Chapter 4: Joey

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"'When I lay my hands on the fresh water of the Nile River. I spotted a color stone that glisten beautifully beneath the God of Ra's light. I reach for it and decided to give it to my special friend.' Now, who will translate this text for me?"

I stared down at my English textbook with confusion and frustration.

'I don't get it at all!'

I wasn't really listening to what our teach was saying. Before he sigh and decided to randomly choose one of us to do it.

And that someone is me.

"Joey, could you recite the line from where we are now and translate it for everyone?"

I was startled when he called my name and look up to see everyone, including the teacher, looking at me. Some of them even have the nerved to laugh behind my back because they knew I'll never get this.

'Well we'll see about that!'

I stood up from my desk and look down at the book that I am holding right now. Now where were we again? Yugi seem to know that I got lost because he quickly whispered the page number that we are in and what part we are on. I made a nod for the help and tried to read it.

"'W-When I lay my h-ants  hands! On the fish water o-of the Nile River. I spotted a c-coo coo stone that glitten beautifully beneath the God of Ra's light. I r-reach for it and decided to give it to my s-special friend.' ........"

When I finished reading I nervously look at Yugi to see that he has a smile on his face.

"You did really well Joey. It's true that you have some mistakes in pronouncing it, but you actually improved. Keep up the good work." Yugi's smile made me feel energized for some reason, but I didn't care. He didn't laugh, or scolded at me for my Brooklyn accent. I like this teacher. Yugi told me to sit down, and picked another student to ready the next line. I sigh in relief, before someone patted me on the shoulder.

Triston Honda. AKA one of my best friends and the person who patted me on the shoulder. He was actually my first friend that I have ever had back when we were in middle school.

Flashback: The Beginning Where It All Began

You see, back in the ol' days, I was actually quite popular for something that everyone at that time fear me because....well because... I was the school's most least favorite of them all and the best fighter/bully that anyone who dares pick on me will never be able to see day light for the rest of their life. Triston was my sidekick (Triston: Yeah, right. 😑) for being the second rank of being a great fighter/bully within the school's premises. All my life I have been trying to become stronger, so that no one will defeat me. That is until Yami enter within my life. Yami was a transfer student from Egypt who wanted to get away from the bad conditions that was happening from his home country. I was, at first, didn't really care about him and continue on the routine that I have developed over the years that I have been in school.

Find other bullies before class start and punch them until they look dead.

I was on my way finding some opponents until I finally encounter one. Ushio Stinger. And let me tell ya this guy is way to buffy to be an 8th grader. Oh well, at least I found a strong opponent. If he is strong that is.

He and I battled it out in an alleyway where no one will see us. In the end I won, and headed back to my classroom where I now carry new bruises that the guy had actually got lucky and punch me in the face. That's when the weirdness kicked in. One day, while I was eating my double cheese hamburgers in Burger World these 'people' suddenly came up to my table and asked if they can sit with me. I wasn't so sure, but let them anyway. We talked a lot and I was having the best time of of my life! I found out that these guys are also fighters and wanted to be strong. So we made a gang of our own and became known as the school's Most Wanted. Of course I told Triston that he should join too, but do you know what the guy said. No! I didn't understand why, so I got angry because I thought we are best buds. I storm off without even listening to what Triston was trying to tell me. Me and my new 'gang' have already lasted for 2 months already. And for those 2 months I have been noticing that some of them are acting really weird for some reason. Like they are hiding something that they don't want me to find out. I shrugged it off; thinking that I was just hallucinating. While we were trying to find some strong fighters I encountered one of them that I will never forget. I sigh because my next opponent is actually Ushio.

"Didn't I already beat ya?"

"That was last time. This time it will be me who will do the beating on your sour face." He tried cracking his knuckles to intimidate me. Aren't all fighters try to use the same tactic to intimidate people. Seriously, what the heck!

I smirked. Loving the challenge.

"Fine. Me and you. Loser gets to do whatever the winner said."

Ushio smirked before we started getting to our position. The others are surrounding us to see the result of the fight. We battled once more and I was about to win again if it wasn't for the sudden blow that doesn't belong to Ushio's. Before I blacked out I realized that the person who attacked me. Is one of my friends. As I stare up at their grinning faces I curse them with hate before I lost conscious. I never knew how long I was out, but when I finally woke up. I found myself on top of a building, while both my arms and legs are ties up with strong ropes. Ushio and my 'former' gangs look down at me with not-so-pity look within their eyes.

"What the hell! I thought we were friends!?"

"Well, you think wrong. We were never your friends in the very beginning. We were just trolling you." one of them, Darian, said.

"But why?"

"Because. The Boss said so."

"Who's your boss?" I was angry. Very angry. I gave them my trust. Now they broke it.

"What do think?" The others move out of the way for Ushio to stand in front of me. Something in my head clicked with realization as I gave out a low growl.

