❤Part 39❤

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Shivaay opened his eyes slowly to realise that he was in the Shivjaana hospital. He smiled faintly realising that everything was sorted out. His gaze fell on his mother who was sitting beside his bed on a chair. His friends had surrounded his bed.

Pinky caressed his head. They asked about his health. He assured them that he was fine. Though he still felt immense pain in his wounds.

He scanned the whole room but his eyes couldn't locate the one his heart longed for.

He questioned his mother and friends with his eyes who gave a him a beta tu toh gayo look. He gulped understanding their meaning. How could he forget that his junglee billi would eat him raw for the stunt he pulled today?

They all had seen Annika's stern face throughout the journey to the hospital. She didn't say a word but her expressions said it all. Her silence felt the calm before the storm. She was angry on him for putting his life in danger. Although she knew that he did all that for her only but also knew that nothing was more important to her than him. Only she knew what she felt seeing him in that terrible condition. His wounds hurt her more than those hurt him.

      They all left the room while he silently prayed for his oh so dear life which was in danger zone because of his wife. He was lost in mumbling incoherent words when he heard the door opening. He shut his eyes knowing very well who would it be.

       Annika looked at him crossing her arms across her chest. His squeezed eyes gave away his pretense. She waited patiently for him to stop his nautanki.

       He opened his one eye only to close it again seeing her glaring him. She rolled her eyes sitting beside him. She poked his shoulder with her index finger. He knew now there was no way to escape. Slowly opening his eyes, he passed a shivery smile to her. She shot him a hard glare.

    'Ba...ba...bbb...babyyyy! Why....why are you...he...here? You should ggggg....go and chhh...check your patients na....' He stuttered speaking with a sugar coated voice. Her expression still blank. He cried inwardly.

       'Jaana, i'm fine.' He thought this would do as she was just worried for him. But she didn't say anything. Instead, she pressed his wounded hand lightly making him wince.

      'Jaana, i'm fine.' She mimicked him huffing in anger. He smiled cutely.

     He was going to have a tough time handling this fierce lioness.

Two days later,

        She fed him the last spoon of the soup before wiping his mouth which he had without any tantrum fearing that she would burst on him. He was discharged yesterday since he didn't want to stay in the hospital environment.

      Annika hadn't talked to him even once. She would do everything from his medicines to his sleep but wouldn't say a word. She would let him sleep keeping his head in her lap but wouldn't let a word escape her mouth.

     At first, she had decided to take his class but later decided against it. She knew her silence would be the best punishment for him. Atleast, he would think twice before putting his life at stake again.

      Shivaay felt sad with her behaviour. He wanted her to talk to him but she was giving him a hard time. He wanted her to say something even if it meant scolding him for his deeds. But her indifference hurt, badly and deeply.

      He looked down when she gazed at him. He didn't want her to see the pain in his eyes. He didn't want her to feel that she was hurting him. But she wasn't any fool to not understand anything. She could clearly see that he was trying to hide his sadness. But could really do? No way!

       Placing her index finger under his chin, she made him look at her. He smiled faintly. She smiled back.

      'Kyun kiya aise?' ('Why did you do that?') She asked softly caressing his soft tendrils that fell over his forehead.

       'Tumh....nahh....hamaare liye.' (For you....no...for us) He whispered back. She sighed.

      'Kya zaroorat thi, Shivaay? Kuch ho jaata toh?' (What was the need? What if something happened?) She scolded him lightly.

      'Tum thi na mere saath, aise kaise kuch ho jaata?' (You were with me, how could something happen?) He smiled cheekily.

      'Stop being cheesy.' She said frowning. He pouted.

      'Haalat dekhi thi apni? Kitna khoon nikal rha tha. Apni jaan ki parwah nhi thi na bilkul bhi?' ('Did you see your condition? You were bleeding so much. You didn't care about your life at all right?') She whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek.
       'Apni jaan ki hi toh parwah thi.....' (i cared for my life only.') He spoke giving her a genuine smile. She burst out crying hugging him tightly.

      'You are so bad, Shiv.' She hit his chest crying continously. He chuckled.

      'Annika, stop crying.' He whined feeling his kurta getting wet with her tears. But she didn't stop. Her pain, her anger, her frustration of two days came out in the form of tears.

     'Baby, please na yaar. I hate your tears.' He spoke softly seeing her not stopping her aansu ka tank. She tightened her hold on him making him wince in pain as her hands involuntarily pressed the would at his back. She instantly pulled back from the hug.

       'Did i hurt you? I'm sorry....I'm sorry, Shiv! I'm really sorry.' She apologised crying again.

      'It's fine, Annika.' He calmed her seeing her vulnerable state.

      He pointed at her tears. She wiped them. He smiled indicating her to smile with his fingers to which she smiled widely. Moving forward, she kissed his forehead cupping his face. He smiled in content.

       Two weeks passed by quickly. Annika took full care of him. His wounds were almost healed now and credit to his over caring wife. She pampered him a lot in these two weeks. She would make his favourite cuisines whenever he demanded which he would eat happily like a child. She would sleep hugging him keeping her head on his chest making him happy. Though she noticed that he never touched her but she knew that it was because of her only. She would play games with him when he felt bored sitting idle in his room since he was ordered to not go to office by his very own dear wife. They would watch movies at night and he would tease her when some romantic scene came up. She would kiss his cheeks and forehead whenever she felt.

