Truth Untold

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Jungkook was not used to so much formality. He was expecting some roughness just like a new apprentice experiences on his first day at job but the moment he stepped into the official ministry building he was treated as if he was their present prime minister.

He wanted to learn and not be worshipped like god just cause his father was the minister. He was assisting his father, but he already had a cabin which was bigger than some old ministers and that didn’t settle well with him. He asked his father to make the changes, but his father just laughed it off saying that becoming accustomed to the workplace was also a part of his training.

The only thing that didn’t bother him was that Taehyung was with him constantly and unbothered. He was the only normal one in there and whenever Jungkook felt down, Tae was there to kiss and make him feel better. It had been a week since Kook's training and today he was to participate in his first ever government meeting. It was about the medicines they should import for the healthcare sector. He did his research, found the required medicines, found their prices, duties on them….everything. He rehearsed his speech but he couldn’t help but get nervous.

"Kook it's good just come back to bed." Tae who was on the bed, whined.

"Just one more practice tae then I will sleep."

"This is the hundredth time you are doing this bunny. I am sure they’ll love you tomorrow."

"You sure?" Kook climbed into the space Tae made from him.

Taehyung immediately pulled him closer and hugged him tightly. Placing a small kiss on his cheek and hair, he continued saying sweet nothings to Jungkook and once the boy was deep in his sleep, Tae carefully detached himself and walked out of the door.

With a final look at the sleeping boy, he smiled and left but Jaeseuk who had come to see his son saw all this. Taehyung was really gone for his son. But did Jungkook reciprocate the same feelings? Jaeseuk needed to know cause if so, he will do everything to make it happen.


The next morning after the formal greetings were done, the meeting started. Jungkook was nervous but eager as well to present and much to his request he started first. He was calm, collected and explained everything just as he had rehearsed. Occasionally he looked at his father who only smiled in response. When he was done, his father motioned him to come sit next to him.

"So, gentlemen what do you think about the boy’s presentation?" Jeon asked.

"It was well researched and there was a flow. Didn’t break it, so understanding was easy." Mr.Park was the first to speak.

Jungkook thanked him with a curt nod and Jaeseuk smiled at his son proudly.

"But Mr.Park you couldn’t disagree that it will be pretty heavy on our budget. Mr.Jeon’s estimation is thrice our present health package." Mr.Sonsung, the Mister of Human Resource and Development said.

"Sir this is the minimum health care package. I researched a lot and this is the least amounting one. These basic necessities must be provided to any citizen in any country. Appa we can’t go cheaper than this." Jungkook defended quickly.

"Jungkook let’s see mr.sonsung’s presentation and then we can decide."

Jungkook looked at the minister who had an evil grin on his ugly face but Jungkook was pretty confident that he couldn’t get a cheaper package so Kook returned his grin with an equally mocking smile. When Mr.Sonsung had finished, his budget was far cheaper than Jungkook’s but Jungkook was really confused because he knew nothing about even one medicine that was shown in the presentation. But how could that be? He had done his homework, checked and rechecked but still he didn’t know about other cheaper alternatives? When he looked at the minister again and saw him smile victoriously, he knew his very first attempt was a failed one and it made him even more sad.

"I hope you like my presentation gentlemen. Mr.Jungkook, your thoughts matter the most….so did you like it?" Sonsung mocked him.

Jungkook was quiet. He didn’t know about what he was going to say so he said the truth instead.

"I have never heard about any of those medicines." Jungkook was embarrassed and looked at his father.

"Tch tch…a little more hard work is required, I guess." Mr.Sonsung replied and leaned back in his chair.

The atmosphere in the room had become quiet and tense so Jaeseuk asked for voting on the packages and ofcouse the cheaper one won.

Once everyone was gone, Jaeseuk cupped Kook's cheeks.

"Don’t be sad my son, it was very good."

"But Appa I swear I studied everything! I don’t know about those meds though."

"It is fine love, it was only your first time."

"Yeah and I made a fool out of myself."

"No, you didn’t. You heard Park right?"

"Oh please Appa. I could shit in a paper and he would still call it a masterpiece."

At this the father couldn’t help but laugh which made the son laugh a little as well.

"Wanna take off?"

"Hmm... I will see you at home then."

"Yeah you go and rest. I have more meeting to attend."

"Hwaiting Appa!" Kook smiled.

Jaeseuk’s hear melted a little but he smiled and returned the cheer.

"Hwaiting son!"

As soon as Taehyung saw Jungkook, he wanted to know everything. He was confident that Jungkook had nailed this meeting cause honestly...his bunny was the best.