"You! You're their Boss!"

"Yes. After you defeated me I decided to have my revenge by sending MY group to be your friends and make you give your trust to them. It was perfect! They way you realized that your so called 'friends' have betrayed you was priceless! In addition, I am the one who WON the battled. So, that would mean that you will do as I say. Loser!"

"But that wasn't even a fair battle. Your goon attacked me, so that you can take advantage and win the fight! Fight like a man you coward!"

"Shut up!"

Ushio kicked me in the stomach, which cause me to lost some air within my lungs as I was rolled a few good feet away from him.

"Boys, hold him for me. I decided from now on." Ushio cracked his knuckled in preparation. "That he'll be my new punching bag."

They agree to his term as they roughly lifted me off the floor and make me steady so that Ushio can have the free openings of hitting me where ever he wants. He started hitting me on the chest and stomach as I tried to brace myself from each and ever blow that he gave me until I finally couldn't stand it. I splatted out my very own blood as I try to get my breathing straight. Ushio cease his attacks so that he may see the results. Every part of my body are either burning in pain or in shame as I continue feeling weak for every second pasting. Ushio smirked in victory, and decided to try and give mercy to me.

"I heard that you have a little sister. Serenity wasn't it?"

I froze. 'H-how does he know!?'

"I know because of your dad. Apparently your dad and mine are in good terms with each other. When I found that out I decided to have a chat with him. Including having a bit of drink."

"You drunk him!"

"Yes, indeed I did. Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed that your sister is not from around here and that she is actually quite a beauty."

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her!" Ushio kicked me hard because I interrupted him. Like I give a damn!

"Anyway, your sister was about to go blind soon and you wanted to find a hospital so that her treatment can be cure. When you found one you knew that the price is really high, so you needed money very badly. What was it? Oh right, $4,000.00000 I presume."

"Tch! Yeah, so what of it?"

Ushio gave me the evil look.

"If you want your little sister to be safe; give me ALL the money that you have."

"Like hell no!" I grunted when he smash his stinkin shoe on my head.

"You don't have much of a choice in the matter right now. My dad is a drug dealer who has customers from all over the country and he is really good in playing them within his hand in order to get what he wants. And what I want is the money that you own!"

"I still don't care about who's your daddy is!"

"Oh, but you should care. Remember since he is very good with toying his own customers he can get the information of where your sister might be."

I stop moving. But then I started shaking because the fear of my sister getting hurt. Is too much.

"How pitiful. Listen, it doesn't have to be this way. All you need to do is give me the money and your sister will be home free, but still become blind in the end and ALIVE. Or don't give me the money and I'll have your sister all to myself." He laugh excitely because it was the best feeling for all of those who tormented other people.

I letted out a few tears; feeling defeated for the first time in my life.

'Oh, god. Why does the universe hate me so much? Damn it all!'

"Dare mo watashi o tasuketekudasai *Please, anyone. Help me!" I silently whispered.

They continue to laugh at my complete failure of saving my sister until....

" "You don't have much of a choice in the matter right now. My dad is a drug dealer who has customers from all over the country and he is really good in playing them to get what he wants. And what I want is the money that you own!" "

'What the...?'

"Your right, you don't have much of a choice, Ushio Stinger."

And with that, the stranger revealed himself from the shadows, along with Triston from the back. The person who spoked was actaully the new kid.

Yami Sennon.

"Yami, Triston!" I was actually quite shock that they found me but grateful that they came. But then I remember how I treated Triston before I storm out on him. It caused me to feel guilty because I abandoned him, or didn't even listen to his warnings. Yami was holding a voice recorder; obviously recorded ever single conversation between me and the buffy guy.

Yami presented the recorder in front of us so that we have a clear view of it.

"Alright, I'm going to give you a choice. Hand over the boy to us and we'll make sure to forget everything that has happen today. Or I'll sell this to the police about your father being a drug-dealer and be put in prison bars."

Ushio and his goon glare at Yami angrily, before Ushio suddenly took out a knife out of no where and grab me by the shirt as he pointed that thing near my throat.

"Joey!" Triston shouted out my name and try to make a step forward towards me, before Ushio warns him that if either Yami or him take a step any closer. I'm done for.

"Now, give me the tape, brat! Or do you want your friend to have a slice throat as a present."

We all waited for Yami to decide what to do. Then he grin as he just cross his arms across his chest.

'Uhhh hello~ I'm trap here and the only thing that you could do is laugh! My life is going to end soon because of you!'

"How about this. Lets make a deal."

"A deal?"

Yami took out something from his pocket and presented us a yellow envelope.

"What's inside?" Ushio question.

Yami open the envolope and inside was....

"$5-50,000 thousend yens!"

Ushio and his gang stare at it with shock, but that soon turn into greed.