      Once, she even kissed his lips by mistake. She was going to kiss his cheek. He being unaware suddenly tilted his head making her land her lips over his. Her eyes widened realising everything while he was doing mental dance being overjoyed. They stayed like that for a minute before she pulled away looking here and there. Her red cheeks made him chuckle over her shyness. She literally ran from there not being able to bear his teasing gaze........

     He was sitting on the floor as she sat on the bed giving him head massage. He enjoyed being pampered like this.

       'Annika, your hands have magic.' He spoke smiling.

      She smiled bending down wrapping her arms around his neck from behind. 

      'You liked it?' She asked kissing his cheek.

      'Love is the word, darling.' He tilted his head to look at her. She looked at him intently. He looked more handsome with those messy hair. His hypnotising eyes, sharp pointed nose, chiseled jawline, perfectly shaped lips, everything felt more attractive to her. Her gaze halted at his lips. Those petals felt edible to him. She wanted to kiss him. She chided herself mentally for being a cheapdi.

      He raised his eyebrows seeing her lost. She tore her gaze away and left to wash her hands while he looked on rubbing the back of his neck as he had seen the tint of redness on her cheeks.


     Night, 10 pm

  Shivaay was sitting in his room reading some file when his phone rang. He smiled seeing the caller id picking up the call.

     'Hey, sweetheart!' He muttered softly.

      'Shivaay, please come to the hospital soon.' She cried over the phone making his heart race inside his chest.

     But before he could say something, she cut the call. He was quick enough to rush to the hospital throwing his phone away.......

      He reached after an hour because of the traffic jam. He was already tensed about her and the traffic didn't help at all.

     Reaching the hospital, he literally ran inside directly halting over the reception asking about Annika. The receptionist told him to go towards the terrace. He was confused but nonetheless did as told.

      He reached the terrace panting for he came running all the way upstairs. But his breath hitched seeing the scenario. The terrace was beautifully decorated. A table for two was set in the centre. There were dangling lights all over creating a romantic atmosphere.

       He stepped forward when rose petals fell over him. He smiled knowing what was all this. But wasn't this supposed to be his job? Though he was enjoying it.

      He looked around frantically searching for her. She came from behind looking ethereal in a plane maroon saree. Her hair left open.

       'Annika!' He whispered lost in her beauty.

     'Shhhhh!' She muttered placing her finger on his lips making him shudder.

      'Today, i will speak and you will listen. No interruption, okay?' She ordered while he nodded like an obedient child.

      They sat over the chairs facing each other. He looked at her in anticipation. Though he knew what was coming but his heart beat erratically.

      'Shivaay, i used to be a simple girl with only one ambition and that was to open my own hospital. I never....never thought of getting married or falling in love. I used to think of all this as a mere wastage of time. My life revolved around my family and studies. But then you happened. I certainly hated you at first. You started chasing me. I always cringed over those cheesy letters. I never knew i would fall for you. But my feelings changed the day you punished that professor. Something inside me changed. The way you cried seeing my hands in pain made me feel something for you. I couldn't sleep for that night. I kept pondering like how on earth can someone love me this much. Then you saved me many times. You did everything possible to win my heart. I didn't even realise when, where and how i fell for you. It just.....just happened. The day you proposed me....no....literally threatened me to be your girlfriend *both chuckled* I think that was the first time i was this much silent. I mean me, the most talkative girl couldn't even spell a word and all because of you. Then we stepped into a relationship, the most beautiful one. I started feeling happy. I started smiling because of no reason. You made my life beautiful just by being in it. You made me believe in love and marriage. I had the best time of my life in those two years and that was just because of you........Then......one day.......'

       She gulped reminiscing the worst day of her life. He just kept looking at her.

      'One day, everything shattered....due to me......' she cried. He shook his head denying.

      'Nhi shivaay. You can't deny the truth. That all happened because of me. I....i should have talked to you later on. I should have apologised. But....but i didn't have the courage, Shiv. After breaking you so brutally, i didn't have the strength to face you. I felt guilty.....i felt disgusted of myself to break the one who loved me so dearly. I felt a mere piece of shit who broke a selfless human like you. I felt utterly worthless. I felt like dying. Shiv, trust me, i....i died each day in guilt. If not for my studies, i would have been depressed. I lost my usual self. I lost your jaana. I cursed myself every single day for crushing your heart....i called you a wom....wom...i can't even spell it.....i called you one when you never even held my hand without my permission.....how could i even do that, Shiv?....you should have slapped me that time only....you should have made me realise....why are you so good haan?....you know at times, i feel unworthy of your love.......


     'Shiv, please! It's the truth. I never loved you the way you did. Else i wouldn't have done all that.....' she sobbed holding his hand over the table. He sighed gazing at her.

       'Seven years, i waited for seven years. You came back, gave me attitude, showed me your fake hatred....Then marriage happened. I thought.....i thought i got my shiv back but i was wrong. You planned revenge....' 