"Kook how was the-...sir?" before Tae could finish, Kook's father came behind him.

"Take him home Taehyung. Jungkook isn’t feeling well." Jaeseuk ordered.

Taehyung was confused but he did so as he was told. Jungkook was quiet the whole ride and it made Tae curious as to what would have happened for his bub to be so sad but he knew it was better to give Kook space when he is sad. Poking him won't help. Just wait and he will come to you. And very true to his nature, after sulking the whole afternoon Jungkook did ask Taehyung to come play with Overwatch with him.

"So….Kook want to talk or play?"

"Both. But lets play first."

After a few rounds were over and Tae lost them intentionally, Jungkook took the consoles from their hands and placed them on the floor and he himself went and sat in Tae’s lap. Not surprised by the action, Taehyung hugged him back and played with his hair.

"You can start whenever you want..."

Jungkook mumbled something in the crook of  Tae's neck.


"I fucked up. The meeting was bad and I made a fool out of myself."

"But I saw it. It was good Kook."

"Yeah but apparently its amount was thrice the budget value. And you know Sonsung named some weird meds in his presentation which I have never heard off. Not to forget that asshole was smirking at me."

"Well Kook can I be honest.."


"I have never heard of any meds from your presentation either."

"What the fuck Tae? How can you not know Paracetemol? It is the world’s most used medicine."

"I don’t know Kook..never used it."

Jungkook was confused. Was Taehyung being serious or trying to make him laugh. What was happening?

"You got to be kidding me."

"Actually no. I have never had any of your meds."

"Just stay here." and Jungkook ran out of his room.

"Grannie is Appa back?" Kook asked his chef.

"Yes, he is in his office."

Jungkook quickly ran to the office.


"Calm down baby!"

"Appa do you have Sonsung’s presentation?"

"Yeah why?"

"Wanna study it. Can I have it."

"I have it….wait…here take this." Jaeseuk found the file and handed it to Kook.


" did really well today my son."

"Thanks appa. Good night!"

"Good night!"

"Finally! I was going to go back to the quarters."

"Tae get my laptop."

"Here..What’s that?" Tae pointed at the file.

"Sonsung's presentation. I also want to see which meds he used."

As Jungkook checked, Taehyung laid beside him waiting patiently. He just kept staring at Kook and noticed how his once curious face was turning into a disgusted and angry one.

"Why is Euphemia used?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh that. It is used by babies and kids."

Jungkook looked at him shockingly but Tae didn't understand why.

"What? I had it as a child too. It tasted so good that I would keep on having it but once Appa was gone, I couldn’t have it anymore. Even fell ill when I didn’t have it for long."

"Taehyung..Euphemia….Euphemia is a drug. It is banned in seventy countries damn it! How can you?..The it is dangerous!"

"I don’t know Jungkook." Tae had no idea about this.

"People..they..they have it often." he continued.

"What the fuck! All those meds are drugs…ILLEGAL DRUGS..OH MY GOD! This is bad Tae..this is bad. Sonsung is importing drugs in place of meds. People can die from these!"

"What now then?"

"I will talk to that pig tomorrow."

"Are you sure? Shouldn’t you talk to your father first?"

"No. I will talk to him and once I am sure that he is guilty, I will talk to Appa."

"Okay. Come sleep with now."

"I will but promise me you won’t leave after I fall asleep?"

"Promise, now come here."

The next morning Jungkook went straight to Sonsung’s office.

"What a pleasant surprise mr. jeon! Come to get training on how to give presentations?"

"Fuck off Sonsung."

"Wow! no manners to talk to elderly people. You really are Jaeseuk’s son."

*Shut up! I have no respect for people who play with innocent people’s lives by giving them Drugs!"

"You found out?"

"You are not even guilty? You knew this that means. Wait till I tell Appa about this."

Jungkook walked towards the door after warning Sonsung but what he said halted Kook's steps.

"Bold of you to assume that Jaeseuk doesn’t know about this too."

Jungkook was completely paralysed hearing those words. His father can't do this. There has been a mistake! His father can't play with people’s lives like this. No!

"Good day Sonsung."

"You too Jeon."

As soon as Jungkook left his room, Lee, Jeon’s assistant came in Sonsung’s room.

"What have you done Kihan!?"

"What? You think that boy can just come in say anything." Kihan banged his hands on the table in anger.

"You all were told to hide things from him with subtlety but you just outed Jaeseuk like that. Do you know what he will do now?"

