Chapter 4: Enrollment

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Months had passed since Sylvie had first visited Star Shade, and she had begun to visit the campus daily. She found the idea of the place amazing in nearly every aspect and had even changed her mind in terms of what school she wanted to apply for. Sylvie naturally was more than excited that she had got accepted into the academy. Which brought her to today, she was about to go and register for a dorm in Star Shade.

As she got dressed for the day she began to walk out of her room and down the stairs to where her family was. She had been practicing her disguises with her family over the few months she had been with them and while she had learned to disguise herself with illusions. However, she was struggling with the rest of her powers, most likely because they weren't essential to her survival.

"Bye mom, bye dad," Sylvie said with a wave as she walked out of the building and began to walk down the streets. It didn't take her long to arrive at the campus and when she did she saw a familiar figure standing in front of the building.

"I'm glad to see you back," Vidron said as he looked at the female in front of him. Sylvie smiled hearing this and nodded as she looked at the male.

"Thanks, I'm here to register for a dorm," Sylvie said as she looked at the male in front of her causing the male to nod and walk into the large building.

"I see, in that case, what room were you hoping for? We have a standard room which would be three hundred dollars a month, our slightly more accommodating room which would be three-fifty a month, our-" Vidron began only for Sylvie to cut him off.

"I was hoping for a luxury room, for five hundred a month," Sylvie said as she looked at the male in front of her causing the male to nod.

"We can do that, and as you know, the expenses cover most of what you will need such as the furnishings, the dorm itself, your rent, power, water, however you will be expected to find your own food. We do have several outlets through the city that will let you eat, as well as a cafeteria that's slightly cheaper but the food isn't as good," Vidron said as he looked at the female in front of him causing Sylvie to nod.

Vidron then opened a door revealing a large and elegant bed, a large dresser with several different draws, a desk that also seemed to have a few draws, with a computer on it, a bookshelf, and a jewelry box with a large standing mirror above it. "These are our standard luxury room. and of course after staying here for an extended period of time all of this will be yours to take home with you," Vidron said as he looked at the female in front of him.

Sylvie smiled hearing this and nodded as she looked at the male in front of her. "All right, I'll be joining this semester on the twentieth, is there any way I can pay in advance for the room?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the male in front of her and Vidron nodded.

"Of course, follow me and I'll take you to Tiffany, our head of housing," Vidron said as he looked at the female causing her to nod. As the two walked Vidron once again began to speak. "We do expect you to keep your room in decent and livable condition. As long as you clean your messes, don't toss your trash on the floor, and dust at least once a month, then you should be fine," Vidron explained as the two walked down a small set of steps. As they did they came to a female with a layer of glass separating them.

"Tiffany, we have someone here to make a payment on their room," Vidron said as he looked at the female and she nodded.

"Name," Tiffany said as she looked up at the male in front of her.

"Sylvie Rosae," Sylvie said as she looked at the female in front of her. Tiffany nodded hearing this and began to type on the small computer in front of her.

"We have you scheduled for one luxury room on the second floor, does that sound right?" Tiffany said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Yes, that's right," Sylvie said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Excellent, do you have the money on you?" Tiffany asked and Sylvie nodded as she reached into her back pocket and pulled out some money. She knew she was going to be spending it today so she didn't bother putting it in her purse or wallet. Sylvie placed the money in front of her and Tiffany counted out all the money to make sure it was there before placing it to the side and beginning to enter it into the keyboard.

"All right, so rent will be due at the end of the month on the thirtieth of each month. You can arrive a week before you move in to receive the key to your dorm, and of course when you join your first month will already be paid for," Tiffany said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Thank you," Sylvie said with a smile as she looked at the female in front of her. Tiffany nodded hearing this and Sylvie smiled as she turned back to look at Vidron. "All right, now that we're done here, would it be all right if I have another look around the campus?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the male in front of her. Vidron nodded with a smile hearing this and pulled out the same key as before unlocking one of the many doors that lead to the true campus.

Sylvie smiled as she looked at the giant campus and looked at Vidron. "Since this isn't an official tour I shall let you do whatever you want, as long as you leave before the sun sets then I have no qualms with you staying as late as you like," Vidron said with a smile as he looked at the female in front of him. Sylvie nodded hearing this and turned and began to wander the streets of the giant campus that she would soon be calling her home.

