Chapter 12: Mind games

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The female Condottiere known as Rosalyn was currently standing in front of a small group of people. These people were a small group of people that were responsible for deciding most if not all decisions made in this small portion of the organization. "Rosalyn Van Zieks, a huntress of indeterminate age, codenamed the 'Red huntsman' race Higher-Turned Vampire. Known kills fifteen thousand five hundred sixty-one, missions completed one hundred seven, missions failed nine each because the target was killed instead of captured. You have been summoned before the council due to your repeated requests to privately interrogate subject W.C. is that correct?" One of the several figures asked as they looked over her file.

"That is correct, I believe that I can attain information from him that you have yet to retrieve yet," Rosalyn said as she looked at the figures in front of her.

"Can anyone here vouch for her?" The male asked as he looked at the female in front of him. When he said this a figure stood up and raised his hand.

"I can," Mago said as he stared at the others. "I have both fought this female and seen her efficiency in battle. I can say with utmost certainty that she can be trusted with subject W.C. yes she may have failed nine missions because she disobeyed some orders. However, after some independent research, I found out the reason she killed them was that they were werewolves," Mago said as he looked at the other figures in front of him.

"And that's an excuse?" One of the figures asked as they looked at him.

"Maybe, maybe not. However, let me ask you this, can you really fault her for such an action? We're all aware of the rivalry between vampires and werewolves. So is it really any surprise she has a hatred for them as well? Not only that but I'm willing to bet some of us would have done the same if the circumstances were just a bit different. After all, every Condottiere has a monster they hate. If you were in her situation with a monster you hated would you not have faltered as well? I know for a fact if I were sent to capture a pixie I would have to either request a different mission or returned with a failed objective," Mago said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

It seemed as if he was using his charisma and charm to win over the others to help Rosalyn with her goal of interrogating the male. "Plus what's the worst that could happen? If our little vampira here were to kill the subject, then we've just successfully gotten rid of quite possibly the most dangerous monster in existence. If not, then we'll at least understand a bit more about him. The way I see it, it's a win-win scenario," Mago said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

"And you don't think she'll betray us?" One of the figures asked.

"Of course not, she's been with us far longer than most of us give her credit for. She's had chances to betray us time and time again and hasn't. It may have been because it was convenient for her to stay but even so she has nothing to gain from betraying us now. She didn't even know this creature existed until a few days ago," Mago said as he looked at the figures in front of him. After a few brief moments of silence, one of the males nodded and gestured for him to sit.

"Can you sight any act showing her preference to the organization?" One of the figures asked as he looked at Mago.

"Indeed I can," Mago said as he cleared his throat and looked at the other figures in front of him. "A few days ago, Rosalyn single-handedly organized a group to attack and destroy a pack of werewolves that have been plaguing the outside of our town for quite some time. She even managed to fatally wound their leader. If that isn't determination to our cause then I'm not sure what is," Mago said as he began walking around the room once again putting his charisma to work.

"This pack has been here for generations, and no one has managed to destroy it due to the sheer amount of numbers that they had. Many have tried however these attempts were embarrassing failures brought on by those that were merely looking to stroke their own ego. Yet, she managed to do what so many others have failed to do. She could have merely chalked this task up as impossible and merely moved on with her life but she didn't. In fact, it's the very reason we're considering her request is it not?" Mago said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

"How do you know she didn't just wipe them out because she knew it would get us to look at her requests more closely?" The male once again asked.

"I'm not saying she didn't that may have very well been her intention. However, the fact still remains that she did in one night what many others have been trying to do for centuries. And if you're thoughts of her doing so to only boost herself is to be believed, then she did so on a whim. Who else in this organization can say that they are capable of doing something like that merely because 'they felt like it'? As capable as I am, even I can not claim the right to boast about such a thing," Mago said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

As he passed by them Rosalyn could see the palms of his hands glowing a dull blue, and a slight blue twinkle moving up to their eyes. He was using magic to twist their arms and convince them to vote in favor of him. A fact Rosalyn more than appreciated. "Do you not believe we should reward out vampiric friend appropriately for such a task. After all, if we hand over subject W.C. it certainly would be a good motivator for her next mission, and possibly even encourage her to go on more self-organized missions. Wouldn't you agree?" Mago asked as he finished circling the others and continued around the room so that he could get back to his seat.

