Chapter 15

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Taehee's pov

Beep... Beep... Beep...

That was the first sound I heard when I woke up. I couldn't remember what actually happened but I can see that I'm not at my home. Blinking my eyes slowly trying to adjust to the sunlight that's coming into the room, is the hardest part. The brightness is too much that I almost saw white. It's so blinding.

I try to get up but the pain in my head is killing me. Just as my hand is reaching for my head the door opened revealing a man with a white coat. Just by the appearance, I can tell that he's the doctor in charge but what surprised me is, it's none other than Wonwoo. My childhood crush. Now that I think back, I do remember Jungkook mentioning Wonwoo going to medical school.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

He slowly walks toward me with a slight smile on his face. I wanted to return it back but my expression shows that how confused I am then happy to see him. He must have noticed my confusion since he starts reaching out to me. Taking my hand in his glove hands he tries to ease my concerns.

"Okay, I guess you don't remember what happened." I nodded my head looking at him in the hope to get anything about what happened. He sighs before talking. "Don't panic. You have got into an accident. But don't worry, luckily you have no major injuries." He had a pained look on his face which tells me whatever happens to me couldn't be something good.

"I- what?"

My blood pressure started going high I can feel how tense my body is starting to feel. I want to stay calm cause I'm safe and sound with no major injuries but why do I feel like the concern he's showing me isn't towards me? Who else was with me during my accident? What happened to them? My mind started wandering off to endless questions that I can't find answers to.

"Taehee, can you recognize me?"

"yeah, Oppa. But can you tell me what's going on here?"

He sighs. "Taehee, what I'm going to tell you will break your heart. But-" I close my eyes trying to prepare myself for the worst-case scenario. I want to be strong for whatever he's about to say but my heart won't stop beating fast. It feels like it will jump out from there any second now. "Please calm down. Okay." he tries to assure me as much as he can from whatever storm is about to lose.

"Last Saturday, you got to an accident on your way home. The same night you came back from America." He sighs closing his eyes for a minute before continuing again. "You were drunk. Why didn't you took a taxi? Why did you insist on driving while alcohol in your system? Thank god other vehicles control the situation from getting hurt." Now I'm not sure why he's giving me that look if no one else got harm in the other vehicle. "But the problem is, you weren't alone in the car, Taehee. My brother -" His breathing hitched suddenly. I saw tears in his eyes. Truth be told it also pains me hearing I got his brother involved. Jungkook. Oh god, what have I done? "My brother was there. And now he's in a coma."

The first time my whole world started crashing down was when I heard about my dad's incident. I thought I'll never have to bear that pain again. But what's surprising is that Jungkook's pain hurts me more. I couldn't breathe suddenly. It feels so suffocating. Like someone is preventing me from breathing. I clutch my heart gasping for air when my vision got blurry. The last thing I remember before I collapse is a loud beeping tone from the machine and Wonwoo shouting orders and my name being called.


Next time I woke up I was surrounded by My best friends. Jimin is spacing back and forth inside the room while Bomi is sleeping by my right side, Somi is holding my left hand. The way her neck turned I guess she has fallen asleep. Taehyung is the only person who seems to be aware that I finally wake up. When our eyes meet I knew, he was in pain. The bags under his eyes are so dark it scared me at first. His hair and clothes are messy, I wonder how long had they been waiting.

"Taehee, thank god you are awake." He came to me rushing waking up everyone and Jimin to stop in his track. "You have me worried to death."

That's when I started remembering a flashback of the accident. No. Not the one with the latest one that Jungkook was involved in but the previous one where I and my real family were involved.

"Taehyung, honey please wake up your sister. We are almost there."

The little Taehyung looks at his twin sister who has fast asleep beside him in the backseat of the car. She was clutching her favorite book their father bought her. He slowly pushed her hair out of her face leaning closer to whisper in her ear.

"Wake up, sunshine. Mommy said we are almost there."

Little Taehyung smiled when his sister stirred in her sleep. He kisses the top of her head before gently shaking her body asking her to wake up. He loves his sister more than anything in the world. Everyone around them knew that. He's always overprotective when it's come to Taehee.

Taehee slowly opened her eyes rubbing her eyes cutely letting out a yawn making Taehyung chuckle.

"Aigoo. Look at you, sleeping beauty. You have been sleeping a lot lately."

Taehee blushed in embarrassment, giving Taehyung an apologetic smile.

"Taehyung, Taehee, what do you want to eat today?"

