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Swara's POV-

After reaching mom's place, I went on to spend time with bua and Amayra di.

They were fun and accommodating and accepting. Then after, at ten in the night, they left for their home.

" Mom, I'll leave foe home now." I said to mom as we bid bye to them.

Initially I had planned to stay the night but I really wanted to talk to papa about the possibility of having a puppy!

" Beta, don't worry. Aditya will drop you." Dad replied.

" No dad. I can manage. There are a lot of cabs around here." I said.

" No beta. It's not very safe because it is already ten and also, Aditya is now your husband and it is his responsibility as a husband to make sure that his wife does not take any pains and is safe." Mom countered.

" But...." I started.

" Do you have to argue with everything that is being said for your own benefit?" My so called husband addressed me.

Not wanting to create a scene here, I agreed to go with him and we sat in the car.

" Don't you think that I agreed because you scolded me. I agreed because I did not want to start an argument with you in there. I did not want to upset mom and dad." I clarified so he does not think that I lost.

" Swara, no one is your enemy here. We are just trying to make sure that you are okay." He said, frustration evident in his voice.

" What? No enemy? You are the biggest enemy of my life." I replied, rolling my eyes and started looking out of the window.

" I am not your enemy." He said, visible hurt!

Shut it Swara....why will he be hurt? He does not even care!

" Sure." I said and took my tongue out at him.

So mature!

" Wow! So mature of you." He replied sarcastically, voicing my own thoughts.

" What is your problem?" I asked him, irritated.

" Your attitude." He replied, not angry but.....amused?

" Okay Mr. this is how my attitude is and I do not plan on changing it. Also, you need to really stop treating me as a child. I am eighteen for god's sake!" I said, exasperated.

" Yes Swara, I know that you are eighteen. You have mentioned this quite a several of times in the past week." Mr. Arrogant Bitchy asshole said.

" Exactly! And you did not understand the meaning for being let me explain it to you. Being eighteen means that I am an adult and can perfectly take care of myself and do not need anyone to take care of me." I explained him.

" Now you listen to me....carefully. Just because you are eighteen does not mean that you have grown up. Yes.... you are mature but that is not the same thing. Every person of your age thinks that now they are adult....they are ready to conquer the world if set free but the truth is that you were protected in the environment, like in a shell for so long surrounded with parents, friends and school. If you think that this is real are badly mistaken. In the real life, people are cruel, shrewd and just waiting for an opportunity to exploit you. This shell which you have had been guarded by for so long makes you think that this is real life which is not." He lectured me.

" Wow! Amazing.....this is the exact same speech which papa gives me. Where did you learn it from?" I asked, sarcastically.

" This is the difference.....a grown up would understand what I just said and just an adult would pass sneaky remarks." He replied and I rolled my eyes again and turned towards the window, trying to ignore him.

" Ice cream!" I shouted as I saw the vendor.

" Shit." I muttered to myself realizing that I was not driving with mumma papa. It was Mr. husband.

" You want to have ice cream?" He asked.

" No." I lied. Truth to be told, I was dying for it.

" Which one Swara?" He asked me.

I looked at him.

" You'll get it for me?" I asked, looking at him.

" Yes." He said, nodding.

" Choco chips." I replied sheepishly and looked at him expecting him to make fun of me by saying that he was just kidding and won't stop just because I wanted ice cream but he parked aside and went out.

In five minutes, he was back with my ice cream.

" Thank you." I said, taking the cone from him.

He nodded looking at me and he started driving again.

Now that he had got ice cream for me without making fun, I was obliged to rethink about him being my enemy.

Then,a brilliant idea struck my amazing brain!

" Now that you got me an ice cream, you made me rethink about us being enemies. So I'd let go of this enemity  and let's call it a truce. I'll draft the contract." I said and took the napkin I had which came with the ice cream. I had not used it. 

" Do you have a pen?" I asked him.

He nodded and took it out from his pocket and handed over it to me....looking amused.

I rolled my eyes.

" This contract is to certify that I am calling it a truce with Aditya Kapoor and will not make an attempt to fight from my side until the other party gets on my nerves too much."

Then I signed. We had reached my home by now.

" Now you also sign here." I said, giving the napkin to him.

He read what I had written and started laughing. This was the first time I had seen him laugh so freely. He kind of looked cute.

What the hell? Just shut up Swara? Have you gone mad? What are you thinking?

" Don't laugh....sign here or it will be null and void!" I exclaimed and he did sign it.

" Now I will keep this contract with me. You will loose it." I said, taunting him.

" That is not fair. I am entitled to a copy of the contract where I have sighed." He said seriously but amusement was dancing in his eyes. what!

" Yes! Okay, come in. I have a printer and scanner so I'll give you one copy." I said and started walking inside. He followed.

" Beta? Come inside." Mumma said, addressing Aditya.

We walked in and she offered us water.

