❤Part 30❤

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Next morning,

        Shivaay stirred in his sleep feeling the sunrays peeping through the window. He felt terrible pain in his head which made him groan. He felt a certain weight over him and looked down to see her sleeping over him clutching him tightly. Dry tear marks on her cheeks caught his attention as he recalled the happenings of the previous night. He smiled lightly as he remembered her hugging him tightly. He finally felt himself at peace today. Last night, he said it all to her. He expressed his heart out in front of her. Now, he was just waiting for their new life to start. He knew she hadn't forgiven him yet but he was now sure that he would earn her forgiveness soon and for that he just had to win her heart and trust again.

       He looked at the bright sun shining through the curtains making him smile. It brought a new hope to his life and heart. Although he was having really bad headache but still he felt fresh. A sudden and firm determination surfaced his being. He vowed to make everything fine as he held her more closer to himself kissing her forehead.

      'Ummmmm.' She scrunched her nose shutting her eyes tight and hid her face in his chest to avoid the sharp sunlight. He smiled looking at her making pouts in her sleep and pulled her closer if that was even possible. She hid her face in the crook of his neck and again slept peacefully as he caressed her hair.

       He was smiling looking at her when his eyes fell over the ceiling. His eyes widened seeing his tie over the fan. He looked around the whole room to see the mess he created. That's when he recalled what he did after being drunk. He remembered how he threw everything without noticing where it was going. He gulped in fear. He knew that he had to face the junglee billi now. He very well knew she certainly loathed all these things and he being a devdas literally drank five vodka bottles. Now he had no escape but he can try atleast.

       He was about to shift her to the bed from him when her eyelashes flickered. He immediately closed his eyes pretending to be asleep. She opened her eyes slowly to find herself caged in his arms. She smiled gazing at his sleeping face. Placing her chin over his chest, she caressed his face as a tear slid down her cheek recalling his pleadings from last night. His heart pounded against the rib cage feeling her soft and slender fingers over his face. She felt his rapid heartbeats. His face had a frown. She thought he was having a bad dream. She rubbed her hand over his heart region softly trying to calm him down. Raising herself slightly, she kissed his forehead making him feel absolute bliss. His frown disappeared instantly.

      Once she felt him relaxed, she came out of his hold and went to get ready for the day. He opened his eyes as he felt the washroom door closed. He traced his fingers over his forehead where she had kissed a moment ago. A serene smile made its way to his lips which soon turned into a grin. She was melting and he couldn't be any happier.

      He composed himself and got up from the bed. The pain in his head still there. He closed his eyes feeling dizzy but he had to get his work done before she came out. He took his scattered belongings and stuffed them into the wardrobe. He then looked at the empty bottles thinking about where to hide those when suddenly an idea clicked his mind. He picked two bottles in one hand as other was injured and placed those below the bed and did the same with the other two avoiding the glass pieces on the floor. He cleaned the other mess he created and as soon as he heard the door opening, he immediately jumped on the bed pulling the duvet over himself covering his face with it.

      Annika came out and glanced at him suspiciously as he never slept covering his face. But soon shrugged her thoughts away and went towards the dressing table. She started combing her hair looking into the mirror.

      He peeped through the duvet slowly to see her back facing him. She glanced at him through the mirror while he was quick enough to pull the duvet again over his face squeezing his eyes shut.

       She was lost in her thoughts when the comb fell down from her hand. She bent down to pick it up when her eyes fell on the bottles below the bed. Her eyebrows wriggled looking at those and that's when she looked around to see the whole room clean except his tie which was still hanging over the fan. She realised the he was awake all this while and making pappu of her to avoid her scolding for the last night.

       She looked at the water jug kept over the table and smiled mischievously. She picked it up and tiptoed towards him. She pulled the duvet from his face as slowly as possible. He clicked his one eye open only to close it again seeing her standing in front of him.

       He started chanting mantras in his mind and splashhh! A jug full of water landed over his face making him wake up with a jolt.

      'Fhat the wuck.' He shouted sitting straight on the bed and looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

      She was looking at him with one eyebrow raised and scrutinising eyes. He gulped passing a shivery smile to her. He knew she was going to do his oh my maata and no one could stop her now. He was looking so scared that she chuckled inwardly looking at his puppy face.

