Chapter 6: The Apologies

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"Jared, why do you take so long just to come up with a plot?" "Because I don't think ahead and I have a hard time coming up with plot twist! And plus, if you didn't notice how long all the other chapters are, the chapter needs to be a certain length. That's why." "Well you're dumb. Start thinking ahead. It helps. And just make short chapters so you can update faster." "Oh really. Gee. I didn't even notice! And I can't! I told you that already!" Oh, I didn't see y'all there. I was just having a fight with myself-and I'm gonna just start with the opening description. Last time on Missing Beat. Kazuto spent some time getting Lucy her food and stuff. We then read how Asuna called him over for her idea with a song and for him to meet two people that wanted to join the band. When he got there with Sachi and Argo he was introduced to the two new members. The first one was Strea and she ran over to him to envelope him into a warm embrace, but he side-stepped out of the way and had her crashing into the wall. The second person he met was the one person he never wanted to meet again. He sent a powerful blow to his face and- oh let's just get to the story already.
See y'all at the bottom!

Thought: Kruuuuu!
Pina? When'd you get here?
We were walking into the Konno residence.

"Oh and I forgot to tell you, I told Aiko about what happened, how she introduced me to the band, and how she lost her memory. So she might or might not have a grudge at you." I tell him.

He looks at me and with that look I could tell that he was worried. "Relax. If anything does happen then I will tell her that we're cool now." You got nothin to worry about so stop looking like you're going to die." Yuuki says to him.

He was about to say something else until a girl tackled Yuuki and I and crashed us into the wall. "And, now I have a broken ribcage." I say sarcastically.

"Sorry! I was just excited to see you back!" She replies. She then releases us and sees someone else in the room. "Hello, my name is Konno Aiko."

"Sekai Eugeo." He replies. Bad choice. Before we could even say or do anything she quickly puts him in an arm bar. "What are you doing in my house?! I may not remember you fully, but I do know that Kazuto here told me about what happened." She yells at him.

"Aki, calm down!" I tell her. He came to apologize, right Eugeo?" I said while breaking them apart and giving my famous glare to Eugeo. "Y-yes! That's why I'm here!" He told her after looking scared after my glare.

Not even the leader of the old band could stand being under my death glare for so long.

She quickly let go of him. I was surprised she isn't mad at me for saying that everything is cool between him and I.

Spoke too soon. She ran up to me and put me into a triangular choke hold.

"You got one second to tell me why he is in my house and why you brought him here." She told me.

"I... can't tell... you if... I can't breathe." I choked out.

She released me from the hold. "Trust me Aki, my reaction when I first saw him today was the same. I punched him in the face. But he told me that he was blacked out whenever that happened."

"It's true sis. You should've seen him, he was so mad that he almost knocked him out from that one punch!" Yuuki said, trying to prove my point.

"Anyways, apparently he was in his room when all of a sudden, he woke up in a hospital with a few cuts and bruises. The doctors told him what happened and he was forced to transfer to a different school." I continued.

"Is this true, Eugeo?" She asked. "Yes, all of what he said was true. For what I did, I wish I had control over my actions but it was not me, and I'm sorry." He apologized.

Her face lightened up a little and she playfully punched him on the arm. "Well if it was something that you had no control over then there is nothing that you should be sorry for. So don't sweat it!"

"Thank you for understanding. Alright, now that Yuuki is back and he apologized, I'm gonna take him to the hospital for him to do the same thing to Kodashi and Alice." I told her.

She nodded her head and waved goodbye to us. We followed and got in the truck to head off to the hospital.


I was driving Eugeo over to the hospital to have him see Kodashi and Alice.

"So, they were put in a coma because of that brawl last year?" He asked, feeling guilty. I really did feel bad for the guy. "Yeah. They were hit in the head too hard and had a concussion. The very next day, the doctors called us and said that they, were put into a coma." I answered.

We arrived at the hospital and I requested to see said two people. They agreed and gave Eugeo and I a visitor pass.

"So the room numbers are N-38 and M-19. Alright, well, since Kodashi is closer we'll go see him first then Alice." Said I to Eugeo. He seems a little unease as we get to the door. "We're here." I told him.

He nods and opens the door. We walk in to see a few doctors surrounding the hospital bed.

As we walked over to them, we see someone awake and sitting up straight.

"Kodashi!" I yelled. He looked over and he had shock, excitement, and confusion written all over his face. "Kazuto?! What's going on? Where am I? Why does my body feel like it can barely move and looks like a stick?" He asked me a bunch of questions, and before I could answer, he looked over to my left and saw Eugeo, while pointing at him, asking why he's here.