As she did Sylvie eventually came across a rather familiar figure, the Jackalope from before, Ashley. Now that Sylvie had time to look at her and observe what she was wearing, Sylvie found her choice of attire rather interesting. A slight variant on the typical cowgirl outfit, with the only real difference, seems to be what seemed to be trendy. Sylvie smiled as she ran up to her and smiled as she looked at her. "Hey," Sylvie said as she looked at the female in front of her.

Ashley turned to look at her hearing this smiled seeing the figure in front of her and waving slightly. "Hey," Ashley said a bit nervous of course remembering their last encounter. Sylvie continued to run towards her. When she finally reached her, she came to a stop panting slightly.

"I just wanted to apologize for what happened last time we met," Sylvie said as she looked at the female in front of her. Ashley nodded hearing this with a slight smile.

"Thanks," Ashley said with a slight smile. "So what are you doing here? I thought you said you weren't a student?" Ashley asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"I wasn't, but after seeing this campus and how amazing it is, I just couldn't help myself," Sylvie said as she looked at the female in front of her. Ashley smiled slightly hearing this and nodded as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Well that's good, I hope you enjoy it here," Ashely said as she looked at the female in front of her. Sylvie nodded hearing this and looked at the female.

"So, where are you going?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the female beside her.

"I was just about to go to the shooting range," Ashley said as she looked at the female beside her. Sylvie nodded with a slight smile hearing this and began to walk beside her.

"Mind if I join?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"N-no," Ashley said a bit timidly as she looked at the female in front of her.

"So, Jason told me that you were kind of a big deal. He gave me a few of the details but I didn't really understand. Mind explaining?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the female in front of her with a smile. Ashley slowly nodded hearing this and turned to look at the female next to her.

"I may be an advancement in the Jackalope genetic sequence, I have an ability that none of my kind that came before me had," Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Is that so?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Yeah, I can show you when we get to the range if you want," Ashley offered as she looked at the female in front of her. Sylvie nodded hearing this and continued to area that they were talking about. When they arrived Sylvie saw several targets of different types, ranging from a standard five ring target to a target shaped like humans with different vital organs highlighted. There were also several stands with several different weapons in front of them.

Ashley scanned the weapons for a minute before picking up a standard revolver and walking over to one of the stands. When she did she put in the noise-canceling earplugs. Ashley then turned to look at Sylvie. "I'll show you what makes me different now," Ashley said speaking a bit louder than usual most likely due to the fact that she couldn't hear how loud she was talking. Ashley then pointed the revolver at the target and hit it in the exact center showing remarkable marksmanship.

Sylvie then began clapping with a slight smile. However, she didn't really understand what was so different about her, especially since people had been shooting for thousands of years. It wasn't exactly what she would consider 'revolutionary'. Ashley smiled slightly hearing her clap and took a slight bow. "I understand that it might have been a bit hard to see, so I'll make it a bit more obvious this time," Ashley said as she looked at Sylvie.

Sylvie nodded hearing this and looked at the female in front of her. Ashley then once again pointed her gun at the targets in front of her and this time fire five separate shots using all the ammunition in her gun. However, despite not moving her arm to aim and keeping it perfectly still to shoot where she was aiming, she hit five different targets in the same spot. Ashley was a bit taken back by this and once again clapped seeing this.

"So I take it your power is you never miss a shot?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the female in front of her and Ashley smiled slightly hearing this and looked at her gun.

"Something like that," Ashley said as she began to trace her finger around the rim of the gun. "I can alter the trajectory of any shot I take so it hits my target . . . as long as I can see my target that is," Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Wow, that is kind of cool. I can see why you're a bit of a big deal now," Sylvie said as she looked at the female and Ashley smiled slightly before nodding.

"Yeah, but at the same time it's also a bit intimidating," Ashley said as she shyly looked down at the gun in front of her.

"Why's that?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Well I'm the reason they're thinking about moving Jackalope's from being a blue class monster up to a yellow or even an orange class monster," Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her. When she said this Sylvie looked at little confused and Ashley smiled slightly.

"Right, Jason told me you were still kind of new to the world of monster, and judging from your facial expression I'm guessing you haven't learned about the different types of monster classes yet," Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her causing Sylvie to nod.

"No, at the moment my parents have been teaching me how to use my magic to help disguise my real appearance, other than that they haven't really taught me anything. Not that I can blame them I mean . . . a few months ago if you had told me that monster were real and that they lived in a secret society I would have either thought you were joking or that you were crazy. I mean, look at this," Sylvie said as she gestured around her.

