Chapter 11: Extermination

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Sylvie looked at the male in front of her tense at what he might do or say. "I'm glad you showed up, honestly I was a bit afraid that you wouldn't show up," Shane said as he looked at the female in front of him. "Anyway, I got something for all of you," Shane said as he reached into the pocket of his jacket causing them to all tense up. "Relax, I'm not foolish enough to believe I could possibly believe I could defeat any of you," Shane said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

Shane then pulled out a rather large folded package. "Well, here it is," Shane said as he looked at the figures in front of him. Shane then held it out holding one hand up in the air so that they knew he wasn't going to attempt anything. When he said this Jason walked forward taking the package and opening it. "It's information on some of the monsters that they know are in this town. Just thought you should have it," Shane said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"And just what are we supposed to do with this?" Jason asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I don't know, give it to someone who might be able to do something with it? I just thought it would be a good way to make up for what I did the other day," Shane said as he looked at the figure in front of him. Jason looked up at him glaring slightly before backing away.

"So how many files are here?" Jason asked as he looked at the figure in front of him.

"Fifty-two," Shane said without hesitation when he said this Jason once again looked up at him a bit skeptically. "I tried to get as many as I could, but . . . that's not what I wanted to talk about," Shane said as he looked at the figure in front of him. When he said this both Sylvie and Ashley stepped forward as well.

"So what did you want to tell us?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the male.

"I think they've got a monster locked up at the base," Shane said as he looked at the figure in front of him.

"You think?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the figure in front of her.

"Yeah, I can't say for certain but I think they've got a monster under lock and key. I wanted to ask for help in freeing him," Shane asked as he looked at the figure in front of him. When he said this Jason looked up at him and scoffed slightly.

"You must think we're stupid if you think we're just going to march into the base of the Condottiere base so that we can get swarmed," Jason said as he looked at the figure in front of him.

"What? No! I'm serious there's a monster there that they're holding captive. I'm asking you to please help me get them out," Shane said as he looked at the figure in front of him.

"And why should we believe you?" Ashley asked as she looked at the figure in front of her. Ashley usually wasn't the type to be aggressive or hostile towards others that she had just met. However, she also knows how dangerous and deceitful Condottieres could be when they wanted to. Shane sighed hearing this and looked at the two in front of him, he couldn't really blame them for being mad at him. After what he had done, he really wasn't surprised by their mistrust, in fact, part of him was ready for them to attack him on sight.

"I don't have anything to make you believe me, but trust me I think it would be in your best interest to try and save them," Shane said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

"Oh? And why's that?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"You should see the trouble they're going through to keep whoever or whatever this monster is a secret. They're kept locked in a room under constant surveillance with only a handful of people allowed in the room. There are death threats for even trying to access files on the room that the monster's being kept in. Whoever they've got locked up is one of two things, one is that they are extremely dangerous, so dangerous that they keep them under lock and key," Shane said as he looked at the figures in front of him only for the other to cut them off.

"Or?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"He's got information on him, information either about the organization or about other things that the organization wants. I'm guessing probably later since they would have just killed the monster instead of keeping them captive for so long," Shane said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

"Ok, what makes you think it's a monster and not just something that only the higher-ups are allowed to see?" Ashley asked as she looked at the figure in front of her.

"I . . ." Shane began before letting out a sigh. "I don't know, I won't lie I don't really have any solid evidence on the matter. It's just more of a gut feeling than anything," Shane said as he looked at the figures in front of him. When he said this the figures looked at him before Jason stepped back.

"Right, well, for now, I think it'd be best if we kept that matter under wraps for now. If you can get any more information on what's actually in the room then we might consider helping. I know that's probably not what you want to hear but I'm sure you understand right? We're just not willing to risk our lives on the chance that this was just some setup or wild goose chase," Jason said as he looked at Shane. When he said this the male tensed up and nodded.