"After all, she's already proved she's more than capable of taking action when need be, and if we give her a reason to continue her slaughtering of monsters . . . then I see no reason not to grant her request. It may be a little high risk this is true but wouldn't it be interesting to see if this vampira of the night is capable of taming and subduing even the most powerful and feared creatures known to the organization?" Mago asked as he looked at the figures in front of him. "If so, then I see no reason not to grant her request," Mago said as he once again sat down looking at the others.

"Thank you, that was rather insightful. Now then all in favor of letting Rosalyn interrogate subject W.C?" The male asked only for nearly every voice in the room to speak in unison. "All opposed?" The male asked and this time the room was filled with silence. After a few seconds passed the male nodded and looked at Rosalyn.

"Very well, after your repeated requests we'll grant your wish of being able to privately interrogate subject W.C. however, we will be expecting updates regularly of your progress," The male said as he looked at the female in front of him, with Rosalyn merely nodding.

"Of course," She said, what else would they need other than progress? She can do whatever she wants to King. But corrupting him would definitely be her priority. Up until this point, her toys would just break easily, but this one was new. A special type of species that she could mold into whatever she wants given the chance. Of course, he's far more dangerous than the others. Without a doubt the most dangerous, she had to be cautious otherwise she may have been the one going insane first.

"Alright, would you like help with transporting him to your house, or would you prefer to move him yourself?" A female asked as she looked at Roslyn. She may have been one of their most skilled but they thought she might still have needed help transferring someone as dangerous as King.

I'll do it myself" Rosalyn preferred to work alone, as she always does. However, this also showed her confidence in this to others making them both a bit worried and a bit more suspicious of her. Not that she cared of course. But there are some people she is willing to work with, those who don't annoy her and those who don't get in her way.

"Very well, we wish you luck little vampira," Mago said as he looked at the female in front of her. "Just a little advice before you go, try not to damage his collar. It's the only thing keeping him in line. No telling what will happen if it's damaged," Mago warned as he looked at her. Rosalyn was familiar with his collar at this point. She had to be if she wanted to be left alone with him. It was engraved with demonic ruins which kept him drained of power. With it on he was no stronger than the average human.

Rosalyn chuckled softly hearing this and nodded "Don't worry, I'll handle him with care," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male. This was a rather obvious lie, she had plans for the angel, plans that involved turning him into something more, obedient. Mago nodded and watched as she walked out of the room. She had been given an item to access the hall a while ago so the transfer should go fairly well. Rosalyn walked into the room and up to the creature.

She looked him over and once again bit her lip before she began unstrapping him. "What are you doing?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him.

"The council has trusted you to me. So, for the time being, you're under my command. Which means that you'll be leaving and going somewhere else. Kind of hard to keep our base a secret if I have to come in and out of it every day," Rosalyn said as she began pulling the nails out of his skin. Once she did the male fell to the ground and looked up. "Now then, get up," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male in front of her.

When she did the male almost immediately stood up and looked at her and Rosalyn tossed a robe to him. "Here put this on, and follow me," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male causing him to nod and follow behind her draping the robe over himself loosely. She didn't think it would be a good idea for him to be naked in public. While she was pretty good at avoiding detection the last thing she wanted was for him to get caught naked.

It would just make transporting him harder, the whole reason she was bringing him to her house was so they could be free of interruptions. As they walked down the streets King looked at the figure in front of him finding her rather interesting. "So out of curiosity, what's with the gothic clothing?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him.

Rosalyn looked at her clothes she found it a bit odd that was the thing he decided to single out. "They're comfortable, and I like them. It reminds me of the past" She answered him softly, she needed to be close with him to at least try to manipulate him. She preferred a much more personal and intimate approach when it came to breaking her opponents.