"Calm down, Kodashi! He isn't a threat anymore. I brought him here so he could apologize." I told him.

"You are sure that this man isn't trying to hurt us all over again?" He asked. "YES! Now shut up and listen to what he has to say!" I shouted.

He stopped talking and crossed his arms, while I nudged Eugeo to tell him that he's up.

He took a deep breath and started, "Kodashi, what I'm about to say to you will probably make you think that I'm crazy, but for what I did, to you, to this kid, and to the whole band, is something that I had no control over.

All I remember that day was that I was I my room just watching TV and all of a sudden I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed with a few cuts and bruises. The doctors told me what happened and I was terrified knowing that I hurt our family. And I'm truly sorry."

Kodashi's face looked a little bit of shocked then he gave a small laugh. "I had a feeling that the Eugeo I saw that night, was not our Eugeo. I could tell because of the look in your eyes, they looked lifeless and emotionless.

Our Eugeo's eyes were full of happiness and relaxation. It just surprised me that what your body did to us. But if you had no control over your actions, then I completely understand and I forgive you."

Mine and Eugeo's faces were taken aback by this.

"Well that, was better than almost being strangled to death twice." I said. "Haha. Let me guess who did that Kazuto, was it Aiko?" Kodashi asked.

We both nodded our heads. "Man that girl has crazy strength. Anyway, I won't be released from the hospital for a few weeks, so go see Alice, she's right next door. And tell him I said hi."

"Get well soon, Kodashi! We want you to see our next concert which is in three weeks!" I told him. And with that we walked out of the room and went to go see Alice.

We walked into Alice's room to see no nurses, but another adult in the room.

"Mrs. Zukro?"I asked, and the man perked up at the name. "Who's there?" She asked.

"It's me, Kazuto. And I brought someone else here, if that's alright." I told her. She nodded and said, "That's okay. Who did you bring?"

I took a deep breath and said, "You may not trust him, let alone not like him, but he came to say that he's sorry. This here-" "The only person who should say that he's sorry is that Eugeo person." She interrupted, and spat venomously.

"And that's who it is. I brought Eugeo with me." I told him. Her eyes widened with shock.

She gave a scowl and said, "What business do you have here kid? Here to hurt him again, or did you finally come to say that you're sorry?"

"That's why I'm here. I came to apologize to Alice for my actions of which I had no control over."

"On that night, I only remember being in my room then I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in a hospital, with bandages wrapped around my head and left arm and a cast on my left leg."

"I'm not asking for your forgivness. I only wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for hurting you, your husband, and your daughter, and any other relatives that she may have." Eugeo said.

He was expecting to be yelled at but instead, the woman gave him a pat on the back and replied with, "It's alright kid. We knew that there was no way you would hurt my daughter, this young man right here, the young man next door, and that little girlfriend of his on purpose."

"Um, sir, Aiko and I aren't dating. We are just really close friends. That's all." I told him in a-matter-of-fact tone. He only gave off a small laugh, which made us all laugh.

I looked over at Alice only to see her still in the deep sleep, but with a smile plastered on her face letting me know that she heard his apology.

"Thanks for your kindness Mr.-" "Please my boy. Call me Makala." He told me. I nodded and continued, "Thank you, Makala, for your kindness."

"And thank you for excepting my apology." Eugeo stated. She nodded and said, "No problem. But look at my girl's face. She's happy to know that it wasn't over your control."

"Well we best get going. It's getting late and I have to drive this guy home. So..." I trailed off as I walked over to Eugeo and punched him in the gut, which knocked him out.

"I understand, and you sure do know the right spots to knock someone out with." She told me. I smiled and replied with, "He taught me. Well bye! Hope he wakes up sooner or later!"

She waved and said, "Goodbye my child."


I threw Eugeo into the backseat and walked over to the drivers side. I put the keys in ignition and drove off to his house.

He was waking up as I was still driving. "Damn kid. Was that really necessary?" He asked.

"Yes, yes it was. Now do you still live in your old house or did you guys move?" I asked him. "Yes we still live at the same place." He answered. I nodded my head and continued driving. He just laid back down and simply told me to wake him up when we get there.

His house was coming into view. I looked back and saw that he was still asleep. It was then I decided to step on the brake to make a hard, sudden stop, in which will have him fall onto the floor by doing so.

"What was that for?!" He yelled. I gave a grin and answered, "Well you told me to wake you up when we get there, so we are here and I woke you up."

He shakes his head in annoyance and replies with, "Well don't make me fall on the floor again. And thanks, kid, for helping me out."

I gave him a thumbs up. "No prob, just don't let yourself black out again!"

He nodded and went into his house. I drove my way back home for the night and retired for the day.