"I never would have thought something like this was possible, but now . . . well now it seems like just about anything's possible," Sylvie said as she looked at Ashley and she nodded.

"I know, well then let me explain, monster are given different classes to indicate how dangerous or powerful they are. It was originally created by the Condottieri's to show how cautious people had to be around them. However we adopted it later so that there wasn't so much infighting amongst other monsters," Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"I see, are there a lot of classes?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"No, there were apparently a lot of subclasses for the monsters that the Condottieri's used but we only adopted the main classifications. So at the moment, there are only six different classes for monsters. Green, monsters with no powers, Blue, monsters with weak powers, Yellow, monsters with moderate or formidable powers, Orange, monsters with unusual powers," Ashley said only for Sylvie to interrupt her.

"Which is what they're thinking about moving you to?" Sylvie asked, causing Ashley to nod confirming what she just said. "Why?" Sylvie asked a bit confused.

"Well, it's a bit unusual for a rabbit with horns, to be able to alter the trajectory of a projectile don't you think?" Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her. Sylvie nodded hearing this and Ashley smiled as she continued what she was saying. "Then there's the Red class, which are monsters with strong or extraordinary powers, and finally Black monsters which are monsters with superpowers," Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"I see, I guess I should try to remember that," Sylvie said with a sigh, after all with the way things had been going for her recently her parents would most likely have her memorize it at a later date anyway.

"Oh there you are," The two heard a new and unfamiliar voice say, or at least unfamiliar to one of them. When they turned they saw a slender and petite female with long blonde hair that had been tied back into a long pony-tail that reached down to her waist. She had icy blue eyes, fair skin, with a few blue markings the resembled waves on her cheeks. Sylvie was a bit surprised by how human this female seemed to be.

However, there was one subtle detail that gave away that she wasn't human, as well as what race she was. She had long pointed ears, much longer and sharper than any human she had ever seen. "What are you doing? You were supposed to invite me the next time you went to the shooting range," The blonde said as she looked at Ashley.

"Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't planning on coming today. I was just showing one of the new students my ability," Ashley said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Right," The blonde said almost as if she doubted what Ashley was saying. "Anyway, my name's Haile," The female said as she extended her hand towards Sylvie.

"I'm Sylvie, nice to meet you," Sylvie said as she grabbed her hand shaking it with a slight smile.

"Right, the vampire-succubus hybrid. I heard Vidron talking about you," Haile said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"O-oh," Sylvie said a bit nervous as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Yeah, I was told a bit about you. Not much, but you just recently discovered you're a monster right?" Haile asked as she looked at Sylvie causing her to nod. "I see . . .Have you ever seen a Mystic Overgrowth before?" Haile asked as she looked at Sylvie.

"Uh," Sylvie began as she looked at the female in front of her. She was a bit taken back by the question and at the moments wasn't entirely sure how to respond.

"She didn't know what the different classes of monsters were. I doubt she's even heard one before, let alone seen one," Ashley said as she looked at Haile.

"In that case, let me show you," Haile said as clapped her hands together, and as she separated them a staff began to form between them. The staff was nearly as tall as Haile, with an intricate design, with two large blue orbs at the end. One being much larger than the other, the first being nearly fifteen inches in diameter, and the second being much smaller with only being about two inches in diameter. The staff seems to break off and wrap around the orbs turning gold as it did.

After summoning her staff Haile held it out from her. As she did the orbs began to glow, and Haile spun in a circle causing the orbs to leave a blue trail behind until she connected them forming a perfect circle. When she did the ring floated down to the ground and began pulsating. "Come on," Haile said as she looked at the two in front of her. When she said this Sylvie seemed to be a bit on edge however Ashley walked over and into the circle with a smile.

Seeing this did put Sylvie at ease slightly, and she sighed and against her better judgment she walked over into the circle and looked at them. When she did Haile smiled and tapped her staff against the ground causing cracks to appear on them and shatter, and before Sylvie could question what was going on she found herself in a new and unfamiliar place. She appeared to be in a juggle of some kind with thick and lush forests.

She was standing in front of a moss-covered stone bridge, that led over a small river that was in front of two small waterfalls. "Follow me," Haile said as she began to walk over the bridge. As she did Sylvie nodded and began to follow behind her enjoying the sight of nature. The only time she had ever been in a forest like this was when she was a child and she went camping with her parents. However, that trip was short-lived as it only lasted a few days.