"Fair enough," King said as he continued walking with her until they reached a large house. However, to most, it would have been more akin to a mansion. The Condottieres must have really wanted to keep her around to have allowed her access to a building as expensive as this one.

"You know," Rosalyn began as they started to walk up the path that led to her house. "I wonder what you would do if you were free," Roslyn said as she opened the door for the male. This was just a way to get to understand what he wants. A way to understand him better, make it easier to manipulate him.

"Hard to tell, probably just adjust to this new world," King said as he walked into the building before turning to look at her. "After all when I was captured people still used candles to light their houses," King said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Ah, yes. Those were the times" Rosalyn said as she felt a wave of nostalgia pass over her. She remembered using candles, but now there were lightbulbs thanks to an idea that became a reality. As she said this she noticed that King was looking around the building. While outside seemed normal the inside had been designed to look like her time, with only a few exceptions such as the allowance of television just in case she got bored.

"I like these things better," Rosalyn said as she allowed him to look around. He needed to adjust to the surroundings first.

"I see, I guess I see the appeal," King said as he looked around. Now it was time to bring him to 'his room'. Rosalyn without saying a word turned and began to walk through the halls. Seeing this King followed behind her he knew better than to fight back. As long as this damned collar was on him he was basically human. He wasn't foolish enough to believe he could escape, especially not from a vampire like her.

"This is where you'll be staying, this is effectively your room. Which also happens to be my room. What a coincidence," Rosalyn said as she turned to look at the male. The room just had the basic necessities. She liked the simplicity, almost as much as she liked the fact that he doesn't fight.

"Alright I give, what's the catch?" King asked as he looked at her. Wanting to know why she was being so nice to him. There had to be another motive that King hadn't thought of yet. Rosalyn chuckled softly hearing this and looked at him.

"You give me info, I let you live like this. And if you're really nice, that collar of yours might get into a little accident," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male in front of her. King wasn't sure if she was telling the truth but if she was truly willing to risk something like that then it'll be interesting, to say the least.

"Information? As in?" King asked searching for a specific answer she might have been looking for. He thought it would be easier to keep her appeased if he knew if she was looking for anything specific.

"Things, you know, anything really. As long as it's beneficial to us. If possible in great detail" Rosalyn said, she thought it was pretty boring so she might as well try to corrupt him if possible of course. Mind tricks were kind of her specialty but she doesn't want to resort to hypnotism, that just takes all the fun out of it.

"I see, you do realize you're talking to someone who's been contained for years right? I doubt there's any information I have that could be of any use to you," King said as he looked at her. This was true he probably didn't even know the new methods used for hiding the monsters of this world, so it's doubtful he knew anything to help her with hunting down any monsters.

"Who knows, trial and error exists, we have our whole lives to talk," Rosalyn said with a shrug, it didn't matter to her how long it took to her. She's been around thousands of years, a few days for her will pass in the blink of an eye. However, she also took note that King didn't seem to react to the fact his collar may 'malfunction'. Of course, this could have just been because he simply thought she was lying.

"I see, in that case, I think it would be best to give me a moment to think," King said as he looked at her. He would need a moment to think of anything he could use to keep him living like this. While it was far from a luxurious life, he was more than happy to live it, especially when until now he had been nailed to the wall in front of him.

"Of course. I'm not saying do it now, feel free to relax. There are no cameras here," Rosalyn said before plopping down on the bed. She was thinking of a way to manipulate him. After all, even an angel needed to experience some form of desire.

King moved over to the other end of the bed, being cautious of the female. He was quiet for several hours before he once again spoke. "I think I might have something," King said as he looked at her. He didn't remember telling anyone this and they didn't conduct any tests that would reveal this to them, so he thought it was a good place to start.

Rosalyn was quiet as well, not speaking to him for the past few hours until King had finally decided to break the silence. "What is it?" She asked while sipping blood from the packet she had gotten while waiting for him to speak.

