❤Bonus Part 3❤

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Emotional content alert 🚨

   Kindly don't read if you have tender hearts. I leave it up to you guys. You guys can skip this part if you want, there won't be any disruption in the story line.

And I dont think I have done justice to their feeling but I tried...


       'SHIVAAYYYY...... ' her painful scream echoed the mansion as her stomach hit the floor hardly. She tried so hard to balance when her feet slipped but couldn't.

       Feeling extreme pain and hard jerks in her stomach, she tried to get up. After few attempts, holding the side table, she managed to stand on her feet. Her hands immediately went to her bump trying to calm the baby as she felt few vigourous kicks the moment she fell.

       Her face was sweaty, breathing heavy and heartbeat erratic. She couldn't control the tears escaping her eyes because of pain she felt in her lower abdomen. She looked around for her phone, which fell down from her hand while slipping.

      Spoting it near the table, she picked it up with difficulty and dialled shivaay's number but it went unreachable. She felt so helpless. There was no one at home. She was dying in pain but she knew she can't give up. She had to be strong for their baby. She had to bear this pain.

      With the wall's support, she reached the door taking baby steps. Her face was full of tears. She felt it hard to even take a step but she had to but her heart sank when she looked down to see blood. She realised her bottom was soaked in blood.

      'No...' She whispered clutching her bump. She screamed for help which was heard by the servants fortunately. They, who came running to her, were shocked seeing her condition.

      Annika reached the car somehow with their help and they drove off to the hospital. She was holding her baby bump all the while praying for his or her safety. Her tears didn't stop. She wanted shivaay beside her. She needed him badly.

      Fear gripped her heart when she felt the movements lessen. She felt uneasy. She felt suffocated.

     'Ba.. Baby... Baby, dont.... don't scare mumma please.... ' she kept caressing the bump sobbing but the movements kept lessening with time.


     'Shivaayyy... ' she cried hard leaning to the seat and soon fell unconscious, muttering his name again and again.

"Oberoi mansion"

         He got down the car with a wide smile on his face, her favorite flower bouquet in his hand. He couldn't wait to embrace his babies in his arms. Only if he knew....

     He entered the mansion but his eyes directly landed on the blood near the door. Flowers fell from his hand as his heart literally skipped a beat. His first thought was annika. They should be safe.

      'An... Annikaa..' He rushed to their room calling her name. He literally fell near their room door because of the oil. Without caring, he entered the room to see no one there.

      'Annika... Baby.... ' his heart was sinking fearing the worst. He looked for others but there was no one. Just then the servants came out hearing his voice. They were scared to tell him fearing his anger.

      He was searching for her frantically when his phone rang. Thinking it to be her, he picked up without seeing the caller id... But soon, the phone fell from his hand as he stood there numb. His hands turned cold hearing that his wife and their baby were in danger.

       It was the doctor who called him seeing Annika continuously murmuring his name even in unconscious state.

        His heart was pounding inside his chest but he had to run. His babies needed him at the moment. He rushed out and taking the keys from the driver, drove off to the hospital as fast as could. His vision blurred because of the tears. He felt as if someone was choking him to death. He needed to see her, all fine and good. Please, be fine!!!


         Breaking all the rules without caring, he reached the hospital in half an hour. Without even parking the car, he ran inside leaving the door open. Asking from the receptionist about Annika, he rushed to the operation theatre where she was laying unconscious murmuring his name, requesting him to save their baby.


      He stumbled in front of OT. He was panting because of the continuous running but he had no time to think. He had to see her immediately else he was sure he'll die out of fear of losing them.

       He was about to go inside but the doctor came out. He looked at her with hopeful eyes, his heart still thumping loud.

       Even before he could ask, the doctor started speaking. Her words literally crumbled his heart.

       'Mr. Oberoi! Thank god, you are here. Mrs. Oberoi is in very critical condition. Baby's heartbeat is reducing continuously. We are trying our best but seeing her condition, i don't know if we'll be able to save the baby... ' saying all this with a sigh, she went inside again.

       He stood there without even a slightest of movement. His heart skipped beats fearing the worst. His eyes forgot to blink. His body turned cold. No tear came out of his eyes.

      His thoughts broke hearing the commotion going inside the operation theatre. He instantly ran inside only to gasp seeing her breathing heavily. The doctors were trying to calm her down. He immediately went to her kneeling down to face her.

     'Jaana..!' He whispered cupping her face pecking her forehead firmly. She was still out of control. He kept pecking till she calmed down. His heart ached seeing her condition. She looked extremely pale, lips dried, tear strains on her face.

       'Ba.. Baby.... Shivaay.... ' she muttered in her unconscious state. He was on the verge of breaking down but he controlled since he knew she'll need him.

      He kept his palm on her baby bump but his breath hitched as the baby didn't kick as usual feeling his touch. He looked at the doctors scared to death. They were looking so helpless.


     Annika started to tremble again. He immediately held her close rubbing her back.

      'Shhh, jaana! I'm here, see it's nothing.. ' he kept whispering soothing words to her and she calmed again muttering his name yet again.


