❤Part 31❤

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    Pardon me for this filler chappy. I don't know whether you guys will like it or not because i myself am not satisfied with it😞

Shivaay descended down the stairs looking completely fresh even after having a terrible headache few minutes ago. The wide smile on his face was clearly giving away his happiness. His eyes were sparkling with joy. He felt overjoyed. The chance he was looking for since so many days was his today and he knew he will never lose this golden chance. He will do anything and everything to set everything right between them.

      He looked towards the dining table where everyone was having breakfast laughing over Rudra's lame jokes. He went towards them.

     'Good morning, maa.' He wished Pinki hugging her from back and kissed her cheek. She smiled patting his cheek and wished him back.

     'Morning, idiots.' He sat over his seat and wished others as well. His smile just not taking the name of leaving his face. He looked at Annika who was eating her breakfast silently without caring about anything else. Only if he knew.

      'Shivaay, we know you have brushed your teeth. No need to show any toothpaste ad here.' It was Rudra who spoke mischievously seeing shivaay showing his bateesi to Annika.

      'Shut up, Rudra.' Shivaay groaned making others giggle. Annika bit the insides of her cheeks in order to not smile. She glanced at him. He took looked at her but she was quick to look over the other side so as to not get caught by him. He gave a knowing smile to her.

      Breakfast ended on a good note. Everyone went to their respective works as Annika went to her room to fetch her belongings with shivaay following her.

     She took her phone and clutch. He kept looking at her wanting to say something.

     'Ummm....An...Annika.' He called her as she was about to step out of the room. She turned back to look at him.

      'Can you....can you drop me at the office today?' He asked slowly fearing that she would say no.

      'Your car?' She glanced at him inquisitive-ly.

      'Woh...it's...it's at servicing.' He stammered looking here and there.

       She found his behaviour somewhat suspicious but nodded nevertheless. Asking him to come soon, she left from there.

       As soon as she left, he started dancing like a maniac as if she had proposed him. He was busy dancing when she came back as she forgot her watch only to get amused seeing him dancing.

       She cleared her throat deliberately to break his moment of joy. His eyes travelled to her and he stopped abruptly being embarrassed. His arms still in air and one leg up from the floor. She bit over her lower lip to control her laughter seeing his embarrassed yet cute face.

       He looked here and there moving his arms as if he was doing some exercise. She chuckled.

     'Woh....umm...my arms were paining toh....Some exercise....ha...hahah...ha...exercise.' He blabbered going out of the room. She giggled hitting her forehead with her hand and left behind him after taking her watch.

       He was already sitting on the passenger seat in her car when she reached there. She looked behind to see his car parked. Her eyebrows wriggled understanding his ploy.

      He glanced at her through the corner of his eyes only to see her looking at him. He instantly pretended to be busy in his phone. She smiled knowingly and sat inside the car driving towards their destination.

     Both were stealing glances from each other when Shivaay decided to break the ice.

      'How's the work going?' He asked trying to initiate a conversation with her.

    'It's good.' She muttered formally not wanting to let him make his way to her heart so easily like he did last time.

     He hummed and looked outside not knowing what to say further. The rest of the journey went silent.

     She stopped the car in front of his office and he stepped down the car to go bidding her bye but stopped as she called him.

     He looked at her through the window in a quizzical manner.

     'Shall i pick you up in the evening as well?' She asked biting her lower lip trying to not sound too desperate to spend time with him. And there he got lost seeing her lower lip between her teeth among his wild fantasies.

      'Gosh! So sexy.' His mind screamed while he controlled his eyes taking deep breaths trying to ignore the signals his wild mind was giving him. He so wanted to kiss her senseless then and there.

     'Shivaay!' Her loud voice broke his thoughts making him look at her. She raised her eyebrows.

      'As you wish, baby.' He whispered softly composing himself. She nodded and drove off to her hospital.

       He placed his hand over his heart rubbing it softly as his lips curved up slightly.

     'This woman will be death of me someday.' He thought going inside the office smiling to himself.

     His employees were beyond shocked seeing their always khadoos boss smiling. Little did they also knew that it was love which was changing or better to say taking away the hardcore facade he had learnt to make over the years.

      Evening came sooner for both having piles of work to be done on their respective places which kept them busy for whole day. As they decided, she came to fetch him.

      He sat inside the car only to be greeted by a seemingly tired annika.

      'You seem tired.' He said softly as she started the car.

      'Yeah! Had back to back surgeries.' She replied giving him a soft smile. He nodded.

     'Shall i drive?' He asked with a voice filled with concern seeing her looking fully exhausted.

      'It's fine.' She muttered shaking her head. He sighed.

       They were on their way when the car stopped abruptly. Both were confused. They got down the car and checked the engine opening the bonnet but couldn't find the problem. Annika tried starting it again but it didn't start.

      Shivaay looked here and there and found a cafe to their left side. He suggested Annika to have some coffee as he called Khanna to send a car for them to pick up. She compiled without any tantrum.

      Both went to the cafe and sat ordering their coffee which soon arrived. Annika took a sip from her cup and closed her eyes relishing the taste. She realised she hadn't had coffee since many days now.

      'Shivaay' She called him who was busy in his phone doing something. He instantly looked at her.

      'Woh...i want to tell you something....' she spoke.

     He nodded his head asking her to go on.

     'You remember i wanted to open my own hospital?' She asked to which he smiled.

      'How can i forget my own dream, annika? His smile turned more wide. She gazed at him emotionally as her eyes tear-ed up. She knew he genuinely wished for her to achieve her dream to own a hospital where she can treat the needy free of cost. It was his dream as much as it was hers.

       'It's construction is going to start from tomorrow.' She told while he looked at her with mixed emotions. He was happy, excited, nervous all at the same time.

      'Really?' He asked with a voice depicting excitement. She nodded smiling widely.

       'Oh my godddd! I'm so happy.' He shouted standing up and immediately pulled her in his embrace swinging her body with his. She got stunned with the sudden hug. He was literally crushing her in his arms that she felt her bones would break. He was still swaying left and right like a baby holding her tight. He kissed her hair numerous times.

      She looked around to see people looking at them with admiring eyes.

     'Shivaay.' She whispered trying to break the hug. He realised his surroundings and parted away from her. He was so delighted that he didn't even notice that she didn't hug him back.

      'I'm so so soooo happy, jaana.' He whispered kissing her forehead lingering his lips there for a moment making the people there hoot. 

      She smiled as blush crept her cheeks.

      His phone rang breaking their moment. It was Khanna who came there to pick them up.

      They went back home and had their dinner happily. Annika shared the news with everyone making them squeal in happiness. Pinki bought some dessert to celebrate their little happiness.

      He looked at her as she celebrated with everyone laughing whole heartedly. He felt peace seeing her smiling. She was smiling like this after ages. Her smile was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life and now he vowed to himself to keep that smile intact on her face.

       She looked at him giving him a small smile. He blinked in response. Both looked forward to their new dreams, new hopes and new life hoping to cherish it forever with love...........


Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last part❤❤


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