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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Swara's POV-

After my third exam as I came back home at around six in the evening, I was totally exhausted so I got to the bed and slept my ass off. Bubbles was with the housekeeper.

I swear it would not have been more than five minutes when my phone rang to irritate me. God! Why can't anyone leave me alone!

After constantly disconnecting it for three times, the person on the other line still didn't take the hint that I don't want to talk but still was calling him.

" Who is this?" I said in sleep while picking up.

" Your husband." A deep, husky voice rang over the phone.

" Nice joke." I replied, disconnected the phone and then turned to the other side before actually realizing what I had said in sleep which ultimately forced to wake me up.

Picking the phone up, it was indeed Aditya's call so I decided the call back.

" Hello." I said as the line went live the other side.

" Not a joke anymore? Am I?" He asked and I could practically see a side smirk on his smug face.

" I was sleeping!" I replied, in my defense.

" So when you sleep, you forget that I am your husband? Then perhaps I am not doing something right....something that a husband does." He spoke up and when I realized the meaning behind his words, I was as red as a cherry.

" Don't blush when I am not around Mrs. Kapoor." He said, a little sternly.

" Oh Mr....get out of your dream world. I am absolutely not blushing!" I exclaimed.

" Whatever floats your boat." He taunted.

" Blah blah blah." I sang.

" Now tell are exams going on?" He asked.

" Fine." I replied.

" How fine?" He retorted back.

" No don't get to irritate me after being the reason for my sleep to be destroyed." I schooled him.

" I get to do anything I want Swara." He replied.

I rolled my eyes.

" How's London treating you?" I asked him.

" London's good, your sister on the other hand does not understand the meaning of staying quiet." He replied, sighing.

" That bad. Huh?" I asked.

" You can't imagine how much of a torture it is to stay in her company. The only reason I am tolerating her is because she is the marketing face of the merger because of the other company's insistence." He told me.

" Come on! It can't be that bad Aditya....I know my sister is not the same person she used to be but she was never this desperate for anything." I spoke up, more to myself than to him.

" I am terminating this conversation here now....I am already bearing Kritika for now, I have no intention of speaking of her when she is not around. You tell me how are you and that little devil?" He said and then added a question.

" Both of us are very well and don't call Bubbles that! He is so cute!" I exclaimed.

" You don't like it when I call you Mrs. Kapoor and you also don't like it when I call that little devil a little devil. What is your problem with me?" He asked, a little amused and a little irritated.

" I have a name which is Swara and Bubbles has a name which is Bubbles. Now the basic concept of naming a person after they are born is to associate letters to them with meaning....." I was explaining the meaning of name to him when he shut me up.

" Okay...that's enough. Stop wasting time and go to study. You have an exam tomorrow." He schooled me.

" You coming back tomorrow or I have some extended freedom to destroy your house?" I asked to rile him up.

" I know your intention of doing this and no, you don't have that freedom because I am boarding the jet to Mumbai in the next four hours to be back." He replied and I rolled my eyes.

" Fine then....let me enjoy the freedom I have till you come back. Bye." I joked.

" Bye and study." He said and I hung up.

It was eight thirty. The housekeeper had given Bubbles dinner to him and I ate my food too.

" Now Mr. Bubbles, let's put you to bed and I'll go to study." I said and he gave his signature woof.

It was my last exam tomorrow and studying for it was very difficult because of the very same reason but somehow I studied a little to pass and then slept soon.

The next morning, the driver dropped me to college and in the next three hours.....exams were done for!

" Guys, let's go for dinner?" Tanya proposed.

" Yes! Let's go home, change and then meet for dinner!" I exclaimed.

After deciding the café, we went to our respective homes.

" Bubbles....I am home baby. Where are you?" I called for him and he came running at me. Aditya followed behind.

" are home!" I exclaimed.

" Someone looks excited to see me." He said, smirking while he walked towards me and took me in his embrace.

My body stiffened because of our proximity but it felt....good?

" Relax, will you?" He remarked but I couldn't help it. I couldn't control what I felt!

As I distanced myself from him, I missed his warmth and struggled to decipher what the f*ck was happening to me!

He makes each and every fiber of me feel alive but yet his closeness makes me giddy!

" When did you reach?" I asked him.

" An hour back." He replied.

" And yet you are up? Don't you have jet lag?" I asked him, shocked.

" No, I don't. It's all habitual." He replied.

" Are you even human?" I muttered.

He just chuckled.

" Listen....I am going out for dinner with my friends today. Is that okay?" I had no idea why I was asking him! It's my decision!

" Sure. The driver will take you." He replied and I nodded.

I climbed up to the room and he followed me.

" Mom and dad are coming back tomorrow." He said.

" I know that! I talked to mom and mumma yesterday." I told him that I know.

He nodded.

I then went to the washroom to freshen up and took a nice long bubble bath and then slipped into my pyjamas and came out.

Aditya had fallen asleep.

" Of course he'd be tired....he's a human too." I muttered to myself.

I silently walked into the closet and took everything I needed to get ready and walked out to the other room to get ready after switching the lights off.