"Right . . . well if I find out anything else I'll be sure to let you-"Shane began only to stop when his phone beeped. "Oh sorry about that," Shane said as he reached into his pocket. When he said this the others that he had been talking to began to walk away. Once Shane noticed this he turned and began to do the same as well until he saw the message that he had gotten. When he did Shane turned around and looked at the two. "Wait," Shane said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

When he did they all turned around to look at him waiting for him to speak. "What's wrong now?" Jason asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"It's just . . . I got a message from another Condottiere. There's going to be a hunt later tonight well . . . more like an extermination," Shane said as he looked at the figures in front of him. "I could try to warn them but the mission starts in just a bit and if I'm seen then I'll be given the death penalty for sure. I'm not asking you go and fight, or even risk you lives bit please . . . warn them about the incoming attack," Shane said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

"We'll consider it, who's being attacked?" Jason asked as he looked at the figure in front of him. He, of course, planned to help at least to some extent but he didn't want to let that be shown to the male in front of him.

"It's a pack of werewolves in the area. I know they're located somewhere in the forest on the outskirts of town but I'm not sure exactly where. If you could warn them about what's about to happen I'll owe you one," Shane said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

"As I said, we'll consider it. So no promises," Jason said as he looked at the male before he began to walk away. As he did the two females began to follow him. As they walked they once again heard the clicking of Shane's shoes as he began to slowly fade from sight.

"So what do you think?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the two beside her wanting their opinion on what they should do.

"He didn't really have anything to gain from lying to us about the attack so I think we should warn them. However, I don't want to risk it just in case it's a trap. That being said if it did turn out it wasn't just a trap I'll feel like a dick in the morning for letting them burn alive. So that being said . . . I'll go alone," Jason said as he looked at the two in front of him.

"What? Why?" Ashley asked as she looked at the male in front of her fairly confused about what he had planned for going in alone.

"I'm stronger and faster than both of you, and it's not like I've never had to deal with some Condottiere before so I'll be fine. Trust me, I'm just going to show up to the pack's den, warn them about the attack and then leave. At least then I'll have a clean conscious," Jason said as he looked at the figures in front of him. When he said this Ashley looked at him a bit skeptically before sighing.

If it weren't for the fact that she was worried it might have been a trap she probably would have gone as well. However, Ashley knew that Jason was right about what he was saying. "Alright," Ashley said as she looked at the male causing Sylvie to turn and look at her surprised.

"Really? You're okay with him going alone?" Sylvie asked as she looked at Ashley.

"Sylvie, he's right he's stronger than both of us and if we all went and it did turn out to be a trap we'd most likely just end up getting in the way, or slowing him down. Sometimes you need to realize that going alone is the better option, even if it doesn't seem like it," Ashley said as she looked at Sylvie. When she heard this Sylvie grew quiet as she began to think of something she could use or say to help her.

"V, I'll be fine. Like I said this isn't my first time doing something like this," Jason said with a smile as he turned around and bent down. "Try to have some faith every once in a while," Jason said as he jumped into the air grabbing the ledge of a building and pulling himself up before he began to make his way down towards the edge of town hopping from building to building as he did. As the two watched the male quickly disappear into the distance Ashley smiled and looked at Sylvie.

"I see why you chose him to be your pretend boyfriend now," Ashley said as she looked at the figure in front of her causing Sylvie's face to turn a bright red.

"Wh-what's that supposed to mean?!" Sylvie asked clearly flustered by what Ashley had just said.

"Oh come on, it's so obvious you're into him," Ashley said as she looked at Sylvie.

"I am not! He's just a friend," Sylvie tried to explain as she looked at her friend.

"I've heard that one before," Ashley said with a smirk as she looked at the female.

"No! Really we're just friends! I know how that sounds but you've got to believe me," Sylvie said as she looked at the figure in front of her.

"Yep, you're right there's nothing there. I totally believe you," Ashley chimed with a slight chuckle continuing to tease Sylvie on the subject. Sylvie's face turned a bright red hearing this as she looked at the female in front of her. She had never taken Ashley for the teasing type but it seems like everyone has a small part of them that no one can really know about. As they were walking and Ashley continued to tease the female beside her. Sylvie couldn't help but think about the male that had just left him and hoping that he was okay.

However, unknown to the two of them Jason was dashing through the small forest outside the town they all lived in. As he way, he sensed something and stopped as he landed on the ground before he began sniffing the air. He could smell several figures closing in around the location he was moving towards. After he realized this he began running towards the camp at an even faster rate. They were close and they might have had no idea what was going on.