Sylvie smiled as she took a deep breathe, it was easier to breathe here for some reason. The air almost felt both lighter and cleaner, and it had a slightly mossy aroma to it. Sylvie continued to follow the two in front of her until eventually, they came to a slight clearing, however, when they did Sylvie gasped at the sight in front of her.

It was a massive tree, however, it was far larger than she thought possible. She couldn't see the top of the tree just by looking up. Sylvie then looked to the sides of the tree and she noticed that she couldn't see where it seemed to end either. There was a small set of steps that seemed to lead inside of the tree, however, from what Sylvie could tell there was no sign of the tree being damaged or altered by any means. Almost as if it had grown to be like this.

"So what do you think?" Haile asked as she stood in front of the massive tree. "Pretty impressive right?" Haile asked with a slightly smug expression.

"Are you kidding me? This is amazing! I didn't even know trees could get this big!" Sylvie said as she looked at the giant flora in front of her. She was completely amazed by the sight in front of her causing Haile to smirk.

"It's called Arbormel, this is where I grew up," Haile said as she turned back to look at the tree behind her. "It's five thousand two hundred eighty feet tall, and two thousand six hundred forty feet wide," Haile said as she looked at the massive tree behind her.

"That's amazing," Sylvie asked as she looked at the elf in front of her. "How . . . how did you hide something like this?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Well it's not easy, it took fifty mages to cast the illusion around this tree to hide it from the humans. We also have to take care that none of the humans accidentally fly into it because of the illusion that's around it," Haile said as she looked at the massive tree, before shaking her head to rid herself of these thoughts.

"Anyway, would you like to come in? I would imagine you've got some time before you need to go back," Haile offered as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Yeah, this place looks awesome!" Sylvie said clearly excited by the idea of being able to explore such an amazing city. Sylvie then walked up the steps and began to look around, now that she was in the massive structure, it no longer contained a mossy smell, but more of a syrupy smell. "How did you do all of this? Without the tree dying I mean," Sylvie said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"We didn't the tree just grew like this," Haile said as she looked at the female in front of her. "My people have lived in trees like this for thousands of years. I think the trees just sort of started growing like this one day. I'm not sure how or why, but now that it does my people live like this," Haile said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"That's amazing, I'm sorry I know I sound like a broken record but really, this is all just incredible," Sylvie said as she looked around her in amazement.

"I know, and I would imagine this all is pretty unbelievable for a former human like yourself," Haile said as she looked at her friend. "But if you want to see something truly amazing watch this," Haile said as she walked over to Ashley with a smile. When Haile was beside her, she smiled and looked at Sylvie. "Hey Sylvie, did you know that Ash has a really thick accent that comes out when she's embarrassed?" Haile asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

When she said this Ashley's face heated up slightly and she looked at her friend a bit shocked. "Yeah, it's pretty obvious once you hear it, and she usually tries to correct herself. But once you hear it, it's pretty hard to forget," Haile said as she looked at Sylvie and Ashley felt her face heat up even more.

"Actually if you want my personal opinion I actually think it's-" Haile began only to get cut off by Ashley.

"Wh-why would ya say that?! Ya know ah work 'ard t' haahd maah accent! It's not above-board for ya t' jus' blurt thin's like that out!" Ashley said as she looked at her friend, her face now stained a deep shade of red. Her accent was thick just as Haile had said, and now for Sylvie, it was fairly obvious what kind of accent she had, and if she was being honest it did explain the trendy cowgirl outfit.

Once Ashley realized her mistake her face only turned a brighter shade of red and she looked down trying to hide her face. Haile chuckled slightly hearing this and looked back at Sylvie. "Anyway, I guess you should probably head back home huh?" Haile asked as she looked at the female in front of her and Sylvie nodded. She wasn't sure what time it was, but she knew that her parents wanted to teach her some things before the day was over.

Haile smiled once again summoned her staff and spun in place forming a ring on the ground. "Here you go," Haile said as she stepped out of the circle. When she did Sylvie smiled and nodded as she walked into the circle.

"Thanks," Sylvie said as Ashley stood in the circle as well. Haile nodded hearing this and tapped the circle with the base of her staff and like before the two in the circle cracked and shattered and found themselves in a new location, this time back at Star Shade. "I really had fun hanging out today," Sylvie said as she turned to look at Ashley causing her to nod.

"Yeah me to, we should do it again sometime," Ashley said causing Sylvie to nod. The two then turned and began to go their separate ways. After all, Sylvie still had a lot to do before the day was over.

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