And as if the gears in Sonsung’s brain started working. His expression changed from anger to fear, his face became pale and his eyes started moving around frantically in realization of what he did.

"He will kill me!" he whispered.

"Yes." Lee leaned in so they were face-to-face "so go and sort your shit with Jungkook."


When Jungkook saw Tae after his confrontation of Sonsung, he just rushed and hugged him. Taehyung was surprised but then returned the hug in the blink of an eye. Jungkook slowly narrated him the whole thing and even though Tae knew that Jaeseuk was wrong, he didn’t say anything.

"Can you imagine Tae? He blamed my father. Appa cant do this!"

"Calm down first bun..calm down."

"I don’t feel good Tae."

Taehyung moved Jungkook's face away from his shoulder and looked into his sad eyes before closing the gap between them- kissing him slowly and sweetly. But while they kissed, Sonsung saw them and now he had something to save himself.


While Jungkook was away to gather more information, a small note came into his office. Taehyung took the note and not minding much, read what was written in it.

I know your secret Jeon. Having relations with a boy is punishable offence in our country. I wonder what you will do now…
Meet me near the Han River Bridge at 2 tonight. Let us negotiate.

Taehyung already had suspected who it was from. Well if he wants to blackmail Jungkook then he is very wrong. Till Jungkook had Tae, no one can harm Jungkook. Absolutely no one.

So when the time came, it was Taehyung that went for the meeting. He made sure that Kook was asleep and even after his requests of sleep together, Tae left the room once Jungkook had was deep in slumber. He had reached the spot before time and now it was Kihan that he was waiting for.

"You? Where is Jungkook? Oh wait…you are the boy he was kissing today."  Kihan said getting out of the car.

"What do you want from him?" Tae walked towards him.

"You think I will talk to a minion like you?"

"You only have me to talk. Kook isn’t here to listen to your bullshit."

"Kook? You are fucking him now or what? Right under Jaeseuk’s nose….Wow! I should have known that his son is cock slut. I get you man.... Pretty boy, sweet voice, tiny waist…must be so good in bed!"


"Hit a nerve there, right? I wonder if I can fuck him too."

"I will kill you! You bastard!" Tae gritted his teeth.

"Maybe ask him to stay quiet before Jaeseuk and make him shout in bed-" Kihan kept talking dreamily.

"Enough!" Tae pulled out his gun.


"You wont touch him or blackmail him."

"Jaeseuk will kill me if knows I outed him."

"I don’t care about you are what Jeon does with you. You shouldn't have dragged Jungkook in all this and never should have thought about him that way. You deserve to die anyway you filthy pedophile! No one can harm Kook...not on my watch at least."

Taehyung didn’t let him whine anymore and shot him straight in his heart and head. Kihan could out them and that would lead Jungkook into trouble like Namjoon and Jin. Tae walked to the body and bent down to check his already gone pulse. With a final kick to the body, he left the scene. But someone saw this. And that someone was powerful and dangerous too.


When Jungkook had come into Jaeseuk’s office that day, he never imagined what he would hear. Even after repeated warnings, Sonsung outed him to his son. He however managed to fool Jungkook that he had no knowledge and that he had trusted Sonsung to cross-check things and Kook being the innocent boy he is, believed his father. As soon as Jungkook was gone, he called namjoon and ordered him to keep a check on Kihan. His days were over. He shouldn’t have spoken to Kook about anything at all.

So the next morning when they foung Sonsung’s body near the bridge being mutilated by dogs, he looked at Namjoon questioning him but the latter just nodded as if he knew something. When the finals rites were done, Namjoon went to Jaeseuk's office.

"How did this happen? Who-" Jaeseuk started asking him.

"It was Taehyung, Sir."

"What? Taehyung…as in my son’s bodyguard Taehyung?"

"Yes sir."

"Why?" Jaeseuk was genuinely curious.

"I have no idea sir but if you give me permission, I can interrogate him."

"I had to kill Kihan but why would Taehyung kill him? Does he want to hide our truth and keep Kool in the dark as well?"

"I don’t know sir. Let me find out."

"Interrogate him but I will be there."

"Yes sir."

The next morning Jungkook and Jaeseuk were having breakfast when Namjoon came to take Taehyung. Jungkook didn't understand how Taehyung could be involved in Sonsung’s murder case anyway and so he tried talking Namjoon out of it. He even pleaded to his father to not let Taehyung be taken away and that it was him who last had a talk with Mr. Sonsung but Jaeseuk just told him it was the protocol. He still whined until Tae intervened and assured him that everything would be fine. The two kept staring into each other's eyes having an unspoken conversation. Namjoon and Jaeseuk could nothing but wait till Jungkook gave up and let Tae go. With a small kiss on Kook's forehead, Tae went with Namjoon.