Before neither of them replied they heard their parents shouting, asking them to fasten their seat belts. Instead of fastening her seat belt Taehee accidentally unbuckles it making their parents panic. Their mother turns around to fix it removing her seat belt while their father tries to control the vehicle. The second car came crashing into their side making the car flying. Taehyung quickly holds tight to his sister. There wasn't any time to fasten her seat belt back so their mother went flying out of the vehicle. Taehee's head hit on the vehicle when it went upside down. Taehyung's grip loosens around her making Taehee sent flying across the window. Taehyung shouts in pain. He looks for help. Their father was already unconscious since the other car directly hit his side. Their mother is lying unconscious on the road unmoving. Taehyung was the only person who remained safe but he also had scratch marks on his head and body.

The last thing Taehee remembers was trying to reach out to her brother in desperate need before she loses consciousness.

"Taehee, what's wrong?" I heard someone calling my name snapping me out to reality. 

"Someone call the doctor," Bomi shout alarmed.

"Oh god, What's happening?" Somi touched my face making me look at her. That's when I realized I've been crying without saying a word. No wonder they are panicking. If it's the other way around I would start panicking as well. 

I open my mouth to talk but no words came. I helplessly reach out to the water cup near me. Sensing my gesture Taehyung hurriedly picked it up for me. He lowered it gently so I can drink some of it. Just then Wonwoo Oppa entered the room with few attendants. My friends quickly cleared the way stepping aside him to access me. He checks my breathing and checks my eyes with a flashlight before removing his stethoscope. 

"There's nothing to worry about. Maybe it happened due to shock." He tries to reassure everyone to sighs in relief. 

"Hey!" He gently asks giving me a smile. 

I smile back in return. 

"How are you feeling?" Then he gestures to everyone. "Can you recognize them?" I nodded in return.

"I'm fine," I whisper in return. My eyes land on everyone else slowly who gave me smiles in return. I have no idea how lucky I am to meet them. It pained me that I worried them to death. when my eyes land on Taehyung I couldn't help but reach out to him. now I know why I felt comfortable around him like I have known him this entire time. I'm such a fool. How could I forget my own brother? He's my twin brother, I wonder he still remembers me. Does he also forget about me? 


His eyes widen in return when others gasped in horror. They might be thinking something wrong with me. I prayed to god to make him remember me. 

"Wonwoo, I think she's -"

"Why is she calling him Oppa?"

"Taehee!" Taehyung clutched my hand tightly. "Is this really you? My sweet little twin sister?" His eyes are getting watery. He looked happy. I nodded in return. Wonwoo glanced back and forth between me and Taehyung until the realization drowns on him. 

"Guys. Let's give them space." But none of them moved. "I will explain everything. Let's wait outside." Taehyung didn't waste any time hugging me. I felt his body shaking. I couldn't hold onto myself from crying as well. This is like waking up from a bad dream. I finally found my lost family. I hold onto him tightly afraid if I let go of him that he will disappear. 

"Thank you for coming back. I couldn't believe it when they said that you went missing. I wanted to search for you. But-" He looks at me plainly. "Grandma, wouldn't allow me. She was afraid that I would end losing me if I find out you were dead. She knew you were the most precious thing to me." He quickly wiped his tears. "I couldn't bear to accept our parents died. I hate myself because I couldn't protect you. You got hurt because I was careless. I should have done something."

I shook my head. I won't let Taehyung take the blame when it was me who should be blamed. he did nothing wrong. Mom died because of me. I ruined his perfect family now I ruined Jungkook's life. I'm bad luck to everyone around me. 

"Taehyung, no-no. It's not you. It was me. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry you had to see a therapist at a young age. I'm sorry for ruining your life." I sobbed clutching his arm. It pains me even thinking of going through that pain. Wonwoo told me back then Taehyung lost his other family members and went through therapy. He becomes distant from other children. I remember him explaining all those horrible days when we finally meet. I never knew I would be in the pain of him. 

"Shhh! Taehee, don't you dare blame yourself. You didn't know this would happen. So stop blaming yourself." He wiped off my tears kissing my forehead like he used to. yet, I couldn't help but cry.  

When I finally calm down our friends entered the room along with Jinyoung and Sora eonnie. They were happy that I finally meet my real family. Jimin even cried hearing our story. That idiot has a really soft heart for a guy. I love him for that. I know apart from everyone Jimin is the happiest to know the truth. He is happy for both Taehyung and me. 

Even though I am happy to meet Taehyung the guilt is killing me. I should be punished for causing two accidents. I can't bear myself to face Jungkook afraid that he will hate me. He almost died because of me. Do you think he wants to be with me? But one thing is for sure whether he accept me or not I'm going to stay by his side until he recovers. I had to force Taehyung to leave from my side to Jungkook. They are best friends, yet Tae wants to remain by my side. I hate myself for that. Jungkook needs all the support to recover which is why I am determined to do everything I can to protect him. 


Hola amigos! 😘

I'm sorry! 😭💔It took me a while to update. I'll try to update early in the future. 😉please show your support by reading, commenting, and voting. 🤗

Take care and stay happy. 😊


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