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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Swara's POV-

" I'll do the lunch today. Tell me Shona, what do you want to eat?" Mom asked.

" No no mom! You must be tired. I'll do it. Don't worry." I insisted.

" No beta....its me who is cooking today so tell me fast. I have cooked Adi's favourite dishes a lot and now it is your turn." She said.

" I love paneer chilly." I told her because she was in no mood to bulge.

" Paneer chilly it is then!" She exclaimed.

" At least let me help you mom!" I exclaimed.

" Absolutely not. Now you go and relax. Your exams have got over. You should pester Adi to take you out. I know you are married at such a young age but I want to you behave like a teenager and not as a mature adult. I don't want to take away the fun from your life and from today onwards, all this cooking and cleaning is forbidden for you. I'll be doing it and I want no arguments." She said sternly.

" Yes ma'am!" I mocked saluted her.

" That means I can go and pester Aditya to take me out?" I confirmed.

" Your husband, your choice. Why are you asking me?" She asked.

I just grinned and ran up to the room where Aditya was......working?

God! This man has no life. All he ever does is work, work and just work!!

" What am I to you?" I asked, dramatically.

He gave me a brief look and then diverted all his attention back to his laptop.

" So this is what my value is in your life! Okay then, I'll go and sulk somewhere." I said and acted as if I am walking out of the room.

" What do you want Swara? Give me a few minutes." He replied, still not looking up.

" Want to go out!" I exclaimed. (A/N- stepping out of your houses until absolutely essential!)

" Where?" He asked.

" Somewhere good!" I cried.

" Actually...I know where! There is a fair going on on the outskirts of the city. Can we pretty please go there?" I asked him with the best puppy eyes I could bring up.

" A fair?" He asked, now looking at me.

" Heyy mister, you don't get to judge me! It's my choice! " I defended.( A/N- Thank you Neha Dhupia! )

" I am not judging you. And yes, we'll go after lunch." He said.

" Thank you, thank you, thank're the best!" I exclaimed and immediately hugged him.

Within two seconds....I realized what I was doing and immediately held back.

" Sorry." I muttered a little embarrassed.

He just chuckled.

I attempted to get up but he grabbed onto my waist and pulled me towards him and my head fell on his chest.

" Wha....what aaree...." I tried to form sentences but just couldn't.

" Why are you stammering?" He asked, smirking.

" I....I am not Sta...stammering." I replied with all the confidence I could gather.

" Sure." He said, chuckling again.

" Leave me! I need to decide what I have to wear." I said and got out of his clutches.

" You need to decide before hand about what you want to wear two hours later?" He asked, amused.

" Obviously! If I go on deciding what to wear right before getting ready, the closet will be a mess!" I exclaimed and walked into the closet.

I decided on wearing a blue long skirt with a white based multi-color top with a pink scarf.

Oh! How much I love skirts!

After deciding, I went to Bubbles and gave him his food. He hadn't left dad since they got back. I think he loves dad the most, then comes Aditya, then mom and then finally me!

He listens to them all except for me and this is not fair!

" Hii dad." I said, walking in the living room where he was watching TV and Bubbles was playing near his feet.

" Hii beta. Come, sit." He offered and I sat next to him.

I fed Bubbles and talked to dad.

" How was your trip?" I asked him.

" Amazing beta. All of us enjoyed a lot!" He replied enthusiastically.

" Amazing! The next time, I am also coming with you all." I exclaimed.

" That'll be much more fun then." He said, smiling.

" Yes and then we will prank mom and Aditya." I offered.

" Deal done!" Dad agreed.

" People, lunch is ready. Please come to the dining table after washing your hands and Shona....please call Adi from the room. I'm sure that boy is still struck with his laptop." Mom added.

" Yes mom. You go dad and I'll be right back." I said as I walked upstairs.

" Lunch is is calling you." I told him, entering the room and immediately the laptop was off. Such is the terror of mom!

We walked downstairs and joined mom and dad.

" Now Shona...taste and tell me if you like it or not. Also, you don't mind me calling you Shona right? Your mumma used it so much during our trip that now whenever I see you, Swara doesn't roll down my tongue only." She said, laughing.

" Of course not mom. It feels at home when you call me that. I love it and as of paneer chilly. I am sure it's mouth watering because I can smell it to tell this!" I exclaimed as I took the first bite.

" As expected.....deliciously amazing." I said.

It was genuinely damn tasty!

" I am glad that you liked it." She said.

" Like it? I love love love it mom!" I exclaimed.

She gave me an honest smile and then we all ate while making small conversations.

" Mom, dad....there is a fair going on. Come with us please" I asked.

" No beta...both of you go today. We'll rest a little. I am really sleepy now." Dad said.

" Yes beta...both of you enjoy today. We will go together some other day." Mom added.

" Okayy." I said, sighing.

This stupid husband of mine is so boring! Had mom and dad tagged along, it would have been so much fun!

Aditya's POV-

This girl, whom I am proud to call my wife is amazing and stupid. Sometimes she is so mature that it gets difficult to believe that she is just eighteen years old and at times she becomes such a kid at times.

