eat all the food." I threatened him.

I was so hungry that it was getting out of control.

" Relax woman! Coming." He said, descending the stairs.

The housekeeper had cooked my favourite ladyfinger and I munched on it happily.

" Eat slowly's not running anywhere." I heard him address me.

" I am hungry." I replied.

He just sighed and continued eating.

" Are you going to sleep or do you have work to do?" I asked him.

" Going to sleep after catching up with match." He replied and switched the TV on.

I nodded and went upstairs and put Bubbles to bed, then collected all my books and went to the originally my room to study. I didn't want to disturb him as he slept while keeping the lights on.

An hour into studying and I was getting exhausted.

" What happened? Why are you here?" Aditya asked, entering the room.

" I really have to be alone to study properly so came here. You go to sleep because I am going to sleep late." I told him honestly.

" Study well. Goodnight." He said, giving a little smile.

" Goodnight!" I replied back and he walked out of the room.

The one thing that I respect and sometimes hate about him is that how particular he is about my studies!

Anyways, I studied till three in the night. After that, I couldn't so I decided to call up Aryan.

" Hey S, up till now? You studying too?" He asked me, picking up.

" Yeah we have an option. God! We did so much time pass throughout the semester and now I'm regretting.

" Agreed! Tanya is also up." He told me.

" Wanna take her on conference?" I asked him.

" Def." He replied and I added her to the call.

We discussed a few things about the chapter and finally called it a fight at 4:30.

" Goodnight Swara." I muttered to myself as I tucked myself in. On one side of the bed all my books were lying and on the other side, I was lying.


" Swara....I am leaving for work. Bubbles has been taken to the morning walk and fed and is playing in the lawn with the housekeeper. Bye." I heard Aditya's faint voice and felt a peck on my forehead which automatically woke me up.

I opened my eyes to see Aditya so close to me.

" Good morning!" I said.

" Sleep for some more time." He replied.

" Have a bad day at work." I said, joking and lied back to bed again.

" Study after you are properly up." He said and I nodded and then he must have left.

The second time when I woke up, it was eleven in the morning. I went to freshen up, had breakfast, took bath and started to study again.

My first exam was tomorrow and it was Accounts.

" Come on can do it." I said, pushing myself and had completed the most difficult three chapters by six in the afternoon. Just two were remaining now.

I was done studying so I decided to call mumma and mom. I talked to both of them for a good one hour. Papa and dad had gone for swimming.

It was seven when the doorbell rang.

I went to open it and saw Aditya. He was back early today.

" You want water?" I asked him.

" No." He said and walked to the room and I followed him.

" Why is your mood off?" I questioned again.

" Because your sister dearest is accompanying us to London." He said bitterly.

" It's okay....just ignore her. She is working for your company so you will have to be cordial." I tried to talk sense but from the inside, I felt like someone had drenched me with ice cold water.

I was insecure of didi. Aditya has made it clear several times that he wants nothing to do with her but it's my stupid heart which isn't really ready to accept it. I know it's being irrational but I can't help it.

" Easier said than done. She does not understand the meaning of staying away." He said, punching the bed.

" Please relax Aditya. It's just a matter of three days and then you will be back." I tried to pacify myself more than I was pacifying him.

He just nodded.

I went to him and hugged him a little and he scooped me in his arms.

" I want you to trust me." He said huskily in my ears.

" I do." I replied, snuggling in his chest.

In a while, we broke the hug and I blushed again.

" You need to pack." I said.

He nodded again.

As I started to leave the room, he held me by my hand and stopped me.

" You don't have to be insecure about this whole situation Swara." He said, trying to assure me.

" Me! I am not insecure at all. Why will I be?" I denied.

" Of course you'll deny. So typical of you." He said.

I rolled my eyes and went away. The night passed with me studying and tonight Bubbles ditched Aditya to be with me.

The next morning, I woke up and quickly got ready and went downstairs where Aditya was talking to somebody over the phone.

He hung up and then I decided to make my presence known.

" Good morning." I said.

" Good morning and all the best for your exam." He replied and I nodded.

We had breakfast and then was the time to bid bye. He was going to the airport and I was off to college.

" Take care and study well. I'll be back soon." He replied.

" I'm not a kid Aditya." I said, rolling me eyes.

" Have a safe journey." I said and he kissed me on my forehead.

I tried to do the same but he is too tall!

He bent down a little and I did kiss him on his forehead too.

Then we left for our respective destinations, I praying for two things....first being the question paper comes easy and the second being Kritika didi not trying to create any problems in Aditya's work and our life!

Swara's Look-

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 120 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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