"Have your breakfast Koo." Jaeseuk reminded his son who had been upset with Tae being taken that way.

"Don't feel like having it."

"Is it because of Tae?"

"I don't know Appa. Why him?"

"Why are you getting defensive over him? We all will be questioned."

"Yeah but he didn't do anything."

Jaeseuk wanted to laugh at how wrong Kook was but he kept calm.

"Kook can you be honest with me?"


"Do you have feelings for him?"

"For who?"

"Taehyung. You get really concerned when he is involved."

"I don't know Appa...but he is very important to me. Like you, he is one of the closest people I have. Maybe I do like him. But Appa promise me that he won't be hurt in any way."

"I will look into that, personally."


Taehyung sat quietly on the chair while Namjoon studied him carefully. Even in cuffs, Tae was not scared or in any panic mode. Namjoon was seeing something like this for the first time. Never had he seen a murderer this cool and brave especially before the police. Once he got the message that Jaeseuk had arrived and was looking at the interrogation, he kept the file with Kihan's picture before Tae.

"Do you know him?"

"Yes. Kihan Sonsung, Human Resource Minister."

"Right. So Taehyung, you are hired as a bodyguard right? Which gun have the Jeon's given you for your job?"

"Yes and Glock.45."

"Wow. Do you know Mr.Sonsung here was killed by the same gun too?"

"I know that."

"How? Care to elaborate cause Jungkook is next to be questioned. Heard him say that Kihan and he had some talks yesterday."

"Jungkook has nothing to do with this."

"Then who is?"

Taehyung kept quiet.

"Taehyung I can easily hurt you and make you talk."

Tae just stared at him.

"But Jungkook, he is innocent and soft. You don't want to hurt him, do you?"

"Fuck off."

"I saw you Taehyung."

"Then why were you beating around the bush." Taehyung paused and looked at the camera in the corner of the room and continued "Jeon he is using Jungkook to threaten me and you are seeing everything quietly...tch tch tch...what a shame!"

Namjoon smiled at Tae's antics.

"Start speaking then."

"Kihan was pissed cause Jungkook came to know but that man outed Jeon as well. Jungkook came to me and he was sad so I was calming him down. Kihan saw us kissing and when Kook was gone, he sent a note trying to blackmail Kook. Last night after all were asleep, I went to the spot. I knew Kihan was dead anyway cause Jeon wouldn't let him be but when that fucker started speaking about Kook derogatingly, I lost it and I shot him."

"Said what about him?"

This time Tae looked at the camera again.

"Said he would fuck his ass good and make him scream as well."

Even though Tae couldn't see him, he knew Jaeseuk was fuming now.

"Had Kihan just wanted something I return then maybe I would have thought of involving Kook but I knew that pervert well so I handled it myself."

"You just confessed. You can get be imprisoned now." Namjoon told him in a small voice.

"I won't be. Ask Jaeseuk to make it a case of robbery or some stuff. If Jungkook doesn't see me in the house by afternoon, Jeon has a lot to answer. He needs me to cover his shit and keep Kook happy."

Namjoon was surprised by the sorted request. Taehyung really didn't come to play and had pre-planned everything. He searched Tae's eyes for any kind of mischief but found only found those of a determined lover.

He knew that look well...the look that one has when he is trying to protect his loved ones. He that in his eyes once. Jin still has it. He was looking at him when Jaeseuk entered the room. Taehyung didn't greet him and he came and sat on the table in front of Taehyung.

"You are quite something boy."

Tae didnt budge and kept staring ahead.

"I just did what you wanted. I saved you from sinning at least." Tae taunted him back.

"Me from sinning?"

"You were going to kill that man anyway. I know what you said to Kook. I will play along provided I am free."

"And what if you are not?"

Tae then looked into his eyes.

"I tell him that I killed him cause you asked me to do so. Remember, I am directly under your orders."

"You think you can negotiate with me?" Jaeseuk held him by his jaw, digging his nails in Tae's cheeks.

"I can cause Kook trusts me as much as you...maybe even more. We both want his happiness so let me go."

"You promise to keep quiet?"

"For him, always."

"You would hurt anybody for him?"


For the first time in such long while  had Jaeseuk seen such a strong headed man. He was once like that too but where as he wanted power, this boy right wanted love. They were same but their wants were slightly different. That's all. Jaeseuk smiled seeing that Jungkook would have everything in the world now- power, wealth, freedom and love as well.