"I assume you don't know much about angels so consider this a fun fact. Angelic muscles are special because they never get sore or tire out regardless of how much we exercise or strain them," King said as he looked at her. Rosalyn, of course, took note of that, she has to remember to include it in her report, they might get some use from it even if she didn't.

"Anything else?" She asked before turning up to look at him.

"Hmm," King said as he began thinking it over. "Have you ever noticed that you feel calm and easy around me? Relaxed I guess you could say," King asked, of course, that was the main reason being around him made her so uneasy. Rosalyn looked at him, obviously interested. She needed info so she might as well take it.

"Yes, I have noticed," She said calmly, maybe her unease will be lifted with his answer? Even if it is just a bit of relief it might help relax around him without his help.

"Angels release a pheromone that is meant to help others relax around us. A sort of disarming evolution, that causes those nearby to become awestruck by our presence," King said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Interesting. Taking away a fight response while being able to attack an opponent," Rosalyn found this quite useful information. It would undoubtedly help the organization especially if they learn how to create this pheromone.

"If you chose to look at it that away. I had never considered that before but I won't lie I guess it would come in handy if such a situation were to arise," King said as he looked at her, still choosing to be cautious of her.

"You are one of the strongest beings on this planet. The fact that you're not destroying it is quite nice," Rosalyn said, if he did go wild, then what she prey upon? Humans would be in short demand because of how fragile they were and only the strongest monsters would survive.

"Destroying the . . . I would never! I could never bring harm to the innocent. That's just . . . sinful!" King said as he looked at her. The innocents of angels shown in front of her. He acted as if he had never even considered the idea. Corrupting him might be a bit of a challenge but it should be rather fun.

"Oh please," Rosalyn said as she set aside her blood pouch before walking over to him. "You have everything in the world to make your goals happen. Can't you see it? The world at your mercy?" Rosalyn asked she began to work him over immediately. As far as she was concerned his mind was like a lump of clay she could mold into whatever she wanted

"No, I can't because it's wrong. If I do that then I'm no better than a common demon and I refuse to fall to their level," King said as he looked at her. Rosalyn found this fact rather amazing he didn't even hesitate to answer her. All her other toys at least thought about it before they refused her. He'd be a tough one to crack, and that just made it more fun for her.

Rosalyn chuckled softly hearing his response. She then stood up and walked over to him. "Oh, what a sweet child," She said softly and sat on his lap. "Demons came from angels who wanted to bring change," She said softly as she began to make herself comfortable. "I'm sure you understand this but... With your power, you'll realize that it's simply much more fun to have the world under your feet," Rosalyn said as she looked back at the male.

King seemed a bit confused as to why she was sitting on his lap but chose to keep it to himself, not wanting to upset her. No telling what someone like her would do to him if he upset her. "Right, well I believe I'll have a cleaner conscious if I don't," King said choosing to keep to his ideals.

"Hmmm, you have a kind heart. I like it" Rosalyn said softly with a smile, she was going to have some fun with this. She was already letting her mind run wild with different ways she could tempt this angel.

King smiled hearing this and nodded. "Thank you," He said sounding genuinely glad by what he had just heard. He's an angel, exposing him to the sins of the world should be easy. Especially if he's never experienced them before.

"Maybe... I can show you a place later?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male. The first thing that went into her mind was to bring him to a bar. Usually, innocent people notice their lust when seeing a woman's body. Maybe it will work for him? He may have been an angel, but he was still a man.

"Of course," King said as he looked at her. "So if I may ask where would this 'place' be? Must be secure if you're willing to bring me there," King said still viewing himself as a prisoner.

"Not really. It's a bit of a public place, especially at night" Rosalyn said softly, she wasn't lying. She looked at his collar teasing. "I did tell you. If you're good, maybe your little collar can have a little accident of sorts," Rosalyn said teasing the idea of him being free of his collar.