Yami smirked. Knowing that he now have their full attention.

"I see. So your deal is an exchange, correct? Well go ahead and have him. After you give me the money."

Ushio put the knife away from my throat and gave a gester of 'hand-it-over'.

"I wasn't even done explaining my deal."


Yami pointed at a table that was behind him before he continue talking.

"The deal is a game. This game involve two people who must risk the consequenses. Which I challenge you to be my opponent for this game to work.

"Tch! Yeah right, I don't have time to play any games!"

"Then you won't have a chance to get the money as well."

"Give it or he'll get it."

Ushio touch the knife at my thraot where a drop of my blood landed on his knife.

"Stop it!"  Triston is really desperate right now as he turn to Yami to give him the money already. Yami only look at Ushio with a blank face as he swiftly took out his phone and started recording /videoing..

"Continue with that rash action then I'll have an additional proof that you are attempting to murder the innocent!"

"Damn it! Don't try playing me with your ridiculous game! " He remove the knife. Having some difficulties on how to get out of this mess.

"Your only chance of getting out alive is to challenge me through a game. Will you accept it."

Ushio was having a bad feeling about this. The way Yami's crimson eyes stare darkly within him is giving both him and me the chilli.

"Fine. I accept."

Yami smirked. "Then lets start."

Ushio push me towards one of his goons to hold on and make sure I don't escape.

"The rules are simple. For one: is your knife." Yami pointed his index finger towards the knife where Ushio is still holding it.

"Yeah, and?"

Yami them lay the stacked money on the center of the table.

"The second rule is the money in front of us. The finally rule is that the player take turns placing money on top of their hand, and then stabbing the money with the knife. All the money on the knife goes to the player and then their opponent takes their turn with the remainder. "

'What kind of game is Yami even thinking?!'

Triston seem to have a similar thought as we watch the scene in front of us.

"Also, if you stab your hand, you automatically lose the entire game, and give all your winnings to your opponents. The game ends when there are no more bills left. The one with the most money at the end is the winner."

"S-sounds fun!" I can see the visible sweats on his forehead as his hands shake uncontrollably. Yami also notice the shaking and asked, "Are you alright? It seems like your shaking in fear."

"Nonsense! I'm not sh-shaking in fear! I'm shaking in excitement!"

"Very well. Then let the game begin."

Sequence: Game Starts

"One more thing that I should mention. If you were to break the rule of my very own game. Your punishment will be high."

"Cut the crap! Hurry up and get on with it."

"Okay. Who will go first?"


"Alright." Yami put the money on his hand and prepared himself; with the knife on his other hand, before bringing it down.

I hold on to my breath. Man, this is so intense!

" seems like I only got nine bucks. I tried using a lot of my strength, but then it will penetrates through my hand and lose the game instantly. Now, it's your turn."

"Piece of cake!"

Ushio put the money on his hand as he also prepared himself to bring down the knife.

'W-why can't I get my bearing correctly? My hand...its shaking too much!'

"The point of this game is to control your greed. Use to much of your strength will result you to having a missing hand as punishment."

I stare at Yami with awe; for I never seen someone so strong and confident before. And cool.

Ushio brought the knife down and got himself more than a hundred.

"HAHAHA! See! I got way more then you. And look! Not a single mark on my hand. Using too much strength. Ha! How predictable!"

"We'll see about that."

The game continue, and with every turns resulted with having fewer money than before. Until finally it's Ushio turn again.

'This game isn't too hard. If this continue on smoothly the money will be mine!'

Suddenly, the energy that are still available within Ushio's body started going through his arm and into the hand where he is going to bring down the knife.

'W-what is this?! I can' hand! It's has a mind...of it's own!'

"What's wrong? You're almost there. Do it if you want your precious money." Yami grin at Ushio. Knowing perfectly that his greediness is starting to get the best of him.

Me and the others continue to stare at the match in front of us. Ushio is having a hard time controlling his right hand, but then he freakishly smirked in victory. His eyes are going crazy as his face skin turn sickly pale.

Instead of stabbing his own hand; his target is actually Yami.

"Yami! Get out of the way!" I yelled out.

Yami quickly move away from getting impaled from Ushio's knife and skip back a few good feet away from him.

"You have broken my rule, and for that you shall pay with a penalty." Yami crouch low, before running with great speed that my eyes couldn't even follow him. Everything happen so fast. A second ago I was being hold hostage, and the next Triston save me by kicking ever single one of them until they fell on their faces. Ushio was about to slash Yami, until Yami pulled out another item from his pocket. And do you know what it is?

"A gun! You brought a freaking gun with you!"

Yami just ignored me, before using the butt of the gun to make Ushio loss conscious from the blow on the head.

When every single one of them are out, Triston help untying me as I stretch my aching limbs.

"Thanks guys. I owe you one."