It didn't take him long to arrive only around a minute or two with the speed that he was moving. When he arrived he was a bit surprised by what he saw. It seemed to be a small camping spot almost as if it were set up by humans as a small get together rather than by werewolves as a permanent place to live. Jason could see several men and women walking doing several different activities that wouldn't strike anyone as odd. A few were fishing, some were gathering wood for a fire, and a few of the kids appeared to be playing with one another. Nothing out of the ordinary, or at least so it seemed.

Jason began walking towards the area and as he did one of the several figures approached him. "Hello, can I be of service? Are you lost, hungry, looking for somewhere to sleep tonight?" The figure said as he looked at Jason.

"I have information for your pack leader," Jason said as he looked at the figure in front of him causing the figure to tense up.

"I see, what is it? Or is it private?" The figure asked as he looked at Jason causing him to shake his head.

"No, it'd be better if you all knew this. I received word that your pack is going to be attacked tonight by a group of Condottieri. I wasn't sure if the information was any good or not but on my way here, I could smell them slowly approaching the camp. You don't have much time, you need to get ready now," Jason said as he looked at the male in front of him. When he said this the male looked at him a bit surprised and nodded.

"I thank you, I'll be sure to carry this information to him. You better leave before it's too late and they arrive. This is our fight, and I don't want yo involve you in conflicts that aren't your own. Especially some as dangerous as this one," The figure said as he looked at Jason causing him to shake his head.

"No, I need to stay here and help. I couldn't leave even if I wanted to at this point. I'd be spotted in an instant and killed as soon as enough managed to surround me. I like my chance better with you than I do on my own," Jason said as he looked at the figure in front of him. When he said this the figure nodded and began running toward a building that seemed to be a bit larger than the others. As he did Jason followed him into the building, as he did he saw Alex sitting, or rather laying on a long couch looking rather relaxed as he did.

"Sir, an outsider came with information of an incoming attack," The figure said as he looked at Alex. As he did Jason began to tune the two out as he continued smelling the air slowly sensing the incoming army approaching them. It was hard to tell how many there were around them but smelled like there was roughly twenty, dealing with one or two is hard enough, then again these werewolves had numbers on their side so it was possible they'd be fine.

Jason was only brought of this trance-like state once he started seeing the two around him start to move. As he did Jason ran outside and he could see several people were already preparing, several kids were being locked in a small room most likely to protect them, as well as several others that didn't look as if they could fight, such as the elderly, the sick, or those that were pregnant. It didn't take long for silence to fall over the once lively and loud town.

As it did Jason jumped onto one of the nearby buildings so that he could smell the air better. As he did he heard a slight snap and a moment later a bullet flew by his head leaving a small cut behind on his cheek. As it did Jason fell back and began laying on the roof, it was only a matter of time before they arrived if they were already trying to take him out. They must have been trying to take the stealthy approach first and then go loud once a few of them had been discovered.

This theory was proven moments later when the male heard a loud roar and then crashing from a nearby building. Then from another, and another, after around the fifth building Jason saw several figures with several different figures running into the small campsite. As they did Jason jumped into the air his humanoid silhouette fading, as a massive blue serpentine-like dragon came crashing down to the ground letting out a loud roar as he did.

Jason began looking around for any figures that seemed of interest and immediately spotted a blindfolded male with white hair. Jason swung his massive tail towards the male, only for him to jump up a nearby wall and then jump off it to avoid the tail. Jason was a bit impressed with the male's hearing considering he was able to hear all this around him and still be able to distinguish an attack that was coming towards him.

As he did a werewolf came towards him and Chrom avoided the attack rolling around him as he reached back to grab the blade on his back pulling out the silver sword as he looked in the general direction of his attacker. The creature then let out a loud roar making it a little difficult for Chrom to hear just what was happening around him. After it had stopped it before running towards him roaring and growling as he did.

Chrom then jumped back and brought his blade down, decapitating the creature in front of him. Chrom could hear several creatures running towards him and he jumped up towards one flipping as he did before eventually bringing the blade down onto the creature. As he did the creature raised one of its massive arms and stopped the sword in its tracks. As he did Chrom threw the blade into the air and moved behind the creature to confuse it.