"Alright, I'll play along," King said as he looked at her. She couldn't trust him with his collar off yet, but at the moment the idea of it coming off was enough to keep him docile. She has to gain his trust in order to make King more obedient than this, just like her former toys. The two waited for several hours, King waiting for her to take him to this place, or maybe get bored and go to sleep, and her waiting for the sun to finally fall so she could leave her house freely.

Once a bit of time had passed Rosalyn stood up and stretched a bit. "We can go now. It's the perfect time after all," She said softly, King found it a bit odd that she wasn't going to change her outfit but once again he didn't question it. The only thing that disappointed Rosalyn, however, was the fact that he didn't show any reaction to her sitting in his lap.

She was certain that would change later. "Lead the way ma'am," King said as he looked at her.

"No need to call me ma'am, Rosalyn will do just fine," Rosalyn said softly and began to walk him outside. King nodded hearing this and began walking behind her. He didn't seem to mind the fact they were walking, then again why would he? His muscles never get tired after all. Rosalyn led him over to her motorbike and got on it. This was a rather large gap between her choice in furniture and her mode of transportation she must not have liked wasting time.

She got on the bike and looked at King. She didn't need a helmet since she knew there was no way a bike would be able to kill her. King, however, looked at the bike a bit confused. He had never seen such a machine before, so of course, he was a bit cautious. He kicked one of the wheels seeming to inspect it for a moment before looking back up at Rosalyn. "Don't worry, it doesn't bite. Only I do," She said hoping to lighten the mood a bit.

"Right," King said as he mimicked her action and got on the bike as well. He still seemed confused but at the moment he seemed willing to give the strange contraption a chance. Rosalyn revved up the engine letting the roar of the engine take over. "Hold on tight," She said as she looked at the male. When she said this King nodded and gripped onto the sides of the bike. Rosalyn then began driving down the streets at a rather intense speed.

As she did King immediately lunged forward and began clinging to her. The sides of the bike were too unstable for him to get a good grip, what else was he supposed to grab onto? As they rode Rosalyn was careful to not get caught speeding or doing anything else that could get her in trouble. She stuck out enough as it was, she didn't need to go adding to her problems. It didn't take them long for them to begin to see the club.

She went over and parked it briefly before looking back at King, she wondered how he would react to lust. King could hear the music playing from inside and looked at the building confused. "Is this what ballrooms are like now? The building and music are so much different than what I remember," King said as he looked at the building in front of him. However, he noticed something rather odd about it. There was an unusually high amount of sin that seemed to be coming from the building.

"There are more outstanding ones, but I think you'll like this one" Rosalyn said as she watched the male get off the bike and look at her. He could imagine she'd be happy if he were to just suddenly leave. It seemed as if being outside had triggered something inside Rosalyn since now she was back to sounding rather emotionless compared to the soft tone she had been using with King. "Don't be afraid to enjoy yourself. I'm just here to report on your info" She says and began to walk inside.

King nodded hearing this and walked into the building. However, as he did he noticed something the made him change his mind about what this building might have been. This was, of course, the rather large amount of women and the ever-present scent of alcohol. "Is this a tavern of sorts?" King asked as he turned to look at Rosalyn.

Yes, yes it is" Rosalyn said and she began to order drinks for him so that he would try his luck with any of the women in the bar. Apart from the fact she preferred a much different type of drink, she also wasn't one for fun times.

"I see," King said as he looked around. "Why did you want to bring me here?" King asked fairly confused. He was trying to understand her reasoning for bringing him to such a bizarre place.

"So that you could . . . you know, have fun. As most guys do" Rosalyn said, making a gesture with her hands of her finger entering a hole. This hint of hers seemed to be wasted, King only seemed confused by what she was doing, making it more than obvious that he didn't understand what she was doing. Rosalyn sighed, upon this realization. He really was too pure for his own good. Rosalyn then grabbed his hand and began to lead him to the 'exclusive' part of the club.

As they approached the area King began to feel his stomach knot up as he felt the amount of sin in the area begin to rise. Just where was she taking him? However, this question was soon answered when she opened the door and King felt sick at what he was seeing. There were several men and women on beds, copulating with each other. The scent of their sweat, and other juices filling the room.