Namjoon had his own set of problems to deal with. It had been months and the bomb attackers had said nothing. Eventually Jaeseuk ordered for their execution but they still kept quiet. Today was a hectic day as well. With Tae's interrogation and planing a fake robbery case, placing evidences and fake witnesses, Namjoon was left alone in the office working late. He looked at his watch and it was past twelve but what bothered him was that not once did Jin call him to know about his whereabouts.

When he would be late, he would message Jin or tell him about his night long operations but tonight he had said nothing. He quickly typed in Jin's number in his tracker and found out that his phone was still at their home location.

Jin must fallen asleep I guess.

He packed his things and decided to leave as well but while driving, a sudden thought of crossing the downtown area crossed his mind. So he did the same and the usual drive continued until he saw something and stopped.

In a distance, he saw a hooded man taking something out of his car. A big bag perhaps and handing it over to another person and leaving the place quickly. Afraid of another illegal drug supply, Namjoon followed the unknown car discreetly. The car was leading them into a remote area near the powerhouses but then it stopped. The man came out of it and soon enough he saw another car coming there. But that car he knew well

For that car was Jin's.

Namjoon was shocked now and even more so when Yoongi came out of Jin's car and handed the keys to the hooded man. Once with the keys in his hand, the man lost his jacket and gave it to Yoongi who wore it quickly. Namjoon saw the mystery man was no one less but his fiance....but what was he doing? Namjoon was scared cause he already had enough to deal with and this new stunt of Jin and Yoongi was bound to cause some kind of problems.

When Jin walked into his apartment that night, he wasn't expecting Namjoon with a glass of scotch waiting for him.

"Where were you?"

"Fuck! Joon you scared me." Jin had his hands on his chest.

"Where were you? I called but your phone was at home. You weren't."

"I was out because of some restaurant work."



Till now it was all truth and Namjoon loosened his suspicious self a bit. Jin discarded his clothes and with just a t-shirt and boxers on, he went and took the drink out of Joon's hand. Placing his legs on both sides of Joon's thighs, Jin sat on his lap. Carding his hands through Jin's hair, Namjoon pulled on some of it making the other moan.

Namjoon started kissing his neck and jaws.

"Bad at work?" Jin massaged his shoulders.

"Very bad. Loose the t-shirt."

"Thought so."

Jin got his clothes off quickly cause when Joon wasn't in mood he wanted things done quick and rough. Jin felt his frustrations in the unforgiving thrusts and punishing bites. Once that he was done, Joon hid his face in the crook of other's neck and Jin started playing with his hair.

"Want one more scotch?" Jin asked as he started getting up.

"Want one more round too."

"Don't be greedy Joonie." Jin walked towards the minibar cause he knew Joon would need a drink anyway.

"You still didn't tell me what you were doing in downtown."

"Oh god Joon! It was a waiter. He asked for money cause his mom isn't well and I remembered it late so I went to pay him. And before you ask more, I covered my face and Yoongi got me another car."

"You know they hate us. You could have been hurt."

"And I am safe aren't I? Here your drink."

"I still want more rounds though."

"Fine but no bites please. Everyone just keeps staring at them during work."

"You like them anyway. Get your ass here."

"Yes sir!"


The following day Namjoon reopened the entire set of files containing the attackers information and rechecked everything but they all were just filled with dead ends. There had to be something more to this. No one would loose a life over a failed attempt at attacking.

Nothing to look further in those files anymore, he left for the house where he saw Jin the previous night. The place was really shady and Joon had himself dressed as those shady people as well. He knocked on the door and a young girl opened the door.

"What do you want? You gave us the money already."

Namjoon quietly showed her his id.

"Let me in and not a sound."

The girl let him in. Namjoon took out his gun and pointed it at the girl as soon as he was in.

"About the money. Tell me everything."

"We don't know anything. A man comes and gives it to us every month."


"I don't know. Hyung just told to take it."


"Our hyungs. Before the attack they told us that someone will give us money."

"Who are you? Cause those boys were orphans."

"No one is an orphan here. We are each other's family. Hyungs told us to use the money for books and clothes."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Please don't stop the money. We need it. It feeds our people and helps us pay taxes."

The girl pleaded in a broken voice. Namjoon's eyes welled with tears as well.

"You will keep getting it. I promise."

But to know further, Namjoon knew he needed someone from in here to give more information. Jin was very well versed with his story and he would not slip so this left only a person available.


