→chapter six

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I dedicate this chapter to Yana-Chan :3 She's a gale shipper too. Check out her books especially Club Delirious ! It's an amazing book. ^ 3^

Now, to the chapter !

I calmed down after a couple of minutes crying on Lu-chan's shoulder. I slowly lifts my head and wipes the remaining tears on my eyes and look at Lu-chan. I can still see the concern in her eyes as she looks at me.

"I-I'm sorry for that.", I said as I fix my uniform and the headband that falls off from my head.

"It's ok Levy-chan. But, mind telling me what happened ?"

I thought for a second, debating within myself if I should or should not tell her. What if she thinks badly of Gray ? I don't want that to happen. But I don't want to lie to her either, nor keep secrets to her. I took a breath to calm my nerves.

"Can we head first to grab some smoothies?", I stand up and dust off my uniform. She just nods at me and stand up as well, then we head to a coffee shop near the park and buy some smoothies for myself and a latte for her.

We took our seat at the back of the store. I sip at my beverage, thinking where to start my story. I can still feel that Lu-chan is staring at me, waiting for me to start my story.

After a couple of minutes, I look at her and starts telling my story. From the day that Gray asks me to help him with his favor to the details that he told me earlier. I didn't mention about the 'whore club' and their threat, I don't want to worry her.

"He seriously asked that?!", she exclaimed as I finish my story.

"Sshh, quiet down Lu.", I shushed her so she can lower down her voice. I don't plan to tell the whole community about that.

She calmed down a bit but she looks at me seriously.

"Don't do it.", she plainly said but I can still feel the seriousness behind her words.

I shook my head and force a smile on my face.

"I'll do it Lu."

"But Levy--"

"It's ok. I agreed to this. I'm aware of the consequences.", I said with a determined look on my face.

"Are you sure ?"


She took a sip on her coffee and plays with the rim of her cup, studying all that I've said.

"If you're so sure about this, then .. ok.", she said as she close her eyes.

"Thanks Lu ! And please, don't think bad of Gray. I know, he's just doing it because she loves Juvia."

"I know, I know. But this is just going overboard. To think that he'll even use you."

"Please Lu. I can't stand to think that your friendship with him will be ruined because of this."

"Ok ok. But Levy, promise me that you'll back up to this favor once you think that you're in trouble, ok ?"

"Ok. I promise."


"Uhm, Lu ? I don't really know how to seduce a man. Let alone make him fall for me ."

She chuckles at that.

"I'll help you. I'll make sure that you are the very first person that he'll love.", she said full of determination.

"I-I didn't ask for that !", I said as heat slowly spreading across my cheeks.

"Fufufufufufu~ well I don't want you to be with Gray anymore. Now, I want you to have a serious relationship with Gajeel."

"L-Lu ! Stop that."

"Yosh ! Now I know what will I do. We have this mission in front of us. And we will call it MI:STB."

"MI:S what ?"

"MI:STB ! Mission Impossible: Seducing the Badboy. Or maybe playboy ?"

"You're weird sometimes. And you said it yourself, impossible."

"That's why it will be interesting ! And I just use impossible because as we know, he doesn't care about anyone."

"I think this is really impossible."

"Cheer up Levy-chan ! We'll make the impossible, possible ! I can't wait for this. And I know who is the perfect person to ask about this stuff."

"Who ?"

She smirks at me and wiggle her eyebrows.

"I'll tell you on our sleep over. Maybe I'll invite her too."

I'm nervous about this. But now I'm actually ok with it, although it still hurts how Gray ask me to do this. But I'll do my best for him.

"If you say so."

"Ooh this will be amazing. I'm sure that she will be excited about this too. It's her forte."

"I hope she can help me. "

"I'm positive she can."

We finish our drinks and head to the mall. As a thanks for her, I accompany her to buy new clothes. She even bought one dress for me. She said that I have to look cute and stunning at the same time from now on, so that Gajeel can notice me. She also said that I should act natural on Saturday and start our "mission" on Monday.

We finish our shopping and we walk back to the park. She bid her goodbye to me after that, she said that their maid will pick her up any minutes now and let me head first so that I'll get home before the sun completely sets for the day.

I got home just before the sun completely fades to the horizon and I was greeted by my mom.

"Levy ! Finally, I'm waiting for you."

"Sorry, I headed out to the mall to accompany a friend."

"Oh, is that so ? Well come on now, we have a visitor."

"Visitor ?"

"Yes. He's my boss and he brought along his son."

"Oh. Ok, I'll change clothes first."

"Ok, hurry up."

I run towards th stairs and quickly go to my room to change my clothes. After glancing at the mirror I made my way downstairs to meet my mom's boss.

"Well, would you look at this. If it isn't the shrimp."

My eyes widen at what I saw. I even blink a few times to see if I was dreaming or not. Now I know, I did something terrible in my past life, that's why I'm experiencing all of this.



I think I'm liking to end my story at the character's name. Lol.

Sorry for that please don't kill me if I end this again on cliffhanger. T︵T u_u

Fufufufufufu ~ Hope to update again :3


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