       He looked down.

     'But that wasn't your fault. You were so badly hurt that you couldn't see anything else....though you tried to give me pain but you had hurt yourself more. On my birthday, you crossed your limits. You literally called me a bed....bed warmer.....though you didn't say the word but you meant that only....i felt broken, Shiv. I felt betrayed. You broke my heart just like i did. Everything messed up. I couldn't forgive you. You repented. You did everything you could. When everything settled down then this medicine fiasco happened. But you saved me....., again. If i'm living this dream then it's because of you. You put your life in danger for me..........' she drank water feeling her throat getting dry because of speaking continously.

       'Shivaay, i know it wouldn't be easy but please forgive me. I'm really very sorry for every pain i caused you. I'm sorry.......' she held her ears making a puppy face. He chuckled.

      'I forgave you long back, Annika. Actually, i was never angry on you. It was just my pain and agony that made me do shit......' He spoke calmly. She smiled wiping her tears.

       She got up from her seat and sat in front of him on her knees. He looked surprised but didn't say anything.

      'Shivaay, now that everything is sorted out, can we go back to our normal life? I mean, will you be my shiv again? Will you give me the honour to become your jaana again? Will you love me like before once again? WILL YOU.....WILL YOU MARRY ME?' She asked looking straight into his eyes.

      He kept looking at her without blinking his eyes. He was overwhelmed. Thousands of emotions engulfed his heart. He felt the joy of being loved by this wonderful woman sitting before him. He felt on top of the world. He felt as if he has accomplished the greatest thing in the whole universe. He felt his feelings to be ineffable. His eyes shed tears of happiness. He felt proud that this beautiful lady did so much for him.

       'Answer na....my knees are paining....' she pouted cutely making him giggle.

      'Yes! Yess, i will! I WILL MARRY YOU, ANNIKA. I'll be your shiv once again. You'll be my jaana. I'll love you not like before but more than that.......'

        She quickly hugged him crying in happiness. He didn't hug back. She realised that. Standing up, she made him get up too. She took his hands and placed those on her waist before embracing his torso with her arms. She leaned closer to his face. Her lips inches apart from his.

      'Kiss me!' She whispered over his lips looking into his eyes. He looked for any discomfort or any insecurity but found none. What he saw was love, immense and pure. Leaning in, he finally captured her lips blowing her senses away. She kissed him back passionately. The world forgotten, lips joined, eyes closed, hearts running, bodies collided, they felt pure bliss. This was the moment they longed for. A sudden emotional feeling immersed their hearts.

       Breaking apart, both panted heavily. His eyes beamed while she blushed. He caged her in his arms more tightly.

      She looked at her watch, 12am. Tilting his face, she placed a chaste kiss over his cheek muttering "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHIV.'

        He looked at her shocked realising that it was his birthday. That means she specially planned this surprise for this day. He still remember a year back, on this very day, she had told him that she would celebrate his next birthday with him with full rights. She fulfilled her words. He still couldn't believe that a year passed so soon.

      'Thank you, jaana. Thank you so much.' He replied kissing her forehead.

       Both cut the cake feeding each other. Shivaay looked at the piece of of cake that left over the side of her lips. He pulled her towards him and suddenly placed his lips over hers kissing her hell out. Her eyes widened over his sudden kiss. It wasn't like the one before, soft and gentle. Instead, it was more passionate and intense. Her mind felt numb feeling the intensity as his lips hungrily and crazily suck onto hers. He didn't let her respond. She nudged him feeling lack of oxygen. He pulled away breathing heavily. She placed her hand over her chest trying to gain her breath back.

       'The cake was damn delicious.' He muttered mischievously rubbing her lower lip with his thumb. She blushed hiding her face in his chest.

    He hugged her tightly. Finally, he found his solace, in her arms. She snuggled into him more.

        They were about to go from there when Annika stopped him. He looked confused.

      'I forgot something...' she said with a soft voice.


     She went closer to his ear hugging him from his neck. His hands instantly rested over her waist.

       'I LOVE YOU, SHIV.' her soft lovable voice fell into his ears as her confession made him still on his place. She giggled seeing his reaction. He smiled widely picking her up from her waist and twirled her around.

        'I LOVE YOU TOO, JAANA.' He shouted loudly still twirling her as she laughed loudly spreading her arms.

      This was the first time both said the three magical words to each other. They never actually felt the need to say. Their actions were loud enough to express their love.

      He placed her down. Their hearts smiled along with their lips. They held hands promising each other other to be with each other in this new journey of life.

      'Let's go.' She forwarded her hand.
     'I too forgot something.' He said shaking his head.


     Her words died in her mouth as he again took her in for a kiss sealing their never ending love.............


Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last part❤❤❤❤

I hope the chappy was readworthy 😁

Vaise this could have been the best ending no?


Shivaay: 'I don't know anything. I will marry tomorrow means tomorrow.' He whined being stubborn.

      She tapped over his shoulder.

Annika: "you won't marry after tomorrow?"

Shivaay: Noooooo! A big no

      "Really?" She raised her eyebrows.......



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