        He glared the doctors who shivered in fear seeing him angry. His looks told he could kill anyone at the moment.

        'Mr. Oberoi! We need to go for the C section. She won't be able to cope up with the normal delivery... ' he was looking at Annika with a pained expression as the doctor spoke those words. But he masked up his emotions nodding at the doctor.

       'Listen, doctor! I need my wife and my child all fit and fine. Else it won't take even a minute for me to sue this hospital... ' the doctors shivered at his cold and stiff voice. They prepared for the operation and forcefully sent him outside.

      He kept pacing around in tension. His face was full of sweat. He was scared but he didn't cry. He still had faith that his baby will be fine.

      Soon after, his family and friends came running. They bombarded him with questions but his one cold look shut them up. They needed some lessons too, but that was for later, the task at hand kept his full attention captivated.

     One hour later

      He was standing leaning to a wall looking at nothing in particular. The doctors came out. They were looking scared. He immediately went to them. His eyes filled with hope only to be crushed in a minute.

      'Sorry Mr. Oberoi! We couldn't save your babygirl.. '

       He felt as if his soul left his body as soon as the doctors declared his worst nightmare coming true. He felt someone was piercing millions of needles in his heart, as if someone splashed ice cold water over him, as if someone crushed his heart mercilessly.

       His friends came forward to support him but he was still there. Nothing affected him. He couldn't hear a word anymore. He was lost, lost in his agony. He failed, failed to protect his baby. The one who brought him immense joy, he failed to keep her with him. He failed to keep his promise he gave to Annika. He failed as a father.


         The nurse brought the babygirl wrapped in a towel and forwarded to him. His eyes stilled on the baby. His hands shivered as he forwarded to take her in his arms.

       A painful sob escaped his lips as soon as he saw her tiny face. She was exactly like her mother, all what he wanted. All hell broke loose as he held his tiny baby close to his chest. How much he craved for her to call him papa once? How much he craved to see her little toothless smile which he had always imagined thinking about their baby?

      His body lost the little strength he had and slumped down on floor still holding her close. His painful cries echoed the whole hospital. It was like a piece of his heart was cut off. He kept crying and pecking her tiny face again and again, requesting her to wake up. Everyone around him pitied seeing his condition but he didn't care. All he needed at the moment was his baby to wake up and smile at him, just like her mumma.

     Two hours later

      He was sitting on floor lifeless, his baby still in his arms. He was holding her securely close to his chest. He was informed that Annika had gained consciousness. The doctors asked him to not show the baby to her since she was traumatised but he knew it better. She'll never forgive him if he did that. Moreover, it was her right. He could never snatch her right.

      He got up from the floor slowly. Stumbling over his steps, he went to her room only to see her panicking and requesting the doctor to give the baby to her. His eyes again got teary seeing her. What would he say to her?

      Her eyes halted at him and the baby in his arms. She smiled seeing this forwarding her arms for him to give the baby. She didn't know the truth. Just the thing that it was a girl. Her smile made shivaay more heart broken. He felt it hard to breathe. Still, he moved forward and gave the baby slowly.

      She held her close looking at her tiny face with a smile. Pecking her forehead, she looked at shivaay.

     'You won, shivaay!! It's a girl.. ' she giggled looking at him. He kept his head hung down. Her words pierced his heart.

      But soon her giggles died seeing the baby not moving at all. Worry etched her face.

     'Why is she not moving?' She looked at him, her heart jumping out of ribcage. He kept looking down.

      'So... Sorry, jaana!!' He bursted out crying not having the strength to face her. She gulped feeling sick suddenly. His condition told her everything.

       She looked at the baby with no emotions. Her body stiff. Her eyes void of any tears. It was as if her soul was plucked out of her body without showing any mercy. Her heart cried out in agony but her eyes didn't shed even a single tear. She sat there unaffected, just kept looking at the baby holding her close. No words could explain what she was feeling at the moment.

       He looked up getting no response from her only to cry more seeing her sitting lifeless. He sat beside her hugging them both to his chest crying but Annika remained still. Her eyes didn't move away from the baby's face. He tried to made her look at him but she didn't. He got scared seeing her condition and called out the doctor.

     They gave her the injection which made her sleep. He took the baby from her going out. Time to bid final bye to his princess. His heart clenched.

      He sat in his car, not looking away from his doll for even a second. His friends drove off to the cemetery. They were crying too. His eyes stopped shedding tears.

      He stepped down the car with his babygirl. Everything was prepared. His throat went dry seeing a dig out place for his baby. His dreams got crushed just in a day. He thought he was the most unfortunate man in the world, who had to bury his babygirl.

      He kept the baby in there. Taking her tiny feet out of the towel, he kissed them with utter tenderness, eyes closed, crying heart.

     'Come back soon, princess! Papa will miss you!' He whispered pecking her feet, tiny hands, and her face. Keeping a stone on his heart, and sinking her image in his mind for the last time, he put the soil over her till it covered her fully. Pecking over the soil, he shouted his lungs out as if letting his pain out. He pulled his hair in frustration. He felt so helpless, so useless. People usually told he could do anything with just a click of his finger. Only if they knew.........




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