Yoongi wasn't expecting Namjoon when he opened the door but he already had his story ready with Jin hyung. If Namjoon asks he will just repeat the same.

"Come in."

"Were you expecting me Min?"

"No actually, but I can't just shut door on your face either."


"Why are you here?"

"I have to ask you something."


"Last night Jin and you paid someone. I want to meet them."

"Fine come."

Yoongi and Namjoon sat in his car and he then directed him towards some blocks and pointed at one of the houses.

"Sungjay's house. We paid him."


"Yeah. You can check with him too."

Yoongi had already set up everything. Now Namjoon only had to ask Sungjay and everything will be done with.

"I trust you." Namjoon paused.

"Good. I have to-" Yoongi was going to open the door.

"But it is funny cause this is not the building I remember seeing Jin at." Namjoon continued.

Yoongi looked back at him- eyes blown wide and sweat beads on his forehead. He gulped and his breath fastened.

"I have to go."

"Sit back down." Namjoon ordered him as he placed his gun at the other's temple.

He was going to continue but Yoongi's phone rang right at that moment. Namjoon let him take out his phone and saw that it was Hoseok's call. He snatched the phone and answered it.



"Namjoon? What are you doing with Yoongi's phone?"

"Nothing just chatting. Me, him and my gun."

"The fuck Namjoon! Stay away from him."

"Not until you all spill everything."

"Go ask your boyfriend then."

"I will infact do just that. Come to my place. I am taking your boyfriend there."

"If you touch him Namjoon I swear I will kill you."


He handed the phone back to Yoongi.

"Call Jin and ask him to come home but don't take my name."

Yoongi did as told. Jin was confused but seeing that it was Namjoon's work hours, he left the restaurant. On the other hand Hoseok informed Jimin and they both bursted through Namjoon's door as soon as they reached his penthouse.

"Yoongi!" Jimin ran to him and hugged him.

Hoseok however went for Namjoon and punched him.

"How fucking dare you! How dare you touch him?!"

"Hoseok stop! Please." Yoongi said.

"Yoongi he-..." Hoseok held on to his collar but he finally gave up "fuck off Namjoon!"

"Yoongi you called--NAMJOON?" It was Jin that came into the house this time. But looking at everyone there he knew Namjoon had caught onto them.

"Surprise Jin."

"" Jin was still in shock to process things cause they were very careful with everything then how?

"I know it wasnt just a waiter. You have something to do with Jungkook's attack. Please Jin just tell me cause I already have a sword hanging over my neck. Just tell me."

"We asked them to make weak bombs and attack Jungkook so that we can get Taehyung in." Yoongi started.

"In for what?" Namjoon asked.

"Information, evidence anything." Jimin continued.

"And our plan was to kill him too..." Jin looked down at his feet.

"Who? Jaeseuk?"

"No. Kill Jungkook." Jimin replied.

Namjoon couldn't believe on what he was hearing but what shook him more was that Jin was involved in this plan as well.

"Are you kidding me Jin! Why?"

"I wanted revenge from him for my family! Your father! For everything!"

"My father? What are you talking about?"

"He was killed by Jaeseuk."

"No.." Namjoon's balance faltered.

"Yes Joon. He had evidence against him. My father was the other person who knew this and he saw how Lee shot your father and he pressed charges against mine to remove all obstacles."

"No..No...NO! That means....I killed that judge for nothing. No wonder Jaeseuk is using it against me."

"What are you saying Namjoon?"

"I-I killed him....I killed the judge who passed the orders against your family. Jaeseuk told me to help him by staying quiet in exchange of this and your safety. FUCK!" Namjoon pulled his hair.

"Don't worry Tae will help us in killing them." Hoseok reassured him.

"No he won't. He already made a deal with Jeon and they will hide each others secrets for Kook." Joon spoke, irritated.

"What secret? Jaeseuk knows about us or what?" it was Jin who asked that.

"No. The secret that Taehyung killed Kihan Sonsung."

"What!" Yoongi got up from his seat. "Namjoon do you even know what you are saying!?"

"I know. He confessed to us. He loves Jungkook too much. Too much to join hands with Jaeseuk."

"No fucking way..."


The very day Namjoon was busy, Taekook were busy as well. The whole thing about Kihan shook Jungkook and he wanted to find out more about him. They were going through various government documents and records and if it weren't for Tae, Jungkook would surely have found out about Jaeseuk. Tae very carefully hid the important papers in his coat and when Jungkook was tired he took him back.

"I knew he was lying. Appa is innocent."