Getting ready took me about twenty minutes as I stepped into my white crop top, blue jeans and sneakers and I was good to go!

Swara's look-

Then I decided to leave a note for Aditya.


Didn't want to wake you up. Going for dinner. Will be back soon.


I sneaked into our room and kept the note on the nightstand.

I didn't have to put that note but I don't know why I did it. Actually, these days, I was going thing out of character just to make sure that his highness is comfortable.

"'re definitely loosing it." I muttered to myself and walked out.

Driver kaka dropped me to the café and told me to call him once I am done and he'll come here to pick me up.

" Thank you kaka." I said and he gave me a smile.

Everyone had reached when I stepped in.

" Hey guys." I said and sat with them.

After having a gala time and eating, we decided to call it a night by 10.

Aryan, Tanya and I were the last ones to leave so as we stepped out of the café, I saw Aditya standing by his car. I frowned my eyebrows.

" What is he doing here?" I muttered to myself.

" To pick you up S. Now go." Aryan said as Tanya sat at the back of his bike.

" Bye guys...! See you in a week after college reopens!" I exclaimed.

" Bye. And you know we are going to meet sooner that than." Aryan said and I rolled my eyes at him.

I crossed the road and walked towards Aditya.

" What are you doing here?" I asked.

" Hello to you too." He said sarcastically.

" Seriously Aditya, where is kaka?" I asked him.

" Got some work at home." He replied and I nodded.

He then opened the passenger's seat door for me.

" Chivalry is not dead I see!" I said, laughing.

" No ma'am!" He replied and I sat in.

" I could have taken a cab Aditya....why did you drive when you were sleepy?" I asked, now feeling guilty.

" Of course not! And don't worry about it. We will go and sleep." He replied and I nodded.

Soon we were home and I was damn tired.

I changed and then lied on my side of the bed and no one bothered to make pillow walls.

" Good night Aditya." I said.

" Goodnight Swara." He replied as he pulled me closer in his arms.

" Whaat....wh.." I started to speak but couldn't form words.

" Does this bother you?" He asked.

Coming to think about it, no it didn't. It was just butterflies in my stomach.

" What if I say yes?" I asked.

" I'll leave you." He said simply.

" No, it doesn't." I told him honestly and turned towards him and snuggled in his shoulder.

" Sleep." That was the last thing I heard him say before sleep took over.


The next day as I woke up, his legs were entangled with mine and his hand was on my waist.

" Aditya, I think you should wake up because you are late for work." I said, attempting to wake him up.

" Go back to sleep Swara...I've taken off." He replied in his sleep.

" Then you sleep. I need to get up. Bubbles is jumping over me!" I exclaimed.

" Put that little devil to sleep for sometime." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" You know I cant do that." I sighed and he turned towards his side of the bed and slept back.

I got up and went to the washroom to do my business and then took Bubbles for his morning walk.

Coming back, I went back to the room to find Aditya still sleeping. I went to take bath and then stepped down in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The housekeeper was on leave for two days.

Soon, I was done with sandwiches when the doorbell rang. Mom, dad, papa and mumma all were here.

" Wow!" I exclaimed and hugged everyone.

Bubbles jumped on dad.

" Now all of you sit here, I'll get breakfast." I said.

" Where is Adi beta?" Mom asked.

" He is sleeping mom. Must be the jet lag." I replied and she nodded.

I went to the kitchen and arranged the plates for everyone and by the time I arranged the dining table, Aditya walked in the living room and everyone was talking.

" Everybody, come and have breakfast." I called for them.

" The sandwiches are delicious beta." Papa said.

" Thank you!" I replied and soon after breakfast, mumma and papa decided to leave and I walked them out till the car.

" I miss both of you." I said, hugging them.

" We miss you too Shona." Mumma said, hugging me.

" We have got something for you." Papa said.

" What?" I asked, unable to contain my excitement.

" Close your eyes." Mumma said.

I nodded and closed them.

I felt a chain on my neck.

I opened my eyes to see a beautiful locket.

" It's so so pretty!" I exclaimed.

" That's not even the best part. Open it!" Papa said.

I did open it to find a family photo of the five of us....mumma, papa, baba, Kritika di and me.

" Thank you so much!" I said.

" Glad that you liked it." Mumma said and hugged me again and then they left.

One thing was very clear to me today....parents can never not think of their children even if the children betray them. They can never unlove them.

In that locket, it was not Kritika di. It was that person who was my elder sister and my best friend.

" Where are you lost?" I heard Aditya's voice from behind.

I quickly wiped the only tear I had and turned towards him.

" Nowhere." I said, smiling.

" You've been crying." He stated.

" Of course not!" I denied.

" What happened?" He asked, his eyes softening.

Not wanting to discuss Kritika di with him, I had no option but to hide the truth.

" I miss mumma papa." I said.

" You want to go and stay with them for a few days?" He asked, a kind of sad expression crossing his face but it was gone as soon as it came.

" Yes! But after a few days. Let them get settled first after coming back." I said and he nodded.

" Let's get in." He said, taking my hand in his as we started walking inside.

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 120 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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