Chapter 15: Yami and Bonus

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Note: Final Chapter! And I hope that you all will have a wonderful Winter Break!


"You didn't have to make them explode."

"I didn't."




Joey slowly turn towards Triston, as Triston also slowly turn towards Joey.

"Y-You don't think-"



(👻👻👻👻: Hehehe....BOO!)
Location: Science Room (Upstairs)

After being engulf within the sudden bright light, I open my eyes slowly. Feeling a soft breeze around me. I tried feeling for Yugi, but realized that he's not with me. Causing me to freak out.

"Yugi? Yugi, where are you?!"

*Right here.*

I turn to where the voice came from. But I don't know where.

*Up here.*

That's when I quickly look up. And what I saw; shocked me.

"S-Silent Magician!?"

There, right above me, is the figure of Silent Magician. Flying! Though Silent Magician is dress in Magician garments and a big hat. He looks familiar for some reason. Then I realized.

"A-Are you, Yugi-sensei?"

He giggled before flying down. When his feet touch the ground he look back up to me. And smile.


His mouth wasn't moving, but I can hear him so clearly in my head.

Of course. He's Silent Magician. He can't talk.

'What do you mean?'

*What he means is that, while I'm in my avatar form. I can only use telepathical communication. I was born, in the Spirit World, with no voice.*

"But you always talk to us in class. For almost a month!"

*This is the Human World. My avatar is not born here. But my other form is. The person that you're talking to right now is Silent Magician. Not Yugi.*


Silent Magician placed his index finger between my lips. Hushing me from further speaking.

*Please, let me finish. Right now I'm not Yugi. That's the truth. But Yugi is a part of me. Which makes me and him the one and the same. Just like you and Shadow are also one in the same.*

"Alright. I think I understand now. But may I ask?"

Silent Magician nodded.

"Ummm......this question might be weird, but...."

I reach inside my pocket until I pulled out my deck of duel monster cards. Searching through them; I found the card that I was looking for.

"See this."

I hold it up to Silent Magician ad he stated inspecting it. He flinched.

*W-What is that? Is that for reals?*

If you don't know then I'll explain. The card I'm holding is the Silent Magician card. Only......the gender is different.

Location: The Spirit World

"Do you feel that?"

"Yes. It's been ages since I last felt that presence. He seem to finally reveal himself at last."

"Indeed. Seems like the game"

Is finally about to start.
Location: Back in the Human World

"So, how come the creator made you look like a girl. Even though you're actually a guy."

Hmmmm~ It must be because of his pretty face. Back in the Spirit World, many females tried to hook themselves up with him because of his beauty.

*Thank you so~ much for reminding me that.*

( Silent Magician: Note the sarcasm.)

*Anyway, Kuriboh.*

Kuri~ *Yeah?*

*Is your friend alright now?*

Kuri~ *Very. Thanks for healing him.*

Both Kuriboh and Wing Kuriboh jump for joy as they made a reunited dance.

I smiled. Glad that Wing Kuriboh is okay.


I turn back to him.

"Yes? What is it?"

Silent Magician blushed a bit for some reason.

*Nothing. Never mind.*

That made me confused.

Chu chu chu~

All of us turn towards where that sound came from. From the door what we saw is another Spirit.


Chu chu chuu? *Is that the Magician?*

Silent Magician smile.

*Come here. I'll make sure that you and the other Spirits won't disappear.*

Chu chu CHUU~! *It's really is you! Everyone! The Magician have come to save us!*

With that, every Spirit came rushing over to the Silent Magician. Phasing through the wall, floor, and from the outside window. Every Spirits are presented in front of the Magician. Ready to finally be able to live without suffering and worries.

*Alright. Is everyone presented?*

Having a chorus of "Yes!" the Silent Magician hold out his hand and summon his magician staff. Symbols starts to appear around us as Silent Magician chant the spell.

*Spirits από την κάτω κόσμο, εσύ εκείνους που υποφέρουν, πρέπει τώρα να είναι ελεύθερη από σένα κατάρα* Spirits from the netherworld, thou those who suffer, shall now be free from thee curse

The Spirits started to float around the Magician. Small glowing orbs surround us before it burst. Falling dust covering the Spirits, while a blue light came out of the circle. In the center, the Silent Magician is still chanting, before releasing another gust of wind. The wind swirl around him and the Spirits, before ending the beautiful scene and the ritual.

*You are now free of apprehension and the dismay. You are now a free Spirit who can go where every he or she wants. But be warn.*

There is this sudden seriousness and a feeling of fear within his voice.

*I will not tolerate those who will intervene within the Human World. Those that does not heed my words, will be greatly punished. If I must, I will do it personally.*

The Spirits hesitated.