"You are stressed love."


"Wanna de-stress?"

"You will do all the work. I am not moving a finger, okay?"

"You know I love it when I do everything anyway." Tae smacked his ass.

"Perv!" Jungkook shouted angrily but kissed his cute-angry look away quickly.

True to his words, Taehyung did take good care of Kook and once they were done, Tae got off the bed and started dressing up. Jungkook had a pout on his face because Tae wasn't cuddling him even though Tae promised that he would cuddle with him later.

"Come back soon please..."

"Will do Kook. Go to sleep now."

"I hate you!"

"I love you too."

When Tae was in the safety of his quarters, he took the evidences and hid them in his cupboard. He knew that Jaeseuk would already have known about this by now, so he waited for him to come and get those papers. Much to his expectations, Jaeseuk and his assistant did barge into his room in the evening.

"Where are the papers?"

"Great you are here. I have to go back to Kook soon. Here take them."

"Did he see them?"  Jaeseuk examined them.

"No. My work is done here."

"I don't know whether I should trust you or be scared of you."

"Jeon..don't trust me cause I don't trust you. This is all for Jungkook."

"It would have hurt him badly if he found these..."

"And I would have killed anyone that made him sad."

"Would you kill his father for him too?" Jaeseuk smirked at him cause he knew Tae wouldn't do it.

"Without a doubt Jaeseuk...I would kill you in the blink of an eye for him."

Tae watched as Jeon's smirk turn to a frown and his face lost colour. Tae had no interest to wait and see his face any longer and he left both the old men to it.

"The boy scares me sir." Lee crept up to Jaeseuk.

"Keep an eye on him. Cause if we don't...he can use Kook to his advantage."

"Yes sir."


Taehyung was almost at Kook's door when his phone rang. It was Yoongi and he asked Tae to come meet him behind the quarters. Tae mentally cursed but he was there where he was asked to meet at midnight.

A car came and not only Yoongi but Hoseok, Jimin, Jin and Namjoon had come with him. Tae didn't know why they all were here but before he could ask more, Jimin walked up to him.

"Where is the evidence?"

"I don't have it...yet."

"Yet or you won't have it ever?"

"Jimin what the hell!"

"Namjoon told us everything. You sided with Jaeseuk now?" Hoseok moved near.

"Hyung I-"

"Tae just tell us will you help us or not?" Yoongi asked with finality.

Taehyung breathed in and out, straightened himself and continued

"I had the evidence but I can't give to you."

"So you are ditching us for Jungkook."

"I love him Jin hyung."

"You can't love someone you came to kill Taehyung!"

"I am sorry. I can't hurt him."

"So fucking a country is better than hurting him?"

"Let him become the prime minister Jimin. What if he brings reforms?"

"Oh right!"

"Trust me hyungs he is nothing like Jaeseuk. I will make sure he takes correct decisions. I won't let Jaeseuk control him."

"I don't know Tae. What are you doing? Who are you?" Yoongi asked him a low voice.

"All the best Taehyung." Namjoon said in a monotonous voice.

"Hyung! Hyungs listen I-"

But he was late. All his hyungs felt betrayed. Tae had promised to avenge them but here he was....helpless and alone.


Taehyung tried to spend as much time as with Jungkook to fill the void left in his heart when his hyungs turned their backs on him. Yoongi would call him but just to know about his health. They didn't talk much. Namjoon just talked about their job. Jin, Hoseok and Jimin would see him at get togethers sometimes but they didn't care much to spare him even a glance. A month had passed already and Jungkook's day to officially swear in as the new prime minister was already around the corner. Jungkook was trained and had some great ideas that he wanted to implement once he became the minister.



"Do you like my ideas?"

"Yes love."

"Do you have some? It would be better if I knew what the common man wants."

Taehyung took his time to think and after several minutes he finally spoke.

"Development of schools and downtowns. You already have seen how shabby those places are."

"Oh yes! Thanks Tae."

Jungkook quickly jotted it down in his diary.

At dinner Jungkook discussed the same with his father but Jaeseuk wasn't happy with Taehyung's idea. In his mind he thought that Taehyung was using Jungkook to grant his own wishes and Tae's wishes didn't match those of the riches in general or Jaeseuk to be specific. So when Jungkook went to bake a cake for Taehyung, Jaeseuk and Lee went to his quarters. Jeon knew that tonight Jungkook would propose Tae and this was the best time to hold Taehyung under his control.

Knock! Knock!

"Who- Jeon?"

"Hello Taehyung."

"What do you want?"