It took all King had to keep himself from puking due to the sheer amount of sin that was surrounding him. "O-oh my," King said as he looked at the figures in front of him. It was hard to hear him speak over the moans of the others that were in the room. "Is it okay for married individuals to just act out their desires wherever they please now?" King asked as he looked at Rosalyn. While Rosalyn found the fact he thought they were married, she was more than ready to shatter these delusions that he had.

They're not married" Rosalyn said bluntly. "This is merely out of lust for each other's bodies" She added, she wasn't holding back her words with the fact that pre-marital intercourse was prevalent. King only became sicker hearing this and turned to look at the figures in front of him staring at them with what appeared to be pity in his eyes.

"O-oh," King said as he looked at one of the 'couples' in front of him. "How disappointing to see how far they've fallen," King said as he looked at the figures in front of him. However, he showed no reaction other than disappointment.

"Nearly everyone does this, supposedly it makes them feel good," Rosalyn said, turning to look at him "Why not try it for yourself? See why they do it," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"I think I'll pass, the only reason someone would have sex with me is if they were too lazy to masturbate," King said as he looked at her, and once again he showed little to no reaction.

"Oh, please. No one is too lazy to do that. Sometimes people just love you for your body first, personality after. Give it a try" She wasn't persistent but she was hoping to make him cave by annoying him.

"I refuse," King said as he looked at her, he sounded much more stern than the other times he had spoken to him. Rosalyn chuckled softly hearing this, it seemed like she was getting to him at least to some extent.

"I think you need a drink," Rosalyn said thinking that getting him drunk would work for this matter.

"I doubt that'll help the situation," King said as he looked at her, he didn't see how consuming alcohol would help them at the moment.

"It will trust me," Rosalyn said as she grabbed his wrist and began to drag him to the counter. She wanted to see how he handled alcohol. She thought she might as well check, not like it could hurt anything after all.

King sighed and watched as a drink was placed in front of him moments later. He looked at the drink a bit skeptically since he had never seen a drink that this color before. However, after some time had passed he took a drink and immediately seemed woozy. Rosalyn was rather surprised that the drink had managed to hit him that quickly?

She took a mental note of this, thinking that after some time had passed she might be able to enter his mind. She planned to make him more lustful for someone's body she didn't really care who but she thought she might as well give it a shot. King smiled as he looked at her with a smile. "I've got something to tell you," King chimed as he looked at her with a smile. He then began to lean forward and eventually began leaning against her in a very sensual manner.

Rosalyn looked at him curiously "And that is?" She asked, she, of course, took notice of what he was doing but he hadn't shown any lust until now so she didn't have her defenses up.

"Humans wouldn't have alcohol without angels. We're capable of processing it faster than humans. So getting me drunk . . . probably not gonna happen," King said as he leaned back. He whispered so that the others wouldn't know their little secret of them not being human.

"Fair enough, then we may as well enjoy while we're here," Rosalyn said softly, while she wasn't the type to enjoy things like this she did like to use them to relax from time to time.

"What do you mean?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Talk, get to know each other. As others do in taverns" Rosalyn said, she didn't really care too much.

"Considering what's going on in the background I somehow doubt that's all you have planned," King said as he looked at her referencing the rather disgusting act taking place behind them.

"Were you expecting me to make a move on you?" Rosalyn asked as she leaned in close to him. "Maybe in a more intimate fashion?" She cooed in a teasing voice.

"I would prefer if you didn't, but I won't lie that was what I was expecting," King said as he looked down at the female in front of him.

Rosalyn chuckled softly hearing this and moved back away from him. "I wouldn't, even if you wanted me to," She said softly while touching her eyepatch, after what had happened last time she tried something like that. She was never going to make a mistake like that again.

"I see," King said as he looked at her. "Well, that's nice to know," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. It seemed like Rosalyn really did have her work cut out for her this time, and she was more than ready to accept the challenge that King provided. As far as she was concerned he was already broken, and he just didn't know it yet. 

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