Chapter 3: Yami

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"Yugi...sensei." I can't believe this! Out of all the people that I have to run into. Why?

Why does it have to be him?!

"Y-yami, Daijōbu?" *Y-yami, are you alright?*

I snap out of my thoughts when he ask if I was alright. I just nodded. Feeling a bit of heat covering my cheeks right now.

He sigh in relief. "Thank goodness....ummm...could you...get off of me now?"

Yugi's face was a bit flushed for some reason. I thought it was cute. Then I remember the situation we're in.

Both of my hands are on either sides from his face, while our legs are accidentally tangled. I really don't want to move them or they'll might end up somewhere that they are not supposed to be. And also, our bodies are touching each other; making me feel the warmth that is coming from his. Yugi's amethyst eyes stared up at mine and seem to debating on something. I wanted to ask what's wrong, but that's not the point here!

I have to hurry before someone sees us!

Carefully, I untangled my legs from his and push myself up so that I'm the one who is standing. I held out my hand towards him, which he gladly took the offer as I pull him up.

"I'm so sorry, Yugi-sensei. I should of looked at where I was going."

"It's alright, Yami. I know it was an accident." He dusted himself from anything that got on him. He was wearing his black business outfit along with a loose tie that is undone. He made sure that his glasses is place correctly on his pale nose that seem to make his eyes shine beautifully in the sunlight that penetrates from the glass windows right next to us.

"Now then. How about we head back to our classroom. The bell is going to ring soon, so the other students should have already arrived."


We started heading straight towards the classroom. Silent took over as we just stayed side by side in match pace. When we finally arrive to class A-1, I can hear the chatters and laughing from the inside, which indicates that the other students are already here. The good news is that we still have 5 more minutes left until we have to go back to our seats. Bad news...


Mai Valentines. AKA our Class's Rep. have a total possession towards Yugi-sensei.

Both Yugi-sensei and Mai went down together as she started to grope him on her breast. (Yami: *cursing at Mai*)

"M-Mai! Stop groping him!"

Anzu Mizaki. AKA the Friendship speecher and the person who is mostly shy. (I have no idea.) Also in love with Yugi-sensei.

"Aww~ But I can't help myself. He's too cute!"

"That's what you always say." I muttered. I just ignore them and went back to my seat. My seat is in the front right corner of the classroom. Also, it's right next to the window, where I can almost see the cherry blossom tree's buds opening up.  Everyone else are either chattering with other students or talking with Yugi-sensei. I was a bit jealous with Yugi-sensei talking with the other girls, but I already knew that he doesn't have a thing for them. (Yami: Thank Ra) Most of them just like him because he's kind, cute, and really considerated with others feelings. That must've been one of the reasons why I fell in love with him. I started developing these feelings when I first met him. At first, I was confused. But then when I started realizing what these feelings are meant for I tried avoiding him as much as possible. I didn't want him to be disgusted or hateful towards me for 'not being straight'. But Yugi wouldn't have that, and started hanging around with me and trying to make me talk to him. I guess he thought that the reason why I am trying to avoid him is because he's small, young, and doesn't want him to be my teacher.

If only he knew.

The bell rang, signaling that it's class time. Everyone ran back to there seat, before a young girl stood up and told us to stand up.

"All right everyone! Ready! Set! Bow!"

"Ohayōgozaimasu sensei" *Good morning teacher!* We all bow to Yugi-sensei in respect.

"O-Ohayō min'na" *G-good morning everyone.* Yugi-sensei always blush whenever we bow before him. Its seems both embarrassing and unconfortable.


We sit down. Just when the speaker, that is near the door, turn on.

"Ohayō min'na! Watashi wa anata ga subete kyō hareta asa o motte iru negatte imasu. Sate sate, watashitachiha suru tame ni ikutsu ka no happyō o motte imasu. Kyōde wa, kurasu A - 1 wa, karera wa yoru no matsuri no tame ni naniwoshita ika o kime suru yuiitsu no kurasu ni narimasu. Kyōshitsu no nokori no bubun wa, 1: 00 Kara gogo 5-ji made ni jimu de jibun no tachiba ya katsudō o shite imasu. Kurasu A - 1 kara no yūgi sensei. Anata no gakusei ga featival no tame ni kotoni narudaroudo no yōna katsudō no hitsuyō-sei shīto o jisan shi, ofisu ni mukatte te shite kudasai. 〜 Sutekina tsuitachi o!"

*Good morning everyone! I hope you are all having a fine morning today. Alright, we have some announcements to make. Today, class A-1 will be the ONLY class to decided what they want to do for the Evening festival. The rest of the classroom will be doing their own stands and activities in the gym from 1:00 to 5:00pm. Yugi-sensei from class A-1. Please bring the requirement sheet of what activity that your students will be doing for the featival and hand it towards the office. Have a wonderful day~!*

And with that the speaker ended her announcement as the student started talking about the festival. Oh, and guess who was the speaker.

Cecelia Pegasus. AKA Mr. Maximillion Pegasus's wife AND the school's nurse.

Yugi-sensei clap his hands to get our attention.

"Okay, as you have heard from Mrs. Pegasus. We will discuss about the Evening Festival after we finish our today's lesson." Everyone groaned in boredom, which Yugi-sensei sadly smile at them for their discomfort.

Yugi-sensei seem to remember something before he said, "Does anyone know where Joey is?"

At that moment, Joey burst open the door with a piece of hot dog still in his mouth.

"Swoy imm lase!" *Sorry I'm late!* He couldn't talk clearly because of the food still in his mouth, but Yugi-sensei still understood him.

"It's alright Joey, but please come to class on time. I'll give you another chance since you help me this morning."

"Arigatō!" *Thank you!* Joey was so happy that he hugged him in front of the class. Irritating me and other people. Especially a certain person.

"Hey mutt. Quit wagging your tail and get back to your seat."

Joey immediately turn to the person who called him 'mutt' and locked his honey, glaring eyes within blue stormy eyes.

"Who are ya' calling me mutt?! Rich boy!"

"Shut your barking and get back to your seat mutt. Can't you see class already started."

"Why I ya'da!"

"Joey, Seto! Please stop this instant!" That was the last straw as Yugi-sensei glare at them angrily for acting like this to his class.


Everyone I would like to present you another character of this story. Meet Seto Kaiba. The CEO of Kaiba Corporation and my relative cousin from my dad's side. AKA the person who you should NEVER mess with except for Joey, and sometimes Yugi-sensei.

Both of them shut up immediately after they heard that they are upseting their sensei. Mai glare at them for making 'her' sensei sad.

"Now look at what you did to our sensei. Our teacher is feeling upset right now because of you two."


"Yeah you!"

Seeing that this will get messy again, Yugi-sensei was about to say something before I stop him. He look at me with worry eyes and seem to be close in tears. I couldnt let that happen. While the others are arguing, I went to the front of the room. With all my strength I put everything into this one word that WILL make everyine seize in their action.


Everyone stop at whatever they were doing as their attention are directly at me and at Yugi-sensei.

'Is it me? Or does it feel like we are the parents and they are the infant?'

I hold my ground, while my head is held high as I look at each of the persons who are involve within this   ridiculous fight.

"Thank you. As you can see, class has already started. So, I think its about time for Yugi-sensei to start our lesson and not waste our time on petty things. You can do that later. For now, lets give Yugi-sensei the chance to speak."

After a moment, everyone began returning to their seat. Yugi-sensei turn to me with a grateful smile and said, "Thank you, Yami."

I smile. "It is my pleasure." I added a wink for good measure. Earning myself a cute blush from him. I smirked, before returning back to my seat.

Our lesson has now begun.

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