Chapter 13: Partners

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Chrom sighed as he continued to walk with Rosalyn. "Is all this really necessary?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male that was following her.

"Yes," Chrom answered back in a monotone voice. "The higher-ups just want me to do a basic inspection. You know making sure all the corpses you're keeping are werewolves, elves, you know everything besides human," Chrom said as he looked in Rosalyn's general direction.

"I can assure you I'm now," Rosalyn answered back in a rather snappy tone clearly unhappy about the idea of having Chrom someone that was supposed to be her partner and trust her treating her as if she were a common criminal. And given her monster biology and Chrom's adamant hatred toward everything monster if she's not careful it'll be less like a criminal on trial and more like a pig lined up for the slaughter.

She may have had years of experience over the male. But at the same time, she had never seen someone so skilled in killing monsters. Most people could barely keep up with monsters, and yet Chrom was able to put them down as easily as he cracked an egg. Which was quite the accomplishment for him given that he was lacking something most others could imagine living without, let alone fight monsters without.

As they continued down the street Rosalyn suddenly stopped and opened the gate that led to her house. As she did Chrom stopped for a moment and followed behind her listening closely to how she unlocked the gates. When he entered Chrom turned around grabbing the handle to the gate and locking it. Just going to show how far his other senses had advanced to make up for his lack of sight.

Rosalyn took note of this and continued across the small stepping stone path that she had made. However, because Chrom was incapable of seeing these stepping stones, while he was able to step on the first one he didn't step on the second one and instead stepped on the grass that was in-between them. As he did Chrom looked down and kicked at the grass slightly. Not hard enough to damage it but enough for him to get a feel for it.

"You must take very good care of your grass," Chrom said as he began to step on the stones after listening to where Rosalyn's footsteps came from. When he arrived he followed Rosalyn up the small set of stairs that lead to her admittedly rather small front porch. As he stepped on it he couldn't help but notice the distinct sound of it creaking beneath his feet giving it a rather old feeling. Then again given that it was outside wood might have been just starting to rot away.

Rosalyn then opened the door to her house and walked in holding it open for Chrom as she did. Chrom was following the female to her house. While he couldn't see much of what was going on he could tell from the creak of the floorboards that something about her house was a bit different. "What kind of wood is this?" Chrom asked as he stared in Rosalyn's general direction.

"Rosewood" Rosalyn answered, staring at him in the eyes and going over to the kitchen and contemplating whether she should get another packet? To her, this was all normal and nothing was weird. Whether it was the creak of the floorboards or the scent of the house. It was all normal to her even if some of the other humans she chose to associate herself with did find it a little odd.

She was older than any human alive, and this unique setting and atmosphere were what made her feel most at ease. It was what brought her back to simpler times. Times when she didn't need to worry about the sunlight, times when she wasn't under constant watch, times when she was a very happy person. But that person, the person that Rosalyn used to be, she felt like a distant memory at this point.

Actually, even that didn't seem like an accurate statement. That person seemed to be someone that Rosalyn couldn't even comprehend herself being at this point. It really was an odd feeling for her to think back to those times. Even if they were what brought her the most ease. Rosalyn then shook her head to clear her mind of these thoughts and looked at Chrom who still seemed to be trying to discern what was different about her house.

As Chrom walked behind her he held out his hand and felt the walls of the house. Even the wallpapers felt off somehow. It felt somewhat old which wasn't anything too unusual but it felt like it was made out of some special material one that he couldn't identify right off the bat. He wasn't sure what was off about the house yet but given enough time he was sure he'd figure out what it was.

Rosalyn watched him try to feel the house and while she dislikes others doing anything to it. She doesn't say a word since he was just trying to understand the layout and materials. She eventually took a packet and closed the fridge while watching the male. As she did Chrom followed closely behind her and eventually stopped at the entrance to the kitchen. Once again noticing a change in the area.

This time it was the sound that his shoes made while walking. He raised a foot and gently tapped his shoes on the ground to hear the sound a little better. "Victorian?" Chrom questioned as he looked in the female's general direction.

"Congratulations, you got it" Rosalyn answered but it sounded sarcastic, she still doesn't understand why he's here. Usually, her house was off-limits to the others in the organization. She could only guess that he was sent to check on how her progress in torturing King was going. That or he was sent to check up on her to make sure that she wasn't killing any innocents that she wasn't supposed to.

