→chapter five

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"You're having a date with Gray ?", Lu-chan snickered besides me as we walk along the hallway.

"I-it's not a date!", I whispered-yelled to her.

"Yeah, it is not a date.", she smirks at me then glance at the two boys at the front of us.

I just hummed to her, not wanting to argue more and embarrass myself.

The short walk to the gate was quiet except for the two idiots who always argue. I sigh. I miss Erza. She's always busy because of her responsibility at the student council. I know I just met her on my first day here and I don't fully know her, but there is something about her that makes me comfortable, and besides, she can make this two idiot shut up.

As we reach the gate, we bid our farewell to Lucy and Natsu and head to the small restaurant where Gray told me about his favor. I frowned at that thought. Remembering how I need to seduce this man, whoever he is, in order to make Juvia notice him. If he could only notice my feelings.

"..Levy?", Gray asks slightly concern.


"You are very quiet. Is there something wrong ?"

"N-nothing's wrong. I'm just thinking about my punishment this Saturday. I haven't tell mom about this.", I said as I fidget the hem of my skirt. Well it's not a lie. It's actually half of the truth.

"Hmmm. I'm actually shock that you got yourself in trouble.", he chuckled.

"Yeah.", I chuckled too. If only I haven't met that stupid Gajeel. I sigh. Well, I just have to deal with him on Saturday then life goes on !

We sat at the available table and ordered our food.

"So, how was school so far ?", he asks as he fix the collar of his uniform.

"Hmm so far so good I guess."

"You guess?", he asks as he quirks his eyebrow at me.

"I haven't been in the library.", I chuckled.

He chuckles at that too.

"It is always about the books if whether you'll be satisfied or not huh ?"


The waitress brought the food and we silently eat. As we finish our food, Gray cleared his throat and stared at me.

'Here goes the main event.' I looked at him with the same seriousness in my eyes.

"Remember my favor ?"

"Yes.", I simply said waiting for him to continue.

"Uhm.." he sigh then drink from his glass.

I just stared at him, waiting for him to continue about his favor.

"You see, the man that I'm asking you to seduce is ... is uhm."

"Who?", I asked hiding the impatience in my voice. I'm not excited to hear who the hell is the man that I need to seduce, but if I will actually do it, then I have to know who this man is.

"It's Gajeel Redfox."

I almost choke at his statement. G-gajeel??!!! That stupid, rude, grumpy Gajeel ??!!!'

"A-are you sure?", I asked, my voice is beginning to rise.

"Yes. It's Gajeel Redfox. The very same person that you told us about earlier."

My eyes widen at a sudden realization. 'I told the "whore club", as I called their fan club, that I have nothing to do with Gajeel !! That I don't plan to meddle with his life !!! And now, I will find out that he is the very man that I need to seduce ?!!! How the hell am I gonna do it ?? And besides !! He is not just a badboy, he is a playboy !!


"G-gray .." I looked at his eyes and my heart shattered in a million pieces. I saw seriousness and determination in his eyes. Does he love Juvia that much ? He's willing to use me, to seduce Gajeel. I bet he knows Gajeel. Lu-chan told me he's a popular guy and even Natsu knew him, and yet, here he is, seriously wishing me to seduce Gajeel, even though he knows that Gajeel only wants a one-night flings. He is known for that!! He's willing to sacrifice me for Juvia??

"I'm so sorry for this Lev. I just--"

"It's ok.", I cut him off. I don't want to hear anymore from him. I chuckled in my head at my own stupidity. I don't have to ask myself if he's really willing to sacrifice me. Because I know how it feels. I'm doing it right now. To go to such extents to please the person that we love. For them to finally notice our existence. That's how I love him. I'm willing to go to hell if he asks me to. I know it's a big nonsense. I'm the biggest idiot to let my heart decides. But I love him. I can't help it. And even though I know that he's just using me, I still love him. I can't help it when my heart always skips its beat whenever he's around. How butterflies wildly flew in my stomach whenever he touches me. And how I can't help but smile whenever I think about him. I'm completely hopeless.

"I agreed to this.", I said as I forced a big smile in my face.

He slowly smiles towards me.

"I owe you a big one Levy."

"You sure do.", I chuckled to lighten the mood, even though it's a bit force.

"By the way, mom needs me to run some errands. So I have to go.", I lied. But I can't be with him right now, I'm feeling my tears are on their way to stream down my face, and I can't let it happen. Not in front of him.

"O-ok. I'll walk you home.", he said as he stands up.

"You don't have to silly. I will go to a different route. I can handle this."

"Are you sure ? We can just grab a cab after that."

"No need. And yes, I'm sure. Bye now.", I wave and run to the exit.

I heard him called my name and I turned to him to wave again and gives him a thumbs up to show that it's really OK. When I saw him to wave back I turned around and starts to run. The tears that are threatening to fall starts to stream down in my face like an endless waterfall.

I run and run not even knowing which way to go. I just want to run, run away from all of this. I ended up in a park and I sat beneath a tree and continue to sob. I want to cry until I'm out of tears. I don't even care if someone sees me like this, or if people stares at me. I just want to cry it all out.

"Levy? Is that you?", I froze as I recognized the voice. There are so many people who can notice me, why in the world it has to be her ?!

I slowly lifts my head to gaze at the girl in front of me. Concern can be seen in her eyes as she looks at me. She sat beside me and pats my back. I hug her right away and cry harder at her shoulder. I can't lie anymore that I'm fine. And I'm not going to lie to her either so why bother ? I don't know why but I can't bring myself to lie to this girl.


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