        She bent down and taking the bottles, placed those on the bed in front of him making a stern face. He tried to avoid the looks she was giving him.

       'What's all this?' She asked coldly.

     'Bottles....ha...ha..haha bot..bottles.' He tried to be sarcastic to cover his nervousness but immediately shut his mouth seeing her sharp look.

      'Do you even realise how harmful this is?' She asked glaring him. Suddenly, her anger came back for him to consume this much alcohol.

      'Baby.....' He made a puppy face.

     'Don't baby me, Mr. Oberoi.' She cut him off midway. Her voice was stern enough to told him that she was really angry now. He knew it was his fault. He shouldn't have drank this much but it wasn't in his control. He somehow had to forget his pain her hatred was giving him and he knew alcohol was the only escape. Although he didn't intend to drink so much but as he drank one bottle, he wanted more which led to the consumption of that much alcohol.

      He looked down being guilty. He cyan eyes now glistening with tears. She sighed looking at him. She can't even stay mad at him given to the fact that she was his biggest weakness at the moment. She hadn't forgiven him yet but she wanted to give him a chance. She wanted him to earn that chance and for that, he needed to be strong not a cry baby like this.

       Sighing, she sat beside him. Placing her index finger under his chin, she made him look at her. His eyes looked directly into hers showing all the love he had for her in his heart. She cupped her face wiping the thin lines of tears from the sides of his eyes. He sniffed as his sharp pointed nose turned red. She went awww seeing his adorable pouty face but didn't show it on her face.

     'Don't be a cry baby, Shivaay. This puppy look doesn't suit you.' She glared him fake-ly. He pouted more making her roll her eyes.

     Suddenly, he pulled her towards himself from her waist. She gasped feeling the sudden pull. He caged her in his arms. She clutched his shoulders tightly feeling the proximity as her breathing turned heavy.

     'Why? Are you melting?' He asked huskily tucking a hair strand behind her ear. She looked down not being able to bear his intense gaze. Her cheeks turned a little pinkish when he traced his hand over her waist.

      'Aisa...aisa kuch nhi hai.' ('It's  nothing like that.') She replied meekly as he pulled her even closer. He rubbed his beard over her cheek turning her heartbeats erratic. She was losing all her sanity as he kept caressing her cheek with his. She didn't know how in a blink of an eye he turned from a scared cry baby to a cheapda intense lover.

        'Shi...shiv..' she moaned as placed his lips over her cheek. He placed wet kisses from her cheek to her jawline.

     She knew she needed to stop this else she would turn insane with the things he was doing to her. She composed herself and pushed him slowly and got up from the bed to go but he held her wrist stopping her.

      'Leave me.' She whispered trying to free her hand from his firm yet gentle hold.

      'Not happening.' He got up and stood behind her nuzzling into her neck. She arched her head involuntarily giving him more access.

      'Behave, Shivaay.' She tried to bring out her stern voice but failed miserably.

     'Tell me how to.....' He wasn't ready to give up as he placed his lips on her neck sucking it softly.

       Annika shut her eyes tightly to control. She didn't want this to happen, atleast not before he earned her forgiveness.

      She took a deep breath and pushed him again but this time a bit hardly. He looked bewildered.

     She clutched his collar in her fist tightly.

     'Listen, Mr. Oberoi! Learn to control your actions or else i won't think twice before throwing you out from here. This is my house and if you want to live here, you have to live according to my conditions. So if you want to have a life with me then you better keep a check on your actions else leave my house.'

     She left from there flicking her hair while he stood there with his mouth agape. Trust this girl to turn from a blushika to a fierce lioness without even realising it. He recalled her warning and his widened while a wide smile made its way onto his lips.

     'Did she just.....just give me a chance? She said a life with her....that means she's ready....ready to give me a chance...ohhh my goddddd..yaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy.......' He shouted in happiness kicking in the air. His headache long forgotten.

     He fell over the bed dramatically with a widest smile possible and hugged the pillow tightly as if it was Annika................


Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last part❤❤❤



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