"I see, make sense I guess," Chrom said as he walked around trying to identify more characteristics of the house. For a blind man, he was able to make his way around an area he didn't recognize rather easily. Rosalyn was rather impressed, then again considering he can fight and keep up with monsters she wasn't that in awe. She began to open the packet of blood and sipped the blood out of it slowly.

"Get to the point. What do you want?" She asked the male.

"They wanted me to make sure you weren't killing any innocents. I somehow doubt you are since you have an all you eat buffet of monsters, but even so, you know how some of those damn higher-ups can be. Can you just save me the time and say you're not?" Chrom asked as he once again looked in her general direction. Rosalyn was silent, she wouldn't do that unless she somehow loses her supply of blood and was unable to find anything else to feed on.

"I'm not. They can go break their necks trying to wait for me to do that. If they want I can drink their blood dry so they don't have to keep checking" She obviously hates it but considering this wasn't exactly the first time she still gets pretty heated every now and then.

"Right, well please don't," Chrom said as he looked at her while he could do without some of the higher-ups trying to constantly oppress both him and her, he'd rather not risk her turning into one of those feral beasts. That would just result in him having to put her down. Chrom then walked over to one of the walls and began to lean again it crossing his arms slightly. "Well since that's all I really came for here, want to talk?" Chrom asked as he looked at her.

Rosalyn couldn't help but be a bit surprised by this. He wanted to talk with her? That was a bit odd since Chrom was usually quiet. The only explanation that made sense for that was that there was a low sighting of monsters. Which meant there was no one for him to hunt and kill. However, there was one question that immediately came to mind for Rosalyn and that was his all to famous 'jackalope hunt'.

Rosalyn sighed and crossed her arms while leaning against the fridge "Fine. Talk. You can tell me about your so-called jackalope hunt," She seemed uninterested as usual since there really wasn't anything worth of interest to her in her mind.

"I'm so close I can feel it. I almost touched it last time! Just a few more traps and I know I'll have it! I just want to pet it! Is that really so bad!" Chrom said becoming rather heated about this situation. Rather odd, he usually didn't get this worked up about situations like this. It was odd seeing this side of him. While Rosalyn wasn't showing much interest she does find it amusing to see Chrom get this excited about something.

"Why not find a tamed one and pet it?" She asked with her legs crossed, she was nearing the end of her current packet. She decided to just take note of whatever he was saying even if it was unnecessary.

"I've tried! But every store I go to doesn't have any. 'jackalopes don't exist,' 'only kids believe in fairy tales' 'you must be stupid if you think those things are real' it's a conspiracy I say," Chrom said continuing to get more and more worked up about this infamous jackalope.

"Right," Rosalyn said with a sigh, so much for that. It's not like the zoos would go out of their way and just give him a random animal either. And if he happens to know that it wasn't a jackalope which given his nearly inhuman senses was very likely then he might just end up throwing a tantrum or something.

Chrom then took a deep breath returning to his calm and composed state. "So is there anything else you'd like to talk about?" Chrom asked as he looked at her.

No" Rosalyn answered, she kept her legs crossed and finally finished drinking the blood from her packet and threw the packet away in her trashcan. She has no reason to prolong this conversation and felt like Chrom has talked for long enough. She then began to walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. Chrom followed behind her as she did stopping at the entrance of the kitchen before once again speaking.

"Alright then, maybe I should be the one to talk," Chrom said as he looked at her. "Why did you become a vampire?" Chrom asked as he looked at the female in front of him. Rosalyn looked up at the male in front of her, her ice-cold eyes stared at the male, it was clear that for some reason he struck a nerve. Even if he couldn't see it he knew what he did. Rosalyn couldn't help but wonder what made him suddenly curious about her past? She sat down on her couch and fixed her hair back

"What made you want to ask?" She asked while placing her elbow on the armrest of the couch and rested her head by her hand

"I just find it curious is all, most vampires that choose to become one don't turn on their own kind. Slaughtering other monsters sure, but that sort of comes with the territory of being a vampire. You must know what I'm talking about right?" Chrom asked, and indeed she did, she used to be so kind but as soon as she became a vampire there was also an ego that was embedded inside of her. An ego that she never had before.

It was something that Chrom and many other monster hunters knew. For some reason, Vampires had an ideology that they were superior to all living things regardless of whether they were human or monster. Rosalyn continued to stare at him, she doesn't really understand why he was curious "It was centuries ago when I first got bitten and turned," She said as she began to look back into what had happened all those years ago.