A moment later Chrom caught the blade and dashed forward cutting the creature across the chest. As he did blood sprayed from its wound and it let out a cry of pain before Chrom jumped into the air and then brought his blade down onto the creature's neck decapitating it as he had done with the first. As he did Chrom heard a creature running behind him and jumped up turning as he did to slice the creature in the face.

As he did the creature once again let out a cry of pain before Chrom turned and once again decapitated it as well. This seemed to be his preferred method for killing these creatures. Chrom then heard two more running towards him and jumped up raising his blade as he did slashing the creature across his chest before he began flipping in the air cutting the creature in front of him several times before landing on it's back and stabbing it in the throat.

Chrom quickly pulled out his blade and moved back to impale the first creature he had cut before raising his blade into the air leaving a large cut behind, leaving the creature to die like this knowing they would bleed out rather quickly. Chrom then began running towards a new group of creatures. However, as he did he failed to hear the sound of one of his attackers jumping off the roof of a building.

When the creature crashed behind him Chrom jumped forward rolling as he did before turning around with his blade ready. However, despite his incredible reflexes, Chrom was unable to react to the figure that had already started running towards him. He was able to use his blade to keep the creature's claws from swiping his head clean off his body but unable to keep the creature from knocking him back several feet.

As he did Chrom ended up dropping his blade and came crashing into a stop sign. The sign bent and broke as Chrom was sent into it. Chrom's nerves were on fire sending waves of pain through his entire body. It was strange but Chrom couldn't remember the last time he felt this bad. Chrom then reached into his pocket grabbing a red pill and putting it in his mouth. Once he swallowed it the pain immediately began to fade.

As he did Chrom heard the werewolf approaching him and he reached for the first thing he could use as a weapon which just so happened to be the stop sign he had been thrown into. Chrom then grabbed the sign that had been knocked out of the ground and brought it up hitting the creature in the face with it. As he did Chrom jumped up and brought the sign down slamming it on the creature's head. Chrom then jumped up turning the sign to the side so that it would slice the creature in front of him. Chrom then flipped several times knowing that since the sign wasn't made of silver the werewolf would heal much quicker than before.

Chrom then slammed the creature in the head bringing it to the ground. As the creature raised it's head Chrom used the sign to slice it's shoulder and sent it up slightly before turning to slice it across the chest, before bringing it down hitting its other shoulder. Chrom then jumped up kneeing the creature in the face showing his confidence since the werewolf could have easily just bit his leg off. Chrom then kicked the creature in the stomach sending himself back bringing the sign down as he did. The creature then once again let out a loud roar his jaw now completely healed as he did.

Chrom then turned and once again attempt to split the creature's jaw once again. However, as he did the creature bite down on the sign and turned to lift Chrom up off the ground as he did. Throwing him into the side of a building as he did Chrom groaned as he got up. "I'm really glad I took that drug otherwise this would hurt like hell," Chrom said as he struggled to get up and learn the layout of the room he had been thrown into. As he did the creature once again let out a menacing roar and charged towards the male.

Chrom then once again reached to his side once again desperate to grab any weapon he could. This time he managed to get his hands on an electric guitar. When he did Chrom brought the instrument down on the beasts head. When he did the beast seemed disoriented and he quickly pounced on the chance raising up as he did and hitting the creature in the jaw standing as he did. Chrom then jumped into the air and slammed the guitar on the beasts head once again disorienting it.

When he landed he began twirling the guitar before once again slamming it down on the beast. However, since this didn't have as much weight behind it as the sign he was using it did little to slow the creature down. As it charged towards him Chrom jumped back and flipped as he did once again bashing the creature on the head with the rather heavy instrument. Chrom then remembered something that he knew would be useful, and then immediately scalded himself for forgetting. Then again, he didn't use it often so it's no wonder he forgot.

Chrom then leaned back to kick the beast and as soon as he did a blade came out from his shoe stabbing the creature through its cheeks. When he did the creature let out a sheik of pain and Chrom pulled back to slice the creature across the throat. As the creature's blood spilled out it let out a pained cry before Chrom reached up to kick it in the head. When he did the creature grew silent and Chrom pulled out.