" It's late. Why don't you stay the night over Aditya?" Mumma suggested a horrible idea.

" No mumma....he is just here to get a copy of our contract and then he will go back to his house." I replied for him.

" Contract? Which contract Shona? Also, it's not just his house are his wife." She schooled me.

" It is a truce contract which marks the end of our enemity and also states that I'll not fight with him unless he gets on my nerves." I told her, showing the napkin and she laughed.

" are also playing along in one of Shona's creative ideas?" She asked, laughing.

" Yes maa." He replied, smiling at her.

" What? This is no's a contract. You cannot joke about it! It's serious" I exclaimed and got the napkin scanned and printed.

" Here's your copy. Now goodnight." I said, handing it over to him.

" No's already late. Stay the night. I insist. Also, it's a public holiday tomorrow so I'm guessing that you won't have to go for work so stay." Mumma insisted.

Unable to say no to her, he agreed.

Listening to the commotion going on, papa came out of the room.

" Papa!" I exclaimed and hugged him.

" I'm proud of you Shona. You've made us all proud." He said.

" Thank you! I am just glad that I did not fail in maths!" I exclaimed.

" Now tell me....? What do you want?" He asked me again.

" A puppy please!" I showed him my puppy eyes to which he chuckled.

" You'll have to ask Aditya if he is okay in keeping a dog....not me Shona!" He said.

Aditya came and greeted papa and hugged him.

" Kids, it's late. Go to bed. Goodnight." He said and walked inside his room.

" Shona....take him to your room. I'll send some spare clothes for him." Mumma said.

" Mumma....we don't stay in the same...." I attempted to speak but was rudely interrupted.

" Thank you maa." He said and mumma went to get clothes was him.

" Why...." I was about to scream when he placed his palm on my mouth.

" Do you want the whole colony to wake up?" He asked, I nodded negatively.

" So be quiet for sometime." He instructed. I don't know what came over me and I actually listened to what he said.

In 30 seconds, she handed him clothes, said goodnight and went back to her room.

I unwillingly took him to my room.

" Why did you not let me tell mom that we live in different bedrooms? See, now we will have to share this room!" I exclaimed.

" Maa would have felt so bad if she came to knew Swara? Did your brilliant mind give you this thought? Also, do you have a filter or not? You say anything, anywhere?" He asked, sighing.

Ohh.....I did not even think about this. He was right. Mumma would have felt so bad!

" I hate to admit this, but you are right." I remarked.

" Also, don't worry about sleeping. This is a sofa bed." I added, pointing at the couch in the room.

" Good. Now you take the bed while I sleep here." He said.

" Nope. I love my couch and I don't share it with anyone. You can take the bed. I am not that attached to it." I replied, took my clothes and went inside the washroom to freshen up and change.

I was done within 20 mintues and Mr. ass.....husband had already changed and was standing in the balcony.

I was rolling the sofa extension and took out the extra blanket. By the time I was done, he came in.

" Goodnight." I said and lied down on the couch.

" Goodnight." He replied and took to bed.

Soon, I had drifted into the land of my dreams!


" Shona....Shona, wake up." I heard mumma shout.

" Let me sleep mumma!" I shouted back and covered my face with the pillow and went back to sleep.

" Shona....wake up. We need to leave for Pune today. There is your mama's house warming party." She said.

" I can't mumma. We wont be back by tomorrow and I need to be here for the admission." I told her.

" Beta...then go with Aditya. I am not leaving you alone here in the house. The maids are on leave too." She said.

" I don't want to go mumma!" I whined.

" Please baccha....for my satisfaction?" She almost pleaded!

 This is not fair! She always finds a way how to make me listen to her!

" Fine." I said, getting up.

I went to the washroom, freshened up and took bath and then came in the hall is see papa, grandpa and Aditya talking while mumma was having water.

Swara's Look-

" Goodmorning." I said, grabbing their attention.

" Good morning Shona." Grandpa said and I hugged him.

" Let's leave now. We don't want to get late." Papa said.

I bid them bye and then we also left for Aditya's house.

" Seems like someone slept well." He remarked as he was driving.

" Yes! It felt so good." I replied back.

" You have your college admission procedure tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded.

" Shit!" I exclaimed that papa had to be here tomorrow as my legal guardian.

" What happened?" Aditya asked, stopping the car. We had reached.

" Papa's signatures are required tomorrow for the admission procedure." I told him.

" No issues. I'll sign as your guardian." He replied, chilled out.

" Thank you." he had sorted this issue.

" Now let's get in and have breakfast." He said. 

I nodded and we walked in.

The housekeeper had already cooked breakfast and served us.

" Thank you." I told her and we began to ate.

" Swara, where is your college?" Aditya asked.

" Just three kilometers away from here." I replied and he nodded.

With small talks, we had breakfast and then I went to my room to sleep more for sometime.'s a holiday! I can sleep!

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 100 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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