Rosalyn was walking down the streets. She had a bright smile on her face and while both her clothes and her surroundings were clearly stuck in the past she didn't seem bothered at all by this. All it would take is one look for anyone to see that Rosalyn seemed way more lively and happy, an absolute contrast to her current self. She was just wandering the streets, perhaps it was a childish mistake or her first chance of proving her independence. But she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

She had caught the eye of a true higher vampire, one that had a thing for turning young and beautiful women into these fierce creatures of the night. Corrupting them so that they were almost unrecognizable from their former selves. Rosalyn blinked and she looked at Chrom straight into his eyes "Something died inside of me that night, the days were terrible and the nights were serene," She says before sighing.

"Every night he would be there to make sure I know how to survive," Rosalyn said, she still doesn't understand the reasons for why he did that. But she was still thankful for it nonetheless. "Every night I spend with him a piece of me from before fades into the abyss" She continued.

"I see," Chrom said as he looked at her. He didn't really understand emotions that well. "So what caused the change? Why'd you start turning on others?" Chrom asked as he looked at her. He knew there had to be some reason even if it was a simple one. Rosalyn was silent before looking away.

"They turned on me" She responded, that was it? That was enough for her to turn away from what she once was and embrace what she currently was. Chrom could see that there was more to this than she was letting on.

"How so?" Chrom asked, it was clear he wanted to know more even if it wasn't very much. It would help him understand more about the person that he had been partnered with. Even if he didn't think it would make much of a difference. Rosalyn continued her silence for a bit longer before finally speaking once again. "I'd just gotten accustomed to feeding on animals. Until one night, I stumbled upon this guy. A priest I think he was, one who had a scent of blood just between his legs," She knew full well what it was now, but the same couldn't be said to her before.

"He approached me and began to matter weird things, tried to touch me in places he shouldn't" She spoke as if this were all normal to her, not a hint of trauma, it wasn't even devoid of emotions, she talked about it like any person would talk about what they had to eat the day before. "But I didn't know what to do. So I ended up pushing him away, with a bit too much force," She continued as she thought back to that night.

"And you accidentally killed him," Chrom finished as he looked at her. He's fought vampires before and he knows just how deathly strong they can be. A fresh-blood like her might not have gotten used to her strength yet.

"Oh, no. He lived that time, long enough to start a witch hunt and try to hunt me down" Rosalyn responded, she hated that. Especially when posters spread and eventually everyone began to hunt her down "It was at that moment that I knew I can never go back to being human, and so I just embraced it" The darkness inside of her. What her supposed mentor taught her, she began to use it. Effectively eliminating all chances of trying to live a normal life "It's all in the past, I like it better like this" She said as she began to relax on her couch.

"Ah, I see," Chrom said as he looked at her before sitting in a chair across from her. "Well you told me about yourself I guess it's only fair I do the same huh?" Chrom said as he looked at her. Now that was an interesting idea, getting to know more about the blind man that learned to fight and kill monsters better than almost anyone else. Plus by doing this he would be able to earn her trust more effectively.

"I used to live in a small village. You know the kind you would see in movies, isolated, not very tech-savvy. And most people there knew more about potatoes than what was going on in the rest of the world. We hunted just like everyone else, we farmed just like everyone else. Then one day, they came," Chrom said as he thought back to that night. "They killed us, murdered us, slaughtered us. No pity, no remorse," Chrom said as his throat when a bit dry before clearing his throat.

"I lost everything that night, my family, my home, my eyes, everything," Chrom said before taking a deep breath. "By some miracle, I was found by someone. He kept me in a cave for years, teaching me everything he knew about monsters, and more importantly how to kill them," Chrom said as he thought back to that man.

"Kind of convenient," Rosalyn said as she looked at him. That seemed just a little too lucky for Rosalyn's taste causing her to start doubting the story.

"Yeah tell me about it, the thing is though, he wasn't a man. He was a monster, a demon to be exact. One that fed on anger, obsession, and desire. He fueled those aspects of me. Training me to be the perfect vessel for him. So of course I did what had to be done," Chrom said with a sigh. "And of course by doing that, I did what he wanted. That's the second time a monster got the best of me, and after that, I decided never to let that happen again. Having monsters slaughter us, and then those of that are left are just the victims of even more monsters. I can't let that cycle continue, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try to stop it," Chrom said as he looked at the female in front of him.