"I can't believe I forgot about these," Chrom mumbled as he tried to find his way out of the house which for a blind man was rather difficult. "I even went out of my way to change them to silver ones because I knew I'd be fighting werewolves and I still forgot," Chrom groaned as he slowly took a few more steps. All he needed to do was make his way outside and he'd be back in the fight. As he walked out of the building he heard a familiar set of footsteps land beside him and turned to look at the masked magician beside him.

"Mago, where's Rosalyn?" Chrom asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I believe she went to fight the pack leader my cieco friend," Mago said as he looked at the male beside him. Chrom nodded hearing this and began running away from the male. "Ah young love," Mago said as he was caught off guard by one of the several creatures. It attempted to use its massive claws to kill him. However, as it did Mago raised his hand to stop the attack. However, it seemed as if Mago wasn't expecting the creature to be as strong as it was as he was thrown back with the beast's arm becoming completely enveloped in front.

As Mago slowly got up he dusted himself off and saw something in the room that made his eyes light up with nostalgia. A basketball, which seemed to be kept in fairly good condition. Mago reached for the ball and tossed it up joyfully as he heard some rumbling of debris as the creature walked into the room and looked at Mago as he stopped tossing the ball in the air and looked at the werewolf in front of him.

"Interesting fact mio amico," Mago began as he spun the ball on his finger. "During my high school years, I was captain of the varsity basketball team," Mago said as the creature let out a loud roar only for it to be silenced a moment later by Mago when he threw the ball at the creature forcing it to close its mouth. When he did Mago caught the ball and threw it back at the creature the ball moving at an unnatural speed as it collided with his stomach sending him into the wall behind it.

When the ball bounced back Mago smiled and moved to the side hitting with his hip in a mocking manner only for the ball to come back and hit the creature in the face once again. Mago then caught the ball spinning it on his finger only for the creature to charge at him. When it did Mago threw the ball at its feet causing him to trip and fall. As it did Mago smiled and began dribbling the ball against its head sending to the ground with every bounce before he caught the ball and jumped back.

As he did the creature slowly got onto its feet and Mago jumped into the air as if he were going to dunk the ball before slamming it onto the creature's head. When he did he heard a loud snap and saw the floor spray with blood. Mago smiled seeing this and watched as the creatures now deformed head and mouth dripped with blood as it began to slowly heal its jaw and mouth being forced to snap back into place.

Mago then threw the ball once again only for the beast to catch it and then crush it in its hands. As it did Mago sighed and then extended his hand out only for a bat to come flying into his hand. Mago began examining the bat after hearing this. "I never was a big baseball fan, more of a tennis guy myself. Then again I guess a Tennis racket wouldn't be as good in a situation like this," Mago said as he looked at the figure.

Mago then pulled back and swung towards the beast, as he did the beast jumped back avoiding the attack, only for a large gale-force wind to hit him a moment later sending him out of the room and pin him against the wall in the other room. As he did Mago teleported in from him once again ready to swing hitting the creature in the head sending him down the hall cracking the baseball bat as he did.

Mago looked at the now destroyed bat and sighed as he threw it behind him and began walking down the hall only to see the creature had landed in a kitchen with several plates and silverware beside him. As the creature slowly rose to its feet Mago grabbed one of the plates and began examining it. "I think I'd much rather prefer my playing cards but this isn't that bad either," Mago said as he spun the plate on his finger as the creature charged towards him without warning.

Mago then grabbed the plate he was spinning and smashed it against the beasts head before rolling out of the way and looking at the figure in front of him. "They're heavy, not very aerodynamic, and I don't they could cut anything without shaving off the edges to make them sharp," Mago said as he began tossing several of the plates around in a very theatrical manner. "but they'll do," Mago said as he looked at the beast with a smile. The werewolf then ran at him and he threw one of the plates he was juggling at the beast slicing its leg causing it to trip and fall.

Mago smiled seeing this and continued to show off until he noticed the beast was bleeding. Once he did Mago looked at the plates a bit strangely. They weren't made of silver, so he didn't understand why it had hurt the beast. However, at the same time, the beast had clearly been injured by his attack. After noticing this Mago caught plates he had been juggling around. "Hmm . . . I wonder," Mago said as he once again threw the plate at the creature only for it to be impaled in the creature's chest and stomach.

