Nightmare's Ending

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
The moment my eyes fluttered open, everything went quiet. All of the Sanes were not moving, just glancing around. This paranoid me heavily. I stood up and stared, tears welling in my eyes. They were so quiet, it scared me, so I ran off.

Something about this forest seemed familiar to me, as I swerved around a bush. It scraped and scratched me, but I managed to get past it. Once near a tree, I hid behind it and stood near the trunk. Tears streamed from my eyes as I slumped down into the grass. This has got to be a nightmare, right?

Nightmare's P.O.V
In the mist of trying to cool my own anger down from the others, I notice something they do not. (Y/n) is no longer laying down, nor were they in their spot. Why do the others have to be so fucking annoying?! I clutch my hands over my head and sigh. It's up to me to find our missing friend now. I tread swiftly, through the tall grass.

As I keep going to make sure my crush is alright, I hear crying. But I continue forward, keeping my expression blank. Though I'm knocked to the ground by someone. "What!" I yelled, getting angry.

"Nightmare, I'm so glad I found you. The others, they scared me with their staring. I ran and ran, until you came by. Thank you so much for trying to look for me," (Y/n) babbled, tears spilling from their eyes.

I begin to blush from being pressed down by their weight. "Look, I'm glad I found you too hon. But please can you get off of me?"

"Oh yeah! Here,"

I feel the body get off me and I jumped up. Ah, finally no more being stuck for the moment. "Um, Nightmare can I ask you something?" They questioned.

"You may," I reply.

"Look, I've only been having feelings for you. And I wanted to ask, would you date me?"

I turn away and huff. This was the hardest decision I've made so far, in my reckless life. Suddenly turning back around, I hug them back. "My queen I will date you. Don't worry, I won't ever let you go. Believe me my queen~" I whisper, with lust. They giggle softly, as they grip around my arm. "Come on let's go my king,"

(To he continued...) ||Word count 404 words||
This chapter/ending was created by Destruction! Well, I hope you guys enjoy this ending. I'll try to get Emo to make another. Honestly she's so lazy!

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