Rosalyn nodded hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. After this several moments of silence passed and Rosalyn thought of something. Chrom knew more about monsters than anyone else. So she decided to probe this mind of his to get some information she thought would be useful. "What do you think of angels?" Rosalyn said as she looked at the male.

"I'm not religious," Chrom said as he looked in Rosalyn's general direction.

"No, I mean real angels. You know the monsters," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male in front of her. As she said this Chrom looked a little confused.

"I never really saw them as monsters, but if I'm being honest they're not something I would want to test my might against," Chrom said as he continued to star in Rosalyn's general direction

"Really? Why's that?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Well angels aren't the goodie-two-shoes that people portray them as," Chrom said, and as soon as he did Rosalyn thought back to what Mago had said and looked at Chrom.

"What makes you think that?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male trying to ensure that he hadn't somehow bypassed the security they had in place to and accidentally discovered the presence of King before he was meant to.

"Well all you really need to do is look a little deeper than what the media portrays them as," Chrom said as he looked at Rosalyn. "People think angels are these perfect boy scouts because that's what the organization wants people to think. They've supplied Hollywood movies with funds to portray them as innocent children who can do nothing wrong, they've paid for documentaries, and even paid off people wearing a set of plastic wings at conventions," Chrom said with a slight sigh, thinking about the lengths this organization went to, to manipulate the common population.

"Really?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male beside her.

"Yeah, it's in the documents that they have. One of the first ones I listened to actually," Chrom responded.

"You listened to their documents?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like I could read them," Chrom said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"No, I mean, how did you get them?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male a bit confused.

"Oh, they gave them to me," Chrom said as he looked at her before he quickly corrected himself. "Or they gave me a version of them at least. A few recordings that I could play," Chrom said as his gaze began to drift off as he slowly got lost in his thoughts.

"What?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male in front of her. "Why?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male in front of her. She had to admit she was rather curious about why the organization would be willing to give him the information so easily. Especially when they seemed to keep a tight lid on almost everything else.

"Rosalyn look at me," Chrom said as he looked at the female. While he was fairly certain that she was already doing that he wanted to make sure she was looking at him when he said this. "I'm one of the best in the organization for one simple reason. I'm human, I don't have the gifts that monsters like you do with your super speed and strength. I also wasn't blessed enough to figure out how magic or other supernatural sources. I'm purely human, and I've got the same limitations and weaknesses that any other humans have. I even have mood swings and get sad from time to time," Chrom said with a sigh as he looked away slightly.

"The point is I'm a human and a blind one at that. A regular human has a mission life expectancy of five. They didn't expect me to return from my first mission," Chrom said as he thought back to his first mission. "Do you know how many missions I've completed now? I'll save you the time of guessing, I've completed five thousand two hundred fifty-nine," Chrom said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"In other words, you've completed more missions than anyone else in the entire organization's history," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Well more than any human, there are still a few monsters that I need to surpass. Yourself included," Chrom said as he looked at the female in front of him. However, if he was being honest he wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to surpass Rosalyn's mission count. Merely because she had hundreds of years on top of him, and even if he did pass her mission count he would eventually die and she'd have thousands of years to keep improving and raising her numbers.

"I . . . see," Rosalyn said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Yeah, so let's just say they made a special exception for me," Chrom said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Right," Rosalyn said a slight silence took hold of the room before she once again spoke. "So, what are angels like then?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male in front of her curious about why he wouldn't want to go against one of them.

"While it's true that angels are kind, they're also some of the strongest creatures you'll ever encounter. Because they're raised to be warriors," Chrom said as he once again began to look in Rosalyn's general direction.

"Warriors?" Rosalyn asked as she looked at the male in front of her. While at first, she was skeptical of what he was saying that would line up rather nicely with what King said about his muscles.

"Yeah, look in pretty much any depiction angels are usually warriors. Even the most amateur of angels are capable of easily killing twenty-thousand demons single-handedly. I struggle with three or more. And you're average angel is capable of killing twenty thousand in a day," Chrom said as he looked up at the ceiling. "What I wouldn't give to see an angel in action, I can only imagine how much I'd be able to learn about fighting from one of them," Chrom said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Is that so?" Rosalyn asked as she raised a brow. She thought about the prospect of Chrom being trained by King and if that happened he really would become the world's most dangerous Condottieri. It was certainly a thought worth mulling over in her free time. "Well then if I've passed the test that you came here for. Would you mind leaving my house?" Rosalyn asked Chrom.

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