Dear diary,

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Today my doctor recommended that I start to keep a stream of written thoughts, or in other words a diary. You see over the past 16 years I have had a tough time, my name is Phoebe Redwood. Last year my sister was murdered, by a serial killer he had mistaken her for me and they didn't find her.
Not in time at least... I and my brother have become detectives who work on the field 24-7, yesterday my sister's killer was released. We had a restraining order placed against him of course, yet I can't help feeling nervous. Especially for Jason Sarah's twin brother. They are both younger than me I am 17, they would have been 16 if Sarah was still here.

Today started like any other day, at dawn. I got up and turned my music straight on before my brain woke up. The sky went into its pastel shades as the sun rose, as usual. But Sarah wasn't with me and just that fact made me feel sick, she would have sat with me and watched a superhero movie as we did. She would always root for the bad guys, in a joking kind of way. It was always just us, our parents died in a car crash so we went into a care home at the age of 3. We moved into a house of our own when we turned 14, with Olive a gothic 18-year old who happened to have a nose piercing. We were transferred to a flat when Sarah died, just me and Jason with Morgan and Florence. A pair of sympathetic 22-year-old women with freckles. That is where we are today, as I look out of my bedroom window and the tears just flood out. Morgan knocked on my door and asks to come in. I said yes in a faint voice from the floor, the music didn't work this morning. Morgan helped me up and sat beside me on my bed, "you can talk to us if it helps you know." Of course, I knew that, so I nodded.
"You know what helps me feel better when I am sad, a nice run and a breakfast." She did not hesitate to grab my athletic gear and pop them beside me before changing into hers. I changed then wiped my tears away, I didn't feel like smiling, I smiled when I remembered what Sarah used to say whenever I cried, she would say there was a rainbow flowing down my cheek. I tied my hair up in a ponytail, then looked in the mirror. My top was mint coloured and warm, my tracksuit bottoms were mint as well to match with my trainers. My eyes were surrounded by dark puffy rings, and they were still wet from the tears.

I and Morgan were running up the hill as the sun finished setting. We then headed back and had muffins for breakfast, with red berry smoothies. My worst fear is ending up alone, so I push everyone away so that I will never get hurt if they leave. Jason finally fell out of bed at 9, after his alarm had been blaring for 40 minutes. "Good morning, Jay." I smiled. He groaned back 'mornin', he phrased it like a question. So I replied "Yes Jay this is what morning looks like not that you have ever seen one before. Mainly because you are still snoring away till noon." Morgan laughed at that.
Florence was as usual in the middle of meditation in the living room, with her ginger hair waving down her back as I and Jason left for work. Morgan works as a mental health nurse, Florence is a paramedic at the local hospital.

I and Jason had been assigned another case today. Beatrix Jacobs had gone missing yesterday, at 4 in the morning she was seen walking from the high-street, away from her house, to the forest. We started from the high street and followed where she would have gone from there. There were two possible paths; my one had clues Jason's did not. She had been kidnapped, the clues were cloth with bad knockout gas on it, car tyre tracks from a few minutes down the road. I. Took pictures and bundled up the cloth in an evidence bag. Then I ran to meet Jason, I could hear someone nearby and that creeped me out. "Jace, we have a few leads its time to go to the forensic team." I ran up and hugged him. "What's wrong P? Why are you crying? Let's go then..." Jason must have seen the fear in my eyes, he realised that getting away was urgent. I got in the driver's seat and drove away, him next to me in the passenger seat. "there was someone behind me, I could hear them breathing. That was what freaked me out." his face was full of sympathy and sadness "I believe you P, you know what you see and hear. I'm just glad that you are alright." I nodded.

At the station, we went straight to Princess (Kiara she is a bit posh and commanding but she gets the job done), "Good morning Dears what can I do for you?" she smiled elegantly. "some DNA and chemical analysis, then look up a car with these tyres." I replied. "William, can I have some of your help darling? I need you to look up some tyres while I do the chemical tests," she commanded in a regal tone. William nodded, poking his glasses back up and onto the bridge of his nose and going onto the database on the computer.
"the tyres are from a Citroen but the weight imprints suggest a land rover. I'm guessing the tyres have been custom made. We are looking for a criminal who needs money to pay off debts due to his impulsiveness. There are no other cars like this one and ah ha! I found 'em, I was right they bought the limited edition one. I'm tracing the car now..." William is one of the most skilled in the force.
"The Gas used was halothane, this adds up with the lack of saliva at the abduction site. The victim won't be in a good state around now, she could be near passing out if she is unlucky." princess proclaimed.
"the address is 67 venom avenue. Take backup with you and wear gas masks. Vests are also vital." William confirmed.
"Thanks, guys you are the best. Now come on Jason it's time to get kitted up." I smiled, to hide my nerves.
"Anytime Dear, good luck you two. Go get them." with a thumbs up from the pair of them we started to walk to the equipment room. We signed into the trackers and registered the mission, then suited up and met our backup team in the lobby.

"On your order miss, " the leader of the backup team smiled with a small short bow.
"We are to go in through the side then split in two, one team will surround and the other will apprehend and rescue, the dogs will also split. Now split into the 4 cars with one dog in each, me Jason and you two will go in the first car. Then the rest of you can organise yourselves. We leave in 5." I ordered.
They did so efficiently and effectively, we left on the dot. We entered through the front, the dog went first with its handler then me and Jason. Then the second dog and his handler. Then a few agents. We followed the procedure, step by step. We searched the ground floor first, nothing except a recently boiled kettle. Then the upstairs, the suspect lept out with a knife and the dog jumped on him knocking him onto the floor. We found the girl in the spare bedroom, she had been sick quite a few times and the kidnapper was about to surrender her anyway.
One successfully closed case...

When I and Jason returned home, Florence was already making dinner. "Go and get changed you two. And Jason clean your face up, you have another scratch on it, hun. " Florence smiled sympathetically. He nodded and went off to do so.
I changed into my red lace dress and asked Jason to plat my hair. I put makeup on because I felt like it for once. "did you have a good day?" Morgan asked joining the table after having sprinted home and thrown on an outfit. "we caught the guy, so I guess so."
"well done, sisbroduo." Florence and Morgan squealed in harmony.

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