"Is your work done?"

"Yes. What are you trying to ask?"

"Not your bodyguard job, Taehyung. I am asking about your job to kill me and my son cause you already gave us the evidences back."


"Lee heard you and your friends that night. But I won't waste your time anymore. If you really love my will suggest him to do as I tell you to do. I will not let your cheap ideas get to him. I have worked day and night for all this and you will help him to the same."

"No I won't. He wants to improve this shit hole of a country."

"By helping you leeches! The country is just fine now and will be in the future too."

"I won't control him for you."

"Well then his heart would be terribly broken once he learns about all your truths. I have you on tape Taehyung and you have nothing against me."

Taehyung fell back on his bed as he registered Jaeseuk's words. That cruel man wanted to control his son and was using Tae for it. Tae couldn't let him take advantage of their feelings like this. Even if it means to hurt Jungkook himself, he will not let Jaeseuk use him like this.


Jungkook waited for Taehyung in his room. He had decorated the place with candles and flowers and the cake he made sat on the table. There was champagne with glasses and chocolate covered strawberries too. Now only Taehyung was missing and any time now he would be coming in.

When Taehyung entered the room he was taken into a bone crushing hug. His eyes darted around the room and he instantly understood what was going to happen. He mentally cursed himself for what he was going to do but the fact that Kook was planning on confessing tonight broke Tae from within.

"Tae look I did this! You like it." Jungkook pulled him in to show everything.

"Jungkook we need to talk."

"We will but first listen to me."

"Jungkook just-"

Jungkook didn't listen and pulled the other towards the cake and lit the candles around it.

"I never have fallen in love Taehyung but with you....I think...I know how it feels to be in love. I know I took a lot of time but I am ready now. I love you Kim Taehyung." Jungkook cupped his face with his hands and looked into his eyes.

"I don't..." Tae couldn't handle it and moved his face away.

"You don't what..?"

"I don't love you Jungkook."

Jungkook immediately detached himself from Tae.

"Okay. can take your time Taehyung. No pressure."

"I could never love you."


"I hate you."

"What are you saying?"

"You disgust me Jungkook. Those people who attacked you that day were right. Your father is a monster. He kills people. He killed my parents. It is because of him that people depend on drugs and ladies have to sell their bodies for sex-"

Jungkook couldn't handle anymore and slapped him.

"You can't handle a few words against him then imagine how I had to handle seeing my father beeing beaten till his skin tore off-"


"Or my mother's body that didn't even get to be buried."

"STOP!" Jungkook closed his ears with his hands.

"No listen to me. I hate you. I came here to kill you. Jimin, your best friend wants to kill you too. Even Hoseok and Jin want you gone. Your father didn't even spare Namjoon's dad. Just imagine how much they hate you both."

"Please stop.." Jungkook started to shiver from panic but that didn't stop Taehyung.

"We made a plan to kill you but it just got stretched a little long."

"Please..." Jungkook slumped down against the wall.

It ripped Taehyung's heart out and made it bleed so badly that it was painful as death but he needed to do this.

"I know you won't listen to me but here" he placed a pendrive in Kook's hand "is all the evidence against Jaeseuk."

"Taehyung I love you...please don't-"

"Jungkook I hate you. Looking at you reminds me of all those people I have lost. People who I see dying and suffering while you enjoy a lavish life."

"I will change for you. Just don't leave me. I have no one-"

"Now you will understand how I felt. But at least you have money."

Taehyung got up to walk but Jungkook held him by his leg. His tears were forming a little patch on the other's pants.

"I don't need the money just you. Just you Tae.."

"Goodbye Jeon."

Taehyung said that one sentence and pushed the other off harshly and walked away leaving behind a broken and hurt boy that he wanted to love and protect with his life but life had other plans for them. He could still hear his heart wrenching cries but it was done for.

When Jungkook was finally out of the shock and betrayal he went to the one place he always went for comfort- his mother's room. He tried to find her favourite jacket and immediately covered himself with it. His body was numb and cold from the heartbreak and he put his hands in the pockets of the jacket to feel his mother's warmth. But then he felt something in it- a paper in one of the pockets. He took it out to read it but what he read broke his leftover trust in everyone and everything.

Kookie my love, your father has been doing some really evil things lately and it a scares me so much that it can hurt you too. I had tried to send you away so many times but Jae won't let that happen. The only way I can save you is by killing myself and having my family keep away from everything in London. Jaeseuk might love us but he is a monster and I can't handle this anymore. I don't know if you will get this but please love, stay away from your father and never come back here.


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