Everything is captivating about her in every sense. She is making me fall for her even without having a single clue about it. Her eyes end up conveying everything to me which she does not say and it's both, cute and funny.

" We will get late Aditya! Go and get ready quickly!" She exclaimed, poking my arm.

When she is in the around, she demands all the attention of mine and I am more than happy to give it to her.

" Beautiful." Looking at her in her dress, she looked spellbound. I tucked the loose hair strand idly lying on her face behind her ear.

Swara's look-

" You go naa...please!" I heard her say.

" Geez...give me five minutes." I replied and walked into the closet to get ready.

As I walked out, she looked at me and was looking for good one minute.

It's so obvious that she is fighting her feelings and I really don't want her to do that. She is my wife and I have accepted her. But I am ready to give all the time in the world she needs to understand and figure out what she wants. I don't want to impose anything on her.

" Take a photo. It lasts longer." I said to get her attention with a smirk forming.

" Ex...excuse me?" She stammered again, as her trance broke.

" Done checking me out?" I asked her.

" I was not checking you out." She said hastily, turning away.

I walked to her and turned her towards me.

" Never hide that blush from me. I love that red." I told her honestly.

" I'm not blushing,....please! It's just that I'm feeling hot." She said, rolling her eyes.

" Sure." I taunted her.

" Now let's go! I really want to see the fair." She exclaimed as she grabbed her phone.

Swara's POV-

As we reached the fair, oh man! It was huge and beautiful.

" Aditya....please let's go on that giant wheel!" I pleaded as I saw that magnificent thing.

" Fine, come." He said and we walked towards it.

As we sat on our seat and it started moving, I felt alive.

" This is so amazing!" I exclaimed.

" Indeed." He replied while his eyes were fixed at me.

" Is there something on my face?" I asked him, touching my right cheek.

He leaned in towards me and for some goddamn reason I couldn't go back, it was like I was fixed to the place.

" Here." He said, taking out the twig that was struck in my hair.

" Ohh, thank you!" I said and he gave a small smile.

After the giant wheel, we went to the gaming stall where Aditya taught me how to fire a gun to hit the balloons. Him being so close to me got me so gittery and the butterflies went bonkers in my stomach. His breath fanned down the nape of my neck and I went week in my knees.

" I am done!" I announced, unable to bear the effect her had on me and stepped a little away.

" I suck at it. You shoot all the balloons and win that cute little teddy for me!" I said.

He didn't say anything, just pulled me towards him again and shot all the balloons while I had the gun in my hand. The gun was in my hand and the trigger was in his as he leaned over me.

And yes, we did win that cutie!

" Thank you." I said as he took my hand in his.

" Where to now?" He asked.

" Panipuri!" I exclaimed and dragged him to the stall with me.

" Bhaiya, 2 plate." I said.

" I am not eating it." Aditya told me.

" You cannot not eat it! How can you say no to it?" I asked him, amazed as to see how a person in his sane mind can refuse panipuri!

" Because it's unhygienic." He replied.

I just rolled my eyes.

" I dare you to eat it." I challenged him.

" I'll do it." He said and we started eating.

" Yummy!" I said, enjoying it.

After eating, we then saw the rest of the fair and I purchased a few things for everyone.

" I am so tired!" I whined as we got into the car to return home.

" It was bound to happen. You went crazy there." He taunted.

" Whatever." I muttered.

" Aditya....can we please sit by marine drive for sometime?" I added.

" Okay." He agreed.

" Why are you being so good suddenly?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him."

" I am not suddenly being good, you are demanding things for the first time." He said, his eyes still concentrated on the road.

Coming to think about what he said, it was true. This was the first time we went together to any place exclusively for fun.

" Agreed! So that means you will always do what I say?" I asked, trying to make him say yes.

" Don't get ideas Mrs. Kapoor. Your demands need to be reasonable if you want them fulfilled." He said, amused.

" Please Mr. Kapoor, all my demands are always reasonable." I bickered.

" We'll see that." He replied back and soon we were at marine drive. He parked the car and we went to sit on the pavement where many were sitting.

" I love this place so much!" I exclaimed.

" It is calming indeed." Aditya agreed with me.

" Whenever I come here, I count the number of planes flying over us. Will you count with me?" I asked.

" Your wish is my command ma'am!" He said in mock chivalry.

We sat there for around one hour and then started back.

" No Aditya....62 planes flew over us." I countered.

" No Swara....63. You missed one." He said.

No! I was sure that there were 62 only!

" No Aditya....there were 62. You miscounted." I said.

" Whatever makes you sleep at night." He muttered, giving up.

" You mister....losers make excuses!" I exclaimed.

" Told you, suit yourself." He said, smirking.

He knows that I was to fight but he is not giving me the reaction I want from him to actually start a fight! Ughhh!

" I HATE YOU!" I said.

" Because I am not fighting with you? Real mature Swara....real mature." He remarked.

" Don't you know! Mom asked me to behave my age so I am listening to her!" I told him.

" Go on." He said, sighing and it was my turn to smirk.

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 120 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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