"Interesting," Mago said as he began throwing several more plates each one impaling itself into the creature's flesh causing it to both spray and drip with blood. Mago then took a more gutsy approach and threw a plate at the creature's neck using his magic far more than before so that he could decapitate the creature causing it to fall to the ground. "Interesting, if we kill them before they can regenerate then anything can be used as a weapon against them," Mago said more to himself than to anyone else.

Mago then walked out of the building and began looking at the location he had been told was the leaders' house. "I hope you're not encountering any troubles, my little vampiric friend," Mago said as he looked at the building before once again beginning to fight. However, unknown to him was she not only not having a problem, but she was also completely dominating the fight. Alex was thrown onto his back as Rosalyn looked at the male in front of her with a smile. The male then got up and let out a loud primal roar. "Oh? Ready for round two?" Rosalyn asked in a rather innocent voice as she looked at the male.

Due to the fact that Alex was a werewolf-vampire hybrid his beast form was far more monstrous and primal in nature, having fur on his spine, around his neck, and on part of his arms, but not anywhere else, as well as having a purplish-gray skin color and two large leathery wings on his back, and of course his fangs being rather long perfect for ripping and tearing his opponents apart.

Alex charged towards the female in front of him, as he did the female held up her hands easily stopping him in place before lifting him up and slamming him onto the ground. Before he had time to relax the female once again lifted him up and threw him into the wall sending him through it. Rosalyn then stepped outside and looked at the male as he once again got up. "Ready for round three mongrel?" Rosalyn said with a sadistic smile.

"Shut up bitch!" The male screamed as he ran towards her. The male attempted to swipe at her face only for Rosalyn to duck under the attack then punch the male in the gut sending him into the air. As she did the male began flying and made a dive straight towards her. As he did the female moved to the side and caught his leg began slamming onto the ground. As he was getting up the female slammed her fist into his stomach sending him back crashing through several trees.

When he was up Rosalyn smiled the same innocent sadistic smile as she gestured for the male to come closer. "Ready for round four?" She taunted causing the male's eyes to widen with rage as he dashed towards her using his wings to help he gain even more speed as he did. Only for Rosalyn to do something he wasn't expecting and dash towards him as well. The two crashed into each other with Alex landing on his back.

Before he could get up Rosalyn stepped on his arm forcing him back down to the ground before grabbing his face and then pushing his head to the ground she then released his head only to punch him in the face, and then punch him again, and again. Eventually, her punches turning into a flurry of blurred movement with Alex's head ben pushed into the ground with every strike. "Feeling gutsy enough to go for round five, or are you ready to accept your defeat?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Never, you stupid, prideful stuck up bitch!" Alex said as he looked at the female in front of him only for Rosalyn to shrug as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Alright, but fair warning, I can guarantee you'll be able to get back up from this one," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male in front of her only for the male to rush towards her with hatred gleaming in his eyes. As he did Roslyn sighed and turned to the side grabbing his arm as she did and began bending it back. A moment later the air was filled with a sickening snap as Alex's arm was broken. Rosalyn then released the male's arm.

As she did the male stepped forward holding his arm, as he did Rosalyn jumped in the air and turned to kick Alex's leg causing another snap to be heard as she broke his leg causing the male to fall down onto his knees. Rosalyn then grabbed the male's hair lifted him off the ground. "Say good night sleeping beauty," Rosalyn said as she pressed her hand through the male's chest completely destroying one of his lungs, as well as damaging his ribcage causing the male to begin transforming back to his humanoid form.

As he did Rosalyn smiled and pulled her hand out of the male's chest only for him to fall to the ground. He could feel his body slowly being drained of any and all life. With Rosalyn leaning down in front of him. "I would drink your blood, but I wouldn't dream of devouring the blood of a filthy cur such as yourself," Rosalyn said as she began to walk away her silhouette being the last thing Alex seen before his world faded to darkness.

The last thing he remembered feeling before truly passing out was the feeling of an intense warmth around him as well as the feeling of being dragged across the ground, possibly someone from his pack trying to bring him to safety. 

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