While we were driving, I got a call from Asuna. "Wonder what she wants."

I answer and the first thing I hear was deafening. "Kazuto! We need you back at Liz's right now!" She yelled, and continued, "And get Yuuki over here too!"

"First of all, my poor ears, and second of all, I'm tired for the day. I haven't slept at all, I just dropped Eugeo off, and I can barely can keep my eyes open." I explain to her.

"Liz's mom said you could sleep over here for the night, and just tell your parents that you won't be over again for the night." She practically yelled at me.

"I can't. I promised Sachi that we would hang out for the day tomorrow, and I have to drive Lucy home. But I'll bring Yuuki over, and you can tell me at school on Monday." I tell her.

"Well alright. But it was really important a-" "Tell you what. When I bring Yuuki over, you can tell me there, so that way I would know about it when you wanted to tell me and I can still go back home and get some sleep in." I suggested. She said okay and ended the call.


I finally made it to Yuuki's house, again.

I drove up into her driveway and looked over to their porch to see her running over, waving. "Sorry you have to take me back, Kazuto." She said to me.

"Don't worry about it, I can only assume that Asuna told you that I was coming to pick you up. Anyway, she said she had something important to tell us." I reminded her.

She nodded her head, but took a good look at my eyes, probably at the bags forming beneath them.

"You okay, Kazuto? You look like you are about to doze off." She stated the obvious.

"I am. I just have to take you over there, listen to what Asuna has to tell me, then I could drive home and get some sleep. They already offered me to stay over, but I told them that I couldn't because, A: my parents'll get mad at me for not coming home another night, B: I have to take Luce home, and C: Sachi'll kill me for not spending the day with her tomorrow."

"Okay. Well, if you want, I could take over the wheel and you can sleep in a bit, until we get there at least." She suggested.

"Thank you." I accepted. "But wait, do you even have a license?"

"I have a permit, and as long as your in the truck then it'll be alright." She answered.

We pulled over and switched spots, with me in the passenger and her in behind the wheel.

I closed my eyes as sleep came knocking at my door, but as soon as it came, it left as we arrived at Liz's, again.

"Bye, Kazuto, see you at school Monday!" She shouted as she left.

She opened the door to be greeted by Asuna and Liz. They told her to go to her room as they came over to the truck.

"So the truck does belong to you Kazuto. I was wondering who owned this thing at your house." Liz said as they came to a stop. I got out.

"Yep. Alright, so what's so important that you had to get me back over here?" I asked while holding in a yawn.

"Well, Argo called, saying she got a gig at the Tokyo Central Park for our next performance, and Strea, Liz and I were going to perform a song of our own. We were going to name it Shirushi. But we wanted to know if it was okay with you." Asuna told me.

I thought about it and decided that it would be a good idea. I nodded my head and was immediately engulfed into another bone-crushing hug.

How many times do I have to think this, what type of strength do these girls have?!

"Thanks Kazuto, the concert will be on Thursday at 19:30. And bring Sachi along too." She said.

"Okay and I... will." I said while yawning.

"You sure you don't want to stay the night? You look like you are about to doze off." Liz asked.

"I'm sure. I promised to be home and spend the day with Sachi tomorrow. And besides, I don't want to intrude on girls night over at your house Liz. That's not me." I answered.

"Alright well get home safe, Kaz." They told me as they went back into the house.

"Off I go, back to my humble abode..." and I sang all the way home.


As soon as we got home, I got tackled by a little girl. "Do you know what time it is?!" She stated.

"No I don't, nor do I care. I'm tired and want some sleep."

"Alright, well, glad you made it back safe, bro." She sighed. I smiled and repeated her sentence.

I went back upstairs and fell asleep, never noticing the screen that told me I had a new message.

Old: A/N: Aaaaaaannd that ends it for this chapter! Sorry it's shorter than the others but I needed to get this one out. Anyway, I will update Undeniable Love tomorrow.

Also, 111 reads! Thanks you guys. I really do appreciate that you guys take the time out of your day to read this as I take the time out of mine to write it. I cannot thank you enough.

I'm thinking about making a Fairy Tail fanfic about E.N.D and another SAO one with Kiri/Yuuki plot where They met as kids. Tell me what you think and I'll put down some ideas for it.

Until next time, bye guys, and have a wonderful day.

New: Alright. So obviously I've put this book on hold for too long. I want to get back to it like I said I would, but I'm having problems of my own to deal with.

Yes I realize that no one likes this story anymore and some are probably still surprised that it exists. But, I will get back to it. I'm just re-editing some chapters for now before I post the next update.

Have a good night, don't let the memes bite, if they do, then imma need an analysis.


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