"Don't thank me. Thank the guy over there. Apparently, he's more than what he seem to be."

"What do you mean?"

"W-well, it's hard to say."

Yami sigh and started explaining.

"I'm not actually a student in Domino Middle School. I'm only a cover so that I can get some proof about Ushio and his dad. Triston had ask me to help him, because he overheard one of the members from Ushio's group talking about taking you and forcing you to give your operation money for your sister. Knowing that this could be my chance, I took advantage of the situation. In addition, I have something to give you as well."

He went back to the table to collect the scattered money before rushing back and hold it out in front of me.


"This is for your sister. Take it."

"No way! This isn't mine. You should keep it. It's yours after all."

"Not exactly, but I want you to have it. With it you can save your sister from going blind. Am I correct?"

"Y-yes, but..."

I look down at my feet, but then look back at Yami determinedly.

"I'm the kind of person who take care of his own problem. I want this to be fair-and-square, so no. I will not accept ya' money. Not even for a millennial!"

To say the least, Yami was shocked.

"But Joseph-"

"And don't call me by that name! It's Joey. J. O. E. Y. Got it!"

Yami sigh. "Fine. Joey, if you're really that determine how about I make a deal."

"Ehh! Am I in trouble?! Please don't make me do it, please!" I beg on my knees, while I look up at Yami with pleading tears.

Yami just laugh, along with Triston.

"No no. Don't worry. It's nothing like that. It's a fair deal. I promise."

"Al'right." I stood up and look down at Yami. Man, he's short. (Yami: Stop mentioning that. *Glare*)

"Do you ever knew that our world is a place where everything is a give-and-take system? Where people offer you something, and in return you give something back to make everything equal and fair."


Yami smile and said, "I give you the money for your sister's operation, and in exchange....I want you to be my friend."


"But Yami, that's not how friendship works." Triston tried to explained.

Yami just shrugged.

"And the first step of being a nice friend is giving the money who really needed the most."

"Yeah, I get what you mean Yami, but that's not really how we do around here."

"Joey..." Yami stare angrily at me, which I'm trying to hid right now.

"Remember what I said. In this world, the world is a give-and-take. So, what I am implying is that I want a friend. Please." He also turn towards Triston. "You too."

Triston just grin and wrap his arms around his shoulder.

"Dude! You just help save MY friend, and for that we are already friends. Spiky."

"Don't call me that or else." Yami made Triston sweat-drop in fear.

"Yami, listen." Yami turn towards me; wanting to know my answer.

"I'm sorry. But it's not me. I play fair and square."

"This IS fair and square! I want to have a friend who will never betray me. You're the kind of person that match that description, and for that I am grateful that I found one. I don't want to lose this opportunity! In addition, forget that this situation looks like I'm paying you in order for you to be my friend. Just believe that the money that I am giving you is for a good cause and that something that you hold dear to you is in danger. You need this! Take it, and accept me as your friend."

'That's right. Yami's right.' I started crying in happiness as I couldn't help but fall down to my knees. Both Yami and Triston are quickly by my side as they ask if I am okay.

"I'm better than okay! I feel great!"

I turn to Yami and gave him one of my signature moves.

"Thank you. For everything."

Yami smile, before fist-bumping at my own fist.


"Hey guys. Lets hurry and bring the tape to the police. Wow, I feel like I'm a general, who capture the bad guys."

"Yeah, right!" All of us laugh happily as we stare at the beautiful view of the setting sun.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is how I, Joey Wheeler, became friends with the freaky Pharaoh and Triston Honda as my sidekick.

Sequence: Game Over

(Yami: Is that what I get in return? Being called the 'freaky' Pharaoh. Seriously, what the heck! Honda: Hey! I told you I'm not your sidekick! Joey: HeHe~ Seto: Do you always have to be so dramatic, mutt. Joey: Shut up! And stop call'in me mutt! Seto: Fine, pup. Joey: Quit it!)

Flashback Ended: The End


"Hey Joey, what were you thinking?" Triston asked.

"Oh, just remember some memories."

"Oh. You mean that memory?"

"What do you think?"

"I think we have the same idea that I could almost believe we have mind power." Triston smirked.

"Yeah right. If I have that kind of power I would predict that you already have a crush on one of the girls already."


"You got to be kidding me."


Just then, someone's phone ring. Yugi quickly rush over to his desk and turn it off.

"Sorry about that everyone. The reason why I made an alarm is because I wanted to have time to speak to all of you about the Evening Festival. Everyone, please put all your textbooks,or any materials off your desk. We will now begin our Evening Festival discussions."

I couldn't help, but grin.

'Yami. I want to say thanx for helping me so much back in the good ol' days and that you have always been there for me whenever I needed help. And for that I am grateful, and want to give ya' something in return.'

'Starting by getting your crush.'

Mission: Win the Evening Festival Discussions

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