Dear diary, 2

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Its the next day, dawn has broken and judging by the noise came from the kitchen half of the crockery had followed suit. Jason must have been doing the dishes, that was my first thought but I was wrong. It was Florence, she was angry. "What's up rence?" I asked tucking my hair behind my ear. "Oh um, its just work. A patient died on the way to the hospital yesterday. I keep on thinking of how I could have saved her.." Her face was small and sad, "do you feel like yoga?" I asked we would always do yoga as a household when we were sad or down. "That is a great idea, P. You get J and I'll get M." Her face lit up.

Getting Jason up is almost impossible normally but this morning it was easy. I just said "Jay we are doing yoga and pancakes this morning, do you want to join?" there was some shuffling then my brother emerged with messed up brown hair plopped on his head like a birds' nest. We all did yoga as the sun rose in the living room, it was beautiful and perfect.

I haven't seen Jason leap out of bed since mum and dad died, they went in their car there was a crash it was in the news "killed on impact" they said. The police arrived to drop off some social services people to sort us out. We were dropped at a foster home until Sarah died. Then we ended up here by luck and fate I suppose. Diaries are boring don't you think? Pointless and dull, I mean not much happens on a daily basis so what am I even supposed to write about?

Me and Jace head down to the station for another case, we receive a case file which looks all too familiar. A kidnapping that happened at 2'o'clock yesterday by Geo Mannor. Her name is Alice Cook, she is 14 years old and she was abducted on her way home from town. I look out for similarities at the crime scene a rag embroidered with a red diamond the one Sarah owned. I know who it is but I can't say I mustn't we'll be kicked off the case in the blink of an eye. I must tell Jason but when he turns the corner I feel arms pulling me into an alleyway. "At last we have you, Phoebe there is no escaping this time." And I knew they were right because I was falling before I knew it.

The next thing I knew I woke up in the trunk of a car there was a slight gap where the boot met the bumper so I grabbed some paper from my diary and wrote the symbols for Jace. I hoped that he would understand and if not it would be goodbye. My anxiety meds. I hadn't taken them this morning and my bones were aching as my lungs wheezed in the last gulp of oxygen. I had zip ties on my wrists and ankles they were tight, very tight, but I knew how to break them I just had to choose my moment. Jace would report it before I knew it and they would start looking for me the next morning. I just had to observe and survive.

I napped for a little while as we were travelling for 40 minutes by what I had calculated. I left notes every now and then hoping that Jace would follow them and find me. I am crying, my heart is pounding with adrenaline this is how Sarah must have felt. I can hear her small childlike voice whispering, "Survive Phoebes, I know you can". I force myself to sit up and do the yank trick with the wrist ties, I tear them in two I then undo the ones on my ankles. Then get to work on the lock... "Did you hear that she's probably free?"

"Don't be silly she has probably hit her head and knocked herself unconscious again." I use the tie to poke through and poke the unlock button as hard as I can. The trunk opens and without thinking, I bundle myself out of the car while it's braking. It hurts but I roll onto my knees and get up running before they can start after me. I run until I stop seeing them or the car, I keep going for mile after mile. Panting, I reach a hospital and ask for help at the front desk. I collapse as they come to help me.

The next thing I know its the next morning and there is a nurse standing over me saying "Calm down, you are alright. You are safe now, what is your name, so we can contact your family?" she says this in a calm sympathetic way. "My name is Phoebe Redwood, I work as a detective alongside my brother." She nods and signals to her co-worker to watch over me while she makes a quick call. She calls the station, their local one but I am at least 2 miles from home if not 8 miles from running in the wrong direction. The other nurse has soft blond hair and grey eyes, "Where are you from, sweetheart?" I smile at her attempt to make me feel a little better and reply as kindly as I can "Ladderstone, where am I by the way?" She nods and replies "Drayton, you aren't that far away from home. Around 5 miles if you take the quickest route. Lucy is just calling the police here and they will contact your station by midday. Your brother will be here before you know it. I will stay here with you until then in case anything happens." I'm grateful and thankful that someone will stay with me until then. I feel sorry for Jace he has been through a lot over the years and this is the last thing he needs and I start to cry. The nurse holds out her arm and I lay into her soft shoulder.

She smiles softly and says "Is there anything you want to talk to me about dear?" I nod and draw in a breath of safe air. I tell her about Sarah, she was found strangled and beaten. She died after the injuries, slowly and painfully. The person who did it was released and now they were up to their old tricks again. The rag was a handkerchief I had given Sarah for her 9th Birthday it was white and clean then instead of stained and frayed. Sarah didn't deserve it, no one deserves that. They meant to kill me, I don't know why to this day but I can't keep it all in now. My lungs are sore and my eyes are red by the time I have finished crying. Lucy comes back to say that I have broken bones in my ankle wrist and two cracked ribs so I am on bed rest for a month at least with around the clock supervision. I don't even fight it, I rolled out of a moving car so it is hardly surprising.

I write this all up in the bed at the hospital waiting for Florence and Morgan to come and collect me. They turn up at 7:30 in the evening in floods of tears, Jace is with them he doesn't speak he just hugs me tight and doesn't let go for a long time. "We were so worried Phoebe..." Morgan is shaking all over and is wiping away her tears as they keep flooding out of her eyes. They had to get Phillipa to drive them in the Reno. I am put in the back next to Jace and Florence who talk to me the whole way back. I take my medicine as soon as I get in and we wrap up together on the sofa. We watch Disney movies and it is announced that Phillipa is my bodyguard until the person behind this is caught. Me and Jace are at one end me wrapped up into him, he is shielding me as Bambi's mother gets shot. And telling me that thumper would be brown in America if they had got their facts right, it isn't true and we both know that but it makes us feel better somehow. I am safe now and I know that. Phillipa trained as a bodyguard when Florence trained as a nurse. I snuggle further into Jace and he just hugs me tighter. We are all family. Love is a strange thing you never know what it is until someone shows you what it means to love. Jason is the best brother I could ever ask for and I know that. He sits there happy to be watching a movie with me and it breaks my heart that he feared that this would never happen again this morning. I will never leave them by choice. That is my promise.

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