*Is that understood?*


*Good. Inform me of those who needs me to chant the rituals.You may go as your wish desires.*

"Yes, sir!"

And with that. The Spirits vanished. Leaving a trail of dust within our sight.

'Is he always that fearful?'

Rarely. He's mostly sweet and kind to others. Especially his friends. He is one of the 7 Continents after all. Including as a Private General of the Martial Sorcery Art.

'W-Wait just a second! Are you telling me that Yugi-sensei is like Honey-sempai from that anime show call Ouran Host Club!?'


Note to self: Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka is an innocent approach to life that makes him appear to be more like an elementary school student instead of a 3rd-year high school student, as well as the eldest of all the Hosts. Although he often appears dimwitted, Honey is actually highly intelligent and clever. Honey possesses a babyish face and is extremely short in height and excelled in martial art. In addition, Honey eats three cakes for dessert every night and holds a weekly eat-all-you-want midnight cake-feast.

Yugi: Hey! He's just like me. *Pretty boy striking smile*

Fangirls: *Die in Heaven*


*You know I can still hear you two.*


Silent Magician stare at us (Yami: Or me.) before sighing.

*I never wanted this to happen. It's my fault that you are now involve in my problem. Yami.*

"No, it's okay."

*No it isn't! The whole reason why I refuse to reveal my identify is because I don't want any of you to be in danger!*

His bangs may shadow his eyes from seeing what he is feeling right now. But I know what he is thinking.

"You don't have to worry about that. If I'm in danger I'll make sure to defend myself. Besides, I always go to the gym whenever I have time."

I emphasize my point by pumping up my bare chest. Proud and prideful that I went to the gym to build, at least, some muscle.

(Me: No, he's not going to be a Buffy guy that do wrestling matches.

Yami: Thank you. I'm still keeping my reputation. 😉)

Silent Magician stare at me before laughing.

'Why is he so cute in everything?'

Because you love~ him.

'Shut up!'

Silent Magician's laugh continue until he finally stop.

*I don't understand you at all. How is it that you are so calm when the situation is not good?*

"I don't know. Sometimes. When it's like you don't have a choice but to give up; I would try tho raise up their spirits to try harder. Even though the result is obvious. I think that through hard work; your reward will pay off."

*What are you? Princess Teana from the 'Princess and the Frog' Disney show?*


He snicker happily. But soon turn into a hysterical laugh. Even though no voice is coming out of his mouth.

He regain his breathing.

*Come on.*

Let's go home.

Game End
~The Next Day~

"Dude! What happen in there?"

"It's nothing. I told you. I fell asleep inside one of the dorm's room and woke up. Nothing more."

"Okay~ If you're sure."

~10 seconds later~

"Are you sure you didn't-"


'If you don't include Spirits as ghosts.'

"But what if-"


I open the door of the classroom and went out. But not before slamming it.

"Joey. You and your big mouth."

"What's that suppose you mean Moneybag!?"

~Leaving them with their bickerings~
Location: Hallway

"Man, does Joey have to be so loud."

It can't be help. He just want to know if something 'unexpected' had happen during the Festival that your class did last night.

"Yeah yeah. But still. That doesn't mean he had to go up to me and scream what happen. It's still morning for Ra's sake."

Whatever you say.

I continue walking to the hallway and was about to turn to the corner until-


Me and that person fell to the ground as I groan from the impact.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"


I look up at the person and was surprised that it is the same person that I bumped into yesterday.


"Ah! Yami!"

He quickly got off me. Blushing a bit from the sudden incident.

Then, a sudden scene reply back to me as I chuckled.

"What is it, Yami?"

"No. *laughing a bit* Just remembering a sudden scene where I bump into the same person just before yesterday's Festival."


We both stare at one another until we both burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! How coincidence. But if I remember correctly. You're the one who was on top of ME."

"Yes yes. It's really funny how the table have turn. We really need to stop bumping each other like this."

" *giggling* Indeed. Anyway, we should go back. Class is about to start."


He hold out his hand towards me. Knowing what he wants; I place my hand in his as he haul me up.

We began walking.

Knowing that my life. Is about to change.

Mission: Take Yugi-sensei's First Kiss


Joey: "So, who do you think won the competition?"

Seto: "Don't know."

Mai: "It's obviously me, of course."

Rebecca: "No way! I know Yugi loves me the most and decided to find me and make me kiss him."

Vivian: "Like anyone would kiss a shrimp like you."

Rebecca: "EXCUSE ME!"

Kisara: "Guys guys. Please, calm down."

~Mai, Rebecca, and Vivian: Love Triangle Break Up Battle: Start!~

Kisara: *sweat-dropped*

Joey: We shouldn't intervene. Girls can be really scary.

Seto: Agreed.

The End



Me: (singing) TO YOU~~~~~🎶

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